Easter Maths. Solve the fraction problems. Your students will love this Easter themed, fun maths activity. First they must find the fractions of different amounts . They must then cut out the puzzle pieces, match the puzzle piece to their answer and stick them down. This should reveal the Easter picture (self correcting). Students can then colour in the picture. Suitable for year 2.
Instructions for use
Answer sheet
Puzzle sheet
Bring some Autumn fun to your maths lessons this term with these Autumn themed maths activities.
Differentiated activities include:
number bonds
more or less
number tracks
problem solving
Shape activities suitable for year 1. Fun, interactive shapes activities to help children learn about 2D and 3D shapes.
Colour and black and white options.
Name the 2D shape cut and stick
Name the 3D shape cut and stick
2D shape hunt recording sheet
3D shape hunt recording sheet
Shape patterns
Will it roll or stack? - cut and stick
Which shapes will roll? - cut and stick
Sort the shapes - 2D and 3D
Odd one out
Hidden 2D shapes
Hidden 3D shapes
Problem Solving
Fun maths activity to tie in with your school sports day
6 pages of problem solving questions
suitable for years 5 and 6. Possibly year 4.
Options for A4 or A5
Can also be printed back to back in A5 to make a cool booklet.
Assess your new year 1 class with this activity based on EYFS early learning outcomes.
Unsure where to begin with your maths planning?
Use this assessment activity to get a better idea of your class abilities.
Christmas Maths printables no prep required.
Suitable for 5-6 year olds.
Suitable for UK Year 1 (Higher EYFS or Lower Year 2)
Each activity is differentiated x 2
Number bonds to 5 x 2
Number bonds to 10 x 2
Mixed number bonds
part-whole addition x 2
more or less x 2
order objects x 2
2 times table
5 times table
10 times table
sorting activity x 2
counting activity x 2
number tracks x 2
problem solving.
Answers included
Times tables lotto games.
Print out these times table games and use as a fun way for children to learn their 2,3,5 and 10 times tables.
4 boards and 24 cards for each times table.
Suitable for home learning
Easter Maths
Easter Missing Number Activities
Suitable for children aged 4-6 years old.
These activities are Easter themed missing number activities.
They include the number ranges 1-5, 1-10, 0-10 and 1-20.
Activities include:
Fill in missing number tables
Cut and stick missing number tables
Missing number pathway to help bunny find his eggs
Color or black and white missing number grids to be cut out, laminated and used independently in maths areas.
Maths Assessment
Use at the beginning of Year 2 to assess your pupils maths knowledge.
This assessment covers all the end of year 1 expectations.
Can be used all at once or over a period of days.
Use to inform your planning.
This could be particularly useful this year where children have missed schooling.
Selection of colourful lotto games to be printed out and laminated. Great, fun ways for children to learn about a variety of subjects relevant to KS1.
Buy this bundle at 50% discount!
1 - 12 Times Table Flash Cards
Print out and laminate for your students to help them learn their times tables.
You might also find this times table lotto game helpful.
Christmas odd and even numbers worksheets.
Have fun before Christmas with these Christmas themed maths worksheets.
Includes 2 sets - one using numbers to 20 and one using numbers to 100.
5 different activities, including coloring and cutting and sticking activities.
Ideal for KS1
Christmas themed alphabet and number flash cards.
Lovely red coloured Christmas flash cards.
A-Z upper and lower case letters.
Numbers 1-20.
See the preview for ideas on how to use these cards.
Christmas alphabet and numbers flash cards
Lovely pastel coloured flash cards.
Alphabet A-Z upper and lower case
Numbers 0-20
See preview for ideas on how to use these flash cards
4 Times Table multiplication activities and worksheets.
Are your children learning their 4 times tables?
Use these fun multiplication activities to help children learn their tables off by heart.
These easy print and go worksheets include:
Counting in 4s cut and stick
4 times tables cut and stick
Fill in the missing numbers
Missing numbers cut and stick
Find and colour multiples of 4
Roll and colour dice game
4 times table greater depth questions
multiples of 4 in a 100 square
Bingo game - includes 4 boards and 36 question cards - perfect to laminate for use in maths areas, independent activities and small group work.
4 x table poster.
Includes US and UK spelling
Help children learn to count, recognise and order numbers 0-20 with these Spring themed 0-20 print and go worksheets. Could be used as part of a lesson, in maths areas, as catch up, homework or SEND activities.
15 print and go activities.
Order numbers cut and paste activities 1-10 x 2
Order numbers cut and paste activities 11-20 x 2
Write missing numbers
Cut and paste missing numbers on a number line 1-10
Cut and paste missing numbers on a number line 11-20
Count objects
Colour and count
Missing middle numbers 1-10
1 more/1 less missing numbers 0-10
1 more/1 less missing numbers 10-20
Missing end number 0-10
Count and colour objects UK/US Spelling
Number lines 1-10 / 1-20
Christmas Bundle
Have Christmas sorted this year with this selection of Christmas products.
Feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work whilst dealing with overexcited children?
This selection includes power points, print and go activities and role play/imaginative play resources to help keep your workload down during this busy period.
Horizontal/Vertical Lines and Parallel/Perpendicular Lines
7 activity sheets to support the teaching of lines in year 3.
Use these fun, interactive sheets to help children learn about the different types of lines. Simply print and go.
Activities include:
Horizontal/vertical lines cut and stick sorting activity
Horizontal/vertical lines of symmetry
Horizontal/vertical lines mixed activities x 2
Parallel/perpendicular lines mixed activities x 2
Line Art
Suitable for teaching year 3 UK curriculum.