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Dan's History Highway

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(based on 53 reviews)

300+ ready to use and fully resourced History lessons.




300+ ready to use and fully resourced History lessons.
Nazi Consolidation - Full lesson pack (mix n' match starter, notes, main task, back to back plenary)

Nazi Consolidation - Full lesson pack (mix n' match starter, notes, main task, back to back plenary)

In this lesson students explore how Hitler consolidate power between 1933-34. The class begin with a mix and match starter to test subject knowledge before working their way through the notes. They then complete a playdoh storyboard to consolidate their learning (this can be done as a simply drawn storyboard if the teacher prefers). The lesson finishes with a back to back plenary in which students are awarded points for guessing their partners key words (there are given words they are not allowed to use). In this lesson students explore a high level of content in an engaging and active manner designed to embed subject knowledge in long-term memory.
Stalinism – Trivial Pursuit Revision Activity (120+ questions)

Stalinism – Trivial Pursuit Revision Activity (120+ questions)

My students love this activity. 120+ questions based on the following categories: Rise to Power Purges & Show Trials Cult of Personality WWII Five Year Plans Collectivisation It takes a little while to cut out the cards and the board and works best once laminated but your students will love this revision activity. The questions are designed to boost subject knowledge and focus on precise historical detail which in turn helps student examination performance. Allow students to use Ipads or Internet devices to research answers depending on their level of subject knowledge. At IB/A Level I expect students to answer unaided but at GCSE/IGCSE and below I use this activity as a research lesson and allow them to research responses. I hope your classes enjoy this activity as much as classes always do! Its one of my favourite revision activities.
Stalin's rise - 7-page full lesson (starter PPT, notes, tale of the tape task, pentagonal plenary)

Stalin's rise - 7-page full lesson (starter PPT, notes, tale of the tape task, pentagonal plenary)

My students love this lesson. They begin with an odd one out activity designed to get them thinking about Stalin as the ‘man of steel’ before working their way through detailed notes. They then proceed to take part in a tale of the tape activity where they identify Stalin’s strengths and Trotsky’s mistakes/weaknesses. Following this students complete a piece of structured piece of writing before completing a plenary exercise in which they create a pentagonal plan of reasons which address the Key Question. I hope your students enjoy this lesson as much as mine do.
IB Authoritarian States C20th China Entire Course Notes - 43 pages

IB Authoritarian States C20th China Entire Course Notes - 43 pages

This forty three-page pack is the incredibly detailed and complete set of notes I have written for my students. It is basically an entire course on Twentieth Century in one pack! Suitable for G.C.S.E, AP, A Level, and I.B. students. Notes are broken down into the following sections: What were the causes and events of the revolution? How was China ruled after the revolution? How significant was the May 4th movement? Why did Mao triumph? What changes did Mao make to the economy? What was life like in China under Mao? How successful were Deng’s reforms? Why were people killed on June 4? I am confident you will love this resource because there is nothing on the Internet which I have found which offers the same level of breadth and detail on this topic. Your students will find the notes supremely useful and they will help them achieve examination success.
Why did so many die on Titanic? - 32-page full lesson (notes, character cards, card sort, debate)

Why did so many die on Titanic? - 32-page full lesson (notes, character cards, card sort, debate)

Background notes * 16 character cards * 48 piece evidence sort (small and large version) This 32-page pack contains background knowledge as well as 16 different character cards to issue to your students, ranging from Captain Smith, ship’s architect Thomas Andrews, down to lesser known characters such as 2nd Officer Charles Lightoller (who failed to fill the lifeboats). Once in character students then work through 48 detailed evidence cards to help them answer the question who was to blame for the large number of deaths (more than 1,500). This is one of my favourite activities and students always find it both fun and interesting and it helps hone historical skills such as evidence handling, refining questions, and formulating arguments. I hope you get as much out of this activity as my students always do.
Industrial Revolution Dragon's Den - 14-page full lesson (notes, project pack)

Industrial Revolution Dragon's Den - 14-page full lesson (notes, project pack)

My students love this project! In this 14 page pack you will find background information on the Industrial Revolution as well as information cards on 20 different inventions ranging from John Kay’s Flying Shuttle through to James Watt’s Steam Engine. Students need to research their invention and make a case for its historical significance using specific criteria (durability, importance at the time, number effected etc). The class then present to the Dragon’s (for me its usually SLT). This mini-project really brings the past to life and is one of the highlights of my teaching career. I hope you enjoy it as much as my students do.
Jack the Ripper - 19-page full lesson (notes, character cards, card sort, grid)

Jack the Ripper - 19-page full lesson (notes, character cards, card sort, grid)

This is one of my most detailed and most enjoyable lessons. Students are issued with a suspect character card of their own (there are 21 including Druitt, Kosminski, and Chapman) and then have to siphon their way through 13 very detailed pieces of evidence to find information that suggests they might be the notorious serial killer. For example, Polish butcher John Pizer might argue that he is local (Evidence A), has an expert knowledge of anatomy (B), and came from Poland where there were a large number of Jews (Evidence L). Students then present their cases and the class vote on who makes the best case. This is an excellent lesson designed to engage students and get them to question evidence, structure, and present their findings. I hope you enjoy it as much as my students do!
The Great Depression - 16-page full lesson (notes, card sort, bubble task, VENN)

The Great Depression - 16-page full lesson (notes, card sort, bubble task, VENN)

This resource features a starter in which students compare two sources on life in 1930s USA using a VENN diagram. The PowerPoint then provides some background information before inviting students to break down 22 factor-led thought bubbles into columns (these are colour-coded into social, economic, cultural and political). Students then use this information to create a written account of what life was like before concluding with a fun singing plenary. I really enjoy delivering this lesson (partly because Hoover is my favourite US President!) and hope you find it useful!
IB Cold War Exam Revision Pack - 8 topics, 12 pages

IB Cold War Exam Revision Pack - 8 topics, 12 pages

My exam revision packs are the resources my examination students value the most. I offer essay plans to the most popular questions on topics within the Cold War which give students structure and which teem with precisely supporting material. In this pack the revision notes are focused on the following questions: Who was to blame for the start of the Cold War? What were the causes and consequences of US involvement in the Korean War? Who gained the most out of the Cuban Missile Crisis? Why did the USA get involved in Vietnam? Why did the USA withdraw from Vietnam? What were the similarities and differences between Hungary and Czechoslovakia? Why was the Berlin Wall built in 1961? What was the main reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union? Issuing these notes to students prior to an examination massively boosts their attainment in examinations and I’m very proud to share this resource with you and them. It certainly saves my students a lot of exam stress and has given me excellent results year after year.
Slave resistance - 16-page full lesson (notes, card sort)

Slave resistance - 16-page full lesson (notes, card sort)

In this lesson students begin with a ‘what-would-you-do?’ style starter activity in which they score point according to their reactions to losing their freedoms. This stimulates discussion over how enslaved people might react and leads into the main activity which is a card sort. Students divide up the very precise 13 cards into examples of passive and active resistance and try to explain how they prioritised them. So for example was Nat Turner’s revolt much more high risk than say kicking a cow? Students then go on to use this card sort as an effective scaffold for a piece of extended written work before finishing the lesson off with a plenary about cultural appropriation (in particular whether it is right for a slave-trading nation like Britain to use a slave spiritual ‘Amazing Grace’ in its sporting fixtures). My students always find this a really powerful life lesson and one which hones their historical skills fantastically well. I hope you find it useful with your students too.
Slave experience - 9-page full lesson (notes, card sort, emotional rollercoaster task)

Slave experience - 9-page full lesson (notes, card sort, emotional rollercoaster task)

In this lesson students work through background information before completing a card sort to show positives and the many negatives of slave life from getting off slave ships through to working on plantations. Students need to place the events in a chronology in order to recount a story of the conditions and place them on an emotional rollercoaster graph to show which conditions they felt were the most horrific and why. This is a powerful lesson which should be taught with great sensitivity and a flavour of which can be experienced in the video file attached.
How civilised were the Romans? 23-page full lesson (notes, project pack)

How civilised were the Romans? 23-page full lesson (notes, project pack)

Students read up on background information before being divided into research groups. In this 23 page pack students research either 1) architecture, military & religion, 2) Government, public health, & women, and 3) Roads, slavery & leisure. The packs are really detailed and encourage students to make links and to decide to what extent Ancient Rome can be considered civilised. Students use the information to create presentations which they deliver to the class. As you can see from the pictures this is a project my students love and which really hones their historical skills. I know your students will love it also.
Suffragettes - 8-page full lesson (notes, sources worksheet)

Suffragettes - 8-page full lesson (notes, sources worksheet)

In this lesson students read detailed background knowledge before attempting to handle 9 very carefully selected source on the Suffragette movement. There are a range of written questions which students are asked to respond to. This is a powerful lesson which always generates a healthy level of debate in my classes.
Deng Xiaoping's reforms - 6-page full lesson (notes, mind map)

Deng Xiaoping's reforms - 6-page full lesson (notes, mind map)

In this lesson students read very detailed information in the background notes before creating a factor-led mind map. Please watch the accompanying short video to see some of my students in action in this lesson. Its a great way for them to acquire super strong subject knowledge and to visually map out Deng’s domestic rule.
Was Haig a donkey/Butcher of the Somme? - 15-page full lesson (notes, card sort)

Was Haig a donkey/Butcher of the Somme? - 15-page full lesson (notes, card sort)

This is one of my most popular lesson activities. Here students will collate information to both sides of the historiographical debate and make links between their factors to create a visual map which they can use for an extended piece of written analysis. I am especially proud of the level of precision and detail in the historical content here as this is a niche area of mine formed whilst working for the Royal British Legion on the Somme a few years ago. The 60 cards are broken down and colour-coordinated for differentiation purposes into personality, tactics, technology, and politics in order to promote a factor-led response. I really hope you enjoy this activity and that your students get as much from it as mine do.
Mao's Rise to Power in China - 12-page full lesson (notes, journalist activity)

Mao's Rise to Power in China - 12-page full lesson (notes, journalist activity)

I’ve always found Maoism fascinating and I created this lesson when I worked at an international school in China. As such the level of detail in the notes is of really high quality and its a lesson which my students always found really enjoyable. The class work through the notes and use it to create a newspaper from the perspective of either the Communists or the Nationalists. The ‘Red Globe’ proforma included in the lesson pack allows for students to refine their arguments and carefully select only the most relevant evidence in order to formulate an answer to the key question. I really hope your students get as much from this lesson as mine do.
Cold War Revision Flash Cards ('Gimme 5')

Cold War Revision Flash Cards ('Gimme 5')

My students love using these as a revision tool and also as an in class activity. Each of the twenty three hand-shaped cards has a key topic about the Cold War on it and each finger has a name/date/quote/statistic/fact on. Students learn precise supporting material which really boosts examination success. These aides can be reversed so students can test each other by reading the answers first and guessing the topic also. Once cut out and laminated they make a very handy and mobile revision aide and knowledge on them is extremely precise and exact.
Famous Quotes History Posters (x68)

Famous Quotes History Posters (x68)

I take great pride in these posters and know how much better they make my classroom look and so I hope you find them useful too! I cover my classroom in them each year and often get cited as the best looking classroom in the school. They cover a range of topics and periods and have deliberately been designed to stimulate thought and discussion in the History classroom. Many of the posters have a quote with either a picture or fact which contradicts it. Others are designed to be hard hitting and in some cases provoke outrage. Using these posters will improve the texture of your teaching by ensuring students are constantly immersed in a rich learning atmosphere/environment. Also, as I create new ones I constantly update this pack. Just print them off in A3 colour and laminate et voila! I have included them as individual documents so they’re easier to print but have also included the original PPT in which I created them in case you want to add any of your own within the original fonts etc.
Revision Menu – The Cold War (CIE/IB)

Revision Menu – The Cold War (CIE/IB)

One of the main reasons for exam success is the detailed and focused set of revision menus I give to my students to help them prepare for exam success. Of all of my resources these revision menus are my must-haves! I hope they can be of much use to your students as they are to mine. If you enjoyed this resource please leaf through my collection of other revision menus and resources. This pack focuses on the Cold War, includes space for student notes, and includes revision content for the following topics: Why did the USA-USSR alliance breakdown? How had USSR gained control of Eastern Europe? How did the USA react to Soviet expansionism? What were the consequences of the Berlin Blockade? Who was more to blame for starting the Cold War: the USA or the USSR? America and events in Korea America and events in Cuba American involvement in Vietnam Why was there opposition to Soviet control in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, and how did the USSR react to this opposition? How similar were events in Hungary and in Czechoslovakia ? Why was the Berlin Wall built in ? What was the significance of Solidarity in Poland for the decline of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe? How far was Gorbachev personally responsible for the collapse of Soviet control over Eastern Europe?