All resources

One more and One less Money
Differentiated Worksheets for children to add amounts of coins and write one more and one less.

Sharing Money Equally
Differentiated worksheets and reasoning helping children to share amounts of money as an introduction to division.

dge Sound
Smart notebook with activities and words to help children read and spell words containing dge.

Finding Change
Activity for children to find change and draw coins. Differentiated between 10, 20 and 50p.

White Rose Year 1 Block 1 Place Value 1 4 Week Plan
4 week plan for the first block of the Year 1 White Rose.

Phase 5 Comprehension (ea, oy and ir)
Engaging phase 5 Comprehension (ea, oy and ir) featuring Ken the Koala.

Thank you Omu Planning for 1 week
One weeks planning and resources for the book Thank you Omu by Oge Mora most suited to a KS1 class. Really good when doing a topic on Nigeria.

Landmarks of Peru
Presentation of Lima’s landmarks and human features with accompanying differentiated worksheets.

KS2 Christmas Assembly
Full script and song ideas for a KS2 Christmas production/ assembly. The assembly focuses on Christmas traditions around the world. I do not have the rights to songs so these are not provided sorry !

Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson Two Weeks Plan and activities
Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson Two Weeks Plan and activities.

Emma Jane's Aeroplane Planning and Resources
Two week’s planning Emma Jane’s Aeroplane Planning and Resources most suited to a KS1 class. I did this with a Year 1 class as part of a Aeroplane topic.

My Friend The Weather Monster Planning and Resources
Two weeks planning and resources for the book My friend the Weather Monster by Steve Smallman. Most suited to a year 1 class.

Percy the Park Keeper: After the Storm 2 weeks planning
Two weeks planning and resources for the book Percy the Park Keeper After The storm. Includes; two week plan and lesson resources. Most suited for a KS1 class.