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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Why did USA Enter World War1?

Why did USA Enter World War1?

The resources explains reasons USA joined World War. It shows the the German U-boat warfare and the sinking of USA ships that motivated USA to join WW1. Prepared for KS4 History.
Invasion of Kuwait and Operation Desert Storm

Invasion of Kuwait and Operation Desert Storm

This resource is prepared for History IGCSE. it explains Saddam Hussien . It explains the involvement of UN in the invasion of Iraq and coalition of other countries , in the operation Desert Storm.The resource explains the outcome of the war and the significance.
The French Revolution:  From the revolution to the formation of  Directory and rise of Napoleon

The French Revolution: From the revolution to the formation of Directory and rise of Napoleon

The resource explains the origins and causes of the French Revolution. The resource is made for KS3 History Project. In the lesson, we will learn: Developments 1989- 92, Notable Estates to General 1789-89, Conversion and Terror 1792- 94, Directory and First Consul, the fall of Robespierre, end of revolution , to the rise of Napoleon 1794-99 . Contains activities and photographs as sources.
Space Race: what was the origin , causes and  impact on society

Space Race: what was the origin , causes and impact on society

The resource explains the origin and causes of the Space Race. It explains the various attempts and policies and decision made by USA and USSR during the period of the Cold War and the development of the space race. The resource explains who won the space race and the social impact on the society. Prepared for History IGCSE
Britain 1750-1900 What Changed?

Britain 1750-1900 What Changed?

The resource is made for year 9 History. It covers population, industry, raw materials,urbanization,health, the factory system .It explains the factory system. It highlights how social, economic and political changes from 1750 to1825,and 1850 led to Industrial Revolution


The Lesson Plan covers s the following topics : Learn Continuity and change in England. – Reasons why there are changes. – How the changes affected the people / society. Were the poor really poor? Life for the poor in Tudor times DID THINGS IMPROVE IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY? HENRY VIII: CATHOLIC OR PROTESTANT Bloody Queen Mary The Reformation in English Villages What did Elizabeth 1 look like?
How did monarchs use Law and order as instruments of Control?

How did monarchs use Law and order as instruments of Control?

The resource is prepared for yer 8 history. contains keywords. Describe how the monarchs use law and order as instruments of control. *Describe the Rule of King John Explain the Magna Carta and how it was use by the barons The resources contain types of ordel - combat, and jury.


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: Explain whether Henry VIII was a catholic or protestant? Describe whether Henry VIII was a harsh and brutal king Explain the consequences of Henry VIII’s reign. -Prepared for year 8 History.Contains interpretations and pictures.
What were the characteristics of the  Weimar Republic?

What were the characteristics of the Weimar Republic?

The resource is a power point History on early years of Germany, after World War1. Negative aspects of the Weimar Government the positive aspect the reichstag and the constitution, Article 48 are explained in his resource It explains The Beer Hall Putsch spartacist revolt and other issues such as hyperinflation. Prepared for KS4 and IGCSE Class on Germany 1919-45.
Constitution of the Weimar Republic  its  features,  Challenges and  Weaknesses of the Republi

Constitution of the Weimar Republic its features, Challenges and Weaknesses of the Republi

This resource is made for KS4 an IGCSE Class History. In the 1920s, Germany faced social and economic problems. The Weimar Government was unpopular and faced opposition from both left and right. The Nazis were able to gain wide support and rise to power. It explains the features of Weimar Constitution and he challenges o the republic and argues hat other factors contributed to the problems of Weimar .
Origin and Causes  of Sudan Civil War

Origin and Causes of Sudan Civil War

The resource explains the origins and causes of Sudan Civil War. It explains how the war started from protest and formation of rebel groups. The resources shows the various rebel groups that triggered the war and other underlying causes. Prepared for History IGCSE on International Crisis in the 21st Century