I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Comprehensive Presentation that covers: Pressure Groups and Power, What is Pluralism? Robert A Dahl’s Work on Power Structures and Pluralist Democracy, Pluralists and Democracy, Pluralists and the State, Evidence for the Pluralist View, Problems with Pluralism, Criticism of the Pluralist Position, What is Elitism? Is this Democratic? So Where is the Power? The Distinction Between Pluralism and Elitism, What Determines the Success of Pressure Groups, Functions of Pressure Groups, Mobilise Public Opinion, Example of the Mobilisation of Public Opinion, Education, Example of the Educative Role, Encourage Participation, Pluralism and Diversity, Example of Encouraging Participation, Single Issues, Example of Single Issue, Redress of Grievance, Example of Redress of Grievance, Representation of Minorities, Example of Representation of Minorities, Expert Knowledge, Example of Expert Knowledge, Public Policy, Example of Public Policy, Check and Balance to the Power of Executive Government and Example of Check and Balance.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: capacity utilisation -
current output (divided by) maximum possible output (x 100), implications of under and over-utilisation of capacity and ways of improving capacity utilisation.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: A Definition of Power, the Issue of Power in Society, Forms of Power, Images of Power, three ‘Faces’ of Power and Authority.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Example of Slavery, Unethical Business? The Relationship Between Business and Consumers, Consumer, Cyber-Crime and Surveillance, Good or Bad? The Relationship Between Employers and Employees, Whistle-Blowing, The Relationship between Business and Globalisation, The Reasons for Globalisation, Globalisation: Good or Bad? Exploitation Vs Benefits, Globalisation and Unfair Trade – Free Choice Defence, Better than Nothing Defence, No Sweat Movement, Legality Defence, Possibility Defence, Anti-Globalisation, Business and the Environment and Case Study: Anglo American.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Plato’s Cave, Plato’s Forms, Examples, Form of the Good, Critique of Plato’s Idea of Forms, Body / Soul Distinction, Aristotle Four Causes, Marble Statue, Aristotle on the Forms, Prime Mover, Characteristics of Prime Mover, Problems with Aristotle, The Unmoved Mover, Aristotle the Body / Soul, Similarities and Critical Thoughts.
Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Structure of the Atmosphere, Atmospheric Heat Budget - The Amount of Energy Received From the Sun, Factors Affecting Insolation and Heating of the Atmosphere, Planetary Surface Winds, General Atmospheric Circulation, Climate of the British Isles, Air Masses Affecting the British Isles, Depressions, Anticyclones, Climate of Tropical Region, MEDC: Hurricane Katrina Death Toll, LEDC: Cyclone Nargis, Burma Death Toll, Urban Micro-Climates, Pollution Reduction Policies, Urban Area Effect on Wind Speed, Storm Events - 1987 The Great British Storm, Tropical Revolving Storms, Global Climate Change - Evidence for Climatic Change, Global Warming Causes, Effects, UK Climate Change, Tropical Region: Climate Change - Amazon Basin and Monsoon Climate.
Comprehensive Presentation: When Do Presidential Elections Occur? Stages of Presidential Election, Requirements for a Presidential Candidate, Invisible Primary, Primaries, Timing of Primaries, Super Tuesday, Front Loading, Closed Primaries, Open Primaries, Modified Primaries, Delegate Allocation, Caucuses, Increased Importance of Primaries, Strengths of Primaries, Criticisms of Primaries, How Could They Be Improved? Are Primaries Important? Why Clinton Lost the 2008 Nomination, National Party Conventions: Formal Functions, National Party Conventions: Informal Functions, Post Convention ‘Bounce’, Are Conventions Important? Campaign Finance, Federal Election Campaign Act, Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act 2002, Role of the Media, Televised Debates, Impact of TV Debates, Voter Turn Out, Voting Behaviour, Typical Democrat, Typical Republican, Why Did Obama Win in 2008? Electoral College, Criticisms of the Electoral College, Strengths of the Electoral College, Congressional Elections, Coattails Effect, Split Ticket Voting, Strong Support for Incumbents, Propositions, Proposition: Advantages, Proposition: Disadvantages, Referendums and Recall Elections.
Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: Systems, The Water Cycle - Water Distribution and Stores, Cryospheric Water, Terrestrial Water, Atmospheric Water, Oceanic Water, Reservoir and Residence Times, Factors Affecting Changes in Carbon Store, Factors Affecting Hillslope Hydrology, Soil Water Budget, Hydrographs, Factors Affecting Storm Hydrographs, Land Use Changes Affect the Water Cycle, Differences in Groundwater Levels, The Carbon Cycle, Carbon Stores, Atmosphere, Movement of Carbon, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Decomposition, Combustion, Carbon Sequestration, Changing Carbon Budget, Drivers of Change in the Amazon, Impact of Change - Climate Change, Vegetation Change and Soil and Rivers.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Socialism Definitions, Socialism and Human Nature, Socialist Values, Social Class, Class Conflict, Socialism vs. Capitalism, Equality, Key Concepts of Socialism, Social Justice, Problems with Social Justice, Class Conflict, Collectivism, State Socialism, Why Utopia Failed, Social History (1640-1740), Social History (1740-1830), Charles and Robert, Karl Marx, Marxism, Marx’s Three Categories, Orthodox Marxism, Modern Marxism, Modern Marxism, Revisionism, Revolution Not Evolution, How Socialism Works, Types of Socialism, Revolutionary Socialism, Evolutionary Revolutionary Socialism, Fabians, Democratic Socialists as well as Capitalism and Socialism.
Comprehensive Presentation that Cover: Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Overall Importance of Checks and Balances, Strengths and Weaknesses of Checks and Balances, Federalism, The Amendment Process and Flexibility of the Constitution.
Comprehensive Presentation on The Powers of the President, Theories of Presidential Power, The Federal Bureaucracy, The Cabinet, The Executive Office of the President, The President’s Relationship with Congress, President and Foreign Policy, Limits on Presidential Power and The Vice – President.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Nature of Political Parties, Leadership of Political Parties, The Two-Party System, State Party Power, Big Issues that Shaped the Parties, The Two-Party System, Structure of the Major Parties, Polarisation – Break-up of the Solid South, The 50-50 nation’ and ‘red vs. blue’, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Third Parties, Third Party Obstacles and Theories of Party Renewal/Decline.
Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: The Structure of Ecosystems, Energy Flows and Nutrient Cycling, Trophic Levels, Food Chains and Webs, Ecosystems in the British Isles Over Time - Succession and Climax, Development of a Succession, Lithosere, Hydrosere, Temperate Deciduous Woodland, Arresting Factors, Plagioclimax: Heather Moorland, Tropical Biomes, The Tropical Equatorial Rainforest Biome - Climate, Soils, Characteristic Features, Vegetation, The Effects of Human Activity on Plant Succession, Causes of Deforestation, Impacts of Deforestation, Tropical Biome – Savannah Grassland, The Savanna Grassland Biome - Climate, Precipitation Varies, Temperature Varies, Ecological Responses - Soil Moisture Budgets - Northern Ghana, Northern Ghana Characteristics, Adaptations by Vegetation, Impact of Human Activity, The Tropical Monsoon Forest Biome - Climate, Ecological Responses - Soil Moisture Budgets, Adaptations by Vegetation and Animals, Impact of Human Activity, Development Issues in the Three Biomes, Ecosystem Issues on a Local Scale - Urban Niches, Colonisation of Wasteland, Succession - Industrial site, Ecologies Along Route Ways, Introduction of New Species, Gardens and Parks, Changes in the Rural Urban Fringe, Ecological Conservation Areas, Dulwich Upper Wood Conservation Area, Species in the Wood, Why the Site is Interesting? Ecosystem Issues on a Global Scale - Human Activity, Biodiversity and Sustainability, Management of Fragile Environments, Case Study: Central Amazon Conservation Complex - Management, Case Study: Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania - History, Management, The Sundarbans Reserved Forest, Bangladesh - Threats, Flora and Fauna and Management.
Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Resources - Resource Classifications, Human Activity Impacts on Resources, Resource Insecurity Implications for Human Wellbeing, Energy Security - Access and Consumption of Energy Resources, Energy Players - Reliance on Fossil Fuels, Alternatives to Fossil Fuels: Managing Supply, Future Risks, Players and Scales, Mineral Security - Iron Ore Reserves, Uses of Iron Ore and Environmental Impacts of Extraction.
Comprehensive Revision Notes that Covers: What a Religious Experience is? Veridical Religious Experiences, Swinburne’s Five Religious Experiences, Vision Experiences, Voices, James’ Argument for Religious Experience and Challenges to Religious Experience
Comprehensive Revision Notes that Covers: Aquinas First Way, Aquinas Second Way, Aquinas Third Way, The Kalam Argument, The Causal Principle, Does the Universe Have a Beginning, The Argument from the Contingent Existence, Objections, Swinburne An Inductive Argument, Swinburne’s Cosmological Argument, Best Explanation, and The Limits of Explanation.