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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Nazi Control of  Culture , and  Religion

Nazi Control of Culture , and Religion

This resource is prepared for History - Germany Depth Study .Prepared for GCSE History. The resource explains how the Nazis and Hitler controlled the churches and culture in Germany during Nazi regime. It explains how the Catholic Church and the concordat with Nazi Party failed.
Foreign  Policy Aim of Hitler and the Nazis

Foreign Policy Aim of Hitler and the Nazis

The resource explains the foreign policy aim of Hitler and the Nazis. The resource explains foreign policies of Hitler such as : Anglo German Agreement, Union with Austria, the occupation of Rhineland, Invasion of Czchekoslovakia and Poland. etc. It also shows Chamberlain and other foreign intervention and reactions on Hitlers policy. The resource is made for History GCSE, as Depth Study. It explains other topical issues such as re-armament, conscription etc.Contains maps and activities
Hitler Control of Culture and the Churches

Hitler Control of Culture and the Churches

This resource explains how Hitler and the Nazis controlled Churches and Culture. It shows the connection between propaganda and control, and consolidation of power. The resource contains the propaganda spider diagram to make a connection between the topic and others such as youths and children. Contains activities and class works.Prepared for IGCSE History,Germany depth study.
Money : Importance , Qualities  types and Banking

Money : Importance , Qualities types and Banking

This resource explains money and importance of money.It shows types of money, qualities of money and characteristics of money. It explains baking and types of banks, and the role of central bank in the economy.Prepared for IGCSE Economics.Contains illustrations and questions / activities.
The February Revolution in Russia, 1917

The February Revolution in Russia, 1917

This resource explains the February Revolution in Russia, in 1917. The resource shows the causes of the revolution, and the eventual collapse of the Tsar , and the execution of Nicholas 11. The impact of the February Revolution is treated in the resource.


This resource explains Poverty. it explains abject, relative and absolute poverty. It explains what causes poverty and how government can reduce poverty. Contains activities. Contains lesson plan on the topic.
Invasion of Kuwait and Operation Desert Storm

Invasion of Kuwait and Operation Desert Storm

This resource is prepared for History IGCSE. it explains Saddam Hussien . It explains the involvement of UN in the invasion of Iraq and coalition of other countries , in the operation Desert Storm.The resource explains the outcome of the war and the significance.
Cash-flow Forecasting & Working Capital IGCSE Business studies

Cash-flow Forecasting & Working Capital IGCSE Business studies

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain Cash-flow forecasting and working capital. Identify and explain the importance of cash and of cash-flow forecasting: • Why cash is important to a business. • What a cash-flow forecast is, how a simple one is constructed and the importance of it. • Amend or complete a simple cash-flow forecast. • How to interpret a simple cash-flow forecast. • How a short-term cash-flow problem might be overcome, e.g. increasing loans, delaying payments, asking debtors to pay more quickly. Working capital: • The concept and importance of working capital Answer the Questions provided with Answers at the end of the presentation.
Terrorism: The USA  War on Terrorism

Terrorism: The USA War on Terrorism

The resource explains USA war on terrorism. The lesson shows the terrorism act against the USA, and its response towards it. It shows the bombing of US pentagon building by the Terrorist group, the role played by Al Queda and the Taliban in Afghanistan , and Us invasion of the region , including Saudi Arabia in the hope of crushing terrorism. The resource shows roles played by Osama Bin Laden and how the President, George W. Bush provided counter terrorism
Why was Nelson Mandela significant to the end of Apartheid and dev. of democracy in South  Africa

Why was Nelson Mandela significant to the end of Apartheid and dev. of democracy in South Africa

This resource is prepared for IGCSE History for depth Study -South Africa. The resource explains the contributions of Nelson Mandela to the development of Democracy, in South Africa, through fighting against racial discrimination. It explains the early life of Mandel and some of his colleagues during their protest years. The resource shows socio, economic and political reasons why he is significant to the collapse of Apartheid.
How did the Nazis treat Young People, and what impact was Nazi policies on the youth.

How did the Nazis treat Young People, and what impact was Nazi policies on the youth.

The lesson is prepared for IGCSE History. The lesson is a power point resource.It explains how the Nazis treated young people . It explains fully , the formation of Hitler’s youth, the discipline, training and indoctrination of youth. The resource explains the connection between Hitler Youth Organisation and school curriculum and education in Nazi Germany. It also explains Hitlers Maiden etc.
The Impact of World War 11 on Germany: Socioal,Political and Economic impact.

The Impact of World War 11 on Germany: Socioal,Political and Economic impact.

The resource explains the impact of World War 11 on Germany. It explains the invasion of Poland by Hitler and the allied power resistance of Hitler. It shows the defeat of the Nazi , and the denazification of Germany and occupation Germany by the allied powers. The resource centres on the various impact of the war on Germany. Prepared for GCSE History, Depth Study Germany. Contains activities and notes.


This resource is made for IGCSE History.It explains how the USA reacted to the USSR’S expansion , and how the later reacted to the USA’s action.The resource explains various incidents such as the Iron Curtain Speech, the USSR reaction to the speech,the Berlin Blockade, Marshal Plan and aid, and the reactions from USSR.It explains the consequences of the events during the period.
The British Empire Through Time: How Britain Secured and controlled its Empire

The British Empire Through Time: How Britain Secured and controlled its Empire

The resource explains how Britain controlled its numerous colonies.It explains the scramble and partition, it explains imperialism and colonialism, in Africa and India.The resource explains how Britain’s power began to decline by 1924,and decolonisation, including India’s independence, and the attitude of Britain towards her colonies. The resource is made for KS4, IGCSE, Contains sources and interpretations