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Jlp76's Shop

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I teach young people with social communication difficulties, including autism. I have worked in both primary and secondary mainstream ARCs and also specialist provision and I love my job! I am slowly uploading resources that have worked well so check back every now and again. If there are any resources or activities that you would like to see in my shop, feel free to message me. I love making resources!




I teach young people with social communication difficulties, including autism. I have worked in both primary and secondary mainstream ARCs and also specialist provision and I love my job! I am slowly uploading resources that have worked well so check back every now and again. If there are any resources or activities that you would like to see in my shop, feel free to message me. I love making resources!
Christmas Listening velcro book, ASC, KS1

Christmas Listening velcro book, ASC, KS1

Christmas listening task / interactive book. Editable with full instructions. Students to listen to instructions, e.g. ‘Put star on the tree’, and select the correct image. Used with learners with autism and SLD as a TEACCH type task but could also be used for Early Years or KS1.
Emergency  Services

Emergency Services

2 Resources
A selection of emergency services themed activities. Designed for learners KS1 - KS4 with ASD but also appropriate for SEN or KS1 of mainstream.
Red Riding Hood basic literacy selection, KS1, SEN, ASD

Red Riding Hood basic literacy selection, KS1, SEN, ASD

A selection of Little Red Riding Hood activities I used in literacy with my ASD class. There is quite a lot here, all at quite a simple level - my learners were all at P Level to Reception / early Y1. The activities are also suitable for mainstream children working at the above level, or older learners with SEN.
George and the Dragon, KS1, SEN, ASD

George and the Dragon, KS1, SEN, ASD

Resources used with my specialist ASD class while we were learning about St George (British Isles topic). George and the Dragon Vocab - 6 A4 pages with varied activities focusing on the vocabulary of the story. Pages 1 and 2 - ‘Key word bingo’ we were prelearning / reinforcing the words in the story. I stuck one of the ‘Key word bingo’ sheets in each of the children’s books. Page 3 - these were the words in the bingo (calling cards). I cut these up and kept them in a basket. We ended our English lessons that week with a game of key word bingo using the strip stuck in their book. We just used counters as markers so we could replay. For more able pupils, if they had a picture I would ask them what the work meant or ask them to put it into a sentence. For less able pupils, I would repeat the word and give an explanation to reinforce understanding. Page 4 - activity for a child with limited ability to read or write, instructions included on the page. Page 5 - pictures of key words - learners to write a sentence using the key word. Page 6 - missing word activity with visual cues. George and the Dragon Vocab list - 1 A4 page containing vocab list (2 per page)
CVC words, spelling / writing practise / activity KS1 / SEN / ASD

CVC words, spelling / writing practise / activity KS1 / SEN / ASD

2 CVC activities I have used in my mixed age autism / social communication ARC. These would also be suitable for mainstream learners. CVC words- word shape:10 A4 sheets, with 6 CVC cards on each page. Each card has a picture of the CVC word and, underneath, the shape of the letters that make up the word. I laminated these and used them in a variety of ways but they could also be used as worksheets. CVC Write the Room - my class love these! I chop up the numbered cards and blue tac them around the classroom. The class go around with a clip board and the answer sheet (included). I usually do 2 different write the rooms at the same time so more able children do a different version. There are 12 numbered cards to complete and an answer sheet. These too have the word shape underneath to act as a visual cue. 4 A4 sheets in total. Most of my learners have ADHD as well as their autism so moving around the classroom allowed for physical movement and was more engaging. The words are: rat, wet, hot, cup, cap, jam, bed, car, net, lid, saw, bus.
Sharing a Shell, ASD / SEN / EYFS / KS1. Basic literacy / position

Sharing a Shell, ASD / SEN / EYFS / KS1. Basic literacy / position

A few resources from when we read Sharing a Shell. I teach a mixed age primary class, all with autism attending specialist ASD provision. Ability at the time ranged between P4 and approx Reception / Year 1 level. Resources are also suitable for mainstream learners working at this level. Download includes: Sharing a Shell book review - A4 sheet, learners identify who is in the story, where the story is set and what happened 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Sharing a Shell LA - position activity for my lowest ability learner, I used this with the child working 1:1 with a TA, discussing the picture and seeing if the child could identify ‘where’ (TA reading the sentence) Position Sharing a Shell - 2 near identical worksheets for children to write the appropriate word in the gap. I can draw… - these were to encourage mark making / fine motor skills. Frame with a prompt picture of the characters in Sharing a Shell. 3 x A4 sheets. Who words dotted - We did a lot of narrative and colourful semantic work in English lessons. This activity was to reinforce / generalise understanding of ‘who’ and to develop mark making / handwriting / recognition of character names (more able).
Under the Sea (also lighthouse / starfish) EYFS / KS1 / SEN, selection of topic based resources

Under the Sea (also lighthouse / starfish) EYFS / KS1 / SEN, selection of topic based resources

A hotchpotch of various resources I used with my ASD specialist provision class during a recent Under the Sea topic. My class were mixed ages and varied widely in ability (P4 to approx Y1/Y2 ability) so the resources reflect this. These resources are suitable for any age group who are working at this level, and also suitable for mainstream. There are 10 files included: L is for lighthouse - simple level, tracing ‘l’ and colouring items that start with ‘l’ S is for starfish - as above but ‘s’ Sea Creatures - match photo to image (simple reasoning / develop generalising) Lighthouse Facts - 2 A4 worksheets for basic lighthouse facts. 1 page is words only, 2nd sheet is supported by symbols. Lighthouse Factsheet - very similar to above but slightly prettier - used in a previous year with a group who were more able and could manage with more visual distraction. Lighthouse intro - basic powerpoint Draw and label a lighthouse - simple A4 sheet Starfish ‘eat’ or ‘live’ sorting sheet Starfish fact sheet - A4 sheet for learners to complete Under the sea describing words - topic related pictures, learners needed to find a describing word for each picture (e.g. ______ boat ) 2 copies per A4 page
ASD / SEN All About Me Factfile, new class, transition, get to know you activity

ASD / SEN All About Me Factfile, new class, transition, get to know you activity

This is a 2 page fact sheet designed for my class who were a mixed age primary group, all with autism, attending a specialist provision. This group were working between P6 and approximately a Y1 level. The activity was designed to increase learner’s awareness of basic facts relating to themselves as few of the class were aware of basic personal information such as their full name, birthday and address. As the activity was geared around them, they were more engaged than usual and most were able to remember the key facts after practising asking and answering each other. I also linked this to our maths - taking about how many of each eye colour / shoe size etc and measuring heights, hands and feet. I will upload that separately. Activities suitable for any age group working at this level. Eye is to be coloured in with appropriate colour - in case anyone is wondering why there is nowhere to write the eye colour!
Yes / No questions, reading comprehension, reasoning, TEACCH / workstation task. KS1 / Autism / SEN

Yes / No questions, reading comprehension, reasoning, TEACCH / workstation task. KS1 / Autism / SEN

I used these as a TEACCH workstation task in my autism classroom to support my learners reading skills and comprehension, together with their reasoning skills. Cards include topics such as facts, pronouns and prepositions. Learners identify yes or no by attaching a clothes peg to the correct answer. Alternatively, if laminated using gloss laminating pouches, they could circle the correct answer with a whiteboard marker.
Phonics clothes peg cards, KS1 / Autism / ADHD / SEN

Phonics clothes peg cards, KS1 / Autism / ADHD / SEN

Children read the word and attach clothes peg onto the appropriate picture. To reduce the possibility of guess work, many of the pictures are of items which are similar to the word if read incorrectly, for example ‘scare’ shows pictures for ‘scar’, ‘scare’ and ‘share’. Three sets of cards are in pack, 15 cards in each set, so 45 cards in total. Cards need trimmed and ideally laminated. I designed these for my learners with autism / ADHD as a more interactive way to practice reading, but they are also suitable for KS1 / SEN.
Phonics, clothes peg cards to support reading of phase 2 phonics

Phonics, clothes peg cards to support reading of phase 2 phonics

Children read the word and attach clothes peg onto the appropriate picture. To reduce the possibility of guess work, many of the pictures are of items which are similar to the word if read incorrectly, for example ‘feel’ shows pictures for ‘fall’, ‘feel’ and ‘feet’. Three sets of cards are in pack, 15 cards in each set. Cards need trimmed and ideally laminated. I designed these for my learners with autism / ADHD as a more interactive way to practice reading, but they are also suitable for KS1 / SEN.
ASD  / Autism / SEN - Associations, workstation task

ASD / Autism / SEN - Associations, workstation task

4 baseboards and 16 cards (best laminated to make the resource last longer). Baseboards each showing 4 items. Pupils use the accompanying cards to identify which items go together (e.g. head goes with cap). Boards and cards are colour coded to ensure that the sets don’t get mixed up. I used these as workstation tasks / morning jobs but they could also be printed and used as worksheets. Designed for children with autism / social communication difficulties to develop reasoning / logical thinking and for the child to begin to make connections. Can be extended by asking the child / young person to explain their reasoning.
Phonic sounds peg cards

Phonic sounds peg cards

Phonic peg cards - children attach a clothes peg to the correct sound. Sounds included: ck, th, ch, ir, sh, er, ur 3 cards for each sound, apart from ‘sh’ which has 9 cards. 27 cards in total. Best laminated so cards stay intact with repeated use. Practical activity, could be used as independent task. Designed for SEN group but equally appropriate for mainstream.
Using commas to write lists (Robin's Winter Song)

Using commas to write lists (Robin's Winter Song)

One sheet to introduce the idea of writing lists. One sheet to support children to use the information from the list to write a sentence. This sheet ties in with Robin's Winter Song which we are beginning after half term but doesn't need reference to the book - it could just be an independent list of what animals eat. Designed for KS2 children with significant SEN / autism.
New class, back to school

New class, back to school

7 Resources
Bundle of resources worth £19 if bought individually. Save over 50% through buying as a bundle. Presenting your Learning and Classroom Weather Chart suitable for classroom routines and expectations. Various ‘About Me’ activities including a game, booklet and craft activity. ‘My Summer Holiday’ structured worksheet to support recall of holiday activities. Activities designed for learners with SEN, including autism but also suitable for mainstream class.
3D Hot Air Balloon craft - All About Me, Transition, New Class, SEN, KS1, KS2

3D Hot Air Balloon craft - All About Me, Transition, New Class, SEN, KS1, KS2

4 oval shapes for learners to draw - self portrait, things I like, my family, what I want to do when I grow up. When these are finished, ovals should be cut out and folded in half. Two halves should be stuck to one oval - making a 'cross' type shape when viewed from above. Apologies for my rubbish description! String can then be used to attach the 'basket' to the hot air balloon. A lovely 'getting to know you' craft for the beginning of the school year. These look nice strung in a line across a window.