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Hi, I am a supply teacher in Canada looking to help teachers while I break into the school system. Most of my resources are for reading comprehension of all kinds of different books I have read and made simple questions for. This is so you don't have to read the book and can still follow the story! I use them for my own private tutoring business to test the comprehension of the student while they read. If you have any questions or would like a custom bundle, send me a message!




Hi, I am a supply teacher in Canada looking to help teachers while I break into the school system. Most of my resources are for reading comprehension of all kinds of different books I have read and made simple questions for. This is so you don't have to read the book and can still follow the story! I use them for my own private tutoring business to test the comprehension of the student while they read. If you have any questions or would like a custom bundle, send me a message!
Reading Comprehension- HP#4- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Reading Comprehension- HP#4- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Image by manseok Kim from Pixabay. Pixabay License Free for commercial use No attribution required This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The ISBN13 of this book is 9781551925158. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 479 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Questions: Chapter 1: The Riddle House (Pg. 7-20) What had happened in the Riddle House 50 years ago? The three Riddles were found dead Why was nobody sad to see them killed? They were not liked by the village Who was arrested for the murders? Frank Bryce, the Riddle’s gardener Why did Frank get accused of the murders? There were no broken windows or doors kicked in and Frank was the only other person with a key What was odd about the police report on the Riddle’s bodies? There was no sign of any harm done to them, but all had a terrified look on their face
Reading Comprehension- HP#5- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Reading Comprehension- HP#5- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Image by Lucy Prior from Pixabay. Pixabay License Free for commercial use No attribution required This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The ISBN13 of this book is 9781551925707. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 528 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Questions: Chapter 1: Dudley Demented (Pg.6-22) On the hottest day of the summer, who was the only person outside? Harry Potter What was Dudley’s excuse to his parents for going out with his friends? That he was going out for tea What made Harry get up? A loud crack Who saw Harry with his wand out? Uncle Vernon What did Harry call Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia when they thought Harry made the crack sound outside? Called them stupid
Reading Comprehension- HP#6- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Reading Comprehension- HP#6- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Image by Vinson Tan ( 楊 祖 武 ) from Pixabay. Pixabay License Free for commercial use No attribution required This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The ISBN13 of this book is 9781551927565. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 475 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Questions: Chapter 1: The Other Minister (Pg. 6-19) What was the Muggle Prime Minister getting criticism about? A bridge collapse, two well-publicized murders and a Hurricane that did plenty of damage Who was the Prime Minister expecting a call from? A minister from a faraway country What did the oil painting next to the Prime Minister say? That Minister of Magic Fudge wanted to meet immediately Why was the Muggle Prime Minister not happy to see Fudge? Fudge only showed up when he had bad news to share What other news did Fudge once bring to the Muggle prime minister? The breakout of Sirius Black from Azkaban
Reading Comprehension- HP#7- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Reading Comprehension- HP#7- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Image by mrblackman1 from Pixabay. Pixabay License Free for commercial use No attribution required This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The ISBN13 of this book is 9781551929767. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 471 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Questions: Chapter 1: The Dark Lord Ascending (Pg. 7-15) Where were the Death Eaters located? Lucius Malfoy’s house What was there confusion about at the meeting? That different Death Eaters had heard different times for Harry to be moved from the Dursley’s Where was Harry going to be moved to? One of the Order’s homes Who married Lupin? Tonks What did Voldemort ask Malfoy? If he would babysit the cubs because Tonks was related to both Bellatrix and the Malfoys
Reading Comp- The Kingkiller Chronicles #1- The Name Of The Wind

Reading Comp- The Kingkiller Chronicles #1- The Name Of The Wind

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book The Name of the Wind. The ISBN13 of this book is 9780756404741. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 409 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions The Name of the Wind Questions: Prologue: A Silence of Three Parts (Pg. 1-2) What laid in silence? The Waystone Inn What were the three parts of the silence? The hollow echoing silence, the men in the bar were talking about terrible news so they were quiet and the man behind the bar who was the owner of the Waystone bar Chapter 1: A Place For Demons (Pg. 3-18) What was Taborlin looking to do to the other men at the bar? Escape them but there was no way out What did Taborlin say to the stone around him? Break, which it did Why didn’t Taborlin hurt himself when he jumped? Because he knew the name of the wind or it was the amulet he had around his neck
Reading Comp- The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict

Reading Comp- The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict. The ISBN13 of this book is 9780316176194. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 267 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict Questions: Chapter 1: A Beginning at the End (Pg. 1-12) Where was Nicholas travelling to? An orphanage What was the orphanage referred to as? The Manor What did Mrs. Ferrier suggest Nicholas must do at the Manor? Hold his tongue and check and make himself useful What did Nicholas cause Mrs. Ferried to have? A headache Chapter 2: Ledgers and Lies (Pg. 13-26) What was Mrs. Pileus’ jobs at the Manor? Driver/Handyman/Carpenter/Mechanic
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #6- Afternoon On The Amazon

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #6- Afternoon On The Amazon

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Afternoon on the Amazon. The ISBN13 of this book is 0590965425. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 88 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #6- Afternoon On The Amazon Questions Prologue: (Pg. 1-2) What appeared in the woods in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania? A mysterious treehouse What was the treehouse filled with? Books What could the treehouse do that was magic? It could take Jack and Annie to the places in the books What did Jack and Annie have to do to go to one of the places? Point to a picture in one of the books Who did the treehouse belong to? Morgan Le Fay
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #7- Sunset of the Sabertooth

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #7- Sunset of the Sabertooth

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Sunset of the Sabertooth. The ISBN13 of this book is 0590988247. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 87 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #7- Sunset of the Sabertooth Questions: Prologue (Pg. 1-4) What mysteriously appeared in the woods of Frog Creek, Pennsylvania? A treehouse What did Jack and Annie find in the treehouse? Books What did Jack and Annie soon discover about the treehouse? It was magic What could the treehouse do that was magic? Take them to the places in the books What did Jack and Annie have to do to go somewhere in the books? Point to a picture and wish to go there
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #8- Midnight on the Moon

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #8- Midnight on the Moon

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Midnight on the Moon. The ISBN13 of this book is 0590988255. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 83 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #8- Midnight on the Moon Questions: Prologue: (Pg. 1-2) What appeared one day in the woods of Frog Creek, Pennsylvania? A treehouse What was the treehouse filled with? Books What also was unique about the treehouse? It was magic What could the treehouse do that was magic? It could transport anyone to one of the places in the book What did Jack and Annie have to do to transport somewhere? Just point to a picture in a book and the treehouse would take you there
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #9- Dolphins at Daybreak

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #9- Dolphins at Daybreak

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Dolphins at Daybreak. The ISBN13 of this book is 067988338-X. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 78 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #9- Dolphins By Daybreak Questions: Chapter 1: Master Librarians (Pg. 1-10) What did Jack dream about? Morgan Le Fay saying the treehouse is back and she was waiting What did Jack wish about the dream? That it was real What did Annie come running up to Jack to say? That she had a dream about Morgan and they had to go to the woods now Who looked out of the treehouse when Jack and Annie arrived? Morgan Le Fay What couldn’t Morgan Le Fay collect? Books for Camelot’s library
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #10- Ghost Town at Sundown

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #10- Ghost Town at Sundown

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Ghost Town at Sundown. The ISBN13 of this book is 067988339-8. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 85 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #10- Ghost Town at Sundown Questions Chapter 1: How Wild? (Pg. 1-6) What did Annie see hopping into the woods? A rabbit Why did Annie want to go into the woods? Because she thought the rabbit was a sign and she wanted to see if Morgan was back with the magic treehouse for their next adventure Was the treehouse there? Yes, with Morgan Le Fay waving to them What was their next riddle and adventure taking them to? The Wild West How many riddles did Jack and Annie have to solve to become master librarians? 4
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #11- Lions at Lunchtime

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #11- Lions at Lunchtime

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Lions at Lunchtime. The ISBN13 of this book is 067988340-1. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 69 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #11- Lions at Lunchtime Questions Chapter 1: Before Lunch (Pg. 1-8) What did Jack and Annie see on their way home from the grocery store? A deer like creature head into the woods What did Jack and Annie do? Followed it What had returned to the woods? The magic treehouse What did Jack and Annie have to solve to become Master Librarians? Riddles How many riddles have Jack and Annie solved so far? 2
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #12- Polar Bears Past Bedtime

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #12- Polar Bears Past Bedtime

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Polar Bears Past Bedtime. The ISBN13 of this book is 059070638-1. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 96 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #12- Polar Bears Past Bedtime Questions Chapter 1: Are You Serious (Pg. 1-9) What was making noise outside of Jack’s window? A snow owl What did Jack think the owl could be? A sign an adventure was waiting for Jack and Annie What were the signs of their last two adventures? A rabbit and a gazelle Where did the owl want them to go? Into the woods in the dark What did Jack and Annie both wear into the woods? Their pyjamas
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #13- Vacation Under The Volcano

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #13- Vacation Under The Volcano

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Vacation Under The Volcano. The ISBN13 of this book is 059070639-X. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 88 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #13- Vacation Under The Volcano Questions: Chapter 1: A Secret Code (Pg. 1-8) What were Jack and Annie finally named? Master Librarians What were Jack and his family about to leave for? Vacation in the mountains What did Jack and Annie check every morning? The forest to see if the magic treehouse had come back with another adventure for them What did Annie have a dream about? Fires burning Was the treehouse there this time? Yes
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #14- Day of the Dragon King

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #14- Day of the Dragon King

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Day of the Dragon King. The ISBN13 of this book is 0-590-70642-X. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 91 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #14- Day of the Dragon King Questions Chapter 1: The Bamboo Book (Pg. 1-7) Where were Jack and Annie heading to? China What did Jack and Annie need to remember to bring with them? Their secret library cards What did Jack and Annie’s mom say when they said they were going to China? Have fun because she thought they were pretending What did Morgan warn Jack and Annie about this adventure? That it would be scary What was up in a nearby tree? A magic treehouse
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #15- Viking Ships at Sunrise

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #15- Viking Ships at Sunrise

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Viking Ships at Sunrise. The ISBN13 of this book is 0-590-70643-8. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 84 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #15- Viking Ships at Sunrise Questions: Prologue (Pg. 1-2) What mysteriously appeared in the woods in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania? A treehouse What was the treehouse filled with? Books What was unique about the treehouse? It was magic What was magic about the treehouse? It could take people to the places in the books What did someone have to do to get to one of the places in the books? Just point to a picture and say they want to go there
Reading Comprehension Magic Treehouse #16- Hour of the Olympics

Reading Comprehension Magic Treehouse #16- Hour of the Olympics

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Hour of the Olympics. The ISBN13 of this book is 0-590-70646-2. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 91 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #16- Hour of the Olympics Questions: Prologue: (Pg. 1-2) What mysteriously appeared in the Frog Creek, Pennsylvania woods? A treehouse Who climbed into the treehouse? Jack and Annie What was the treehouse filled with? Books What could the treehouse do for Jack and Annie? Take them to places in the books What did Jack and Annie have to do to go somewhere? Point to a picture of a place and say they wanted to go there
Reading Comprehension- Lord of the Rings #2- The Fellowship of the Ring

Reading Comprehension- Lord of the Rings #2- The Fellowship of the Ring

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book The Fellowship Of The Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien. The ISBN13 of this book is 9780007488315. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 321 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. To see what you’re going to get, I’ve provided the first 5 questions of the document below. Prologue: (Pg. 1-20) How tall are hobbits? 2-4 feet tall What did Hobbit rarely wear? Shoes How many meals a day did Hobbits eat? Up to 6 meals if they could get them Where did Hobbits usually live? In tunnels and holes in the ground What did many Hobbits die in? A large famine in the past
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #17- Tonight on the Titanic

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #17- Tonight on the Titanic

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Tonight on the Titanic by Mary Pope Osborne. The ISBN13 of this book is 067989063-7. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 75 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #17- Tonight on the Titanic Questions: Prologue: (Pg. 1-3) What appeared in the woods in Frog, Creek Pennsylvania? A treehouse Who climbed into the treehouse? Jack and Annie What was the treehouse filled with? Books What did Jack and Annie soon discover about the treehouse? It was magic What could the treehouse do that was magic? It could take Jack and Annie to the places in the books
Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #18- Buffalo Before Breakfast

Reading Comprehension- Magic Treehouse #18- Buffalo Before Breakfast

This document provides quick reading comprehension questions to ask your student/child that relates to the book Buffalo Before Breakfast by Mary Pope Osborne. The ISBN13 of this book is 067989064-5. If you have any questions, feel free to message! There are 90 questions in this document. The .zip file includes a student handout (without answers) and a separate document with the answers in red font. Here is a preview of the first 5 questions Magic Treehouse #18- Buffalo Before Breakfast Questions: Prologue: (Pg. 1-2) What appeared one day in the woods of Frog Creek, Pennsylvania? A treehouse Who climbed into the treehouse? Jack and Annie What was the treehouse filled with? Books What did Jack and Annie soon discover about the treehouse? It was magic What was magic about the treehouse? It could take them to place in the books