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Mandala Coloring Book – Mandala-Rama #2 – School Days

Mandala Coloring Book – Mandala-Rama #2 – School Days

School-Themed Mandala Coloring Book – Reflection & Symmetry: Need a little zen in your classroom? :) Mandala-Rama is back with Mandala #2 – School Days: 16 fun school-themed designs that are great for the beginning of the year, end of the year...or anywhere in between! These unique and intricate geometric designs are great when students have finished their work just a bit early, and they need something to focus on for a bit, too! Coloring books are all the rage these days—even for adults! This packet of intricate mandala designs is a fun and relaxing way for students (plus teachers and parents!) to focus and be mindful during or at the end of a busy day. You'll get these fun school-themed designs: • Pencils • Globes • Scissors • Paint Palette, Brushes, and Paint Splats • Beakers and Glasses • Calculators and Numbers • Computers • Graduation Caps • Open Books • Backpacks • Brains and Light Bulbs • School Buses • Notebooks and pencils • Foreign Language – Hola and Bonjour • Jump Ropes • Rulers, Protractors, and Math Symbols How to use Mandala-Rama? Up to you! It's a great to have handy when students have finished a test and need to unwind a bit as they are waiting for others to finish. It's also great for indoor recess for students who like more focused activities. Or send them home as fun extras! ...You can also color a page or two in bed after grading a stack of papers. We hear that works wonders. And we won't tell! ;) Need just one page, and want to print it quickly? No problem! This product comes as a compressed folder—inside, you'll get a PDF packet of the pages, but there is also a subfolder with each page as its own PDF. Love Mandala-Rama #2–School Days? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom, too! Enjoy! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product for personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The product and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Reward Coupons + Class Bucks Combo!

Reward Coupons + Class Bucks Combo!

Classroom Reward Coupons & Class Bucks/Money for Classroom Management: A fun and engaging way to reward students for a job well done in the classroom! Have students remember your classroom in a fun way! UPDATE: • All versions of bucks are now also available four to a page! Note: Bucks go the edge of the document—print one page first to check the margin around your bucks. Most document printers don't print to the edge and provide you with a margin. If you need more margins around the edge, simply scale down the print in the Print dialogue box in Adobe Acrobat. • In addition to the multi-page packet, all pages are now also included as individual pages. Create a reward system in your classroom that students will remember for years to come! Glue & Ink’s Reward Coupons & Class Bucks is easy to adapt into your classroom as a fun way to manage behavior and reward good work and good deeds! What’s in the 173-page PDF? FUN COVER (Couldn't resist!) IDEAS FOR USE TABLE OF CONTENTS REWARD COUPONS 1. Line Leader for the Day 2. Desk Buddy – Bring in a stuffed animal for a day! 3. Go Shoeless! Take off your shoes in the room! 4. Eat Lunch with the Teacher 5. Show & Tell – Bring in something you love and share it with the class! 6. Switch Desks with a Friend 7. Grab a Treat! 8. Pick a Prize! 9. Teacher’s Helper! 10. No Homework Pass! 11. Comfy Chair/Pillows for a Lesson 12. Read Aloud! 13. Positive Note from the Teacher 14. Free Choice! 15. Write with a Pen 16. Sit at the Teacher’s Desk for a Lesson 17. Skip Morning Work 18. Tech Treat 19. Class Messenger 20. Positive Phone Call Home 21. Use a Clipboard for a Lesson 22. Brain Break 23. Choose an Indoor Game for the Class to Play! 24. Pick a Class Party! 25. Work on In-Class Work with a Friend 26. Feed the Class Pet 27. Water the Class Pants 28. Homework Late Pass! 29. Add 10 Minutes to Class Recess! 30. Go to Lunch First! 31. Sit Next to a Friend for a Lesson 32. Help Teach a Lesson! See teacher for details! 33. Pick a New Pencil 34. Pick a New Eraser 35. Walk Break! 36. Take a Class Game Home for the Night! ***BLANK CARDS*** 37. Hearts 38. Sports 39. Stars 40. Stripes 41. Burst 42. School Supplies 1. One Buck – Lion 2. Two Bucks – Crocodile 3. Five Bucks – Otter 4. Ten Bucks – Bat 5. Twenty Bucks – Fish 6. Fifty Bucks – Ostrich 7. One Hundred Bucks – Penguin 8. Five Hundred Bucks – Cow 9. One Thousand Bucks – Pig
Smile! It's a Selfie – All About Me/ Character Study Activity

Smile! It's a Selfie – All About Me/ Character Study Activity

Fun End of the Year Activity: Smile! It's a Selfie – All About Me/Character Study Activity: An activity to share all about students, book characters, and historical figures! What makes you...you? Have fun in the classroom with this student-focused activity! Students will have fun drawing themselves and filling in the text message bubbles with more getting-to-know-you facts. Use the sheets with suggestions, or use the blank versions for even more creative fun! Want to go old school? Instead of the iPhone selfie, opt for the instant film version of the activity sheet. Students will love completing the bulletin boards with words and images. Pssst! Hold on to this activity during novel studies or even for use in social studies—students can share the traits of a book character or a notable figure in history in a fun way! What you’ll get: • Phone with Text Bubbles —print the worksheet with topic suggestions, or have students use a blank worksheet to fit the need of the activity! Choose between the prompt version, the header only version, or the blank version. • Phone with Lines—Use this to include a short response next tot the selfie. Choose between “A Selfie of” header and no header versions. • Bulletin Board Image—Go old school! Students can draw their selfie on a Polaroid-like photo and add additional text and images on the other papers on the bulletin board. Choose between dotted and lined backgrounds. • BONUS! Individual Images—Looking to get creative? Use the individual images of the elements in the worksheets to have students print and cut out a unique take on this project! Great for bulletin boards, posters, or whatever you and your students can imagine! Simply open the image in the image editing or document creation software, place and resize the image to your needs, and print! The product comes as a a zipped folder—simply unzip the folder to access the files! • Activity sheets are provided as individual PDFs • Image files (isolated phone image, etc.) are provided as JPGs and PNGs to allow for transparency when needed Love this selfie activity set? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom! Enjoy! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Sugar Skull Color Fun #2 – Animals {Coloring Book}

Sugar Skull Color Fun #2 – Animals {Coloring Book}

Sugar Skull Coloring Book: Sugar Skull Color Fun #2 – Animals – Day of the Dead, or El Día de los Muertos, activity for Spanish and general curriculum teachers alike! Fun for Halloween and throughout the year! Coloring...for Everyone! Whether you’re an adult looking for a little zen “me” time or a teacher who needs a fun activity for students, this pack of twenty-four cool skull designs fits the bill! Color in the Lines—if you want! Well, yes, we suppose the point is to color in the lines...but it doesn’t have to be! We love activities like these because there are no rules. Just have fun! What You'll Get: Sugar Skulls #2 – Animals includes 7 intricate animal designs to print and color. Print out the whole packet, or choose from the provided individual PDFs to just print a couple! Animals included: • Owl • Snake • Cat • Lion • Elephant • Ram • Fox - - - - - - - - - Love Sugar Skulls #2 – Animals? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom or at home! Enjoy! xo Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Commercial Font + Clip Art: Otterly Cute!

Commercial Font + Clip Art: Otterly Cute!

Cute commercial font and clip art: Make your worksheets, newsletters, TPT products, and classroom projects stand out with this hand drawn font! Fonts should be FUNctional...and cute! That's just what "Otterly Cute" is—and it's perfect for classroom and commercial use! Plus, you'll get 50+ BONUS doodle clip art images (transparent PNGs) that are also for personal or commercial use. :) Otter not included. ;) Check out the thumbnail images for some fun ways to combine this font and the doodles for a great look! Format: You'll get a compressed folder—simply unzip it, and you'll have access to the font and the folder of the PNG clip art images. To install the font, double click on the file "GIOtterlyCute.ttf." Then, in your design or word processing program, select the font "OtterlyCute." That's it! Enjoy the product and have fun! Please read the copyright notice below before purchasing. Please leave a comment and rating—I'd love to know how you plan to use the font and doodles! Enjoy! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal or educational use. The font and clip art images may not be distributed for resale or given away on their own as a free product. Please include a small Glue & Ink image badge (included with the product) in your product file when using the clip art in your products. The full Terms of Use document is available at: https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/terms-of-use-glue-and-ink-clip-art-and-fonts-11415829. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Greater Gator Game & Poster Set – Greater Than/Less Than

Greater Gator Game & Poster Set – Greater Than/Less Than

Greater Gator Game & Poster Set Greater Than Less Than – Comparing Numbers – Students will love rolling the dice to compare numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to! Plus, put the posters up in your classroom as a helpful reminder for your students when comparing numbers! Chomp chomp! Teachers know that a great way to get their students to remember which direction the greater than/less than symbols face is to pretend they're alligator mouths—the mouth always chomps towards the bigger number! Grab this dice game + poster set for your classroom to encourage your students to have fun while comparing numbers! What You'll Get: Dice Game – Color and Black-and-White Versions! The dice game comes as a two-page activity. Use just the first page for a shorter spurt of fun, or print the PDFs back-to-back for even more practice on comparing numbers with: • Single Digit • Double Digits • Triple Digits • Four Digits Posters – Color, Black-and-White, and Ready-to-Color Versions! Print out the four posters for a fun reminder in your classroom about the greater than/less than symbols. These work great on math bulletin boards…or just on that spot on your wall calling for a little cuteness! Put up the whole set: • Greater Than poster • Less Than poster • Equal To poster • The Mouth Eats the Bigger Number poster (Psst! Do your kiddos love to color? Send them home with their own version of these posters—outlined and ready to be colored in! These are included and ready to go in this set.) Love this Greater Gator dice game and poster set? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom! Enjoy! xo Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
I am Thankful – A Gratitude Activity

I am Thankful – A Gratitude Activity

Thanksgiving Gratitude – "I am Thankful" Drawing and/or Writing Activity: This activity is great for Thanksgiving time but can be used year-round for your students to practice gratitude! Use these sheets as an opportunity for your students to illustrate what they are grateful for. Then, display it on a bulletin board, make a class book, or have students bring them home to share with their loved ones! Have an Attitude of Gratitude! While the holiday season is the perfect time to remind students to think about what they are thankful for, it’s a great practice to do this throughout the year! Students can even take home extra copies to do this as a family activity. Color or Black-and-White...You Choose! To color...or not to color? Yep, that IS the question! Choose the pre-colored templates that just need some colorful additions to be complete, or print out the blackline versions so your kiddos can make this uniquely theirs! What You'll Get You'll get a zipped folder 12 PDFs for your kiddos to choose from—6 color and 6 black-and-white! Love this gratitude activity? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom! Enjoy! xo Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Book Report Sheet – Short 'n' Sweet!

Book Report Sheet – Short 'n' Sweet!

Book Report Sheet / Graphic Organizer: Looking for a simple book report or book review solution? Grab this worksheet for a fun way for the kids to write and draw what they think about their most recent book or story! Keep it Short...and Fun! While more in-depth book reviews are fun, sometimes you need just a quick check in about a recent read. Have students take a few moments to reflect on their books in a fun way! ....Or perhaps you’re compiling all the student-read books during the year. (Just slip these into clear binder sleeves for a great resource for students who are looking for their next good book!) ....Or maybe even you’re looking to give students a few extra credit points by logging what they read with this short and fun response. ...OR (!) your students need a quick guide to fill out before doing a book talk. The options are endless...use these in one or many ways in your classroom to encourage reading and responding! You'll get PDFs of: - Outline version (great for coloring!) - Black-fill version (for a bolder look without coloring) - Example completed sheet for student and/or teacher reference …Psst! See the product thumbnails for a peek at each of these! Enjoy this activity? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom! Have fun! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold of given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Tangrams – Totally (Spooky!) Tangrams! #2 – Halloween Fun!

Tangrams – Totally (Spooky!) Tangrams! #2 – Halloween Fun!

Tangrams: Totally Tangrams #2 – BOO! It’s that time of year! Grab this fun tangram challenge for math centers, for homework, or in group activities! This tangram packet is all you need for a fun and challenging (and differentiated!) geometry activity in your classroom during this spooky season! Regular Puzzles • 10 spooky puzzles: Bat, Haunted Castle, Black Cat, Witch, Frankenstein, Candle, Vulture, Zombie, Trick-or-Treat House, Howling Wolf • "Make Your Own" Page—print this page and have students create their own spooky puzzle! He or she can then trace the outline and have other students solve the puzzle! • Choose between color and black and white! (Psst! Want to print a few for a fun holiday game to reuse over and over again? Print the color puzzles, laminate them, and use them each October in math stations and more!) Guided Puzzles for Differentiation • The same 10 spooky puzzles, but with the shape outlines provided. This is great for differentiation or for younger students! • "Make Your Own" Page—print this page and have students create their own spooktacular puzzle! He or she can then trace the outline and have other students solve the puzzle! • Choose between color and black and white! Tangram Pieces for Cutting Out! Color, Black, Outlined, or Pumpkins! (Please note that since the sizes of tangram sets teachers and parents may have will vary, the puzzles were not designed according to the dimensions of a particular physical set—the provided pieces to print and cut will fit perfectly. Just print, cut, and solve!) Answer Key Use the all-on-one-page answer key for quick checking, or use the full-size answers for students to check their own puzzles (without seeing the answers to the others!). Files are provided as multipage PDFs for easy full-packet printing and also as individual pages if you’re looking to quickly print just a puzzle or two! Love this tangram activity? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom! Have fun! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com
Tangrams – Totally Tangrams! #3 – Gobble Gobble – Thanksgiving Tangrams

Tangrams – Totally Tangrams! #3 – Gobble Gobble – Thanksgiving Tangrams

Tangrams: Totally Tangrams #3 – A fun Thanksgiving challenge in math centers, for homework, or in group activities! This tangram packet is all you need for a fun and challenging (and differentiated!) geometry activity in your classroom! What are you grateful for? A classroom full of engaged students? Well it can be! ;) Grab this tangram activity to bring a fun and challenging activity into your classroom this holiday season! *Gobble gobble!* Regular Puzzles • 10 festive puzzles: Turkey, The Mayflower, Native American, Native American's Face, Pilgrim, Person Serving Food, Apple, Piece of Pie, Gravy Bowl, and a Grateful Person • "Make Your Own" Page—print this page and have students create a puzzle of their favorite food, what they are grateful for, or whatever they can imagine! Students can then trace the main outline of their puzzles and have other students solve them! • Choose between color and black and white! (Psst! Want to print a few for a fun holiday game to reuse over and over again? Print the color puzzles, laminate them, and use them each November in math stations and more!) Guided Puzzles for Differentiation • The same 10 great puzzles, but with the shape outlines provided. This is great for differentiation or for younger students! • "Make Your Own" Page—print this page and have students create a puzzle of whatever they can imagine up this holiday season! Students can then trace the main outline of their puzzles and have other students solve them! • Choose between color and black and white! Tangram Pieces for Cutting Out! Color, Black, Outlined, or Leaves! (Please note that since the sizes of tangram sets teachers and parents may have will vary, the puzzles were not designed according to the dimensions of a particular physical set—the provided pieces to print and cut will fit perfectly. Just print, cut, and solve!) Answer Key Use the all-on-one-page answer key for quick checking, or use the full-size answers for students to check their own puzzles (without seeing the answers to the others!). Files are provided as multipage PDFs for easy full-packet printing and also as individual pages if you’re looking to quickly print just a puzzle or two! Love this tangram activity? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom! Have fun! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use.
Tangrams – Totally Tangrams! #4 – Winter Wonderland

Tangrams – Totally Tangrams! #4 – Winter Wonderland

Tangrams: Totally Tangrams #4 – A fun winter challenge in math centers, for homework, or in group activities! This tangram packet is all you need for a fun and challenging (and differentiated!) geometry activity in your classroom! Bundle up indoors with 10 fun tangram games that follow a ABCB rhyme scheme story of winter wonderland fun! Solve puzzles about getting ready to go outside, discovering a magical winter wonderland, and then heading back inside to warm up! Each puzzle has four lines of the poem to get into the winter spirit as you solve the challenging puzzles. What you’ll get: Regular Puzzles • 10 fun puzzles: Winter Coat, Boot, Evergreen Tree, Snowflake, Sleigh, Penguin, Polar Bear, Child on Sled (1), Child on Sled (2), and Hot Chocolate (Mmm!) • "Make Your Own" Page—print this page and have students create a puzzle of their favorite winter activity, snow-loving animal, or anything else they can imagine! Students can then trace the main outline of their puzzles and have other students solve them! • Choose between color and black and white! (Psst! Want to print a few for a fun holiday game to reuse over and over again? Print the color puzzles, laminate them, and use them each December in math stations, holiday parties, and more!) Guided Puzzles for Differentiation • The same 10 great puzzles, but with the shape outlines provided. This is great for differentiation or for younger students! • "Make Your Own" Page—print this page and have students create a puzzle of whatever they can imagine up this winter! Students can then trace the main outline of their puzzles and have other students solve them! • Choose between color and black and white! Tangram Pieces for Cutting Out! Color, Black, Outlined, or B/W Snowflakes! (Please note that since the sizes of tangram sets teachers and parents may have will vary, the puzzles were not designed according to the dimensions of a particular physical set—the provided pieces to print and cut will fit perfectly. Just print, cut, and solve!) Answer Key Use the all-on-one-page answer key for quick checking, or use the full-size answers for students to check their own puzzles (without seeing the answers to the others!). Files are provided as multipage PDFs for easy full-packet printing and also as individual pages if you’re looking to quickly print just a puzzle or two! Have fun! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use.
Mandala Coloring Book – Mandala-Rama #1

Mandala Coloring Book – Mandala-Rama #1

Mandala Coloring Book – Reflection & Symmetry: Need a little zen in your classroom? :) These 21 mandala coloring pages will save the day. These 21 unique and intricate geometric designs are great when students have finished their work just a bit early, and they need something to focus on for a bit, too! Coloring books are all the rage these days—even for adults! This packet of intricate mandala designs is a fun and relaxing way for students (plus teachers and parents!) to focus and be mindful during or at the end of a busy day. How to use Mandala-Rama? Up to you! It's a great to have handy when students have finished a test and need to unwind a bit as they are waiting for others to finish. It's also great for indoor recess for students who like more focused activities. Or send them home as fun extras! ...You can also color a page or two in bed after grading a stack of papers. We hear that works wonders. And we won't tell! ;) Need just one page, and want to print it quickly? No problem! This product comes as a compressed folder—inside, you'll get a PDF packet of the pages, but there is also a subfolder with each page as its own PDF. Love Mandala-Rama #1? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom, too! Enjoy! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product for personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The product and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Tangrams – Totally Tangrams! #1 – Animals!

Tangrams – Totally Tangrams! #1 – Animals!

Tangrams: Totally Tangrams #1 – Give your students a fun challenge in math centers, for homework, or in group activities! This tangram packet is all you need for a fun and challenging (and differentiated!) geometry activity in your classroom! Students will be challenged to use the provided pieces (“tans”) to fit the fun animal (well, TANimal) puzzles! Regular Puzzles • 10 fun animal puzzles: Rabbit, Cat, Dog, Giraffe, Elephant, Kangaroo, Horse, Whale, Squirrel, Shark • "Make Your Own" Page—print this page and have students create their own animal! He or she can then trace the outline and have other students solve the puzzle! • Choose between color and black and white! (Psst! Want to print one to laminate for a fun open house game? Print the color puzzles, laminate them, and set them up at a fun math station!) Guided Puzzles for Differentiation • The same 10 animal puzzles, but with the shape outlines provided. This is great for differentiation or for younger students! • "Make Your Own" Page—print this page and have students create their own animal! He or she can then trace the outline and have other students solve the puzzle! • Choose between color and black and white! Tangram Pieces for Cutting Out! Color, Black, Outlined, or Spotted! (Please note that since the sizes of tangram sets teachers and parents may have will vary, the puzzles were not designed according to the dimensions of a particular physical set—the provided pieces to print and cut will fit perfectly. Just print, cut, and solve!) Answer Key Use the all-on-one-page answer key for quick checking, or use the full-size answers for students to check their own puzzles (without seeing the answers to the others!). Files are provided as a zipped file of multipage PDFs for easy full-packet printing and also as individual pages if you’re looking to quickly print just a puzzle or two! Love this tangram activity? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom! Have fun! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work!