6 weeks worth of lessons (with 2 lessons a week) for Year 7 French. This is roughly based on Dynamo 1, Module 2, Le Collège
Week 1 - Subjects and Opinions
Week 2 - Telling the time and ER verbs
Week 3 - Timetables and Teachers
Week 4 - Clothes and School Day
Week 5 - Facilities and Dream School
Week 6 - English v French Schools
The lessons cover all 4 skills including, listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as fun activities and translations.
You would need access to Dynamo 1 for listening activities. Please get in touch for support with these activities
Unit of lessons based on the new AQA GCSE Spanish scheme of learning from Pearson.
Lessons cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations reflecting the new specification.
Knowledge Organiser
Week 1 - Present Tense (2 Lessons)
Week 2 - Internet and Technology (3 Lessons)
Week 3 - Free Time (3 Lessons)
Week 4 - Future Tense and Making Plans (3 Lessons)
Week 5 - Preterite Tense (2 Lessons)
Week 6 - Terrible Day (2 Lessons)
You would need access to the audio files
Here are 6 weeks worth of lessons with around 2-3 lessons per week. They are based on Module 2 (Le temps de loisirs) from Studio GCSE AQA - covering free time and hobbies
They cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations.
Unit of lessons based on the new AQA GCSE French scheme of learning from Pearson.
Lessons cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations reflecting the new specification.
Knowledge Organiser
Lesson Sequence
Week 1 - Present Tense (2 Lessons)
Week 2 - Internet and Technology (3 Lessons)
Week 3 - Free Time (3 Lessons)
Week 4 - Film Preferences (2 Lessons)
Week 5 - Future Tense and Making Plans (3 Lessons)
Week 6 - Perfect Tense (2 Lessons)
You would need access to the audio files
Unit of lessons based on the new AQA GCSE French scheme of learning from Pearson.
Lessons cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations reflecting the new specification.
Please note, this does not completely follow the sequencing of the book.
Lessons will continue to be uploaded
Knowledge Organiser
Lesson Sequence
Week 1 - Family (2 Lessons)
Week 2 - Reflexive Verbs (3 Lessons)
Week 3 - Relationships and Friendships (2 Lessons)
Week 4 - Role Models (2 Lessons)
Week 5 - Celebrations (3 Lessons)
Week 6 - TBC
You would need access to the audio files
A card game in for the jobs topic in Spanish. Students can practice their speaking using the infinitives in different tenses.
Students work in pairs, split the pack and speak about the different categories. Arrows indicate the whether the category needs to be low or high to win the point, and the card. Student with the most cards at the end wins.
A worksheet to go alongside the film Coco, key vocabulary, characters, history, and describing the scenes. Along with a calavera skull to colour.
Suitable for KS2-3.
Fully adaptable pen, paper dice template.
Students have a sheet each (you could use different levels, or just one for all), and a pen and a dice between 2.
They take turns to roll a 6, the first player to roll a 6 wins control of the pen and starts translating filling in the gaps. The second player is still rolling for a 6. When they’ve gotten a 6 they yell 6 and have control of the pen.
Students all know how to play this so for a COVID safe version they will have their own pen, paper and dice.
Updated for 2024
5 weeks worth of lessons (with 2 lessons a week) for mixed ability Year 8 Spanish. This is loosely based on Viva 2, Module 3, Food (A Comer).
Knowledge Organiser with key vocabulary for the topic
The lessons cover all 4 skills including, listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as fun activities and translations.
Week 1 - Food types
Week 2 - Meal times
Week 3 - Buying Food
Week 4 - Restaurants
Week 5 - Hispanic Food
You would need a subscription to Viva 2 or access to the audio files
6 weeks worth of lessons (with roughly 2 lessons a week) for Year 8 French. This is based on Dynamo 2, Module 3, A Loisir.
The lessons cover all 4 skills including, listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as fun activities and translations.
Here are 5 weeks worth of powerpoint lessons with around 2-3 lessons per week. They are based on Module 3 (Festivals) from Studio GCSE AQA.
They cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations.
Some units are not present due to COVID changes.
A lesson and a film study mat to go alongside the Petit Prince film. Provides insight into Antoine de Saint Exupéry as well as looking into characters and quotes.
A collection of my powerpoints that follow Viva 2 Spanish.
Included in the bundle;
Module 1 - Las Vacaciones
Module 2 - Los Medios
Module 3 - A Comer
Module 4 - Que Hacemos
Module 5 - Operación Verano
Knowledge Organisers with key vocabulary for each module
Lessons include listening, reading, writing, translations, and lots of games and interactive activities. Additional resources and homework sheets are also included
Here are 7 weeks worth of lessons with around 2-3 lessons per week plus resources and audio files They are based on Module 4 (Interesas e Influencias) from Viva GCSE AQA.
They cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar, translations and homeworks.
It covers sports, hobbies, tv, film, entertainment and more
Here are 6 weeks worth of lessons with around 2-3 lessons per week.
They are based on Module 3 (De la ville à la campagne) from Studio GCSE AQA - covering free time and hobbies
They cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations. All audio files are included as well as all resources and handouts.
Some lessons overlap on content slightly as I taught them to 3 different classes with different timetables etc…
New for 2024
6 weeks worth of lessons (with roughly 2 lessons a week) for Year 8 Spanish. This is based on Viva 2, Module 1, Las Vacaciones
The lessons cover all 4 skills including, listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as fun activities and translations.
Week 1 - Countries and ir in the preterite
Week 2 - AR verbs preterite
Week 3 - ER/IR verbs preterite
Week 4 - Opinions and weather
Week 5 - Disaster Holidays
Week 6 - Suitcases and retrieval
You would need access to Viva 2 audio files
6 weeks worth of lessons (with approx 1 45-60 min lesson a week) for Year 3 Spanish. Each week includes a PowerPoint and a worksheet to go alongside the slides. Medium Term Plan is also included
Week 1 - Introductions
Week 2 - Feelings
Week 3 - Phonics
Week 4 - Numbers and Colours
Week 5 - Countries
Week 6 - Masculine and Feminine
The lessons cover all 4 skills including, listening, reading, writing and speaking. They have a focus on phonics and vocabulary as well. There are also card games and songs included
Fully editable Key Stage 3 Spanish Verb Tables, which students could stick on the inner front cover of an exercise book.
All verbs are in the I form for students to apply to their work
Basic includes 20 verbs in 3 tenses (present, near future, preterite)
Advanced includes 23 verbs in 4 tenses (present, near future, conditional, preterite)