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Resources for KS3 and KS4 science and KS5 Biology




Resources for KS3 and KS4 science and KS5 Biology
P4 Electrical Circuits Structure Strips and Answers

P4 Electrical Circuits Structure Strips and Answers

Differentiated questions for each lesson in the P4 Electrical Circuits topic for AQA GCSE Physics and answers to go with them. These structure strips are designed to be printed off and glued into students books down the margin and then either used throughout the lesson, or as a task after covering theory, the students work their way through the questions. Not all students will be expected to complete the entire structure strip as it depends on target grades. The questions link directly to the learning objectives and ensure the content is covered and allows students to stretch themselves. They could also be given as homework for consolidation or used for targeted revision. Students find these a great way to ensure they have met their objectives and it makes marking books easier. The questions are split into three main groups: Bronze (Red) questions are targeted at Grade 4 Silver (Amber) questions are targeted at Grade 6 Gold (Green) questions are targeted at Grade 8 Star questions are challenge questions. Structure strips are included for the following lessons; Electrical charges and fields Current and Charge PD and Resistance Component Characteristics Series circuits Parallel circuits Answers are included as a powerpoint presentation for all structure strip questions to allow self or peer assessment by students. If you like this resource, please check out my other resources as I will be uploading more structure strips for both KS3 and KS4 topics and please leave a quick review for my resource. Thanks


A lesson on Current for KS3 with practical activities included to allow students to determine how the current changes with series and parallel circuits. Rope needed to demonstrate how the current flows through a circuit and to show that the electrons are already present in circuit and don’t come from the battery. Can be used with some calculation questions to reinforce understanding for higher level groups.
KS3 Gravity Structure Strip and Answers

KS3 Gravity Structure Strip and Answers

Differentiated questions for KS3 lessons on Gravity. These structure strips are designed to be printed off and glued into students books down the margin and then either used throughout the lesson, or as a task after covering theory, the students work their way through the questions. Not all students will be expected to complete the entire structure strip as it depends on target grades. The questions link directly to the learning objectives and ensure the the content is covered and allows students to stretch themselves. They could also be given as homework for consolidation or used for targeted revision. Students find these a great way to ensure they have met their objectives and it makes marking books easier. There are two versions of the structure strip: low ability and mid-high ability. Answers are included as a powerpoint presentation for all structure strip questions to allow self or peer assessment by students. If you like this resource, please check out my other resources as I will be uploading more structure strips for both KS3 and KS4 topics and please leave a quick review for my resource. Thanks
B1 Cell Transport and Mitosis Revision Pyramid Activity

B1 Cell Transport and Mitosis Revision Pyramid Activity

B1 Cell Transport and Mitosis Revision Pyramid Activity. Answers are also included to allow for self/peer assessment. Students have to answer as many questions as they can to reach 100 points in a certain time. This is a great activity for revision purposes and allows students to differentiate the level of questioning they answer as different questions are worth different amounts of points with harder questions being worth more.
KS3 Breathing Feedback and Marking Sticker

KS3 Breathing Feedback and Marking Sticker

These resources are for the KS3 topic on Breathing; including smoking, drugs and alcohol. Attached is two resources, the first is the marking sticker. The second is a reference handout for students to use to help them when responding to marking and completing the tasks necessary to fill the gaps in their learning. On the marking sticker, then colour code the different learning outcomes when marking their books as either red, amber or green to make it simple for the pupils to see which outcomes they need to focus on and which they are fine with. Or these stickers could be altered by adding an additional column and using WWW and EBI instead. Both are effective methods of providing feedback for pupils. The bottom two boxes allow for tasks to be set and any more generalised feedback to be provided by ticking any relevant boxes. The second attachment is the resources to be used by the pupils in a feedback lesson (DIRT lesson). I print the slides off two to a page, back-to-back with one between two for pupils. This provides them with the tasks necessary to meet the learning objectives and close any gaps in learning. I find these tasks much easier for pupils to use than simply directing them to textbook pages. Some of the pictures and questions taken from other resources and compiled here. The first slides are worksheets that can be printed off and used by the students. Hope these resources help with your marking and feedback, if so please leave a review and feel free to view other resources I have.
Communicable Diseases B5.1-5.5 Marking and Feedback

Communicable Diseases B5.1-5.5 Marking and Feedback

Attached is two resources, the first is the marking sticker. The second is a reference handout for students to use to help them when responding to marking and completing the tasks necessary to fill the gaps in their learning. On the marking sticker, then colour code the different learning outcomes when marking their books as either red, amber or green to make it simple for the pupils to see which outcomes they need to focus on and which they are fine with. Or these stickers could be altered by adding an additional column and using WWW and EBI instead. Both are effective methods of providing feedback for pupils. The bottom two boxes allow for tasks to be set and any more generalised feedback to be provided by ticking any relevant boxes. The second attachment is the resources to be used by the pupils in a feedback lesson (DIRT lesson). I print the slides off two to a page, back-to-back with one between two for pupils. This provides them with the tasks necessary to meet the learning objectives and close any gaps in learning. I find these tasks much easier for pupils to use than simply directing them to textbook pages. Some of the pictures and questions taken from other resources and compiled here. Hope these resources help with your marking and feedback, if so please leave a review and feel free to view other resources I have.,
GCSE Physics P1.1-1.4 Energy Feedback Resources

GCSE Physics P1.1-1.4 Energy Feedback Resources

Attached is two resources, the first is the marking sticker which can be either printed on paper and glued into the pupils books or printed onto sticker paper then put in their exercise books. The second is a reference handout for students to use to help them when responding to marking and completing the tasks necessary to fill the gaps in their learning. On the marking sticker, I colour code the different learning outcomes when marking their books as either red, amber or green to make it simple for the pupils to see which outcomes they need to focus on and which they are fine with. Or these stickers could be altered by adding an additional column and using WWW and EBI instead. Both are effective methods of providing feedback for pupils. The bottom two boxes allow for tasks to be set and any more generalised feedback to be provided by ticking any relevant boxes. I then follow this sticker with a personalised comment. The second attachment is the resources to be used by the pupils in a feedback lesson (DIRT lesson). I print the slides off two to a page, back-to-back with one between two for pupils. This provides them with the tasks necessary to meet the learning objectives and close any gaps in learning. I find these tasks much easier for pupils to use than simply directing them to textbook pages. Some of the pictures and questions taken from other resources and compiled here. Hope these resources help with your marking and feedback, if so please leave a review and feel free to view other resources I have.,
B1 Cell Structure and Transport Marking Stickers and Feedback Resources

B1 Cell Structure and Transport Marking Stickers and Feedback Resources

Attached is four resources, the first two are the marking stickers. The topic has been broken down into two different stickers, but you could combine them if needed. The second two are a reference handout for students to use to help them when responding to marking and completing the tasks necessary to fill the gaps in their learning. The final resource is information on specialised cells to be used as reference for one of the DIRT tasks. On the marking sticker, colour code the different learning outcomes when marking their books as either red, amber or green to make it simple for the pupils to see which outcomes they need to focus on and which they are fine with. Or these stickers could be altered by adding an additional column and using WWW and EBI instead. Both are effective methods of providing feedback for pupils. The bottom two boxes allow for tasks to be set and any more generalised feedback to be provided by ticking any relevant boxes. The second attachment is the resources to be used by the pupils in a feedback lesson (DIRT lesson). I print the slides off two to a page, back-to-back with one between two for pupils. This provides them with the tasks necessary to meet the learning objectives and close any gaps in learning. I find these tasks much easier for pupils to use than simply directing them to textbook pages. Some of the pictures and questions taken from other resources and compiled here. Hope these resources help with your marking and feedback, if so please leave a review and feel free to view other resources I have.
Digestion System Interactive Notebook

Digestion System Interactive Notebook

Digestive System Interactive Notebook is an alternative method to simply labeling the digestive system in lesson. Suitable for KS3 and KS4.I have often found students often struggle to retain knowledge from simply sticking a diagram in their book and labeling it, so I created this as a more hands on approach to the human digestive system. There are 2 versions of the sheet for differentiation; one unlabeled, the other with the organs already labeled. The sheet is printed off and folded along the vertical fold line. The student then cuts along each of the horizontal lines to the fold line. They can then glue the sheet into their books and now have a flap based digestive system. The students then label the parts, find information on the organs and write this information under each of the relevant flaps. The final part is to colour in the different organs. Hope you like this resource, please leave a review and take a look at some of my other resources. Thanks
Chemical Reactions Lesson

Chemical Reactions Lesson

Chemical Reactions Lesson for the Year 7 Activate Scheme of Work. It includes a practical circus for students to complete to develop their lab skills and observational skills. Please leave a review.
Acids and Alkalis KS3 Intervention Lesson and Marking Sticker

Acids and Alkalis KS3 Intervention Lesson and Marking Sticker

Intervention lesson and marking sticker with tasks for a Low Ability Year 7 class following the end of topic test. Could be done before the test using their book work. Students work through the intervention lesson as a class, completing a summary A3 mind map with all the main information on it and then complete their intervention task highlighted on their marking sticker independently. If you like this resource, feel free to check out my other resources and leave a review. Thanks
Autoimmune Diseases OCR A Bio

Autoimmune Diseases OCR A Bio

OCR A Level Biology A lesson on Autoimmune Diseases. This is one of thirteen lessons to meet the specification points for 4.1.1 Communicable Diseases, disease prevention and the immune system. Specification points: 4.1.1 (k) Objectives for this lesson: • Define autoimmune disease. • Describe examples of autoimmune diseases. • Evaluate information on a named autoimmune disease. Check out my other lessons and the accompanying workbook with exam questions (and answer booklet included). Please leave a review.
Energy Revision Pyramid KS3

Energy Revision Pyramid KS3

Great for a revision lesson on energy and energy resources. Two different levels of pyramids; one for mid to high ability and one for low ability groups. Students use any resources available to them including lesson notes and textbooks to try and complete as many questions as they can to get to 100 points. This is a great differentiated resource as students can attempt harder questions for more points or stick to lower level questions for less points, meaning more questions. Answers are also included for all the questions. Students should only need 20-30 minutes to attempt pyramid and then can self assess.
KS3 Electricity Revision Pyramid & Answers

KS3 Electricity Revision Pyramid & Answers

This resource includes two question revision pyramids aimed at Low ability and mid/high ability for Year 7 on the topic of electricity. Answers are included on separate slides for peer or self assessment in lessons. I normally give the students a set amount of time e.g. 20 minutes for them to complete questions of their choice to reach a total of 100 points. Different level of questions are worth different amounts of points. This means students can choose the low level questions and have more to complete, or can choose the more challenging questions and complete less questions. It is a great revision tool for Year 7s and provides a challenge as students can become competitive to see who can get the most points. It is an engaging activity.
KS3 Electromagnets Revision Pyramid

KS3 Electromagnets Revision Pyramid

KS3 Electromagnets Revision Pyramid Activity. Answers are also included to allow for self/peer assessment. Students have to answer as many questions as they can to reach 100 points in a certain time. This is a great activity for revision purposes and allows students to differentiate the level of questioning they answer as different questions are worth different amounts of points with harder questions being worth more.
Introduction to Science Revision Pyramid

Introduction to Science Revision Pyramid

Challenge Question pyramid based around the initial lessons for science for Year 7. Differentiated questions with easiest questions being worth 5 points and hardest question being worth 30 points. I usually set this as a challenge giving the students 20 mins to try and reach 100 points. Students highlight each question as they attempt them. This challenge can be approached in different ways from picking the easier questions and answering more questions or having less, but more challenging questions. It often surprises me as to how many students will challenge themselves to the harder questions and push themselves. Answers are included so students can self/peer assess. If you like this lesson, please leave a review and check out my other items.
KS3 Change of State

KS3 Change of State

This is a complete lesson on Change of State aimed at a Year 7 class. It includes activities, tasks and questions. I also asked the lab technician for some stearic acid warmed up so students could create a cooling curve. This lesson is designed with no need for printing. Differentiated tasks for differing abilities of students. Please leave a review and check out my other resources.