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Insulation Experiment
This is a frame for a science report based on an insulation experiment. The experiment is using different types of cups (plastic, ceramic, wooden, polystyrene, glass etc.) to see which one keeps water hottest the longest.
Children have to test the water temperature at timed intervals and write up an experiment report.

The First Christmas (Comic Strip Worksheet)
After reading the story of the first Christmas, I got the children to recount the story in comic strip form to assess their understanding. Can be used with younger children as a story and sentence activity or in greater depth higher up the school.

Dissolving Experiment
This is a report frame which allows children to write up a dissolving experiment. They predict and test several substances such as coffee, sugar, salt etc. in hot and cold water. They can discuss how to make it fair and the results.

Why the Whales Came - setting task
This is a powerpoint to accompany the novel, Why the Whales Came by Michael Morpurgo. It has several pictures of different settings and leads to a discussion on why setting is important to a story. You can either give the children a copy of a chapter describing setting or get them to take notes of words and phrases relating to setting as you read aloud.

Floating and Sinking Experiment
Children must choose objects from around the classroom and test them to see whether they float or sink in water. This report frame lets them think how to fairly test this and to predict their results first.

Recipe for me!
This is a great getting to know you activitiy for a class or first day. Children create a recipe based on themselves, ingredients could be personality traits, looks, hobbies, family members etc.
They write a method and produce a picture of themselves at the bottom. Just a bit of fun to help you get to know them!

Journey to another Planet Powerpoint
Powerpoint using pictures to inspire creative writing.
setting, visual, space, planets, description, senses.

Mona Lisa Eyes for Portraits
Sets of eyes to print so children can stick them on paper and draw their own portrait but with Mona Lisa eyes. Good way to introduce portraiture skills or different artists or for use with a class studying Europe. Makes a great classroom display when completed!

Playful Olympic Activity Challenge Cards
Play challenge prompts for the Olympics or could be used to generate ideas for whole class activities or lessons.

Olympic Event Creation
Design your own wacky and weird Olympic event- space for a drawing, equipment list and how to play instructions.

Pupil of the Week Classroom Reusable Poster/Sign
I created this sign and laminated it. There is a space to stick on the photo of the pupil of the week and a space for them to write on why they have achieved pupil of the week.

Letter to a child in Europe Planning frame
Planning sheet for writing a letter to a child in Europe, penpals, letters, Europe,

Journey to another Planet Planning Frame
Planning frame to go with Journey to another Planet Powerpoint.
Creative writing, setting, space.

Target Arrows
Here are some arrows that I had children complete with 'My target is...'. We had them decorated and laminated and put up on a target board, getting nearer to the centre as they felt they were reaching their target.
Good for target setting and self assessment.

French Storybook Project
Instructions for a storybook activity to recap on french family unit. Pupils must create characters and plot for a book in french. Group work.

Baleen Whales Worksheet
Baleen whales worksheet, fill in the gaps, picture.
Cloze exercise, sea and seashore, ocean, underwater creatures.

Toothed Whales Worksheet
Worksheet on toothed whales, fill in the gaps, cloze exercise, underwater creatures, ocean, sea and the seashore.

Europe Table Names
Simple table names for a class studying Europe. Ready to cut and laminate - country names with flags underneath.

Sustainable Cities
Interdisciplinary Learning based around Global Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities
-Text from Chat GPT describing Sustainable Cities
-Literacy task
-Editable slide
-Day overview with literacy, maths, ICT and play challenges