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Homophone Snap

Homophone Snap

A resource for helping pupils recognise and become more familiar with common homophones.
Decimal Thousandths Powerpoint

Decimal Thousandths Powerpoint

This resource revises the place value of a number up to decimal thousandths. It then briefly covers partitioning/expanding of decimal numbers and ordering decimal numbers. It contains links to two games that can be played on an interactive whiteboard with learners.
Health & Wellbeing: Zones of Emotional Regulations

Health & Wellbeing: Zones of Emotional Regulations

This PDF resource explains the zones of regulation to learners. It explains each zone and allows learners to consider how they feel in each zone. It then progresses to explaining ways learners can help themselves in each zone. Finally it contains a zones of regulations wheel where pupils right down how THEY feel in each zone (inside circle - six emotions for each zone) then in the outside zone they must right ways that help them. This is a great visual resource to support learners when managing their emotions. *These resources have been adapted from the original zones of regulation resources.
Fraction, Decimal & Percentage Display

Fraction, Decimal & Percentage Display

This fraction, decimal and percentage display is a great visual for learners when making connections between them as this is a challenging concept. Alternatively these could be cut up and used as a matching game.
Prisms & Pyramids

Prisms & Pyramids

This lesson explains the properties of prisms and pyramids and explains what is meant by a cross section.
Literacy Starters

Literacy Starters

This literacy starter resource contains 20 different starter activities. It provides a range of starters across a variety of literacy genres. It has tasks related to spelling, grammar, writing and listening & talking. The starter aims to revise and consolidate common issues which revise in literacy for learner in KS2. It looks at issues such as homophones, proof reading, direct speech and many other areas. All activities are short and can be completed on whiteboards. Many starters also contain a challenge task for more able learners. It contains 20 different starter activities.
Maths Revision Code Breaker

Maths Revision Code Breaker

This resource contains two code breaker to revise key numeracy and maths topics across upper primary/KS2. Answers are included
Word of the Week

Word of the Week

Word of the week starter PPT. This can be used weekly or daily as a starter to help learners develop their vocabularly.
Angles IWB Resource

Angles IWB Resource

This is a great resource to teach angles and get learners involved. This can be edited by learners or teacher on an interactive whiteboard or it can be completed independently by learners on a tablet or other device.
Decimal Thousandths

Decimal Thousandths

This lesson teaches and visually demonstrates different ways of modelling decimal thousandths. It also shows how to expand decimals in a written form. This resource works well with an interactive whiteboard as there are lots of opportunities for learners to write on the resource. There is also a Guessimal game which learners love. A learner must choose one of the decimal numbers and the other learners have 7 chances to try guess the chosen decimal. They must ask questions like: Is there a 5 in the tenths column? Is there an even number in the units? Does your decimal have any hundredths?