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French resources for all levels, mostly PPT presentations but also videos and worksheets.




French resources for all levels, mostly PPT presentations but also videos and worksheets.
3  ESSAYS ON NO ET MOI  1. Le mal être adolescent 2. La marginalisation 3.Lou  narratrice

3 ESSAYS ON NO ET MOI 1. Le mal être adolescent 2. La marginalisation 3.Lou narratrice

Attached are 3 Model essays on No et Moi, of between 400-600 words each on the following titles: *• " No et moi est avant tout un roman sur le mal être adolescent" Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec cette affirmation ? Examinez l’importance du thème de la marginalisation dans No et moi ‘Dans No et Moi, Lou est une narratrice problématique a qui le lecteur ne peut pas faire confiance.’ Évaluez à quel point cette affirmation est justifiée.
12 French GCSE Model Essays 80-90 words AQA/ Edexcel

12 French GCSE Model Essays 80-90 words AQA/ Edexcel

This resource consists of 12 French GCSE Model Essays for the 80-90 words task ( 16 markers) based on Edexcel & AQA Past Writing Paper. It a fully editable Word doc The following topics are covered: _ Holidays _ School _ Friendship _ Work _ My area _ Food& Drink _Sports & Hobbies _ Music _ Heath _ Celebrations _ Relationships _ Routine These essays are also useful for GCSE/ IGCSE 130-150 words essays .
La Haine 5 A LEVEL Model ESSAYS

La Haine 5 A LEVEL Model ESSAYS

Attached are 5 A Level Model Essays of around 300 words each in a word doc on the following titles: “la Haine est avant tout un film sur le mal-être adolescent.” Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec cette affirmation? “Des trois protagonistes, Vinz est le moins réaliste et raisonnable”.Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec cette affirmation? 3.“Analysez dans quelle mesure La Haine nous présente une société française fracturée ? 4.Analysez comment kassovitz, le metteur en scène,cherche à provoquer des émotions fortes chez son public dans La Haine. 5.“La haine attire la haine’. Dans quelle mesure cette phrase d’Hubert illustre le thème principal du film.
14 Model essays on La Haine

14 Model essays on La Haine

Attached are 12 model A Level essays on La Haine on themes, characters and techniques between 400 and 1000 words each. Here are the titles covered are: 1.La représentation de la police 2. Similarités et les différences Vinz et Hubert 3. similarites et différences entre Said, Vinz et Hubert 4. Le titre du film La Haine est bien choisi car il reflète exactement le thème principal du film’. Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec ce jugement? 5. L’exclusion sociale 6. Le Mal-être des banlieusards 7. La société française fracturée 8. Vinz est le moins raisonnable des trois jeunes 9. la Haine La technique du Noir et Blanc 10. personnages réalistes ou des stéréotypes 11. La représentation de la famille dans La haine 12. Eprouvez-vous de la compassion pour Vinz ? 13. Examinez le rôle des personnages secondaires 14. Les trois jeunes banlieusards sont en partie responsables des problèmes qui leur arrivent au cours du film.
4 As Level Model Essays on La Haine

4 As Level Model Essays on La Haine

Find attached 3 As Model Essays on La Haine of around 300 words each on the following titles: Examinez ce qui motive le comportement et les actions de Vinz, Saïd et Hubert dans ce film. Selon vous, quelle est la motivation la plus importante ? Examinez le rôle des personnages secondaires dans ce film. Vous pouvez utiliser les points suivants : • le rôle des membres de la famille des 3 jeunes • le rôle des membres de la police, Notre Dame et Samir • le rôle d’Astérix et Darty Examinez les similarités et les différences entre Vinz et Hubert dans La Haine. Vous pouvez utiliser les points suivants : comment ils sont physiquement et leurs caractères comment sont leurs tempéraments leurs actions au cours du film et leur motivation l’évolution des personnages au cours du film. 3 essays are in an editable Word doc
Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech

Powerpoint exploring Direct and Indirect Speech aimed at A Level and adult students so you may need to adapt to suit your class. PPT includes a tutorial and a range of activities.
French A Level Grammar Revision Booklet with Test

French A Level Grammar Revision Booklet with Test

Attached are 2 docs: one is a booklet to revise 10 Key grammar points covered in the New A Level exams and the other is a grammar test made up of 19 exercises. Students revise each grammar point by completing the exercises provided. At the end of the booklet, a general grammar multiple choice exercise recaps all the points covered. Answers are provided on last page. This booklet can be done in class or independently. My students found it useful for exam revision. It is suitable for all A Level French exam boards. Once students have finished the booklet, they can do the test attached.
Se présenter en français_ KS3 and 4 level.

Se présenter en français_ KS3 and 4 level.

Powerpoint with 23 slides to help students introduce themselves and other people. This is useful to revise basic French, greetings, where you live, nationality description personal information and social French at both KS3 and 4 level. This is very interactive, so students can practice role plays in pairs in class. You can spend the whole lesson on it. My GCSE students found it useful for preparing for the role play part in the exam.
Extensive French grammar practice for GCSE students

Extensive French grammar practice for GCSE students

6 Resources
This bundle consists of 10 PPT tutorials with practice, each resource covering a different grammar points. The points covered are: _ the main tenses in French ( Present, Perfect, Imperfect, Future and Conditional, all with irregular verbs) _ Adjectives _ articles _ Comparatives _ Pronouns _ Prepositions + An editable booklet to revise all these points
Bundle Les Comparatifs et Superlatifs

Bundle Les Comparatifs et Superlatifs

This bundle on Comparatives and Superlatives include 3 resources. _a PPT with tutorials and practice exercises on the uses of the comparatives and superlatives in French. It consists of 28 slides and proved clear explanation and useful practice on this tricky grammar point. this is suitable both for GCSE and A Level students. _ A PPT comparing 2 French speaking countries, France & Canada _ A word document with a recap of the rules and 4 stimulating exercises It is suitable both for GCSE and A Level students
10 Resources on the Pacs

10 Resources on the Pacs

Attached is a range of 10 resources on the PACS. It includes 3 PPT with some activities such as gap-fill, 5 reading comprehension with answers provided and a couple of article on the subject. All the activities are pitched for As/A2 students.
French GCSE Booklet to practise Main Topics & Skills

French GCSE Booklet to practise Main Topics & Skills

This extensive booklet in color, 91 pages, covers all the GCSE topics across the 4 skills. Each topic includes a some set phrases for foundation and higher level which are really useful both for the Speaking and Writing exam. The use of colour and highlight for complex structures will help students with sentence building. Some Model answer with notes and exercises are provided for the Writing activities. A vocab list is also provided for each topic. The Reading, Speaking and Listening activities are taken from various GCSE resources and are fully relevant to the new GCSE syllabus. Transcript and translation are provided for all listening activities together with the link to access that activity.


Comprehensive and interactive multi choice grammar quiz (72 slides) to revise a range of grammar points: tenses, adjectives, gender etc …in a fun way. Also included is a 15 slides PPT with gap-fill tasks to practice conjugation and adjectival agreement. Both PPT are Suitable for As and A2 students, this is a very effective resource to revise a range of grammar points in 30mn.


This bundle contains a collection of 16 Cultural and linguistic PPT quizzes on France and French language for KS 3 and 4 students, depending on the resource. Most of them are in French but a few for KS3 are in English. The length of each quiz varies between 15 and 45mn . The Most of theses Quizzes are interactive PPT and can be displayed on whiteboard and are fully editable. The other ones are Word docs. The title indicates the targeted audience. These quizzes are best used either at the end of term or for starters/plenaries. These quizzes are covering grammar and vocab but also a very wide range of cultural topics about France : medias, geography, history, famous people. Fun way to revise and consolidate your French knowledge
GCSE Asking Questions in French: Tutorial and Practice

GCSE Asking Questions in French: Tutorial and Practice

This is a comprehensive and interactive PPT on asking questions in French. It goes through: _ 3 different ways of asking a question in French _ Asking closed and Open questions _ Using all the question words There are 50 slides and half of them are practice activities: gap-filling, multiple choice, sentence building, translation. It is suitable for KS3,4 and even A Level students. I also included some worksheets for more practice.
French Grammar: Difference between Prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs

French Grammar: Difference between Prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs

I noticed that students are often confused with the grammatical terminology in French and make mistakes such as useing adjectives instead of adverbs. Hence this interactive PPT presentation on Prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs in French will clarify the function of each category and will help them with sentence building . Some gap-filling exercises provide students with practice. This is suitable for intermediate and advanced learners of French.
Les lieux et magasins en ville

Les lieux et magasins en ville

Interactive PPT with Tutorial and Activities on Places and Directions with more than 100 slides. It is divided into 3 parts: _ a comprehensive list of public places and shops. Students guess the name of the place on the picture on each slide and answer is then provided with the appropriate article gender. _ How to use the verbe Aller in present tense + preposition _ How to ask and give Directions with lots of practice in group or in pairs It is suitable for KS3 and 4 students. You can spend the whole lesson on this. 3 useful worksheets on places and a game in Word docs are also provided.
Le conditionnel et "Si" clauses : tutorial and practice

Le conditionnel et "Si" clauses : tutorial and practice

Attached is a bundle that covers all aspects of the conditional and Si Clauses. It includes: _ 3 comprehensive PowerPoint to introduce and practice the conditional tense and clauses in French. These Powerpoint are designed both at implementing basic conditional notions for KS4 students and provide more complex work with KS5 student, such as the 3 types of Si clauses. It covers regular and irregular verbs. It includes 10 slides with various exercises, including a song. Also attached are 7 worksheets in word format to practise the various aspects of the conditional tense (regular and irregular ), past conditional in French clause including a song and a boardgame. This level is indicated by the title of the doc. These are particularly useful for A Level students who are often confused with Si clause but is also suitable for GCSE students.
GCSE / IGCSE EXAM PRACTICE WITH ANSWERS:  10  TESTS to do Listening, Grammar and  Reading Practice

GCSE / IGCSE EXAM PRACTICE WITH ANSWERS: 10 TESTS to do Listening, Grammar and Reading Practice

Attached is a series of 10 Assessments suitable for the New GCSE/ IGCSE candidates providing relevant practice on Listening Grammar and Reading Skills. They cover a wide range GCSE/ IGCSE topics. Each test, around 1h long, covers a different GCSE/ IGCSE topic, lasts , and consists in: _3 Listening activities _3 Grammar Gap-Fill Exercises, suitable to practise the new IGCSE Grammar Section _ 3 Multi-Choice Reading activities, based on authentic French material These tests can be used for independent practice at home or in class, and provide 10h of exam practice.
No et Moi: Summary, Analysis and Reading Guide

No et Moi: Summary, Analysis and Reading Guide

This in-depth and informative booklet in French ( 15 pages) brings you: • A biography of Delphine De Vigan • A complete plot summary • Character studies • An Analysis of the Key themes and symbols • Reflection on the style of the novel It will help the A Level students with essay writing . It can be used in class or for independent study.