Travel Guide Writing Modelled on The Popular destination of Florida- Why Visit?
Includes key elements of the NEW Geography KS2 Curriculum: Climate , North America Study, Location, Physical and Human Features and Key landmarks.
1 x written modelled guide based on Florida- Why Visit?
1x Student planner to research own state and provides Key Questions to direct the search and structure own guide. (modelled on teacher example)
Writing covers the NEW English KPIs and aimed at higher end of expected standard/ Greater Depth. Features include:
Parenthesis- Hyphens, commas, dashes and colons
Subordinating Conjunctions
Fronted Adverbials
Balance of Pronouns for Cohesion
Noun phrases
A powerpoint that features 3 poems to inspire high level Poetry (theme: Coast)
Links to Geography- coastal study.
Key questions given to analyse a poem.
Provides reading phase: opportunity to look in depth how poets:
-Manipulate grammatical structures for deliberate effect
-Use precise noun and verb choices to create atmosphere
-Use High Level punctuation at the KS2 Greater Depth Standard for deliberate effect (Hyphens, dashes, commas to separate clauses and semi colon.)
Children can use the language choices to create own poetry.
2 reading comprehension sheets based on Yoshi and the Stonecutter to assess pupils understanding.
Orange book band level.
Questions based on NEW end of KS1 National Curriculum KPI's
5x Reading comprehensions based on Project X Alien Adventures series by Oxford Reading Tree books at White Level.
White Level book comprehensions include:
Attack of teh Giant Meeb
Fear Forest
Save the world
Spaceship graveyard
The cave of life
A Reading activity based on the picture book: Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kotamura
Character Comparison venn diagram aimed at Greater Depth Standard NEW curriculum end of Key Stage One or Lower Key Stage Two based on Stone Age Topic.
Reading skills based on new curriculum for English - Inference
A Reading activity based on the popular picture book: A Squash and a Squeeze by Julia Donaldson
3 key questions aimed at Expected Standard NEW curriculum end of Key Stage One
Questions cover retrieval, inference and personal response/empathy.
Quality Questioning task covering 3 key reading skills based on new curriculum for English.
Year 6 Spelling booklet containing all key spelling rules covered in the SATs.
Pupil recording booklet to revise and practise spellings containing common rules. 49 pages in total.
In the SATs, children will be tested on spelling rules for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.
In 2016, only 2/20 of the words used in the SATs spelling test were on the English appendix. As a Year 6 teacher for over 15 years, this lead me to make my own recording booklet for pupils to revise in class and at home.
It is important to remember that the format of the spelling test means children must write these words correctly into a sentence. They do not normally fall at the start of the sentence so they do not need a capital letter.
A Reading activity based on theOxford Reading tree Gold Level Book:William's Mistake
Inference task aimed at Expected Standard NEW curriculum end of Key Stage One
Quality task covering key reading skills based on new curriculum for English.
Tracking a character's feelings throughout the text using inference and providing evidence.
Engaging Activity and pupil recording sheets to learn about and compare the lives of 3 British Monarchs: Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria.
Resources include:
*A3 recording format with structured questions and space for responses
*Key information facts for each Queen to use for Hot Seating
Covers the NEW National curriculum strand for Primary History:
*studying the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.
* comparing aspects of life in different periods for example, Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria.
Activity: children work in teams of 3- each take on the role of either: Queen Victoria, Elizabeth I or Elizabeth II.
Using the relevant key facts card- ask each other 5 key questions (on recording format) and record responses from each other (structured hot seating)
Research key events of the time for each monarch and record on format.
A Reading activity based on theOxford Reading tree Gold Level Book: Hamid does his best
Inference task aimed at Expected Standard NEW curriculum end of Key Stage One
Quality task covering key reading skills based on new curriculum for English.
Tracking a characters feelings throughout the text using inference and providing evidence.
A Reading activity based on the Traditional tale: Rumpelstiltskin big cat reading books
Reading task aimed at Expected Standard NEW curriculum end of Key Stage One
Task covers retrieval, inference and personal response/empathy.
Quality Questioning task covering key reading skills based on new curriculum for English.