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Durgamata's Shop

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A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
songs to use in teaching RE or assemblies

songs to use in teaching RE or assemblies

My Wish or Somebody Loves You would be great to use as a reflection exercise or starter in RE or pshe. I will add other useful songs with video as I come across them. ' please share your own favourites and I will add them too.
MP's list with contact details

MP's list with contact details

I aim to list of all the MP's and members of the House of Lords - with their contact details. I have just found a couple of good lists on internet so I am uploading info about these too. Contact details added for all the A - G surnames so far - more to follow I’ve uploaded a copy of my email and am adding any replies and correspondence from this as a separate resource.
Village Community - based on a Bengali village

Village Community - based on a Bengali village

The slide show is in the process of development - to support a family member who is studying Early Years Childcare in Kolkata, Having been to Bengali villages I googled things that I remember seeing there and this is a complete jumble of images. I suggest you edit it, arrange the images you wish to use and add text as required. I googled India Village and found some very interesting bits of contemporary news which may be useful in citizenship and international studies. The Stories may be good for drama and to give insight into village life and characters past and present.
Love and money - a Valentine's Day reflection

Love and money - a Valentine's Day reflection

Starting with an article from the Guardian 'A World Ruled by Money Has Failed. It's Time to Reclaim Love.' by Jeanette Winterson I will add other relevant articles as I find them. Please suggest your favourites.
articles -  Villages in India -- progress + change

articles - Villages in India -- progress + change

These articles cover many aspects of village life - including local democracy, provision of water, education and opportunities for women, caste problems etc. Useful in any international work, citizenship, community cohesion and Religious Education topics with KS3 KS4, GCSE etc.
Global Warming, UN Climate Conference

Global Warming, UN Climate Conference

This resource is to gather together articles and video links which relate to Global Warming and the UN Climate Conference. It relates to issues we explore in RE with GCSE and older students, stewardship etc. But it is also an important subject in Geography, Science, Citizenship, Politics and Economics etc. Do let me know if you have good resources which I can add here - and give reviews.
durgamata blog  - from Thursday 13th Oct

durgamata blog - from Thursday 13th Oct

Continuation of my Meditation Blog. This started on 28th September in New York and ends on 30th October back in England. I have some notes in my diary which still need to be written up to include in this so I will add a few more files over the next few days. Some friends say I should edit the whole record and make it into a book!!! Well we will see about that.
Lyrics for God's Colours

Lyrics for God's Colours

The most popular song from the CD All Shall Be Well by Jill Blackadder - my sister who is a Primary teacher in the Shetland Islands. for the CD and sheet music contact 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>, You can find a 'taster&' of this song and others on another resource on prev. page - http://www.tes.co.uk/ResourceUpload.aspx?storycode=6058026&navcode=98 This is a truly inspiring and very soulful song for all ages. It celebrates our world where the beauty is in the diversity. Great as a stimulus for art-work, too.
Religion in the News / Moral Issues

Religion in the News / Moral Issues

1) an article relating to racism and religious intolerance. 2) about the Royal Christening/Baptism a compilation of articles and comments about them. 3) about spirituality being on the rise despite a decline in religious practice. 4) doing Church without God. A new atheist/secular movement bases its meetings on traditional church services. 5) Mo Ansar and Tommy of the EDL + documentary-link. I would appreciate any suggestions which you may find - to make this resource stronger and more useful.
Reflections on identity, religion and racism

Reflections on identity, religion and racism

This document talks readers through a range of important topics, offering questions and activities at intervals for an interactive learning experience. Arising from concern about the rise in racism since Brexit and the fact that many in RE are non-specialists and may feel ill-equipped to explore complex and controversial topics like these I have drawn on my own experience of teaching RE to offer this resource. I aim to develop this, expanding it to introduce the major religions and adding illustrations, games and more related activities - but even in this form I hope RE teachers and teachers from many other subjects may find it helpful next term - especially with KS3.
'God's Colours' + 'All Shall Be Well' with Lyrics

'God's Colours' + 'All Shall Be Well' with Lyrics

My sister Jill Blackadder is a teacher in the Shetland Islands. She has been writing songs since childhood. They are spiritual and inspiring. You can contact Jill to obtain sheet music and the CD by emailing her directly - 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>, 'God's Colours&' is particularly popular, relates to Community Cohesion and RE good for all ages. All Shall Be Well is a more solemn meditation on life - all profits from CD sales go to charity. please give feedback and rating if you use this
Readings / Resources relating to the Gaza Conflict

Readings / Resources relating to the Gaza Conflict

Most of these relate to the conflict between Israel and Palestine - the 'Gaza Crisis&' of July-August 2014. A separate resource is being prepared relating to individuals and organisations which are working towards Peace and Reconciliation. please let me know of any resources you find that may help inform our classes about the conflict in the Middle East - aiming for a greater understanding of the issues underlying both sides of the conflict and pointing towards hope + enduring peace.
RE and the Ebacc - July articles etc

RE and the Ebacc - July articles etc

I have copied the article from Independent and the letter from The Telegraph mentioned in a recent thread, adding some of the best submissions etc. I've highlighted important bits. Do keep up the pressure and forward these to Mr Gove, to your MP to chase Mr Gove with + anyone you know who may be willing to do the same, I think this time is really critical and a lot of people will be like me, up to the neck with other duties, so its hard to fit in the time. Good Luck and happy summer
Reflection on Tolerance and Belief, British Values, Similarity and Difference

Reflection on Tolerance and Belief, British Values, Similarity and Difference

For KS 3 Religious Education A Power Point of images and questions explores similarity difference and change using leaves. Then reflecting on similarity and difference in people - not just physical similarities and differences but also in thoughts and beliefs. Exploration of prejudice, bullying and intolerance in the lives of the pupils present and in wider society. Moving on to reflect on the question 'What is the Purpose of life?' - with some food for thought taken from the six major religions.
durgamata blog

durgamata blog

I came to New York in August to attend the birthday anniversary festival of my spiritual teacher. It was as joyful and inspiring as ever. But before I returned home I was asked if I might be able to stay a bit longer to care for a friend who is ill. I don't get much opportunity to come on internet so I have no idea whether this blog idea will be a &'one off&'; or whether I will be able to add to it regularly, but my friend has been away for a couple of days - so at least I have been able to start. I hope it is of use or interest to some of you.
RE and the E Bacc. emailing all the MPs + replies

RE and the E Bacc. emailing all the MPs + replies

I'm sharing this to give others who want to write some ideas. I have tried to cover as much as I can here - in my original letter of 28th May - which is probably too much - but others may like to take some of the points to use in their letters. Still no answer about RE and the Bacc so I'll continue to share any correspondence resulting from this email the MPs 'campaign.' It may be of interest to post 16 / KS4 Citizenship and RE Thanks DurgaMata
Original song by Jill B 'Here in a blind world'

Original song by Jill B 'Here in a blind world'

This is my favourite of all my sisters songs - and one of the earliest. She composed it at Christmas, in Bethlehem, in 1967 - where tourists pushed and shoved to get to the 'spot where Jesus was born&' and haggled over souvenirs - while snow fell on freezing streets and soldiers arrested her black African colleague and interrogated him three times that day. It is a powerful and moving meditation on the real meaning of Christmas. For the CD &';All Shall Be Well' original songs of peace, of winter and of Christmas, contact - 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>,
DurgaMata Blog from December 2011 (4th since Sept)

DurgaMata Blog from December 2011 (4th since Sept)

Continuing blog. Will add more later. 12th - Moiza the cat 13th also - Quaker Meeting and visiting Mum's friend B now in a different hospital. 14 - 15 + an outline of my son's presentation on how to combat stress (which finished the College term off in a great way) quotes from Ch 2 of Gita 21st about Camden Market and Tagore 22-3 about gas charges 24th about family and Christmas, love and forgiveness Christmas Day about carols and a wild 'cheerfulness challenge' successfully met. 27th includes poems and readings about love and change from my Teacher's online library
durgamata blog - November 2011

durgamata blog - November 2011

This is not really part of the Meditation-Blog as that was something quite unique, to share my experiences in New York and my my daily meditation at the beautiful Meditation Garden I loved to visit every morning. But if there are any experiences here - back in England - which relate to issues which I mentioned or explored in that blog, I feel it is useful to share these as part of the 'appendix.' For now I feel inspired to continue to share my life in a small way here. The one about 13 - 15th relates to Remembrance Sunday. With love and thanks for all your encouragement. DMC
Asian Jesus

Asian Jesus

This is a series of 11 slides depicting Jesus as Asian, mostly Chinese or Indian. It is in process as many images are not the right shape for a ppt slide so I will have to adjust them in Adobe. But it does give a great idea of the way that Christians everywhere think of Jesus as their Brother, as their Friend, His divine aspect is beyond the confines of one time or place, one nation or race.