The resource explains the meaning of Urbanization.
The causes of rural- Urban Migration.
Reasons for Rapid Urbanization.
Prepared for Sociology and Geography. Year 10 and 11.
Contains activities.
The resource explains Hitler’s different foreign policy.
It shows how Hitler implemented those policy, and how it caused WW2.
It explains every policy in detail. Contains illustrations and maps.
Prepared for History IGCSE Exams , focusing on depth study -Germany.Contains activities and test.It can be used for exam revision notes and teaching resource
At the end of the lesson, students should be able toDefine globalization. Identify the role of multinational companies MNCs and the costs and benefits to their host and home countries. Identify and explain the benefits of free trade - the benefits for consumers, producers and the economy in a variety of countries. Methods of protection - tariffs, import quotas, subsidies and embargoes. Reasons for protection - Including infant industry, declining industry, strategic industry and avoidance of dumping. Consequences of protection - Effectiveness of protection and its impact on the home country and its trading partners.
‘Debate topic.’ ‘Class Activities’ with ‘Answers.’
At the end of the lesson students should be able:Identify and explain the factors that affect population growth - Birth rate, death rate, net migration, immigration and emigration. Identify and explain the reasons for different rates of population growth in different countries - How and why birth rates, death rates and net migration vary between countries. The effects of changes in the size and structure of population on different countries - The concept of an optimum population. The effects of increases and decreases in population size and changes in the age and gender distribution of population. Note: Interpretation of a population pyramid is required. Drawing is not.‘Class Activity - debate / points.’ ‘Multiple Choice Questions / Answers.’
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Define absolute and relative poverty - The difference between the two terms. The causes of poverty - The causes of poverty including unemployment, low wages, illness and age. Policies to alleviate poverty and redistribute income
Identify and evaluate differences in economic development between countries. - Causes and impacts of differences in income; productivity; population growth; size of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors; saving and investment; education; and healthcare.
‘Class Activity’ ‘Multiple Choice Questions’ with Answers
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Define inflation and deflation. - Measure inflation and deflation using the Retail Prices Index (RPI). Explain - causes of inflation: demand-pull and cost-push. Causes of deflation: demand-side and supply-side. Consequences of inflation and deflation - for consumers, workers, savers, lenders, firms and the economy as a whole. Range of policies to control inflation and deflation and how effective they might be.
‘Class Activities’ & ‘Multiple Choice Questions’ with Answers.
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
The Structure - components of the current account of the balance of payments – trade in goods, trade in services, primary income and secondary income. Calculation of deficits and surpluses on the current account of the balance of payments and its component sections. Causes of current account deficit and surplus - Reasons for deficits and surpluses. Consequences of current account deficit and surplus Impact on GDP, employment, inflation and foreign exchange rate. Policies to achieve balance of payments stability - The range of policies available to achieve balance of payments stability and how effective they might be.Class Activities provided with Answers
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Define foreign exchange rate - Floating and fixed systems. Determine foreign exchange rate in exchange market - by the demand for and supply of a currency in the exchange market and determine the equilibrium foreign exchange rate. Causes of exchange rate fluctuations - including changes in demand for exports and imports, changes in the rate of interest, speculation, and the entry or departure of MNCs. Consequences of exchange rate fluctuations - effects of exchange rate fluctuations on export and import prices and spending on imports and exports via the PED. Floating and fixed foreign exchange rates - the difference between, and the advantages and disadvantages of, a floating exchange rate and a fixed foreign exchange rate system. ‘Class Activities with Answers.’
The lesson explains The Vietnam War: Strategies of the US Army and Viet Cong.
This presentation explores the strategic approaches employed by both sides during the Vietnam War, examining how the US Army and the Viet Cong fought each other. Prepared for Case Study on Vietnam War, on USA’s containment Policy.
This resource explains Over population and its implications on urbanization and its consequences. The lesson explains the reasons why some countries experience over population.It shows how this translates to urbanization.The lesson explains the remedies to these problems.Contains assignment, and test.
The resource explains different reasons, why World War One happened.It explains long term, short and immediate factors, and many other reasons why the war could not be avoided. Prepared for Year 10 and 11 on international conflict and World/ European History.Depth Study and Core content European History.
This resource is made for AS and A/level Students.It is for Depth Study on The French Revolution.It shows the different stages of the French Revolution.It explains the Directory, the reign of Terror and the Rise of Napoleon and his regime.
This resource explains Ann Oakley’s View on Family .It explains segregated Roles, Dual burden and feminism.The resource explains the research and experiments of Ann Oakley on family and gender issues.Prepared for Sociology AS and IGCSE.
This resource is made for IGCSE History Core content, 20th Century on the League of Nations. It explains The League in the 1930s, and why it failed, It explains the major crises- Abyssania, Manchuria crises and other factors that impinged on the league and why it failed.
The resource is prepared for IGCSE History for core content paper1 on the USA history and European History.It explains the impact of the Great Depression of 1929, and more importantly, the Wall Street Crash and it consequences on the US economy.Contains activities and class work.