Attached is an editable word document with 7 GCSE FRENCH SAMPLE ESSAYS of around 130 words on common topic areas ( Hobbies, Holidays, My area, Shopping, School, Health, Hobbies) with their translation below.
Also included is a list of French GCSE Grade 7-9 phrases and useful structures, very useful for essay writing at GCSE & IGCSE Levels. .
Attached is a comprehensive booklet on famous French movie Au revoir là-haut , (See you up there). It is made of 16 slides with 8 interactive activities about describe the historical context, the trailer, the story and the movie maker. Answers are provided. This booklet can be done prior to watching the movie.
Attached are 3 Model essays on No et Moi, of between 400-600 words each on the following titles:
*• " No et moi est avant tout un roman sur le mal être adolescent" Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec cette affirmation ?
Examinez l’importance du thème de la marginalisation dans No et moi
‘Dans No et Moi, Lou est une narratrice problématique a qui le lecteur ne peut pas faire confiance.’ Évaluez à quel point cette affirmation est justifiée.
Attached are 5 A Level Model Essays of around 300 words each in a word doc on the following titles:
“la Haine est avant tout un film sur le mal-être adolescent.” Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec cette affirmation?
“Des trois protagonistes, Vinz est le moins réaliste et raisonnable”.Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec cette affirmation?
3.“Analysez dans quelle mesure La Haine nous présente une société française fracturée ?
4.Analysez comment kassovitz, le metteur en scène,cherche à provoquer des émotions fortes chez son public dans La Haine.
5.“La haine attire la haine’. Dans quelle mesure cette phrase d’Hubert illustre le thème principal du film.
This resource consists of 12 French GCSE Model Essays for the 80-90 words task ( 16 markers) based on Edexcel & AQA Past Writing Paper.
It a fully editable Word doc
The following topics are covered:
_ Holidays
_ School
_ Friendship
_ Work
_ My area
_ Food& Drink
_Sports & Hobbies
_ Music
_ Heath
_ Celebrations
_ Relationships
_ Routine
These essays are also useful for GCSE/ IGCSE 130-150 words essays .
Find attached 3 As Model Essays on La Haine of around 300 words each on the following titles:
Examinez ce qui motive le comportement et les actions de Vinz, Saïd et Hubert dans ce film. Selon vous, quelle est la motivation la plus importante ?
Examinez le rôle des personnages secondaires dans ce film.
Vous pouvez utiliser les points suivants :
• le rôle des membres de la famille des 3 jeunes
• le rôle des membres de la police, Notre Dame et Samir
• le rôle d’Astérix et Darty
Examinez les similarités et les différences entre Vinz et Hubert dans La Haine.
Vous pouvez utiliser les points suivants :
comment ils sont physiquement et leurs caractères
comment sont leurs tempéraments
leurs actions au cours du film et leur motivation
l’évolution des personnages au cours du film.
3 essays are in an editable Word doc
Attached are 12 model A Level essays on La Haine on themes, characters and techniques between 400 and 1000 words each. Here are the titles covered are:
1.La représentation de la police
2. Similarités et les différences Vinz et Hubert
3. similarites et différences entre Said, Vinz et Hubert
4. Le titre du film La Haine est bien choisi car il reflète exactement le thème principal du film’. Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec ce jugement?
5. L’exclusion sociale
6. Le Mal-être des banlieusards
7. La société française fracturée
8. Vinz est le moins raisonnable des trois jeunes
9. la Haine La technique du Noir et Blanc
10. personnages réalistes ou des stéréotypes
11. La représentation de la famille dans La haine
12. Eprouvez-vous de la compassion pour Vinz ?
13. Examinez le rôle des personnages secondaires
14. Les trois jeunes banlieusards sont en partie responsables des problèmes qui leur arrivent au cours du film.
PPT presentation to learn and practice the conjugation of "Prendre/Mettre/ Faire" in the Present Tense. It gives a comprehensive list of expressions with these verbs.
Students have the opportunity to practice these three verbs along with the possessive adjectives through a range of interactive exercises in context.
My students find the activities very helpful for sentence building.
Comprehensive tutorial with some practice on the present tense. This interactive presentation shows the various patterns of the regular and irregular verbs, including reflexive verbs.
It aims to consolidate and extend students' knowledge of irregular verbs. Students are encouraged to participate by providing the answers for each different pattern and then they get some conjugation practice with three exercises.
Also attached are 3 word docs on the present tense: 2 tests and a worksheet
My A Level students found it very useful to revise and memorize the irregular forms but it can be adapted to GCSE levels.
Comprehensive Powerpoint presentation on the conjugation of the verb "Aller" in the present tense and the prepositions following this verb. It gives lots of useful sentences with "Aller" and is a very efficient way to practice sentence building. This is suitable for Year 9 to 11 pupils, but also works as revision with KS5 students.
I designed this resource after I noticed the recurrent mistakes on the preposition after this verb. This Powerpoint is also an opportunity to revise countries, places, and transport as well as adverbs of frequency and the pronoun "Y".
Comprehensive Multiple Choice French PPT Quiz based on the Millionaire game to revise and consolidate aspects of French culture ina fun and interactive way.
It consists of:
_38 slides on French culture, 20 single questions on language and culture and 7 riddles. Answers are provided on next slide.
_It’s suitable for A Level students and can be played in teams, individually or with whole class. Usually takes up to 45 mn.
This bundle consists of 4 separate Folders, each containing activities to revise and practice a specific aspect of the perfect tense :
_ 1 folder with 3 Comprehensive tutorials in PPT with some practice exercises on the perfect tense. These interactive presentations show the various patterns and a thorough list of the past participles of regular, i rregular verbs, VanDer Tramp and reflexive Verbs.
_ 1 folder on Regular Verbs, with worksheets and games
_ 1 folder on Irregular Verbs, with
_ 1 folder with tests
This is useful both for GCSE and A Level students to revise and practice all the forms of the perfect tense.
Revision booklet covering various topics and grammar points.
It contains 5 main areas, each one comprising a tutorial on a specific point/topic followed by 3 to 5 worksheets for practice. (see list of topics below).
This booklet is suitable both for teenagers and young professionals as there is a focus on business French. It can be done either in class using a projector or at home . I wanted to show my A Level students that the language can be used in real work life situation. They enjoyed this work and found it a nice change from the usual exam practice.
Below is a list of the topics covered:
Welcoming a visitor
What did you do last
week end?
Describing a week end
Talking about past events
A company profile and history
Talking about your education and career
Comparing company performances
Describing people