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Science - Animals including humans L3 - Body Pump (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Animals including humans L3 - Body Pump (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the third lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are five lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson slides (PDF) and accompanying resources. This lesson will happily span two lessons as it is knowledge and vocabulary-rich. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Estimation starter Slide four: Main task: Pose scientific questions about blood Slide five: Blood and its contents Slide six: Science Comprehension task Slide seven: Blood soup starter task Slide eight: Fact File task
Science - Animals including humans L2 - Body Pump (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Animals including humans L2 - Body Pump (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the second lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are five lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson slides (PDF) and accompanying resources. Most of these lessons will happily span two lessons as they are knowledge and vocabulary-rich. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Starter task and lesson summary Slide four: Arteries and Veins Slide five: Main task and extension Slide six: Colour coding task Slide seven: End of the Lesson Quiz Slide eight: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback
Science - Animals including humans L1 - Body Pump (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Animals including humans L1 - Body Pump (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the first lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are five lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson slides (PDF) and accompanying resources. Most of these lessons will happily span two lessons as they are knowledge and vocabulary-rich. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Introduction to the circulatory system Slide four: What do you remember about the skeletal, muscular and digestive systems task Slide five: Recap task Slide six: The skeletal system recap Slide seven: The muscular system recap Slide eight: The digestive system recap Slide nine: Lesson overview Slide ten: Labelling task Slide eleven: Imagination task and Interactive model Slide twelve: Extension task Slide thirteen: End of the Lesson Quiz Slide fourteen: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback
My Book Review

My Book Review

I have created this resource for pupils to review books that they have read. I’m hoping these will act as inspiration for others in my class and will provide a love for reading. I’m going to display these within my reading corner and perhaps create a floor book with them in.
What helps Hindu people as they try to be good? Bundle (Upper KS2)

What helps Hindu people as they try to be good? Bundle (Upper KS2)

7 Resources
Lesson Bundle including six lessons looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. The lessons are inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but include a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoints Available to edit for every lesson (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources. L1: Brahman and Atman L2: The Story of the man in the well L3: Karma L4: Purusharthas L5: Moksha L6: Inspirational Hindus (Ghandi)
L6 Inspirational Hindus (Ghandi) (Upper KS2)

L6 Inspirational Hindus (Ghandi) (Upper KS2)

Final RE Lesson looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. This lesson is the first of six lessons looking at Hindu teachings. The lesson is inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but includes a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Recap Slide four: Task: Qualities which made Ghandi inspirational Slide five: Ghandi: Birth Slide six: Ghandi: Marriage and Education Slide seven: Ghandi: Work and Apartheid Slide: eight to nine: Ghandi: Activism Slide ten: Ghandi: Ashram Slide eleven: Ghandi: Mohatma Slide twelve to thirteen: Ghandi: Fast Slide fourteen: Extension Task
L5 Moksha (Upper KS2)

L5 Moksha (Upper KS2)

Fifth RE Lesson looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. This lesson is the first of six lessons looking at Hindu teachings. The lesson is inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but includes a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Recap Slide four: Start of the lesson quiz Slide five: Start of the lesson quiz answers (feedback) Slide six: Starter question Slide seven to eight: Dharma Slide nine to ten: Stages of life (Ashramas) Slide eleven: Impact of duties on daily living
L4 Purusharthas (Upper KS2)

L4 Purusharthas (Upper KS2)

Fourth RE Lesson looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. This lesson is the first of six lessons looking at Hindu teachings. The lesson is inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but includes a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Recap Slide three: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide four: Start of the lesson quiz Slide five: Start of the lesson vocabulary Slide six: Purusharthas Slide seven: Your Goals Slide: eight: Your goals and purusharthas Slide nine: Plenary Slide ten: End of the lesson quiz Slide eleven: End of lesson quiz answers (feedback)
L3 Karma (Upper KS2)

L3 Karma (Upper KS2)

Third RE Lesson looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. This lesson is the first of six lessons looking at Hindu teachings. The lesson is inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but includes a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Starter Slide three: Recap Slide four: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide five: Start of the lesson vocabulary Slide six: Introduction Slide seven: Karma Slide: eight: Moksha Slide nine: Moksha snakes and ladders Slide ten: Good and bad karma task Slide eleven: Extension task Slide twelve: Plenary Slide thirteen: End of the lesson quiz Slide fourteen: End of lesson quiz answers (feedback)
L2 The Story of the man in the well (Upper KS2)

L2 The Story of the man in the well (Upper KS2)

Second RE Lesson looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. This lesson is the first of six lessons looking at Hindu teachings. The lesson is inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but includes a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Vocabulary recap Slide three: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide four: Start of the vocabulary Slide five to six: Starter task sketch the eight parts of ‘the Man in the Well’ Slide seven to eight: Interpretation task Slide nine: The real interpretations Slide ten: Sentence starters and key vocabulary Slide eleven: Summary Slide twelve: Plenary Slide thirteen: End of the lesson quiz Slide fourteen: End of lesson quiz answers (feedback)
L1 Brahman and Atman (Upper KS2)

L1 Brahman and Atman (Upper KS2)

First RE Lesson looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. This lesson is the first of six lessons looking at Hindu teachings. The lesson is inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but includes a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) From memory: This lesson happily spans two lessons if required. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources. Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Start of the lesson quiz Slide four: Start of the lesson quiz answers (Feedback) Slide five: Hinduism recap Slide six: Brahman forms (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) Slide seven: The Hindu Creation story Slide eight: Summary Slide nine: Chronology of creation story task Slide ten: Story wheel task Slide eleven: Key Vocabulary Slide twelve: Atman Slide thirteen: Video link Slide fourteen: Plenary Slide fifteen: End of the lesson quiz Slide sixteen: End of lesson quiz answers (feedback)
Science - Living things and their habitats scheme - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Living things and their habitats scheme - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

8 Resources
This bundle contains ten lessons for a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. I’ve also included a Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoints Available to edit for every lesson (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
Science - Living things and their habitats L10 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Living things and their habitats L10 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the tenth lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. I’ve also included a Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Explore Slide four: Enquire Slide five: Challenges (1, 2 and 3) Slide six: Dichotomous Key for Animals Slide seven: Dichotomous Key for Plants Slide eight: Reflect and Review Slide nine: End of the Lesson Quiz Slide ten: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback
Science - Living things and their habitats L9 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Living things and their habitats L9 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the ninth lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. I’ve also included a Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Resources Slide four: Explore Slide five: Starter Slide six: Starter feedback Slide seven: John Ray Slide eight: Carl Linnaeus Slide nine: Phillip Miller Slide ten: Scientific Question Slide eleven to twelve: Explore Slide thirteen: Enquire Slide fourteen: Reflect Slide fifteen: End of the Lesson Quiz Slide sixteen: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback
Science - Living things and their habitats L8 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Living things and their habitats L8 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the eighth lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. I’ve also included a Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Resources Slide four to five: Explore Slide six: Aristotle Slide seven: Carl Linnaeus Slide eight: History of Classification Slide nine: Reading Comprehension Activity Slide ten: Why were Fungi once classed as Plants extension Slide eleven: End of the Lesson Quiz Slide twelve: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback
Science - Living things and their habitats L7 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Living things and their habitats L7 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the seventh lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. I’ve also included a Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Resources Slide four: Explore Slide five: Fungi Recap Slide six: Beneficial/Harmful Table Slide seven: Explore - Scientific Question Slide eight: Explore - Prediction Slide nine: Explore - Variables Slide ten: Explore - Variables feedback Slide eleven: Results Slide twelve: Results table Slide thirteen: The explanation Slide fourteen: Conclusion writing Slide fifteen: Scatter Graph Slide sixteen: End of the Lesson Quiz Slide seventeen: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback
Science - Living things and their habitats L6 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Living things and their habitats L6 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the sixth lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. I’ve also included my Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Resources Slide four to seven: Explore Slide eight: Bacteria Slide nine: Fungi Slide ten: Micro-organisms overview Slide eleven: Beneficial/Harmful Task Slide twelve: Beneficial/Harmful Task feedback Slide thirteen: Challenge Slide fourteen: End of the Lesson Quiz Slide fifteen: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback
Science - Living things and their habitats L5 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Living things and their habitats L5 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the fifth lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. I’ve also included a Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Resources Slide four: Explore Slide five: Enquire Slide six: End of the Lesson Quiz Slide seven: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback
Science - Living things and their habitats L3/4 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Living things and their habitats L3/4 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the third and fourth lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. I’ve also included my Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Resources Slide four: Exam-Style Starter Slide five: Explore Slide six: Feedback Slide seven: Vertebrates and Invertebrates Slide eight: Vertebrates Slide nine: Invertebrates Slide ten: Invertebrates - arthropods Slide eleven: Vertebrate Discussion word mat Slide twelve: Invertebrate Discussion word mat Slide thirteen: Arthropod Discussion word mat Slide fourteen: Dichotomous Key for Animals Slide fifteen: Animalia Fact File Task Slide sixteen: Animalia Fact File Task feedback Slide seventeen to eighteen: Classification challenge Slide nineteen: End of the Lesson Quiz Slide twenty: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback
Science - Living things and their habitats L1/2 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

Science - Living things and their habitats L1/2 - The Nature Library (Upper KS2 - Year 6)

This lesson is the first and second lesson from a Science scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 6), inspired by the Collins Snap Science curriculum and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. (01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. I’ve also included my Medium Term Plan for the entire scheme! Slide one: Title page Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide three: Resources Slide four: Explore Slide five: Starter Task Slide six: Feedback Slide seven: Title page Slide eight: Learning Intention and Targets for Success Slide nine: Resources Slide ten to eleven: Explore Slide twelve: Living Things classification Slide thirteen: Plantae Characteristics Slide fourteen: Challenge Slide fifteen: Dichotomous Key for Plants Slide sixteen: Discussion word mat Slide seventeen to eighteen: Reflect and Review Slide nineteen: End of the Lesson Quiz Slide Twenty: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback