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Direction Activity Stations
5 stations for position and direction activities to practise clockwise, anti-clockwise turns, quarter turns, half turns, right angles and lefts and rights.
Instruction cards, maths and other activity sheets

Cracker Sentence Pulling
Cracker template to be folded for up-leveling and extending sentences. See @mrs_c_teach on Instagram for examples.

Guess Who?
Getting to know you activity! Guess who by reading the clues in turn! Cut the slits on the first sheet, then stick the 2 together so you can fold the clues over to reveal them!

Active Literacy Stations
Active Literacy stations for Middle/Upper stages practising speech marks, spelling, contractions and dictionary skills.

24 Hour Time Questions
24 Hour time question and answer cards.
Green for mild, amber for hot and red for spicy questions!

Roll An Easter Egg Dice Game
3 eggs to fill and colour using the dice.
Each egg has 6 parts so roll the dice, look at which colour that number is and choose a part of your egg to colour!
(The background counts as 1 part in eggs 1 and 3!)

Chinese New Year Stem Challenge
Create a dragon themed marble run instructional slide.
Includes instructions and extension challenges.
(Suggested materials - paper, card and tape)

Vivaldi Spring Listening Activity
Note taking worksheet for class to listen to Vivaldi’s spring and identify features including instruments, rhythm and dynamics for further discussion and comparison.

Journalist Skills - Carousel Activities
Four activities which can be used and adapted for any stage to enhance newspaper writing skills. I used these in carousel format with my class but could be used as individual teaching activities for a lesson. The four activities are:
Fact versus Opinion (Cards to accompany from Twinkl or own can be made up)

Connectives Stations
Five carousel activity cards for practising connectives!
Connective chains
Connective butterflies
Connective board game (twinkl linked)
Connective construction
Connective wheel of fortune (twinkl linked)

12 Days of Christmas Festive Homework!
12 family fun activities to send out as homework during the festive period!

Festive Foodbank Maths
A PDF Maths resource - it is very tailored to my shopping trip and what I bought but would give inspiration of how to use it as your own in the classroom!

Monet's Springtime Response Worksheet
Response worksheet to Monet’s Springtime artwork looking at colours, content, interpretation for further discussion as a class.