The key to successful ICT integration is a great School ICT Policy. ICT coordinators and senior management can develop a policy that ensures progression in student ICT capability and monitor its performance over a period of time. All you need to know about pointing your school in the right direction towards ICT development.
This resource provides scaffolded notes for teachers using the Australian Curriculum and who are teaching Year 3 numeracy. It contains ideas and tips to do with teaching ICT capability alongside numeracy lessons plus advises on the best software to enable you to do so. Learn to teach ICT capability today.
This resource contains scaffolded notes for teachers using the Australian Curriculum in Primary Education. It will advise you on the best teaching strategies and software to teach ICT capability alongside literacy lessons in the classroom.
Ideal for UK and Australian educators -Are you an aspiring Primary ICT coordinator? If the answer is YES, then you will need to know about leadership in education, school ICT policy development and implementation, training teachers at In-service days, teaching and learning with ICT and protecting the digital child.
Online course Ebook - Suitable to educational leaders in Primary education. Learn how to organise, plan and conduct an effective PD inservice day at your school that will improve your aspirations and inspire your colleagues to change their practices and improve the school's performance in student attainment of ICT capability.
Want to integrate ICT ? This teaching resource covers the General Capability - ICT - in the Australian Curriculum and follows other key literacy teaching and curriculum context. It includes ICT teaching strategies, lesson plans, suggestions for delivering the lesson, activity planning sheets, student activities and other useful resources to have in the classroom.
Research paper on how teachers in both Primary and Secondary can share perspectives about teaching and assessing ICT capability to ensure progression and continuity of student learning.
This bundle provides key scaffolding notes that will help you plan, teach and assess ICT capability alongside the literacy context. If you want to be effective in your technology integration then this is the bundle for you. Begin integrating technology and teach ICT capability in literacy lessons today.
(For ICT Coordinators and Administrators) - ebook Whole school performance in ICT is vital to ensure economic competitiveness and more importantly, increase attainment in student capabilities in ICT. Learn how you can coordinate the assessment of ICT across the whole school so that it becomes a leader in ICT.
Inclusion in early childhood education means increasing the participation of children in the cultures, curriculum and communities of local schools. It concerns being able to support the needs of all children. Having an inclusive environment is essential in offering opportunities for learning for children and you as an early childhood teacher want all children to benefit. The use of ICT in early childhood education is a vital tool that ensures that inclusion actually happens.
You will learn:
The key issues in using ICT for inclusion
Develop an inclusive practice with ICT
Managing an inclusive classroom
What does an inclusive classroom look like with ICT
Universal Design for Learning in ECE - Technology Integration Framework
E-Inclusion - what is that?
Challenging the gifted children with ICT
Promoting equitable access
And more!
I hope you enjoy this online preview!
As an early childhood teacher, you are an expert in observing children in your care. This professional development ebook will help you capitalise on this expertise to establish a starting point for a child’s ICT capability.
Laying the foundations for ICT capability in early childhood education is essential as it ensure a smooth progression in their learning journey not just in Kindy or preschool, but throughout primary and secondary education.
In an ICT-dominated society, can you afford not to gain an appreciation of where a child is, where they are heading and where they going next.
Learn key formative assessment strategies that will support you and the child’s use of ICT in your early childhood education and care centre today.
Derived from the Early Years Learning Framework outcomes this lesson plan and activity idea will broaden children’s technological literacy and develop their ICT capability in the curriculum.
As part of our EYLF outcome 4 activities, you will learn by applying key strategies how to demonstrate and instruct children how to use specific ICT skills in graphics programs.
Curriculum-focused literacy-technology integration activities supported by lesson plan templates, ICT teaching strategies, classroom management strategies, teaching practices and more that will enhance literacy with ICT AND boost teacher competence and confidence in ICT today. Adaptable for any classroom!!!
Key Themes include:
Curriculum connections;
Curriculum maps;
Teacher competence in ICT - what you need to know?
Teacher reflection activities;
Literacy-ICT teaching strategies;
Assess the use of ICT in Literacy lessons;
Overcoming difficulties in the classroom;
Organising the classroom;
Providing an inclusive classroom environment;
Classroom management strategies;
Curriculum activities;
Visual literacy activities and;
Cross-currricular activities.
Generic narrative literacy lesson plans for when you are using ICT in the literacy lesson such as word processors, presenation software or telling stories with images using MS Photostory.
Australian Curriculum Connect are lesson plans with ICT teaching strategies and resources. They focus on helping primary teachers develop student ICT capability (General Capability/21 st century skills) throughout Literacy teaching in the Australian Curriculum (Primary). This teaching resource includes lesson plans with themes such as INFORMATIVE TEXT and NARRATIVE (IMAGINATIVE) TEXT derived from the national curriculum.
Over 20 curriculum focused literacy-technology lesson plans and resources. Integrate ICT with ease in your lessons by boosting teacher competence in ICT, making Curriculum connections, reflecting on your ICT teaching and learning, using successful ICT teaching strategies and effective classroom management strategies just to name a few. Over 100 pages.
Curriculum focused literacy lesson plans equipped with everything you need to know about teacher competence in ICT for lessons, classroom management, successful ICT teaching strategies and the development of ICT capability in literacy lessons.
Curriculum-focused literacy-technology lesson plans that are adaptable and flexible for every classroom, equipped with ICT teaching strategies, classroom management strategies, reflective activities, strategic information to boost your competence in ICT, ICT activities for the literacy classroom and much more.
A collection of literacy - technology integration lesson plan templates supporting the Australian Curriculum and accompanied by ICT teaching strategies, ICT activities, classroom management strategies and more.