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Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.




Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.
Establishing Strategic Pay Plans – Human Resource

Establishing Strategic Pay Plans – Human Resource

Establishing Strategic Pay Plans – Human Resource is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The main purpose of this lecture is to show you how to establish a pay plan. The main topics we cover are basic factors in determining pay rates; job evaluation methods; how to create a market competitive pay plan; pricing managerial and professional jobs; and contemporary topics in compensation. **Interesting Issues: ** In the grocery business, when Walmart opens a store, the other stores’ usual reaction is to cut costs, particularly wages and benefits. So as Wegmans Food Markets, Inc., adds more stores and increasingly competes with Walmart, its management needs to decide this: Should we cut pay to better compete based on cost, or pursue a different compensation policy? We’ll see how Wegmans boosted profits by raising pay. Learning Objectives: List the basic factors determining pay rates. Define and give an example of how to conduct a job evaluation. Explain in detail how to establish a market-competitive pay plan. Explain how to price managerial and professional jobs. Explain the difference between competency-based and traditional pay plans. Describe the importance of total rewards for improving employee engagement. In this file you will find: 1 Establishing Strategic Pay Plans Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Managing Global Human Resources – Human Resource

Managing Global Human Resources – Human Resource

Managing Global Human Resources – Human Resource is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The purpose of this lecture is to improve your effectiveness at applying your human resource knowledge and skills when global challenges are involved. The topics we’ll discuss include the manager’s global challenge, adapting human resources activities to intercountry differences, staffing the global organization, training and maintaining employees abroad, employee engagement globally, and managing HR locally: how to implement a global HR system. Interesting Issues: A few years ago the Japanese industrial giant Hitachi embarked on a strategy to streamline its business into six market-based but integrated groups around the world, and to meld these into what is called “One Hitachi.” Its HR group needed a new human resource strategy to support this. We’ll see what they did. Learning Objects: List the HR challenges of international business. Illustrate with examples how intercountry differences affect HRM. List and briefly describe the main methods for staffing global organizations. Discuss some important issues to keep in mind in training, appraising, and compensating international employees. Discuss similarities and differences in employee engagement around the globe. Explain with examples how to implement a global human resource management program. In this file you will find: 1 Managing Global Human Resources Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
The Economic Environments Facing Businesses

The Economic Environments Facing Businesses

The Economic Environments Facing Businesses is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: When companies source, manufacture, and/or market products in foreign countries, they encounter fascinating and often challenging economic environments. This Lecture first explores the economic environments of countries in which an MNE might want to operate by discussing the importance of economic analysis and identifying the major dimensions of that process. It then compares and contrasts key macroeconomic indicators, such as economic growth, inflation, and the surpluses and deficits reflected in the balance of payments. Finally, it reviews the characteristics of the major types of economic systems, explores the principles of economic freedom, and concludes by examining the drivers associated with the transition from a centrally-planned to a market-based economy. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Communicate the importance of economic analysis • Discuss the idea of economic freedom • Profile the characteristics of the types of economic systems • Introduce the notion of state capitalism • Profile indicators of economic development, performance, and potential In this file you will find: 1 The Economic Environments Facing Businesses Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You may purchase this teaching resource with more than 20% Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout: lovetoteach
Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements

Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements

Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: Regional economic integration represents a relatively new phenomenon in the history of world trade and investment. This lecture first examines the roles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization in determining the ground rules of the world trade environment. It then introduces the basic types of economic integration and explores the potential effects of the process. Next it examines in detail both the European Union (its structure and its operations) and the North American Free Trade Agreement and briefly describes a variety of other regional economic groups. The lecture concludes with a discussion of various commodity agreements and producer alliances, including the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Identify the major characteristics and challenges of the World Trade Organization • Discuss the pros and cons of global, bilateral, and regional integration • Describe the static and dynamic impact of trade agreements on trade and investment flows • Define different forms of regional economic integration • Compare and contrast different regional trading groups • Describe other forms of global cooperation, such as the United Nations and OPEC In this file you will find: 1 Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You may purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by clicking this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Global Foreign-Exchange Markets

Global Foreign-Exchange Markets

Global Foreign-Exchange Markets is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: The foreign-exchange market consists of all those players who buy and sell foreign-exchange instruments for business, speculative, or personal purposes. Primarily, foreign exchange is used to settle international trade, licensing, and investment transactions. Chapter Eight explains in detail basic concepts (such as rates, instruments, and convertibility) and explores the major characteristics of the foreign-exchange markets. The chapter includes a discussion of the foreign-exchange trading process that focuses on both the over-the-counter and the exchange-traded markets, i.e., banks, securities exchanges, electronic brokerages, and the respective roles they play. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Learn the fundamentals of foreign exchange • Identify the major characteristics of the foreign-exchange market and how governments control the flow of currencies across national borders • Describe how the foreign-exchange market works • Examine the different institutions that deal in foreign exchange • Understand why companies deal in foreign exchange In this file you will find: 1 Global Foreign-Exchange Markets Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 5 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 7 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You may purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Globalization and Society / Ethics and Social Responsibility (International Business)

Globalization and Society / Ethics and Social Responsibility (International Business)

Globalization and Society / Ethics and Social Responsibility is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: Globalization has become a major socioeconomic force and topic of debate in the twenty-first century. Following an explanation of the balance-of-payments effects of FDI, a series of ethical issues concerning the social responsibilities of MNEs is explored. The cultural and legal foundations of ethical behavior are examined, and the challenges of global warming, pharmaceutical sales, and child labor are highlighted. The lecture concludes with a brief discussion of the need for corporate codes of ethics. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Examine the broad foundations of ethical behavior • Demonstrate the cultural and legal foundations of ethical behavior • Discuss the importance of social responsibility when operating internationally, especially in areas of sustainability • Discuss some key issues in the social activities and consequences of globalized business • Examine corporate responses to globalization in the form of codes of conduct, among other things In this file you will find: 1 Globalization and Society Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You may purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
International Marketing / Global Marketing (International Business)

International Marketing / Global Marketing (International Business)

International Marketing / Global Marketing is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: Marketing is a social and managerial process through which individuals and organizations satisfy their needs and objectives via the exchange process. This lecture begins by examining the ways in which marketing managers analyze country market potential in order to develop effective international marketing mix strategies. It reviews the adaptation vs. standardization debate and also considers the rationale for selecting nationally responsive vs. globally integrated marketing strategies. The lecture discusses each of the marketing mix variables from an international perspective and concludes with a note about international e-commerce. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Understand a variety of international product policies and their appropriate circumstances • Discuss the pros and cons of product alterations when deciding between standardized and differentiated marketing programs between countries • Appreciate the pricing complexities when selling in foreign markets • Recognize country differences that may necessitate alterations in promotional practices • Comprehend the different branding strategies companies may employ internationally • Discern effective practices and complications of international distribution • Perceive why and how emphasis in the marketing mix may vary among countries • Anticipate the ways that international marketing segmentation may evolve In this file you will find: 1 International Marketing / Global Marketing Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Evaluation and Selection of Countries for Operations (International Business)

Evaluation and Selection of Countries for Operations (International Business)

Evaluation and Selection of Countries for Operations is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: The country evaluation and selection process determines the geographical opportunities firms choose to pursue. This lecture first discusses the challenges of marketing and production site location. It goes on to carefully examine the process by describing the choice and weighting of variables used for opportunity and risk analysis as well as the inherent problems associated with data collection and analysis. The lecture then introduces the use of grids and matrices for country comparison purposes, discusses resource allocation possibilities, and concludes by noting the different factors considered as part of start-up, acquisition, and expansion decisions. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Grasp company strategies for sequencing the penetration of countries • See how scanning techniques can help managers both limit geographic alternatives and consider otherwise overlooked areas • Discern the major opportunity and risk variables a company should consider when deciding whether and where to expand abroad • Know the methods and problems when collecting and comparing international information • Understand some simplifying tools for helping to decide where to operate • Consider how companies allocate emphasis among the countries where they operate • Comprehend why location decisions do not necessarily compare different countries’ possibilities • Fathom the conditions that may cause prime business locations to change in the future. In this file you will find: 1 Evaluation and Selection of Countries for Operations Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20% Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
International Human Resource Management

International Human Resource Management

International Human Resource Management is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: Firms the world over agree on the importance of qualified personnel to achieve their foreign growth and operational objectives. Lecture broadly deals with two primary human resource concerns. The management discussion begins with an overview of specific international management qualifications and characteristics; it then explores the advantages of transferring and promoting home country vs. expatriate vs. third-country managers, plus the associated issues of compensation and repatriation. The lecture concludes with an exploration of international labor concerns, including comparative labor relations issues and the role of the MNE in the collective bargaining process. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Discuss the importance of human resource management • Explain the types of expatriates • Profile the staffing frameworks used by MNEs • Assess how MNEs select, prepare, compensate, and retain managers In this file you will find: International Human Resource Management Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 5 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 7 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
International Accounting and Finance Issues (International Business)

International Accounting and Finance Issues (International Business)

International Accounting and Finance Issues is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: The international accounting and taxation functions comprise great challenges for today’s global business managers. This lecture presents the key accounting and taxation issues confronting firms that do business abroad. First, the lecture examines the ways in which national accounting systems differ and how today’s global capital markets force countries to consider the harmonization of their accounting and reporting standards. It then explores a number of unique issues MNEs face, such as the valuation and translation of transactions and assets that are denominated in foreign currencies. The lecture concludes with an examination of the impact of transfer pricing on business unit performance evaluation and an explanation of the balanced scorecard approach to performance evaluation. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Examine the major factors influencing the development of accounting practices in different countries • Examine the global convergence of accounting standards • Explain how companies account for foreign-currency transactions and translate foreign-currency financial statements • Explain how companies include international factors in the capital budgeting process • Discuss the major internal sources of funds available to the MNE and show how they are managed globally • Describe how companies protect against the major financial risks of inflation and exchange rate movements In this file you will find: 1 International Accounting and Finance Issues Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Decision Making / Making Decision (Management)

Decision Making / Making Decision (Management)

Decision Making / Making Decision is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. In this management lecture, students will explore the importance of decision-making to managers and learn how to make effective decisions. Decisions are an essential part of your life, personally and professionally. Each and every day is a series of decisions, from minor to significant, and everything in between. Good decision-making is a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned and improved. So, how can you improve your decision-making skills? Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Describe the eight steps in the decision-making process. • Develop your skill at being creative. Explain the four ways managers make decisions. Classify decisions and decision-making conditions. Describe how biases affect decision making. • Know how to recognize when you are using decision-making errors and biases and what to do about it. Identify effective decision-making techniques. In this file you will find: 1 Decision Making / Making Decision Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 125 different questions with full answer description and explanation 7 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them 1 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions 1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! **Please follow us! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Managing in a Global Environment (Management)

Managing in a Global Environment (Management)

Managing in a Global Environment is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. Every organization is affected in some way by the global environment. In this lecture, you will learn what managers need to know about managing globally, including regional trading alliances, how organizations go international, and cross-cultural differences. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture. In this lecture, students will learn how to develop their global perspective. Human Resource managers say that there is a great need for cross-cultural understanding and savvy in business settings. Most executives, across the world, say that cross-cultural leadership is their top management challenge. During their career, students will work with individuals who were born in a different country and don’t speak English as their first language. Their habits and customs will be different and students may have a hard time understanding their behavior. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Contrast ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric attitudes toward global business. • Develop your skill at collaborating in cross-cultural settings. Discuss the importance of regional trading alliances and global trade mechanisms. Describe the structures and techniques organizations use as they go international. Explain the relevance of the political/legal, economic, and cultural environments to global business. • Know how to be culturally aware. In this file you will find: 1 Managing in a Global Environment Power Point Presentation 1 Lecture Note Guide 1 Test Bank with 119 different questions with full answer description and explanation 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 5 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them 2 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions 1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Entrepreneurial Ventures (Management)

Entrepreneurial Ventures (Management)

Entrepreneurial Ventures is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. How many of your students dream of starting a new business someday? When you ask this question in class, you may be surprised and impressed by the number of your students who are interested in the possibility of becoming an entrepreneur. This lecture presents information to provide students with a foundational knowledge of major entrepreneurial issues in today’s dynamic business environment. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Define entrepreneurship and explain why it’s important. Explain what entrepreneurs do in the planning process for new ventures. • Know how to think creatively about solving a common problem. • Develop your skill for writing an executive summary for effectively communicating novel ideas. Describe the six legal forms of organization and the choice of appropriate organizational structure. Describe how entrepreneurs lead organizations. Explain how managers control organizations for growth, downturns, and exiting the venture. In this file you will find: 1 Entrepreneurial Ventures Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Lecture Note Guide 1 Test Bank with 102 different questions with full answer description and explanation 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them 1 Interesting Case Studies with all answers to case study questions 1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Managing Human Resources (Management)

Managing Human Resources (Management)

Managing Human Resources is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. Once an organization’s structure is in place, it’s time to find the people to fill the jobs that have been created. That’s where human resource management comes in. It’s an important task that involves getting the right number of the right people in the right place at the right time. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Explain the importance of the human resource management and the human resource management process. Describe the external influences that affect the human resource management process. Discuss the tasks associated with identifying and selecting competent employees. • Know how to write effective job descriptions. • Develop your skill at being a good interviewer. Explain how companies provide employees with skills and knowledge. Describe strategies for retaining competent, high-performing employees. Discuss contemporary issues in managing human resources. In this file you will find: 1 Managing Human Resources Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Lecture Note Guide 1 Test Bank with 121 different questions with full answer description and explanation 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them 2 Interesting Case Studies with all answers to case study questions 1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior (Organizational Behavior)

Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior (Organizational Behavior)

Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. Have you ever wondered why the people around you are behaving the way they are? People differ in their behaviors, and even the same person can behave one way one day and a completely different way another day. Managers need to understand individual behavior. Do you know your real self? Many of us don’t. Knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses can help you gain insights into areas you want to change and improve. And it can help you better understand how others see you. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Identify the focus and goals of individual behavior in organizations. Explain the role that attitudes play in job performance. Describe different personality theories. • Know how to be more self-aware. Describe perception and factors that influence it. Discuss learning theories and their relevance in shaping behavior. • Develop your skill at shaping behavior. In this file you will find: 1 Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Lecture Note Guide 1 Test Bank with 138 different questions with full answer description and explanation 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 4 Interesting Exercises related to the topic with all answers to them 1 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions 1 Reading Resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Motivating Employees (Management)

Motivating Employees (Management)

Motivating Employees is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. Motivating and rewarding employees is one of the most important and challenging activities that managers do. To get employees to put forth maximum work effort, managers need to know how and why they’re motivated. That is what we discuss in this lecture. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Define motivation. Compare and contrast early theories of motivation. Compare and contrast contemporary theories of motivation. • Develop your skill at motivating employees. Discuss current issues in motivation. • Know how to identify what motivates you. In this file you will find: Motivating Employees Lecture Power Point Presentation Lecture Note Guide Test Bank with 125 different questions with full answer description and explanation 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 4 Interesting Exercises related to the topic with all answers to them 2 Interesting Case Studies with all answers to case study questions 1 Reading Resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Monitoring and Controlling (Management)

Monitoring and Controlling (Management)

Monitoring and Controlling is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. Managers must monitor whether goals that were established as part of the planning process are being accomplished efficiently and effectively. That’s what they do when they control. Appropriate controls can help managers look for specific performance gaps and areas for improvement. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Explain the nature and importance of control. Describe the three steps in the control process. Explain how organizational and employee performance are measured. • Know how to be effective at giving feedback. Describe tools used to measure organizational performance. Discuss contemporary issues in control. • Develop your skill at dealing with difficult people. In this file you will find: Monitoring and Controlling Lecture Power Point Presentation Lecture Note Guide Test Bank with 132 different questions with full answer description and explanation Eight Interesting Discussion Questions with answers to them Four Interesting Exercises related to the topic with all answers to them Two Interesting Case Studies with all answers to case study questions Two Reading Resources files related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use Coupon Code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Organizing and Visualizing Variables (Business Statistics)

Organizing and Visualizing Variables (Business Statistics)

Organizing and Visualizing Variables is a lecture which is covered within the Statistic or Basic Business Statistic module by business and economics students. When you organize the data, you sometimes begin to discover patterns or relationships in the data. To better explore and discover patterns and relationships, you can visualize your data by creating various charts and special displays. Because the methods used to organize and visualize the data collected for categorical variables differ from the methods used to organize and visualize the data collected for numerical variables, this lecture discusses them in separate sections. You will always need to first determine the type of variable, numerical or categorical, you seek to organize and visualize, in order to choose appropriate methods. This lecture also contains a section on common errors that people make when visualizing variables. When learning methods to visualize variables, you should be aware of such possible errors because of the potential of such errors to mislead and misinform decision makers about the data you have collected. In this lecture you learn to: To construct tables and charts for categorical data To construct tables and charts for numerical data The principles of properly presenting graphs To organize and analyze many variables In this file you will find: Organizing and Visualizing Variables Lecture Power Point Presentation Test Bank with 212 different related questions with full answer description and explanation 93 Exercises related to the topic with all answers to them Defining and Collecting DataReading Resources file in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in zip file. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Numerical Descriptive Measures (Statistics)

Numerical Descriptive Measures (Statistics)

Numerical Descriptive Measures is a lecture which is covered within the Statistic or Basic Business Statistic module by business and economics students. Central tendency is the extent to which the values of a numerical variable group around a typical, or central, value. Variation measures the amount of dispersion, or scattering, away from a central value that the values of a numerical variable show. The shape of a variable is the pattern of the distribution of values from the lowest value to the highest value. This lecture discusses ways you can compute these numerical descriptive measures as you begin to analyze your data within the DCOVA framework. The lecture also talks about the covariance and the coefficient of correlation, measures that can help show the strength of the association between two numerical variables. In this lecture you learn to: To describe the properties of central tendency, variation, and shape in numerical data To construct and interpret a boxplot To compute descriptive summary measures for a population To calculate the covariance and the coefficient of correlation In this file you will find: Numerical Descriptive Measures Lecture Power Point Presentation Test Bank with 168 different related questions with full answer description and explanation 80 Exercises related to the topic with all answers to them Defining and Collecting Data Reading Resources file in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in zip file. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Planning and Goal-Setting (Management)

Planning and Goal-Setting (Management)

Planning and Goal-Setting is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. In this lecture, we begin our study of the first of the management functions: planning. Planning is important because it establishes what an organization is doing. We’ll look at how managers set goals as well as how they establish plans. It’s been said that if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there. It has also been said that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. These two sayings emphasize the importance of goals. Organizations want people who can get things done. And goal-setting is an essential component of long-term career success. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Define the nature and purposes of planning. Classify the types of goals organizations might have and the plans they use. Compare and contrast approaches to goal-setting and planning. • Know how to set goals personally and create a useful, functional to-do list. • Develop your skill at helping your employees set goals. Discuss contemporary issues in planning. In this file you will find: 1 Planning and Goal-Setting Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Lecture Note Guide 1 Test Bank with 108 different questions with full answer description and explanation 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them 1 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions 1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH