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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Fiscal Policy, Taxation,Budget and National Debt.

Fiscal Policy, Taxation,Budget and National Debt.

This resource is prepared for Economics . It is a Power Point resource on Fiscal Policy. It covers different areas such as budget, national debt, taxation, types and categories of taxation. government spending and national debt , as well as public sector finance.It contains illustrations and interactive questions and tests, for effective teaching and learning
Acheiving Quality Control and Inventory in Production

Acheiving Quality Control and Inventory in Production

This resource is aimed at explaining how to achieve quality control and inventory in an organization. The resource is prepared to show the meaning and importance of quality control and inventory. It shows the importance of quality control and how to achieve it. It shows the meaning of total quality management, meaning and importance of quality assurance etc.
Fiscal Policy and Government Spending

Fiscal Policy and Government Spending

This resource explains Fiscal Policy and Government Spending . It explains government expenditure, planning and budgeting, It explains government revenue and taxation. It shows different forms of taxation, importance of taxation . It is prepared for Economics and Business Studies, GCSE. Contains interactive questions and activities.
Bussines Promotions

Bussines Promotions

The resource explain of promotion. Different forms of promotion and how they influence sales, e.g. advertising, sales promotion It explains the importance of the marketing budget in making promotion decisions; need for cost effectiveness in spending the marketing budget etc. Prepared for IGCSE Business Studies.Contains activities.
Introduction to Business Studies: KS3

Introduction to Business Studies: KS3

The resource is made for KS3 Business Studies. It explains concepts and meanings of business terms such s goods, types of goods, primary and secondary, as well as tertiary mode of productions and occupations. The resource is an introductory lesson th at teaches f actors of productions to KS3.
Cash-flow Forecasting & Working Capital IGCSE Business studies

Cash-flow Forecasting & Working Capital IGCSE Business studies

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain Cash-flow forecasting and working capital. Identify and explain the importance of cash and of cash-flow forecasting: • Why cash is important to a business. • What a cash-flow forecast is, how a simple one is constructed and the importance of it. • Amend or complete a simple cash-flow forecast. • How to interpret a simple cash-flow forecast. • How a short-term cash-flow problem might be overcome, e.g. increasing loans, delaying payments, asking debtors to pay more quickly. Working capital: • The concept and importance of working capital Answer the Questions provided with Answers at the end of the presentation.
Business Production and Productivity

Business Production and Productivity

This is power point lesson.Contains illustrations and photographs At the end of this lesson , you should be able to: Define production Differentiate between production and productivity. Calculate business profit using simple formula.What is production?Business profit and loss will be explained in this resource. prepared for KS3 Business Studies. sources Business &IT Centre21
Business and International Economy- Globalization and the Growth of MNCs.

Business and International Economy- Globalization and the Growth of MNCs.

The resource is made for Business studies and Economics IGCSE. It describes the concept and importance of globalization and the reasons for it • Opportunities and threats of globalisation for businesses • Why governments might introduce import tariffs and import quotas. Reasons for the importance and growth of multinational companies (MNCs): - • Benefits to a business of becoming a multinational and the impact on its stakeholders • Potential benefits to a country and/or economy hosting a MNC, e.g. jobs, exports, increased choice, investment • Contains Class activities.
External  , internal and other Influences on  Business

External , internal and other Influences on Business

The resource is made for Business KS4, Year 10. The resource explains internal and external factors and other influences on business. The resource looks at environmental factors to business, such as competition, technology and other factors such as government policy ethics legal factors etc. The resource looks at sustainable development and other constraints to business and how to solve the challenges.Contains activities and group work sheet
Types of business organization   IGCSE Economics

Types of business organization IGCSE Economics

Prepared for KS3 , Year 9. Business Studies .At the end of the lesson students shouldbe able to; • Sole traders, partnerships, private and public limited companies, franchises and joint ventures • Differences between unincorporated businesses and limited companies • Concepts of risk, ownership and limited liability • Recommend and justify a suitable form of business organisation to owners/management in a given situation • Business organisations in the public sector, e.g. public corporations Class Activities at the end.
The Purpose, Nature of Business Activity, Speciation &Factors of ProductionIGCSE -Business Studies

The Purpose, Nature of Business Activity, Speciation &Factors of ProductionIGCSE -Business Studies

Prepared for KS3 Business Studies. At the end the lesson, Students should be able: to; Identify and explain the purpose and nature of business activity Explain concepts of needs, wants, scarcity and opportunity cost.• Importance of specialisation. • Purpose of business activity• The concept of adding value and how added value can be increased. Factors of Production. Class Activities with Answers
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

This resource is made for Business Studies and Economics IGCSE At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs • Contents of a business plan and how business plans assist entrepreneurs • Why and how governments support business start-ups, e.g. grants, training. Do the Class Activity and Case Study Questions with Answers at the end of the presentation.
The Purpose and Nature of Business

The Purpose and Nature of Business

At the end the lesson, Students should be able: to; Identify and explain the purpose and nature of business activity Explain concepts of needs, wants, scarcity and opportunity cost. • Importance of specialisation. • Purpose of business activity• The concept of adding value and how added value can be increased. Class Activities with Answers
BussinessLocation:Right and Wrong  Decisions in bussiness locations

BussinessLocation:Right and Wrong Decisions in bussiness locations

This resource explains different choices, decisions and factors that determines business locations.It explains various factors that that are considered in the localization of manufacturing industry. Prepared for Business Studies IGCSE. Contains case study on business location. It also looks at international factors/ reasons that are considered in overseas business location.