Here are 6 weeks worth of lessons with around 2-3 lessons per week.
They are based on Module 3 (De la ville à la campagne) from Studio GCSE AQA - covering free time and hobbies
They cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations. All audio files are included as well as all resources and handouts.
Some lessons overlap on content slightly as I taught them to 3 different classes with different timetables etc…
Here are 6 weeks worth of lessons with around 2-3 lessons per week plus resources and audio files They are based on Module 3 (Mi gente) from Viva GCSE AQA.
They cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations.
Most lessons are 2/ 3x 1 hour a week but some may be joined together because of double lessons.
It covers advantages and disadvantages of technology, family members, apps and reading preferences.
5 weeks worth of lessons (with approximately 2 lessons a week) for Year 7 French. This is very loosely based on Dynamo 1, Module 4
Week 1 - Family
Week 2 - House Locations
Week 3 - Houses and Furniture
Week 4 - Places in the Town
Week 5 - Activities in the Town
The lessons cover all 4 skills including, listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as fun activities and translations.
You would need access to Dynamo 1 for listening activities. Please get in touch for support with these activities
A quick, effective and personalised sheet for teachers to read all assessments, fill out the template and then inform planning and create an action task for students.
Here are 5 weeks worth of powerpoint lessons with around 2-3 lessons per week. They are based on Module 3 (Festivals) from Studio GCSE AQA.
They cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations.
Some units are not present due to COVID changes.
Thinking quilt to encourage metacognitive thinking regarding tenses and meaning.
Students need to translate the verbs and then colour them according to key.
Resource is fully adaptable and great for homeworks.
Here are 6 weeks worth of lessons with around 2-3 lessons per week. They are based on Module 2 (Le temps de loisirs) from Studio GCSE AQA - covering free time and hobbies
They cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations.
Here are some templates for a five a day retrieval starter activity with 5 different types of questions in both French and Spanish. They are aimed at GCSE level students but could easily be adapted for KS3 or 5
Knowledge Organisers that can be printed to support students with grammar and vocabulary.
They follow Studio Access and Dynamo 1 for the whole year. 5 modules of key vocab and topical vocabulary with QR code links to quizlet for homework practise.
Fully editable for teachers to change and adapt.
Here are timers that you can embed onto your PowerPoints for varying times.
1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes
They are in video format so could be embedded or displayed seperately.
5 weeks worth of lessons (with roughly 2 lessons a week) for Year 8 French. This is based on Dynamo 2, Module 2, Les Fêtes
The lessons cover all 4 skills including, listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as fun activities and translations.
Fully adaptable pen, paper dice template.
Students have a sheet each (you could use different levels, or just one for all), and a pen and a dice between 2.
They take turns to roll a 6, the first player to roll a 6 wins control of the pen and starts translating filling in the gaps. The second player is still rolling for a 6. When they’ve gotten a 6 they yell 6 and have control of the pen.
Students all know how to play this so for a COVID safe version they will have their own pen, paper and dice.
Here are 6 weeks worth of lessons with around 2-3 lessons per week. They are based on Module 2 (Mi vida en el insti) from Viva GCSE AQA.
They cover all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. As well as grammar and translations.
Most lessons are 2/ 3x 1 hour a week but some may be joined together because of double lessons.
It covers school subjects, rules, school exchanges and clubs.
QR codes on a powerpoint slide with links to Quizlet, Memrise and Word reference.
Easily editable with the link in the comment section - just copy your own links then snipping tool the code over.
I have also embedded the link to the code image, so that students can use this on a computer. Otherwise, this will be stuck in their books for them to use their phones.
QR codes on a powerpoint slide with links to Quizlet, Memrise and Word reference.
Easily editable with the link in the comment section - just copy your own links then snipping tool the code over.
I have also embedded the link to the code image, so that students can use this on a computer. Otherwise, this will be stuck in their books for them to use their phones.