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Art and Design resources and lesson plans for KS3. Strong focus on artist analysis and how literacy can be included in the Art and Design curriculum, additionally focusing on the visual and formal elements in Art.




Art and Design resources and lesson plans for KS3. Strong focus on artist analysis and how literacy can be included in the Art and Design curriculum, additionally focusing on the visual and formal elements in Art.
ART GCSE AO2 Refinement of Experimentation

ART GCSE AO2 Refinement of Experimentation

Lesson powerpoint on how to refine experimentation work in Art GCSE. Powerpoint runs through AQA definition of AO2, includes student visual examples and breaks down with easy to digest notes. Also includes a page with a picture - for teacher to demonstrate how to edit photographs on Microsoft Powerpoint.
Geometric and Organic shapes

Geometric and Organic shapes

Powerpoint introduction lesson - shapes, geometric and organic. Introducing a shape project for Kandinsky and Matisse, with compare and contrast analysis work.
Surrealism powerpoint - Year 9 Art lesson

Surrealism powerpoint - Year 9 Art lesson

Year 9 lesson introduction to Surrealism Art movement, lesson powerpoint includes: Art history - how the Surrealism art movement was founded. Artist research - Looking in depth at Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali. Whilst also mentioning the influences of Surrealism such as Andre Breton and Max Ernst. Common characteristics - what visual traits are most common in the artwork - such as subject matter, use of colour, the style of the work etc. This is a guide to help students better understand the work and to give a foundation for how to work in the Surrealism style.
Eric Joyner - Surrealism lesson

Eric Joyner - Surrealism lesson

Lesson includes: Eric Joyner powerpoint - giving an overview of the artist and his work. Common characteristics (and worksheet for students to write on) to enable a discussion about what the key themes in his work are - also to help guide students on how to work in a way that is inspired by Joyner. Powerpoint also includes a slide on how to create an Eric Joyner inspired painting (success criteria).
ART GCSE - AO4 Final Piece Planning

ART GCSE - AO4 Final Piece Planning

Powerpoint lesson walk through - emphasis on visual examples from previous students work, with bullet point/note style explanations of the key things students need to consider when working towards their own final piece idea. Colour coded breakdown of all four Assessment objectives (AQA) to guide students and show them how each AO links in with their final piece and final idea development.
KS4/GCSE Learning Journey

KS4/GCSE Learning Journey

Year 10 project - based on the topic of Nature. Show students how they will progress through the 4 learning objectives throughout year 10. Examples on what types of work needs to be completed in order to attain each learning objective, for example: AO1 - Artist research pages. Images to show examples of artwork and previous student work in the background. A visual ‘checklist’ with bulletpoints on what needs to be completed throughout the year. Year 11 - Independent project Continuing on from year 10 - but narrowing their theme and personal investigation of their own project. -Shows students the necessary progress through the 4 learning objectives. -Gives students examples of work that fits into each AO. Gives students a visual look at some of the previous student work and outcomes in the background of the learning journey.
Learning Journey KS3 and beyond

Learning Journey KS3 and beyond

Learning Journey poster/worksheet Can be put at the front of students books or presented clearly in classrooms, shows all topics and skills which students will learn over the 3 years of KS3 and how this knowledge can be applied to GCSE.
Lollipop Branding - Chupa Chups

Lollipop Branding - Chupa Chups

Graphics lesson - Sarah Graham and Chupa Chups. Lesson looks at artist Sarah Graham and her Chupa Chups paintings. The lesson also looks at branding, this lesson pack includes: Sarah Graham recap from previous lesson drawing lollipops. Chupa Chups analysis of current branding. 2x worksheets for Chupa Chups branding exercise. Main task: Students are to complete a design idea for a Chupa Chups wrapper advertising a new flavour: Pink Lemonade, Cherry Cola or Tropical Fruits. Example images are provided to guide students with their designs.
Synthetic Cubism Collage

Synthetic Cubism Collage

Leading on from Bottle Drawing lesson - students to complete a Cubism inspired collage. Powerpoint includes: Introduction to what collage is. Links to Cubism art form and relevant artist’s. Visual examples both from Artists and Student examples (with written success criteria also) Evaluation questions with sentence starter examples.
Eric Joyner - Acrylic Painting

Eric Joyner - Acrylic Painting

Lesson includes: Common characteristics starter activity. Eric Joyner artist research page. Success Criteria in written form and visual examples of previous students work (What a good one looks like). Breakdown of a level 3, 4 and 5 with these visual examples - gives students a clearer idea of how to improve their own work.
Hundertwasser - Colour Theory and Oil Pastel

Hundertwasser - Colour Theory and Oil Pastel

Colour Theory and Oil Pastel based lesson - using colour theory knowledge to create a Hundertwasser inspired piece. Lesson includes: Artist introduction/information page. Common characteristics starter task. Step by step guide to a successful piece. Student examples for ‘what a good one looks like’.
Sarah Graham Lollipop Observational drawing

Sarah Graham Lollipop Observational drawing

Complete lesson includes: Lesson powerpoint with artist research for Sarah Graham and information on observational drawing and line drawing techniques. Worksheet for students to complete their drawing on - with LO printed and marksheet table to track student progress through self, peer and teacher assessment. Step by step drawing guide - how to draw a lollipop with pictures to aid student progress.
Tonal Shading - shapes worksheets

Tonal Shading - shapes worksheets

2 worksheets on tonal shading skills: Tonal Shading sphere - experimenting with tonal shading gradient and using tonal shading skills to create a 3D sphere from a circle shape. Developing tonal shading skills using different shapes - practicing responding to the light source with different shapes and looking at where tone changes to create a 3D form. Both worksheets include a description/LO for the task as well as a quick yet effective marksheet table to track student progress through self, peer and teacher assessment. Powerpoint lesson plans included to help guide the lesson.
Typography and Word illustration task

Typography and Word illustration task

Illustrating ‘Peace’ Lesson includes: Powerpoint with visual examples and thorough explanation of the task. Inspiration/Mood Board to help with the designs. Design worksheet with 3 levels - different tasks for each level to show more progress and encourage students to become more independent with their designs.
GCSE Water colour and Ink

GCSE Water colour and Ink

Full lesson includes Artist research link (AO1) Experimentation guidance for Ink and Water colour painting (AO3) Refinement also as it shows students 5 different ways of using the techniques (AO2/3). Picture examples and step by step for each experimentation method. Annotation guidance at the end of the PowerPoint. Example worksheet for leaves - observational drawing, quick and easy for students. Range of ability types.
Graphics: Shepard Fairy - Poster Design

Graphics: Shepard Fairy - Poster Design

Shepard Fairy poster design lesson includes: Common Characteristics starter worksheet for Shepard Fairy. Powerpoint with Artist information and explanation of the task. Poster worksheet which includes artist examples to help with success criteria as well as a marking table which includes self, peer and teacher assessment.