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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Globalization:The origin and  impact of globalization, importance and challenges of globalization.

Globalization:The origin and impact of globalization, importance and challenges of globalization.

The resource is made for Economics and Sociology. The resource explains the concept of globalization.It explains the origin and its effect on society , economy and the positive and negative changes it brings. The resource explains the difficulty / challenges encountered in the global system and how it transforms the society.It explains how the concept affects politics and culture, and communication as the driving force of globalization and more.
Employment and Unemployment

Employment and Unemployment

This resource is a power point lesson on employment and unemployment. It explains different levels and types of employment and unemployment.It explains the changing patterns of employment and and consequences of unemployment. The resource contains interactive questions, illustrations and more.
Theories of Development and : Mordern and  Post Mordern Theories.

Theories of Development and : Mordern and Post Mordern Theories.

The resource explains the theories of modern and post -modern theory. The resource shows stages of development , using Rostow’s model of development. It explains the neo- modern theories and uses illustrations to show why some countries are less developed than others , and what they need to do to become developed.
Acheiving Quality Control and Inventory in Production

Acheiving Quality Control and Inventory in Production

This resource is aimed at explaining how to achieve quality control and inventory in an organization. The resource is prepared to show the meaning and importance of quality control and inventory. It shows the importance of quality control and how to achieve it. It shows the meaning of total quality management, meaning and importance of quality assurance etc.
The Mixed Economic System

The Mixed Economic System

The resource explins the mixed economic system It describes government intervention to address market failure - Definitions, drawing and interpretation of appropriate diagrams showing the effects of three government microeconomic policy measures: maximum and minimum prices in product, labour and foreign exchange markets; indirect taxation; and subsidies. Definition only of government microeconomic policy measures: regulation; privatisation and nationalisation; and direct provision of goods. The effectiveness of government intervention in overcoming the drawbacks of a market economic system. Prepared for IGCSE Economics.
Development: Patterns of development and development indicators

Development: Patterns of development and development indicators

The resource explains the meaning of development. Different aspects of development and how development is measured.It explains that Quality of life isn’t the same as standard of living .It shows human development and other development indicators, contrasts in development and differences between MEDC’s and LEDC’s.Explains per capital income and how it s measured.Contains maps and illustrations.Made for Geography IGCSE.
Meaning of Economics and why we study it

Meaning of Economics and why we study it

This resource is made for KS4 Economics. you will be able to: Discuss the importance of studying economics Explain the relationship between production and division of labor Evaluate the significance of scarcity. And why we study Economics. Contains activities.
Market Orientation and Sales Orientation Differences

Market Orientation and Sales Orientation Differences

This resource explains the differences between market orientation and sales orientation. It explore the differences between market orientation and sales orientation.and t the meaning of customer value, customer satisfaction, and relationship marketing.Prepared for IGCSE Economics KS4.
Poverty...Different Types of poverty and their causes

Poverty...Different Types of poverty and their causes

The lesson is prepared for Economics KS4. It explains-The difference between the two terms. The causes of poverty including unemployment, low wages, illness and age. Policies to alleviate poverty and redistribute income - Policies including those promoting economic growth, improved education, more generous state benefits, progressive taxation, and national minimum wage. ‘Class Activities and Multiple Choice Questions’ ‘Answers Provided.’
Why Does Market Fail and Private and Social Cost Benefit

Why Does Market Fail and Private and Social Cost Benefit

The resource is made for Economics IGCSE. It explains why market fail and Social Cost Benefits.The resows shows the meaning od Pareto efficiency, how government can control market failure, consequences of market failure and merits of free market system. I explains private social cost benefit, externalites, cost benefit analysis, argument in favour of private spending,characteristics of public goods, resource conservation and using resources.
Trade Protectionism: argument for and against  protectionism

Trade Protectionism: argument for and against protectionism

This is an instructional material on Trade Protectionism. It explains what it means, arguments are presented on it pros and con and how government involve in trade protectionism. The resource gives examples of trade protection, its consequences and more. Contains interactive questions and answers.
Differences in Economic Development between Countries

Differences in Economic Development between Countries

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:This resource is made for Economics IGCSE. Define absolute and relative poverty The difference between the two terms. The causes of poverty The causes of poverty including unemployment, low wages, illness and age. Policies to alleviate poverty and redistribute income.Structured Questions provided with Answers at the end of the presentation.
Nature of Economic Problems and Production Possibilty Curve

Nature of Economic Problems and Production Possibilty Curve

Prepared for IGCSE Econonics on : Define and explain the nature of the economic problem (finite resources and unlimited wants). • and the factors of production (land, labour, capital, enterprise, with examples ). • Define explain mobility of the factors of production and the influences on the mobility of the various factors. • Quantity and quality of the factors of production - The causes of changes in the quantity and quality of the various factors. • ‘Class Activities,’ ‘Multiple Choice Questions’ and ‘Structured Questions’. ‘ Answers ’ Provided.
Price Changes

Price Changes

The resource is for Economics IGCSE. At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:Identify and explain causes of price changes - Changing market conditions as causes of price changes. Identify and explain consequences of price changes - Demand and supply diagrams to be used to illustrate these changes in market conditions and their consequences for equilibrium price and sales. ‘Class Activities’ and Solutions.
Globalization Free Trade and Protection

Globalization Free Trade and Protection

The resource is made for IGCSE Economics. At the end of the lesson, students should be able to :Define Globalization. Identify the role of multinational companies MNCs and the costs and benefits to their host and home countries. Identify and explain the benefits of free trade - the benefits for consumers, producers and the economy in a variety of countries. Methods of protection - tariffs, import quotas, subsidies and embargoes. Reasons for protection - Including infant industry, declining industry, strategic industry and avoidance of dumping. Consequences of protection - Effectiveness of protection and its impact on the home country and its trading partners. ‘Debate topic.’ ‘Class Activities’ with ‘Answers.’