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An MFL teacher and private tutor focusing on producing high-quality, interactive resources for MFL students - primarily working with Spanish and French. Feel free to message to organise a personalised bundle.




An MFL teacher and private tutor focusing on producing high-quality, interactive resources for MFL students - primarily working with Spanish and French. Feel free to message to organise a personalised bundle.
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 1.4 - El fin de semana pasado

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 1.4 - El fin de semana pasado

A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons), and 1 handout, which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 1.4: El fin de semana pasado. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 22 slides Adjective spelling starter activity Time phrases activity Recap of preterite tense Grammar activities Vocabulary activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Speaking tasks Optional dictation task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 16 slides Preterite tense starter activity Grammar recap Listening comprehension Pronunciation tasks Reading comprehension ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing task
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 1.5 - Un día fatal

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 1.5 - Un día fatal

A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons) which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 1.5: Un día fatal. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. Disclaimer: This is a more ‘relaxed’ sequence of lessons. /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 15 slides Adjective starter activity Irregular masculine noun activity Cultural aspect on Hispanic podcasts Vocabulary activity Podcast-style listening comprehension Reading comprehension Passive writing task Plenary game to consolidate vocabulary knowledge /// Powerpoint/lesson 2 (relaxed/Podcast style lesson): 8 slides STARS knowledge retrieval starter activity Vocabulary tasks Writing task (produce script for a podcast/video) Homework task
Viva 3, Module 1 BUNDLE

Viva 3, Module 1 BUNDLE

A Spanish bundle comprising of 9 powerpoints (9 individual lessons), 1 booklet (to be used alongside), and 1 handout, which focus on Viva 3’s Module 1 (Somos así). These resources have been designed for a mixed-ability group. /// Viva 3, Module 1.1: Cosas que me molan Powerpoint/lesson 1: 18 slides Knowledge retrieval starter activity Opinion phrases vocabulary activity Listening comprehension Recap of grammar points (articles) Grammar activity Reading comprehension ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing task Powerpoint/lesson 2: 16 slides Vocabulary starter activity Opinion vocabulary activity Dictation Listening/reading comprehension Recap of irregular verbs Grammar activity ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing task /// Viva 3, Module 1.2: Mi semana Powerpoint/lesson 1: 23 slides Free-time activity match-up starter activity Dictation task Recap of present tense endings Grammar activities Battleships grammar task Speaking task Powerpoint/lesson 2: 16 slides Days of the week match-up starter activity Frequency phrases activity Listening comprehension Reading comprehension ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing task /// Viva 3, Module 1.3: Cartelera de cine Powerpoint/lesson 1: 21 slides Film vocabulary match-up starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Cultural aspect on Belize Reading comprehension Speaking task Plenary game to consolidate vocabulary knowledge Powerpoint/lesson 2: 21 slides Cinema infinitive match-up starter activity Recap of -ar verb conjugation Introduction of near future tense Grammar activities Reading task ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Powerpoint/lesson 3: 16 slides Near future tense starter activity Grammar tasks Pronunciation activity Dictation tasks x2 Reading comprehension EN>ES translation Writing task /// Viva 3, Module 1.4: Un cumpleaños muy especial Powerpoint/lesson 1: 17 slides Near future tense starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehensions EN>ES translations Speaking task Powerpoint/lesson 2: 18 slides Infinitive vocabulary starter activity Recap of preterite tense conjugations Grammar activities Tangled translation task Pass-the-parcel plenary game to recap vocabulary (Would recommend doing a lesson based on ‘narrow reading’ after this. We cannot upload the resource that we use, due to it being created by another person)
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 2.1 - En ruta

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 2.1 - En ruta

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 2.1: En ruta. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. The first powerpoint is based on the ‘viajes’ spread within the AQA textbooks (Pearson). UPDATED FOR 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR TEACHING /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 28 slides ‘CALOR’ knowledge retrieval starter activity Weather vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Cultural aspect on Andalucía Reading comprehension Introduction of ‘me gustaría’ EN>ES translations Speaking task Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 23 slides Question word starter activity Pronunciation task (letter ‘c’) Dictation activity Recap of seasonal vocabulary Listening comprehension Introduction of ‘se puede’ grammar point Grammar activities EN>ES translations Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 24 slides ES>EN translation starter activity Recap of ‘se puede’ grammar point Introduction of transport vocabulary Difference between ‘coger’ and ‘viajar’ Grammar activities Reading comprehension Recap of comparatives EN>ES translations Writing task Plenary game to recap vocabulary
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 2.3 - Mis últimas vacaciones

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 2.3 - Mis últimas vacaciones

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 2.3: Mis últimas vacaciones. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. UPDATED FOR 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR TEACHING /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 21 slides Preterite tense starter activity Recap of preterite tense endings (‘yo’ conjugation) Introduction of ‘lo pasé’ structure Preterite opinion phrases activities Listening task Vocabulary activities Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Expensive writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 17 slides Vocabulary match-up starter activity Dictation task Weather activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Tongue-twister speaking activity Speaking tasks Plenary game to consolidate vocabulary /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 20 slides Scrabble starter activity EN>ES translations Introduction of 90-word question DOCTOR writing technique Writing tasks Translation plenary game
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 2.4 - Dónde te quedaste

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 2.4 - Dónde te quedaste

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons), and 1 handout, which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 2.4: Dónde te quedaste. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. UPDATED FOR 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR TEACHING /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 30 slides Negative holiday activities match-up starter activity Recap of preterite tense Grammar activities Introduction of imperfect tense Difference between preterite and imperfect Grammar activities EN>ES translation Battleships grammar plenary game /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 25 slides Imperfect tense starter activity Introduction of ‘quedarse’ Listening/dictation task Introduction of specific hotel vocabulary Reading comprehension Grammar tasks EN>ES translations Speaking tasks x4 /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 12 slides Translation starter activity Listening comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task
Viva 1, Module 2 BUNDLE

Viva 1, Module 2 BUNDLE

4 Resources
A Spanish bundle comprising of 9 powerpoints (9 individual lessons) which focus on Viva 1’s Module 2: El tiempo libre. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 7-8) students. – VIVA 1, MODULE 2.1 - QUÉ TE GUSTA HACER? Powerpoint 1/Lesson 1: 53 slides Cultural starter activity Introducing new vocabulary Vocabulary activities Grammar point (infinitive groups) Grammar activities ES>EN translations Listening task EN>ES translations Speaking activity – Powerpoint 2/Lesson 2 36 slides Vocabulary recap starter Introducing opinion phrases Introducing opinion adjectives Vocabulary activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Listening task Grammar point Reading comprehension Speaking task Writing task – Powerpoint 3/Consolidation Lesson 44 slides Opinion phrase recap starter ES>EN translations Infinitive group refresher Grammar activities Reading comprehensions Scaffolded speaking task Speaking task Writing task VIVA 1, MODULE 2.2 - CANTAS KARAOKE? Powerpoint 1/Lesson 1: 39 slides Translation starter activity Introducing new vocabulary Vocabulary activities Grammar point (-AR verbs in the present tense) Grammar activities Translation tasks Reading comprehension Speaking activity Writing task – Powerpoint 2/Lesson 2: 26 slides Vocabulary recap starter activity Introducing vocabulary based on ‘time phrases’ Translation tasks Grammar recap (focusing on ‘yo’ and ‘él/ella’ conjugations) Grammar activity Dictation task Reading comprehension Speaking activity Writing task VIVA 1, MODULE 2.3 - QUÉ HACES CUANDO LLUEVE? Powerpoint/lesson 1: 32 slides Discussion starter Introduction of weather vocabulary Vocabulary activities Dictation activity Weather consolidation activities Writing task – Powerpoint/lesson 2: 23 slides Free-time activities recap starter Recap of weather vocabulary Listening task Reading comprehension Speaking tasks (x3) Combining free-time activities and weather Writing task VIVA 1, MODULE 2.4: QUÉ DEPORTES HACES? Powerpoint/lesson 1: 13 slides Frequency of time vocabulary recap starter Introduction of ‘jugar’ and ‘hacer’ Vocabulary activities to practice ‘juego al’ and ‘hago’ Vocabulary activities to practice new sports vocabulary Writing task Listening activity Speaking activity – Powerpoint/lesson 2: 17 slides Sports vocabulary recap starter Introduction of days of the week Listening activity Reading comprehension EN>ES translation activity Writing task
Viva 1, Module 2.1 - Qué te gusta hacer

Viva 1, Module 2.1 - Qué te gusta hacer

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) which focus on Viva 1’s Module 2.1: Qué te gusta hacer. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 7-8) students. – Powerpoint 1/Lesson 1: 52 slides Cultural starter activity Introducing new vocabulary Vocabulary activities Grammar point (infinitive groups) Grammar activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Speaking activity – Powerpoint 2/Lesson 2 31 slides Vocabulary recap starter Listening comprehension Introducing opinion phrases Introducing opinion adjectives Vocabulary activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Reading comprehension Sentence stealers activity Speaking task – Powerpoint 3/Consolidation Lesson 26 slides Translation starter activity Vocabulary recap Grammar recap EN>ES translations Reading comprehensions Speaking task Writing task
Spanish AQA GCSE 8.1 - Piensa globalmente

Spanish AQA GCSE 8.1 - Piensa globalmente

A Spanish bundle comprising of 4 powerpoints (4 individual lessons) and 1 handout which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 8.1: Piensa globalmente (including 2x punto de partida). This resource is not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. – Powerpoint/lesson 1: 31 slides Retrieval knowledge starter activity Recap of compass points Introduction of specific house vocabulary Recap of room vocabulary Vocabulary activities Differentiation: Es/está/esta EN>ES translations Recap of ‘desde hace’ Speaking tasks x5 /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 23 slides Imaginative vocabulary starter activity Recap of ‘se puede +inf’ Reading comprehension Recap of preterite tense Grammar activities EN>ES translations Speaking task Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 24 slides STARS starter activity Introduction of key vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Recap of superlative structure Grammar activities EN>ES translations Ping Pong Translation task Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 4: Vocabulary match-up starter activity Recap of ‘hay que’ Listening comprehension Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task
Viva 2, Module 2 BUNDLE

Viva 2, Module 2 BUNDLE

4 Resources
A Spanish bundle comprising of 10 powerpoints (10 individual lessons) and 1 handout which focus on Viva 2’s Module 4: Todo sobre mi vida. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students. – VIVA 2, MODULE 2.1 - MI VIDA, MI MÓVIL Powerpoint/lesson 1: 26 slides Free-time activity vocabulary starter activity Vocabulary activities Grammar point on ‘-o ending’ Introduction of phone-related vocabulary Introduction of frequency phrases Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Battleships grammar game Speaking task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 26 slides Recap of verbs in present tense with ‘-o endings’ Grammar rules relating to regular -AR verbs in present tense Grammar activities Grammar rules relating to regular -ER verbs in present tense Grammar activities /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 18 slides Present tense starter activity Pronunciation task Dictation activity Recap of present tense endings Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task VIVA 2, MODULE 2.2 - QUÉ TIPO DE MÚSICA Powerpoint/lesson 1: 23 slides Opinion phrase starter activity Introduction of music genres Cultural aspect on reggaetón Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Grammar point on definite articles Grammar activities Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 22 slides Scrabble starter activity Recap of music vocabulary Listening comprehension Reading tasks EN>ES translations Writing task Plenary game to recap vocabulary VIVA 2, MODULE 2.3 - PREFIERO LAS COMEDIAS Powerpoint/lesson 1: 29 slides Translation starter activity Introduction of TV show vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Grammar point (singular to plural) Grammar activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Speaking activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 21 slides TV show vocabulary starter activity Introduction of comparative structures Grammar activities EN>ES translations Writing task Cultural plenary activity VIVA 2, MODULE 2.4 - QUÉ HICISTE AYER Powerpoint/lesson 1: 19 slides Free-time infinitive starter activity Recap of preterite tense endings Introduction of ‘hacer’ in the preterite tense Reading comprehension ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Speaking task Plenary game to consolidate vocabulary knowledge /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 17 slides Time expressions starter activity Recap of preterite tense endings Pronunciation activity Dictation task Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 4 slides Vocabulary starter activity Design a comic strip activity based on the preterite tense
Viva 2, Module 2.1 - Mi vida, mi móvil

Viva 2, Module 2.1 - Mi vida, mi móvil

A Spanish bundle comprising of 4 powerpoints (4 individual lessons) which focus on Viva 2’s Module 2.1: Mi vida, mi móvil. One of the powerpoints also focuses on the present tense conjugation of verbs. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students. Powerpoint/lesson 1 FOUNDATION: 26 slides Free-time activity vocabulary starter activity Vocabulary activities Grammar point on ‘-o ending’ Introduction of phone-related vocabulary Introduction of frequency phrases Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Battleships grammar game Speaking task /// Powerpoint/lesson 1 HIGHER: 27 slides Free-time activity vocabulary starter activity Vocabulary activities Grammar point on ‘-o ending’ Introduction of phone-related vocabulary Introduction of frequency phrases Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Battleships grammar game Speaking task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 30 slides Phone activity starter Recap of verbs in present tense with ‘-o endings’ Grammar rules relating to regular -AR verbs in present tense Grammar activities Grammar rules relating to regular -ER verbs in present tense Grammar activities Grammar casino plenary activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 18 slides Present tense starter activity Pronunciation task Dictation activity Recap of present tense endings Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task
Spanish AQA GCSE 8.2 - Actúa localmente

Spanish AQA GCSE 8.2 - Actúa localmente

A Spanish bundle comprising of 4 powerpoints (4 individual lessons) and 1 handout which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 8.2: Actúa localmente. The first two powerpoints follow the textbook’s activities, and the other two are designed to consolidate preterite tense knowledge and promote writing skills. This resource is not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. – Powerpoint/lesson 1: 23 slides Key verb starter activity Recap of infinitives Introduction of ‘se debería’ Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Writing task ‘Points’ plenary activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 19 slides Environmental verbs starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Speaking tasks Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 17 slides Translation match-up starter activity Recap of preterite tense Grammar activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 4: 19 slides Environmental problems starter activity Environmental solution vocabulary activity Mini-writing tasks Reading comprehension EN>ES translation
Spanish AQA GCSE Module 8 BUNDLE

Spanish AQA GCSE Module 8 BUNDLE

4 Resources
A Spanish bundle comprising of 13 powerpoints (13 individual lessons) and 4 handouts which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 8: Hacia un mundo mejor. These resources are not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. /// Spanish AQA GCSE 8.1 - Piensa globalmente Powerpoint/lesson 1: 31 slides Retrieval knowledge starter activity Recap of compass points Introduction of specific house vocabulary Recap of room vocabulary Vocabulary activities Differentiation: Es/está/esta EN>ES translations Recap of ‘desde hace’ Speaking tasks x5 /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 23 slides Imaginative vocabulary starter activity Recap of ‘se puede +inf’ Reading comprehension Recap of preterite tense Grammar activities EN>ES translations Speaking task Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 24 slides STARS starter activity Introduction of key vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Recap of superlative structure Grammar activities EN>ES translations Ping Pong Translation task Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 4: Vocabulary match-up starter activity Recap of ‘hay que’ Listening comprehension Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task Spanish AQA GCSE 8.2 - Actúa localmente Powerpoint/lesson 1: 23 slides Key verb starter activity Recap of infinitives Introduction of ‘se debería’ Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Writing task ‘Points’ plenary activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 19 slides Environmental verbs starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Speaking tasks Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 17 slides Translation match-up starter activity Recap of preterite tense Grammar activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 4: 19 slides Environmental problems starter activity Environmental solution vocabulary activity Mini-writing tasks Reading comprehension EN>ES translation Spanish AQA GCSE Module 8.3 - Vivir a tope Powerpoint/lesson 1: 18 slides Instagram-style starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension ‘Texting story’ reading comprehension Speaking tasks Vocabulary retrieval plenary game /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 14 slides Vocabulary retrieval starter activity Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Pros and cons of smoking vocabulary Speaking tasks Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 24 slides Smoking-related phrases starter activity Recap of imperfect tense ES>EN translations Introduction of ‘dejé de’ and ‘comencé a’ Reading comprehensions x2 EN>ES translations Writing task Spanish AQA GCSE Module 8.4 - El deporte nos une Powerpoint/lesson 1: 21 slides Infinitive starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehensions x2 Reading comprehension (dis)advantages of sports events EN>ES translations Mini-writing tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 14 slides Sports-related vocabulary starter activity Recap of future phrases ES>EN translations Reading comprehension Tonguetwisters activity Speaking tasks Writing activity
Spanish AQA GCSE Module 7 BUNDLE

Spanish AQA GCSE Module 7 BUNDLE

5 Resources
A Spanish bundle comprising of 11 powerpoints (11 individual lessons) and 4 handouts which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 7: A currar. These resources are not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. /// Spanish AQA GCSE 7.0 - Punto de partida Powerpoint/lesson 1: 16 slides Profession vocabulary starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension x2 Grammar regarding indefinite articles Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 25 slides Profession vocabulary recap starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension ‘me gustaría’ grammar point EN>ES translations Speaking tasks Translation task Spanish AQA GCSE 7.1 - Qué haces para ganar dinero Powerpoint/lesson 1: 20 slides Writing starter activity Introduction of chores vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehensions x2 Reading comprehension Recap of ‘suelo +inf’ Introduction of ‘solía + inf’ Speaking task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 24 slides Past paper reading question starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Recap of the preterite tense Grammar activities EN>ES translations Speaking task Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 12 slides Preterite tense starter activity Role-play questions (taken from past paper) Photo card questions (taken from past paper) Spanish AQA GCSE 7.2 - Mis prácticas laborales Powerpoint/lesson 1: 24 slides EN>ES translation starter activity Listening comprehension Grammar section Introduction of ‘imperfect tense’ Imperfect v preterite tense activities Grammar activities EN>ES translation Battleships plenary activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 23 slides Imperfect tense starter activity Recap of preterite v imperfect tenses Recap of ‘solía + inf’ structure Recap of ‘hace + time period’ structure Listening comprehension Tonguetwisters speaking activity Speaking tasks x3 Writing tasks x2 Spanish AQA GCSE 7.3 - Por qué aprender idiomas Powerpoint/lesson 1: 12 slides Language vocabulary starter activity Listening comprehension Introduction of vocabulary Reading comprehensions x2 Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 20 slides ES>EN translation starter activity Introduction of ‘future tense’ phrases Grammar activities Cultural aspect on Colombia Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing tasks Spanish AQA GCSE 7.4 - Solicitando un trabajo Powerpoint/lesson 1: 16 slides Profession vocabulary starter activity Listening comprehensions x2 Reading comprehension ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 13 slides Question words vocabulary starter activity Listening questions x4 (foundation and higher) Reading questions x3 (foundation and higher) Writing question (90-word email)
Spanish AQA GCSE 8.3 - Vivir a tope

Spanish AQA GCSE 8.3 - Vivir a tope

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) and 1 handout which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 8.3: Vivir a tope. The second lesson doesn’t immediately follow the textbook, but rather focuses on the pros and cons of ‘fumar’ (smoking). This resource is not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. – Powerpoint/lesson 1: 18 slides Instagram-style starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension ‘Texting story’ reading comprehension Speaking tasks Vocabulary retrieval plenary game /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 14 slides Vocabulary retrieval starter activity Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Pros and cons of smoking vocabulary Speaking tasks Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 24 slides Smoking-related phrases starter activity Recap of imperfect tense ES>EN translations Introduction of ‘dejé de’ and ‘comencé a’ Reading comprehensions x2 EN>ES translations Writing task
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 2.2 - De fiesta en fiesta

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 2.2 - De fiesta en fiesta

A Spanish bundle comprising of 5powerpoints (5 individual lessons) and 1 handout which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 2.2: De fiesta en fiesta. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. The last two powerpoints are not based on the Pearson AQA textbook, but are rather there as optional lessons. UPDATED FOR 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR TEACHING /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 20 slides Vocabulary retrieval starter activity Introduction of holiday vocabulary Introduction of ‘hay que’ grammar point Grammar activities Dictation task Reading comprehension ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Plenary game to consolidate vocabulary /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 23 slides ‘hay que’ starter activity Listening task Recap of comparatives Introduction of superlatives Grammar activities ES>EN translations ‘Texting story’ reading comprehension EN>ES translations Pass-the-parcel plenary activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 16 slides Holiday vocabulary match-up starter activity Listening task Cultural aspect on Peruvian festivities Authentic text on Peruvian festivities EN>ES translation Pronunciation activities Where’s Wally plenary activity to consolidate pronunciation /// Powerpoint/lesson 4: 20 slides ‘STARS’ starter activity Festival vocabulary activity Listening comprehension Reading comprehension ‘we’ conjugation grammar point Grammar activities EN>ES translations Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 5: 16 slides Verb starter activity Introduction to ‘el día de los muertos’ Recap of festival vocabulary Reading comprehensions x2 EN>ES translation Trapdoor speaking
2026 AQA Module 2 BUNDLE

2026 AQA Module 2 BUNDLE

4 Resources
A Spanish bundle comprising of 14 powerpoints (14 individual lessons) and 2 handouts which focus on focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 2: Viajes. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. Please note that this bundle doesn’t include Module 2.5: Mi aventura por América Latina. – PEARSON AQA GCSE MODULE 2.1: En ruta Powerpoint/lesson 1: 28 slides ‘CALOR’ knowledge retrieval starter activity Weather vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Cultural aspect on Andalucía Reading comprehension Introduction of ‘me gustaría’ EN>ES translations Speaking task Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 23 slides Question word starter activity Pronunciation task (letter ‘c’) Dictation activity Recap of seasonal vocabulary Listening comprehension Introduction of ‘se puede’ grammar point Grammar activities EN>ES translations Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 24 slides ES>EN translation starter activity Recap of ‘se puede’ grammar point Introduction of transport vocabulary Difference between ‘coger’ and ‘viajar’ Grammar activities Reading comprehension Recap of comparatives EN>ES translations Writing task Plenary game to recap vocabulary PEARSON AQA GCSE MODULE 2.2: De fiesta en fiesta Powerpoint/lesson 1: 20 slides Vocabulary retrieval starter activity Introduction of holiday vocabulary Introduction of ‘hay que’ grammar point Grammar activities Dictation task Reading comprehension ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Plenary game to consolidate vocabulary /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 21 slides ‘hay que’ starter activity Listening task Recap of comparatives Introduction of superlatives Grammar activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Pass-the-parcel plenary activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 16 slides Holiday vocabulary match-up starter activity Listening task Cultural aspect on Peruvian festivities Authentic text on Peruvian festivities EN>ES translation Pronunciation activities Where’s Wally plenary activity to consolidate pronunciation /// Powerpoint/lesson 4: 20 slides ‘STARS’ starter activity Festival vocabulary activity Listening comprehension Reading comprehension ‘we’ conjugation grammar point Grammar activities EN>ES translations Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 5: 16 slides Verb starter activity Introduction to ‘el día de los muertos’ Recap of festival vocabulary Reading comprehensions x2 EN>ES translation Trapdoor speaking PEARSON AQA GCSE MODULE 2.3: Mis últimas vacaciones Powerpoint/lesson 1: 21 slides Preterite tense starter activity Recap of preterite tense endings (‘yo’ conjugation) Introduction of ‘lo pasé’ structure Preterite opinion phrases activities Listening task Vocabulary activities Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Expensive writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 17 slides Vocabulary match-up starter activity Dictation task Weather activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Tongue-twister speaking activity Speaking tasks Plenary game to consolidate vocabulary /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 20 slides Scrabble starter activity EN>ES translations Introduction of 90-word question DOCTOR writing technique Writing tasks Translation plenary game PEARSON AQA GCSE MODULE 2.4: Dónde te quedaste Powerpoint/lesson 1: 30 slides Negative holiday activities match-up starter activity Recap of preterite tense Grammar activities Introduction of imperfect tense Difference between preterite and imperfect Grammar activities EN>ES translation Battleships grammar plenary game /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 25 slides Imperfect tense starter activity Introduction of ‘quedarse’ Listening/dictation task Introduction of specific hotel vocabulary Reading comprehension Grammar tasks EN>ES translations Speaking tasks x4 /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 12 slides Translation starter activity Listening comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 3.1 - Esta es mi gente

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 3.1 - Esta es mi gente

A Spanish bundle comprising of 4 powerpoints (4 individual lessons) which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 3.1: Esta es mi gente. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams. UPDATED FOR 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR TEACHING /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 21 slides Knowledge retrieval starter activity Listening comprehension Dictation task Introduction of possessive pronouns Grammar activities EN>ES translations ‘Texting story’ reading comprehension Reading comprehension Speaking task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 18 slides ‘Instagram-style’ starter activity Introduction of present continuous tense Grammar activities EN>ES translations Reading comprehension Speaking task Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 11 slides Present continuous tense starter activity Listening comprehension Recap of photo card exam question Speaking preparation (involving present continuous tense) Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 4: 16 slides Physical description starter activity Dictation task Recap of vocabulary (hair/eyes) Vocabulary activities Reading comprehension Speaking tasks Writing task
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 3.2 - Mis famosos favoritos

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 3.2 - Mis famosos favoritos

A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons) which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 3.2: Mis famosos favoritos. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams. UPDATED FOR 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR TEACHING /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 24 slides Opinion phrases starter activity Listening comprehension Cultural aspect on Bad Bunny Recap of preterite tense verbs Reading comprehension Introduction of ‘desde hace’ structure Grammar activities EN>ES translation ‘Points’ plenary game /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 19 slides Translation starter activity Recap of ‘desde hace’ structure Recap of key vocabulary Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task
Spanish AQA GCSE 8.4 - El deporte nos une

Spanish AQA GCSE 8.4 - El deporte nos une

A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons) and 1 handout which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 8.4: El deporte nos une. This resource is not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. – Powerpoint/lesson 1: 21 slides Infinitive starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehensions x2 Reading comprehension (dis)advantages of sports events EN>ES translations Mini-writing tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 14 slides Sports-related vocabulary starter activity Recap of future phrases ES>EN translations Reading comprehension Tonguetwisters activity Speaking tasks Writing activity