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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
[French B1] Texte et exercices - Épidémie de myopie, que faire ?

[French B1] Texte et exercices - Épidémie de myopie, que faire ?

Ce document de 3 pages A4 contient un texte et des exercices sur la myopie, et son augmentation dans les pays développés. Cet exercice est issu d’un article de journal. On y parle des causes de la myopie, et on propose des solutions grâce au Docteur Thanh Hoang-Xuan. On explique notamment pourquoi la lumière du jour est INDISPENSABLE pour avoir une bonne vue Contenu 1 texte : Entretien avec un ophtalmologiste Exercice de vocabulaire :Définir 7 termes (mettre l’accent sur…, héréditaire, une tare, un point c’est tout, à 100 %, une théorie, une piste) Utiliser ces mots et expressions dans 7 phrases. Exercice de compréhension : 7 questions Exercice de conjugaison :1 texte à conjuguer au présent 1 texte à conjuguer au passé composé ou à l’imparfait Exercice d’expression orale/écrite : 3 sujets Public Ce travail est adapté aux apprenants de niveau FLE B1. Peut convenir pour FLE A2+ et B2. Aussi adapté aux écoliers (CM2) ou collégiens. Corrigé inclus
[French worksheet A2-B1] Text: 10 Lifehacks + exercises

[French worksheet A2-B1] Text: 10 Lifehacks + exercises

Ce texte FLE évoque 10 astuces pour faciliter le quotidien, et comporte plusieurs exercices. Le document comporte : Texte d’une page avec 10 astuces (« lifehacks ») pour optimiser sa vie, telles que : la règle des 2 minutes, nettoyer au fur et à mesure, désactiver les notifications… Contenu QCM Exercice de grammaire et conjugaison sur les prépositions (10 phrases) Exercice d’expression orale avec 4 questions Exercice d’expression écrite (1 sujet de rédaction) Ce sujet est adapté aux apprenants à partir du niveau A2. Idéal pour B1 ou B2. Objectifs Il permettra de : Connaître des astuces méconnues pour optimiser son mode de vie, Améliorer son vocabulaire et son orthographe, S’exprimer en français à l’oral et à l’écrit, sur un sujet concret. Corrigé inclus. Téléchargeable en PDF et en DOCX. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English: This FFL text is about 10 tips to make everyday life easier, and includes several exercises. The document includes : One-page text with 10 tips (“lifehacks”) for optimizing your life, such as: the 2-minute rule, clean as you go, deactivating notifications… Content: MCQ Grammar and conjugation exercise on prepositions (10 sentences) Oral expression exercise with 4 questions Writing exercise (1 essay topic) This topic is suitable for French learners at A2 level and above. Ideal for B1 or B2. It will enable you to : Learn little-known tips for optimizing your lifestyle, Improve vocabulary and spelling, Express yourself in French, both orally and in writing, on a concrete subject. Answers included. Downloadable in PDF and DOCX.
[French FFL B2-C1] Bisphénol : un danger invisible (dangers of bisphenol)

[French FFL B2-C1] Bisphénol : un danger invisible (dangers of bisphenol)

Voici un texte et des exercices (5 pages A4) sur le thème du bisphénol, une substance chimique présente dans le plastique et qui est dangereuse pour la santé. Vous trouverez les parties suivantes : Un texte qui traite de l’utilisation des bisphénols dans divers produits courants, et des effets néfastes que cela peut avoir sur la santé. Il mentionne aussi l’interdiction du bisphénol A (BPA) dans les contenants pour bébés (depuis 2010), mais précise que le BPA est encore présent dans de nombreux produits commercialisés, et que les substituts au BPA ne sont pas exempts de tout danger. Exercice de vocabulaire où il faudra trouver la définition de 15 mots du texte, à partir d’une liste proposée. 3 exercices de compréhension écrite : 4 questions type QCM 1 question avec rédaction 4 questions VRAI/FAUX avec justification Identification des zones du corps exposées aux dangers du BPA (à noter près de l’image d’un corps). Exercice de conjugaison : réécrire un paragraphe au présent Exercice d’expression écrite avec trois sujets au choix. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF et DOCX. Un corrigé complet est inclus (3 pages). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version: *Here is a worksheet (5 pages) for French learners (B2-C1) on the subject of Bisphenol, a chemical substance present in plastic and which is dangerous to health. You will find the following parts: A text that discusses the use of bisphenols in various common products, and the harmful effects this can have on health. It also mentions the ban in the European Union on Bisphenol A (BPA) for baby containers (as of 2010), but points out that BPA is still present in many products on the market, and that BPA substitutes are not without danger. Vocabulary exercise where you will have to find the definition of 15 words in the text, from a list. 3 reading comprehension exercises: 4 MCQ type questions 1 question with writing 4 TRUE/FALSE questions with justification Identification of the areas of the body exposed to the dangers of BPA (to be noted near the image of a body). Conjugation exercise: rewrite a paragraph in the present tense Writing exercise with three topics to choose from. The document can be downloaded in PDF format. A complete answer key is included (3 pages).*
[French A2, B1] 3 exercises on ABBREVIATIONS (les abréviations) + answers

[French A2, B1] 3 exercises on ABBREVIATIONS (les abréviations) + answers

This document of two pages contains three exercises on the theme of abbreviations (acronyms are also mentioned). After a short lesson, you will find a first exercise where you will have to replace words by the corresponding abbreviations, from a given list (18 words to replace). In the second exercise, you will have to write the complete form of several abbreviated words (12 words in total). Finally, in the third exercise, you will have to write the complete form of each of the abbreviations used, using the list provided (14 words in all). These practical exercises, designed to fit with everyday sentences, will certainly be beneficial to your learners, whether they are adults (A2, B1 or even B2 to enrich vocabulary) or children (CE2, CM1 level). The document is downloadable in PDF format, for a faithful formatting of the original. You can also download the document in DOCX format, to modify the exercises as you wish. An answer key is included. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
French Handwriting (kids & illiterate): "animaux et insectes" (animals and insects)

French Handwriting (kids & illiterate): "animaux et insectes" (animals and insects)

In this activity, you will find 7 pages to learn how to write words about insects and animals. This activity is intended for young children, or illiterate adults. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A 7-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + PDF) Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In the first 4 pages, you can copy animal words from the words already indicated. In the 5th page, there are 12 images of animals, and you have to write the right word next to it, from the words in the list. On pages 6 and 7, you must find the words (from scratch) of the animals that correspond to the image. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you!
"La routine de Thierry" (Thierry's daily routine). Activities about daily life, 4 exercises+answers

"La routine de Thierry" (Thierry's daily routine). Activities about daily life, 4 exercises+answers

This illustrated activity will help students learn vocabulary related to daily routine and free time. They will have to read a text and understand its meaning, and then develop a reflection based on it. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 4 exercises (including a writing exercise) A complete answer sheet Details: In the first exercise, Thierry explains his daily routine. You must fill in 12 empty spaces from the words in the list. In the second exercise, several French words are mentioned (from the text: work, society, concentrated, generally, attempt, banal, license…), and the meaning must be found from the proposed choice. In the third exercise, the student will be asked to answer questions about the text. Finally, in the fourth exercise, the learner will have to write on two topics: (1) is Thierry’s routine boring? and (2) what do you like to do in your spare time? We hope you will find this activity useful :)
[French Vocabulary A2, B1] Niveaux de langue (Levels of language)

[French Vocabulary A2, B1] Niveaux de langue (Levels of language)

Ce document contient 8 pages : une leçon, 4 pages d’exercices et un corrigé de 3 pages, sur le thème des niveaux de langue (aussi appelés registres de langue). 1er exercice : Indiquer le niveau de langue de 23 phrases différentes (soutenu, courant ou familier). 2ème exercice : Placer les 22 mots et expressions dans la colonne appropriée. 3ème exercice : Compléter un tableau en écrivant les deux mots manquants de chaque ligne. 4ème exercice : Réécrire 22 phrases du langage familier au langage courant. Ces exercices ont donc une difficulté graduelle et sont utiles pour mieux maîtriser les nuances des différents registres. Ils sont avant tout destinés aux adultes, mais vous pouvez aussi l’utiliser avec des enfants (je vous conseille de modifier certaines phrases dans le document Word, si vous souhaitez que l’exercice soit plus profitable au jeune public). En outre, les exercices ont été conçus pour être le plus proche du vocabulaire parlé par les Français (France métropolitaine) afin de rester terre-à-terre. Ces exercices ont été élaborés à destination du niveau A2 et B1. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF. ENGLISH VERSION BELOW This document contains 8 pages: a lesson, 4 pages of exercises and a 3-page answer sheet, on the theme of language levels (also called language registers). Exercise 1: Indicate the language level of 23 different sentences (formal, informal or colloquial). Exercise 2: Place the 22 words and expressions in the appropriate column. Exercise 3: Complete a table by writing the two missing words in each row. 4th exercise: Rewrite 22 sentences from colloquial to everyday language. These exercises have a gradual difficulty and are useful to better master the nuances of the different registers. They are primarily intended for adults, but you can also use them with children (I advise you to modify some sentences in the Word document, if you want the exercise to be more beneficial to a young audience). In addition, the exercises have been designed to be as close as possible to the vocabulary spoken by the French (metropolitan France) in order to remain down to earth. These exercises have been designed for A2 and B1 level. The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
[French FFL A2 comprehension] French culture: truth or prejudice?

[French FFL A2 comprehension] French culture: truth or prejudice?

In these FFL worksheets (2 pages), you will find a text entitled “French culture: truth or prejudice?” for adults learners, level A2/B1. The text deals with the way of life of the French people, and addresses the prejudices that stick to them. The following questions are raised: Do the French like snails and frog legs? Do they really always eat cheese? Are they lazy? After this text, you will find five written comprehension questions, quite simple. Then comes a vocabulary exercise in MCQ: you will have to find the definition of the words hautain, rude, fainéant, démodé, viennoiserie and patrimoine. Finally, you will find a written expression subject: How do you find life in France? If you have never been there, how do you imagine it? This work is adapted to A2 level but can be used with B1 level learners to consolidate their knowledge of the French language. An answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and editable DOCX.
Antonyms/contraries in French (les antonymes / contraires) - 3 exercises with crossword puzzle

Antonyms/contraries in French (les antonymes / contraires) - 3 exercises with crossword puzzle

This worksheet will help your French-learning students to improve their vocabulary by studying French antonyms. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A modifiable worksheet with three exercises: Find the right word from the word list Find the right antonym by adding a prefix Solve the crossword puzzle based on the hints given A complete answer sheet The worksheet is in DOCX format as well as PDF. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Etude d'un message - Habitat et logement - "Dois-je déménager ?" (4 exercises+answers)

Etude d'un message - Habitat et logement - "Dois-je déménager ?" (4 exercises+answers)

This activity addresses the subject of housing. You can read a fictive message posted on an Internet forum. A person lives in a large and beautiful house, but has a problem: her work is far away, and she is thinking about moving. She would like to get some advice. This work allows you to use the vocabulary of housing and everyday life. The students will have to read a text and understand its meaning, and then develop a reflection based on it. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) with 4 exercises (including a writing exercise) + its PDF equivalent. A complete answer sheet Details: First, there is a text with 12 blank spaces to fill in, from the list of words provided. Then, you have to find the meaning of 8 words, from the choices provided. The words are: souci, banlieue, chic, s’accumuler, galérer, spacieux, apprécier, internaute. Then comes an comprehension exercise, with 6 questions about the text (“true or false”). Finally, two questions of expression: (1) what would you advise the person to do? (2) Describe your accommodation. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
[French A2, B1] "Lettre d'une étudiante à Paris" (letter of a student in Paris)

[French A2, B1] "Lettre d'une étudiante à Paris" (letter of a student in Paris)

Ce document comporte une lettre (fictive) d’une étudiante à Paris, adressée à une amie. Après le texte de la lettre, vous trouverez d’abord une explication de certains mots et expression. Après un exercice de vocabulaire (assembler 11 expressions avec leur bonne explication), ce sont quatre questions de compréhension à choix multiples auxquelles il faudra répondre. Puis, deux questions d’expression : qu’est-ce que l’étudiante apprécie dans sa vie à Paris, et qu’est-ce qu’elle n’apprécie pas ? Enfin, dans la dernière partie, il s’agira de rédiger une lettre de réponse au courrier adressé. Cet exercice est utile pour les apprenants de niveau A2-B1 voire B2. Il leur aidera à mieux s’exprimer, tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit. De plus, les apprenants pourront apprendre quelques mots et expressions bien utiles. Un corrigé est joint à l’exercice. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version This document contains a (fictitious) letter from a student in Paris, addressed to a friend. After the text of the letter, you will first find an explanation of some words and expressions. After a vocabulary exercise (assemble 11 expressions with their correct explanation), there are four multiple choice comprehension questions to answer. Then, two questions of expression: what does the student appreciate in her life in Paris, and what does she not appreciate? Finally, in the last part, the students will have to write a letter in response to the letter sent. This exercise is useful for A2-B1 level learners. It will help them to express themselves better, both orally and in writing. In addition, learners will learn some useful words and expressions. An answer key is attached to the exercise. The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
[French B2-C1] Text and Exercises - Working Conditions in the Textile Industry after Rana Plaza

[French B2-C1] Text and Exercises - Working Conditions in the Textile Industry after Rana Plaza

Cet exercice aborde un sujet sensible : les conditions de travail dans l’industrie textile, notamment après la catastrophe du Rana Plaza en 2013. Il permet aux apprenants de développer leurs compétences en français tout en réfléchissant à une problématique sociale et éthique majeure. Objectifs pédagogiques : • Compréhension écrite : Analyse d’un texte sur les conditions de travail dans l’industrie textile. • Grammaire et conjugaison : Travail sur le présent, le subjonctif, le conditionnel, ainsi que sur la voix passive et le discours indirect. • Vocabulaire : Apprentissage de termes clés tels que “surproduction”, “confection” et “pratiques indignes”. • Expression écrite et orale : Activités de rédaction et débat sur les solutions possibles pour améliorer les conditions de travail dans ce secteur. Contenu : Texte : Un article qui revient sur la tragédie du Rana Plaza et les initiatives pour améliorer les conditions de travail dans l’industrie textile. Exercice de vocabulaire : Associer des termes clés du texte avec leurs définitions. Exercice de conjugaison et de grammaire : Exercices sur les temps verbaux, la voix passive et le discours indirect. Compréhension écrite : QCM et questions ouvertes pour approfondir le texte. Expression écrite et orale : Sujets de rédaction et activités de débat. Ce document est idéal pour des cours de FLE et permet d’intégrer une réflexion critique tout en développant la langue. This exercise addresses a sensitive topic: working conditions in the textile industry, especially following the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013. It enables learners to enhance their French skills while reflecting on a significant social and ethical issue. Learning Objectives: • Reading Comprehension: Analyze a text about working conditions in the textile industry. • Grammar and Conjugation: Practice the present tense, subjunctive, conditional, as well as passive voice and reported speech. • Vocabulary: Learn key terms such as “overproduction,” “manufacturing,” and “unethical practices.” • Writing and Speaking: Engage in writing activities and debates on possible solutions to improve working conditions in this sector. Content: Text: An article revisiting the Rana Plaza tragedy and the efforts to improve working conditions in the textile industry. Vocabulary Exercise: Match key terms from the text with their definitions. Grammar and Conjugation Exercise: Practice with verb tenses, passive voice, and reported speech. Reading Comprehension: Multiple-choice and open-ended questions to deepen text understanding. Writing and Speaking: Writing prompts and debate activities. This resource is ideal for French language courses and provides an opportunity to integrate critical thinking while developing language skills.
French basics: ÊTRE et AVOIR, ALLER, singulier et pluriel, masculin et féminin

French basics: ÊTRE et AVOIR, ALLER, singulier et pluriel, masculin et féminin

7 Resources
In this bundle, you will find 7 worksheets (with answer sheets) to help you practice some French basics: basic verbs like: ÊTRE (to be) AVOIR (to have) ALLER (to go) the singular and plural form: several exercises and a crossword puzzle the masculine and the feminine form: some exercises and, once again, a crossword puzzle (a little more complicated than the previous one) Overall, I think it can be used for 5 hours with your students. Every document is modifiable (docx) but can also be directly printed (pdf)
105-page illustrated book (20 Mo) for illiterate wanting to learn French (A1.1, A1)

105-page illustrated book (20 Mo) for illiterate wanting to learn French (A1.1, A1)

With the book “J’apprends à lire et à écrire le français” (app. 105 pages), you will help illiterate people to learn French. This book was designed after my experience as a teacher of French as a foreign language (FLE). I experienced the learning difficulties of an audience that suffered from not being able to read French well. The approach adopted is intended to be progressive, in particular by evoking words from everyday life. We first insist on the recognition of simple and then complex syllables. Then, many copying exercises allow the learner to get used to the drawing and writing. Often, word prints are present so that the student is not left without a reference point. Then come word and sentence recognition exercises. It will be a matter of making the right choice and, sometimes, filling in empty spaces. Finally, comprehension exercises at the end of the book will help the learner to practice concrete applications of what he or she has learned (in particular with the study of the verbs ÊTRE -to be- and AVOIR -to have). This book is ideal for people who have not yet mastered the basics of reading and writing French. It is aimed at adults and young adults (newcomers, A1.1 and A1), as well as children who need reinforcement of their skills (CP, CE1 = 1st, 2nd grade). He will provide a definite help to pass the DILF (Diplôme Initial de Langue Française). We hope you will enjoy our work! Thanks!
[French, 130-page PDF] I'm learning French!: French exercises with detailed answers (A2, B1)

[French, 130-page PDF] I'm learning French!: French exercises with detailed answers (A2, B1)

Do you want to improve your French skills? This book will help you do this: you will find around 50 exercises, with detailed answers. The advantages of this book: The exercises are written by a experienced teacher in French as a foreign language (FLE), who got Master’s degrees from French universities (University Sorbonne Paris I, Paris II and Paris V - 2010, 2011 and 2012); The activities are numerous: grammar, conjugation, written comprehension, writing notices, letters, recommendations, maps (geography of Europe and France), crosswords, monument study, dialogues, choosing a telephone package, weather forecast, studying road safety instructions, replying to a job offer, writing a complaint letter related to a defective product…; We study everyday spoken French, with common and familiar words used by people on a daily basis (the author has been living in France since childhood, so he knows what he’s talking about!); The exercises are practical, adapted to daily life; A lot of them are corrected in detail; You will also be able to correct sentences containing mistakes made by learners, in order to help you avoid common errors; You will find the answers right after the exercises: no need to go to the end of the book! (but you will still have to turn the page!). This workbook is intended for beginners and intermediates who already have a basic knowledge of French (level A2 and B1, or even B2 wishing to deepen their knowledge of the French language).
"J'apprends à lire et à écrire" - 100-page illustrated book for illiterate wanting to learn French

"J'apprends à lire et à écrire" - 100-page illustrated book for illiterate wanting to learn French

With the book “J’apprends à lire et à écrire”, you will help illiterate people to learn French. This book was designed after my experience as a teacher of French as a foreign language (FLE). I experienced the learning difficulties of an audience that suffered from not being able to read French well. The approach adopted is intended to be progressive and “reassuring”, in particular by evoking words from everyday life. We first insist on the recognition of simple and then complex syllables. Then, many copying exercises allow the learner to get used to the drawing and writing. Often, word prints are present so that the student is not left without a reference point. Then come word and sentence recognition exercises. It will be a matter of making the right choice and, sometimes, filling in empty spaces. Finally, comprehension exercises at the end of the book allow the learner to practice concrete applications of what he or she has learned (in particular with the study of the verbs ÊTRE -to be- and AVOIR -to have). This book is ideal for people who have not yet mastered the basics of reading and writing French. It is aimed at adults and young adults (newcomers, A1.1 and A1), as well as children who need reinforcement of their skills (CP, CE1 = 1st, 2nd grade). He will provide a definite help to pass the DILF (Diplôme Initial de Langue Française). You can also buy the book here: Livre "J’apprends à lire et à écrire" We hope you will enjoy our work!