Year 2 Spelling SPag Adding ing, ed, er and est to a root word ending in a consonant then y
This set of 8 resources is to help children learn the rules for adding suffixes.
It contains the following files:
Adding suffixes to words ending in y: Explains what a root word and a suffix is, and shows the addition of -ed and -ing, pointing out the differences.
Quick write - Adding ed to verbs ending in y
Quick write - Adding ing to verbs ending in y
Quick write - Adding er to words ending in y
Quick write - Adding est to words ending in y
(Quick write activities show firstly the root word, then how it changes/stays the same when the suffixes are added.)
Words ending in a consonant then y matrix: to fill in
Y2 Spelling Appendix: Adding suffixes to words ending in y- An adaptable outline plan
Word List - With relevant words ending in y.
SPaG Year 3 Grammar: Word families based on common words
Words and families: Explains what word families are and how to make them. It follows with 10 common exception words and related words .
Roots, affixes and word families: Explains how word families can be built by using affixes. Gives examples of the word family related to the word 'act' and also the word 'light'.
Word families: Building words using a matrix of prefixes, root words and suffixes.
Cards (x6 – act/give/light/pass/press/sign) containing words belonging to each word family
Word derivation sheet – blank
Word family – give
Word family – pass
Word family –press
Word family –sign
Word list – Latin root words and families (extension work)
Plus a Y3 VG&P plan
Subordination and co-ordination powerpoint, worksheets and posters: SPaG Year 2 Sentence
A PowerPoint lesson explaining what subordination and co-ordination are with accompanying worksheets and posters, designed to teach the Y2 Sentence objectives.
The set contains:
Subordination and coordination
A 7 page PowerPoint explaining how to connect sentences and clauses using subordination (when, if, that and because) and co-ordination (using or, and or but.)
It gives examples of how to use them in sentences then gives sentence starters for the children to complete using the words above.
Co-ordination writing sheets x 4: Each sheet has a different picture. The children have to write sentences using the words and, but and or.
Subordination worksheets x 4: Each sheet has a different picture. The children have to write sentences using the words when, if, that and because
Two posters explaining subordination and co-ordination with examples and a heading.
SPaG Year 2 Word: Formation of nouns using suffixes such as -ness and -er and by compounding
The pack recaps what suffixes are and explains how to form nouns using the suffixes -er and -ment and by compounding. Also included is a list of compound words and 2 sets of jigsaw cards.
What are suffixes: Explains what they are and what meaning they add to words
POWERPOINTS: The three resources below recap on what a suffix and a noun is, then explain what each suffix means, and what effect it has on words. They ask the children to add the suffix to words and explain how the meaning has changed.
Formation of nouns using the suffix er
Formation of nouns using the suffix ment
Formation of nouns using the suffix ness
Jigsaw cards er ness and ment - to make words
Formation of nouns by compounding: Explains what compound nouns are, then gives lists of words to make new compound nouns.
Creating compound words: For the children to make words
Compound word list
SPaG Year 4 Sentence Grammar: Expanded noun phrases
A pack of powrpoints and printable resources looking at noun phrases that are expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases.
Modifying adjectives: Recap of how adjectives can be used to expand noun phrases. Gives images at the end for practice of adding adjectives.
Modifying nouns: Introduction to how nouns can modify noun phrases, eg kitchen table, office chair. Gives images at the end where the children have to use nouns to specify more information about the main noun.
Modifying preposition phrases: Explains what preposition phrases are and shows how they can be used to specify where the noun is. It gives examples and ends with images where the children can think of preposition phrases.
Modifying adjectives worksheet
Modifying nouns worksheet
Modifying preposition phrases worksheet
Adjectives posters: Lots of different adjectives to display
Preposition posters: Lots of prepositions/ preposition phrases to display
SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Word endings that sound like /ʃəs/ spelt –cious or –tious
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for endings which sound like /ʃəs/ spelt cious or tious
Shus endings spelt cious: Powerpoint explaining the rules If the root word ends in –ce, the /ʃ/ sound is usually spelt as c. It ends with a look, write cover check interactive activity.
Shus endings spelt tious: Explains the guideline If you can think of a noun from the same root word that ends in –tion, then the /ʃ/ (sh) sound is usually spelt as t. It ends with a look, write cover check interactive activity.
Look Write Cover Check cious words: For spelling practice
Anagrams ending cious worksheet
Look Write Cover Check tious words: For spelling practice
Anagrams ending cious worksheet
cious and tious wordsearch
Word list
SPaG Year 4 Sentence Grammar: Fronted adverbials
Fronted Adverbials: Explains what they are and how to use them (including the use of commas from the punctuation objectives)
Adverbial spotter worksheet: To use with reading books or passages of text
Adverbials of time display
Adverbials of manner display
Adverbials of time display
Adverbials of time cards: For composition activities etc
Adverbials of manner cards: For composition activities etc
Adverbials of time cards: For composition activities etc
5 x Word documents with different passages to use with spotter sheet
SPaG Year 2 Word: Formation of adjectives using suffixes such as -ful or -less
6 powerpoints looking at adding different suffixes to make adjectives, plus a worksheet:
POWERPOINTS: The first three resources below explain what adjectives are, and what each suffix does to the meaning of words it is added to. They end with a list of words to add the suffix to, and explain how the meaning of the word has changed.
Formation of adjectives by adding ful
Formation of adjectives by adding less
Formation of adjectives by adding y
Formation of adjectives ful and less recap: Goes over the two suffixes then ends with an activity to change words by adding ful or less
Adding suffixes to words in sentences: Pictures to encourage the children to make adjectives from root words.
Think of adjectives: Different pictures for the children to look at and think of describing words using the suffixes ful y and less.
Formation of adjectives worksheet: Writing sentences to describe pictures
SPaG Year 5 Sentence Grammar: Relative clauses beginning with who, which, etc
A set of Y5 resources to teach about relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that, or an omitted relative pronoun
Relative clauses - pronouns who which that
Relative clauses with pronoun whose
Relative clauses with when and where
Relative clauses worksheet who which that
Relative clauses worksheet whose
Relative clauses worksheet when & where
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: The suffix -ly
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for adding the suffix ly
The Suffix -ly: Recaps what an adjective and adverb are, and explains how the suffix -ly can be added to an adjective to form an adverb. It explains the rules for adding the suffix, and also the exceptions.(If the root wrod ends in y with a consonant letter before it, the y is change to i, but only if the root word has more than one syllable. / If the root word ends with le, the le is changed to ly. / If the root word ends with ic, then ally is added except in the word publicly.
Look Write Cover Check: For spelling practice
Word cards containing the suffix ly
Adverbs ending ly worksheet
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 1 Punctuation: Capital letters, full stops, question marks & exclamation marks
Spelling resources to teach the statutory requirements in Appendix 2 of the English curriculum:
Punctuation: Separation of words with spaces; Introduction to capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences; Capital letters for names and for the personal pronoun I.
PowerPoint files:
Introduction to exclamation marks: Short presentation explaining when to use exclamation marks
Introduction to full stops: Short presentation explaining when to use full stops
Introduction to question marks: Short presentation explaining when to use question marks
Capital letters - when to use them: Looks at occasions where capital letters should be used, with an activity to test the children’s understanding at the end.
Capitals and punctuation quiz: Interactive activity where the children have to decide what is wrong with each sentence.
Jake’s full stop: A story that shows what happens when full stops are left out of sentences.
Sentences and punctuation: Recap on sentences and punctuation, with an activity at the end.
SPaG Year 6 Word Grammar: How words are related by meaning as synonyms and antonyms
The history of the English language: A history, plus an explanation of why the English language has so many synonyms.
Synonyms: Explains what they are and gives 11 words with related synonyms.
Antonyms: Explains what they are and gives 12 words with corresponding antonyms, plus 7 words with several antonyms.
Antonyms and prefixes beginning with 'i': Formation of antonyms by adding im, in or il to words.
Antonyms and prefixes recap: Activity to make words by adding a range of prefixes covered in previous years, to make antonyms.
Synonyms worksheet: For finding synonyms
Antonyms worksheet: re-write the sentences to make it mean the opposite
House for sale - antonyms worksheet: Rewrite the advert using antonyms
House for sale - synonyms worksheet: Rewrite the advert using synonyms
Antonym cards (2 sets): Matching sets - easy and more difficult
Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation school assessment Years 1 - 6
A set of materials to assess Appendix 2 for Years 1 to 6 in the English curriculum 2014. It contains a booklet for individual assessment and also class recording sheets.
SPaG Year 4 Text Grammar: Use of pronouns or nouns within and across sentences
Introduction to pronouns: Explains what pronouns are and gives an example of what text would look like if they were not used. It ends with an activity where the children read the sentences to see which pronoun should be used to aid cohesion and avoid repetition.
Pronoun practice: Exercise to see which pronouns should be used where.
Personal pronouns: A study of personal pronouns eg I/my/mine
Demonstrative pronouns: A look at this, these, that and those
Reflexive pronouns: A study of reflexive pronouns such as he/himself, with exercises to think of sentences containing them.
Complete the pronoun matrix
Find the pronouns ( x 3): Read the stories and find the pronouns.
Indefinite pronouns: For display
Missing pronouns (x 2): Read the story and fill in the missing pronouns
Pronoun count: To use when reading to see which pronouns are the most common.
Pronoun list
Who am I: Picture cards for the children to describe using possessive pronouns
SPaG Year 5 Word Grammar: Verb prefixes
A set of powerpoints and activities to teach verb prefixes such as dis-, de-, mis-, over- and re-, with a recap of previously learnt prefixes.
Prefixes un- dis- and mis-: Looks at the 3 prefixes; how they change the meanings of words; and words they can be added to.
Changing words into negatives with prefixes: un, de, anti, dis and il
Prefix meanings: 9 prefixes and their meanings
Prefixes dis, de, mis, over, re and pre: Looks at each prefix and words containing them individually, so one can be taught per session.
Prefix list and meanings
Prefix word list dis de mis over & re (word file)
Wordsearch x 6 (un-, dis-, de-, mis-, pre- and re-)
Change the paragraph to the opposite meaning using prefixes worksheet
Definitions worksheets x 4
Definitions matching cards
Extension work - more prefixes x 3 worksheets
SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Word endings able, ably, ible and ibly
A pack of resources to teach the spelling guidelines for Words ending in able, ably,ible and ibly
able word endings
ible word endings
Look Write Cover Check able ably words
Look Write Cover Check ible ibly words
Word cards - able endings
Word cards - ible endings
Wordsearch - able and ible words
Word endings ible or able worksheet x 2
Word lists
SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Words ending in –ant, –ance/–ancy & –ent, –ence/–ency
A pack of 4 powerpoint lessons and 10 printable activities to teach the guidelines for spelling these types of words.
1 Explains that ent is used after soft c g and qu, giving examples of each of these type of words. It ends with an activity that shows a word, then it can be hidden so the children can write it, then shown so the children can check the spelling.
2 Explains how you can think of related words to gauge whether to use an e for these types of endings, for example confidential:confident. It ends with the same spelling activity. Includes words other than those preceded by soft c g or qu
Look Write Cover Check ent words (soft c g and qu): For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ent words: For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ence ency words: For spelling practice
Word search
Worksheet: Adding the endings ent ence and ency to different words then writing them in a sentence
3 Explains how you can think of related words to gauge whether to use an a for these types of endings, for example consultation: consultant. It ends with a spelling activity.
4 Looks at words that need to be memorised to learn which spelling to use: Ends with a spelling activity.
Look Write Cover Check ant words (related ation words): For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ance and ancy endings: For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ant words: For spelling practice
Word search
Worksheet: Adding the endings ant ance and ancy to different words then writing them in a sentence
Plus a word list for both spellings
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Prefixes dis mis in re sub inter super anti auto
Resources to teach how most prefixes can be added to words without any change to the spelling of the root word, except for the prefix in.
POWERPOINTS: Each powerpoint introduces the prefix and gives a definition of its meaning and how it can change the meaning of words. Examples of words with and without each prefix are shown.
The last powerpoint looks at the meaning of all the different prefixes.
Prefix recap
Cards - words to add dis
Change the paragraph to the opposite meaning
Dis word definitions
Jigsaw cards – dis
Un and dis matching word and definition cards
Dis- wordsearch
Un- wordsearch
MIS - wordsearch
IN IL IM IR jigsaw cards
MIS DIS RE and UN Word wheel
INTER worksheet
AUTO prefix worksheet
Although every effort has been made to check wordsearches for unintentional inappropriate words, it is recommended that teachers double check them before giving to children.
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Homophones and other confusing words
Resources to teach the guidelines for spelling homophones and other words that are often confused.
Each Powerpoint gives definitions/explanations of each homophone, then ends with an activity for the children to work out which homophone is appropriate in different sentences.
Homophones - nouns and verbs: advice advise, device devise, licence license and practice practise.
Homophones 1: aisle isle, aloud allowed, affect effect, altar alter, ascent assent, bridal, bridle, cereal serial, complement compliment
Homophones 2: descent dissent, desert dessert, draft draught, farther father, guessed guest, heard herd, led, lead morning, mourning
Homophones 3: past passed, precede proceed, principal principle, profit prophet, stationary stationery, steal steel, wary weary, who's whose
Look Write Cover Check x 7: For spelling practice, containing the words in the above PowerPoints
Worksheets x 7: To write definitions of the homophones and think of ways to remember how to spell them.
Definition and word cards x 3: Three sets of homophones and corresponding definitions for matching games etc.
SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Word list resouces
A set of resources to teach the spellings of words in the years 5 and 6 word list.
All about words: Introduces the history of the English spelling system and why some words are difficult to spell.
Spelling strategies: Looks at different ways to learn spellings for children to use.
The words are organised into 12 different categories, according to how they are spelt. Each category contains between 7 and 9 words so that they can also be used for spelling tests.
Each category contains a PowerPoint with a page for each word and a range of strategies to help remember the spelling of each. The strategies include:
Looking at the history of the word
Looking at words in the same word family
Looking at spelling rules
Looking at root words and affixes
Using speak and spell
Highlighting unusual spelling
Looking at words within the word
Looking at words with similar spelling patterns
The categories are as follows:
Words with doubles c and m
Words with doubles g, l and p
Words with doubles r, s and t
IE words
Words containing u
Words with affixes 1
Words with affixes 2
Words with unsounded vowels 1
Words with unsounded vowels 2
Words with unsounded vowels 3
Words with unusual Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence 1
Words with unusual Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence 2