This activity embeds and applies decoding knowledge and application with learners in UK Key Stage One (aged 5-7) or equivalent.
Simple sentences students can read and enjoy independently. Learners answer questions which indicate how the snowman should be illustrated. Will provide an excellent assessment of how children are progressing with independent reading.
I suggest you print 2 to a page to save printing costs and let children see the end result as they answer each question.
Ready to print and teach!
#directeddrawing #reading #apply #snowman #winter #decode #ks1
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Read and Draw a Flower
Read and Draw a Face
Read and Draw an Ice Cream
Read and Draw a Cat
Read and Draw a Dog
Read and Draw a Pumpkin
Read and Draw Bundle
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: LKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: UKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: Primary BUNDLE
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number 5
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 5 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number** 3**
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 3 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
This activity embeds and applies decoding knowledge and application with learners in UK Key Stage One (aged 5-7) or equivalent.
Simple sentences students can read and enjoy independently. Learners answer questions which indicate how the face should be illustrated. Will provide an excellent assessment of how children are progressing with independent reading.
I suggest you print 2 to a page to save printing costs and let children see the end result as they answer each question.
Ready to print and teach!
#reading #apply #face #ks1 #decode #directeddrawing
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Read and Draw a Snowman
Read and Draw a Flower
Read and Draw an Ice Cream
Read and Draw a Cat
Read and Draw a Dog
Read and Draw a Pumpkin
Read and Draw Bundle
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: LKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: UKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: Primary BUNDLE
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number 8
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 8 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 4
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Number sense mastery worksheet for the number 4
Worksheet to aid number sense by asking children to make sets of 4 (by deleting/adding objects to groups).
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Make sets of 3
Make sets of 5
Make sets of 6
Make sets of 7
Make sets of 8
Make sets of 9
Make sets of 10
Make sets of 3-10 Bundle
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Halves and Doubles using Planets
Space themed worksheet to aid with learners #pictoral learning about halving and doubling within 20.
Work includes:
Doubles to 10
Doubles to 20
Halves to 10 with investigation into half an odd number
Halves to 20 with investigation into comparing halves and doubles.
Use them for:
Practical halving and doubling using stampers, stickers or dot drawing
An introduction into creating own mathematical investigations
Independent maths/math centers
Home learning
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Picture - word matching activity that use the items mentioned in the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Useful for learners to match pictures to the written word, develop scissor and gluing skills. Reinforces vocab from the 12 Days of Christmas poem.
Perfect for younger learners and those with English as an Additional Language.
Picture pages are doubled to help with printing costs -
top tip - print 2 to a page!
4 pages included.
Ready to print and teach!
Use in conjunction with a variety of my 12 days themed resources!
#reading #apply #christmas #12days #EAL #vocab #keyword
Use in conjunction with a variety of my 12 days themed resources such as :
odd one out (reading and reasoning)
Also available in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
True or False statements based on the poem Twelve Days of Christmas.
Children will use their reasoning skills and knowledge of the poem to identify whether the statements fit the poem or not.
There are 3 differentiated levels of statement, and to challenge the kids ask them to make all the statements true!
Using this activity will provide:
Reading practice
Poem and Vocabulary reinforcement
Explanation practice
Reasoning skills.
Ready to print and teach! AND includes answer sheets.
#reading #apply #Christmas #12days #vocab #keyword #truefalse #reasoning #ks1 #ks2 #poem #poetry
Use in conjunction with a variety of my 12 days themed resources !
Also available in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
Do your learners really know what a noun phrase or expanded noun phrase are? Use this full version of the Twelve Days of Christmas poem to highlight them!
Add an extra challenge and ask your learners to improve them.
Also includes answer sheet.
Ready to print and teach!
Use in conjunction with a variety of my 12 days themed resources !
#reading #apply #christmas #12days #poem #grammar #enp #poetry #nounphrase #noun
Also available in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
Vocabulary is key in education!
Help your children use ambitious topic related words and spell them correctly too with this clear, but detailed wordbank.
Useful for home adults and in class learners alike.
#picasso #monet #matisse #vangogh #cezanne #kahlo #laurenceanholt #guidedreading #reading #keystage1 #ks1 #readytoteach #printandteach
This activity embeds and applies decoding knowledge and application with learners in UK Key Stage One (aged 5-7) or equivalent.
Simple sentences students can read and enjoy independently. Learners answer questions which indicate how the dog should be illustrated. Will provide an excellent assessment of how children are progressing with independent reading.
I suggest you print 2 to a page to save printing costs and let children see the end result as they answer each question.
Ready to print and teach!
#reading #ks1 #apply #dog #animals #decode #directeddrawing
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Read and Draw a Snowman
Read and Draw a Flower
Read and Draw a Face
Read and Draw an Ice Cream
Read and Draw a Cat
Read and Draw a Pumpkin
Read and Draw Bundle
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: LKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: UKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: Primary BUNDLE
This activity embeds and applies decoding knowledge and application with learners in UK Key Stage One (aged 5-7) or equivalent.
Simple sentences students can read and enjoy independently. Learners answer questions which indicate how the cat should be illustrated. Will provide an excellent assessment of how children are progressing with independent reading.
I suggest you print 2 to a page to save printing costs and let children see the end result as they answer each question.
Ready to print and teach!
#reading #apply #cat #animals #decode #directeddrawing #ks1
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Read and Draw a Snowman
Read and Draw a Flower
Read and Draw a Face
Read and Draw an Ice Cream
Read and Draw a Dog
Read and Draw a Pumpkin
Read and Draw Bundle
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: LKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: UKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: Primary BUNDLE
This Halloween themed activity embeds and applies decoding knowledge and application with learners in UK Key Stage One (aged 5-7) or equivalent.
Simple sentences students can read and enjoy independently. Learners answer questions which indicate how the pumpkin should be illustrated. Will provide an excellent assessment of how children are progressing with independent reading.
I suggest you print 2 to a page to save printing costs and let children see the end result as they answer each question.
Ready to print and teach!
#reading #apply #pumpkin #jackolantern #halloween #decode #directeddrawing #pumpkins
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Read and Draw a Snowman
Read and Draw a Flower
Read and Draw a Face
Read and Draw an Ice Cream
Read and Draw a Cat
Read and Draw a Dog
Read and Draw Bundle
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: LKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: UKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: Primary BUNDLE
This activity embeds and applies decoding knowledge and application with learners in UK Key Stage One (aged 5-7) or equivalent.
Simple sentences students can read and enjoy independently. Learners answer questions which indicate how the flower should be illustrated. Will provide an excellent assessment of how children are progressing with independent reading.
I suggest you print 2 to a page to save printing costs and let children see the end result as they answer each question.
Ready to print and teach!
#reading #apply #flower #garden #decode #directeddrawing #ks1
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Read and Draw a Snowman
Read and Draw a Face
Read and Draw an Ice Cream
Read and Draw a Cat
Read and Draw a Dog
Read and Draw a Pumpkin
Read and Draw Bundle
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: LKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: UKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: Primary BUNDLE
Three wordsearches for learners to show off their ability to read and identify the keywords in the Twelve Days of Christmas Poem.
Includes answers for self assessment
Use them for:
word reading
Home learning
literacy centers
Use in conjunction with a variety of my 12 days themed resources !
Also available in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
This activity embeds and applies decoding knowledge and application with learners in UK Key Stage One (aged 5-7) or equivalent.
Simple sentences students can read and enjoy independently. Learners answer questions which indicate how the ice cream should be illustrated. Will provide an excellent assessment of how children are progressing with independent reading.
I suggest you print 2 to a page to save printing costs and let children see the end result as they answer each question.
Ready to print and teach!
#reading #apply #icecream #summer #ks1 #decode #directeddrawing
Also Individually Available or as a bundle!
Read and Draw a Snowman
Read and Draw a Flower
Read and Draw a Face
Read and Draw a Cat
Read and Draw a Dog
Read and Draw a Pumpkin
Read and Draw Bundle
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: LKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: UKS2
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: Primary BUNDLE
Three matching and naming activities for learners to show off their ability to make #numberbonds to 10
•Cut and stick shapes to make 10
•Link number sentences to pictoral representations
•Make number sentences to equal 10
A full page of Numicon shapes to cut and stick allowing you to evidence the learning of your class!
Use them for:
Number bond recall
Maths centers
Home learning
TOP TIP – print 2 to a page to save printing costs!
Also available in Store:
Making sets of 3-10 Bundle
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Subtraction within 10 using Numicon numberline
Two sound mats that include:
the alphabet with capital and lower case letters,
vowel digraphs,
consonant digraphs,
split digraphs
alternate graphemes
Top Tip
Print two to a page to save printer costs or print enlarged to A3 for a useful reference on your writing wall.
Ready to print and use!
This product links to the Phonics posters available in my store too!
#reading #writing #phonics #digraphs #splitdigraphs #alternategraphemes #eyfs #ks1 #ks2 #primary
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Hard and Soft C and G
Number Posters 0 to 20
Key Stage One Common Exception Word Wordsearches
This form provides a quick way to keep clear expectations between tutor and parents/carers. It covers:
What the tutor rate is per hour.
When payment is due.
Cancellation policy,
Refund policy
Emergency contact details
Any specific learning requirements
A place to record payment amount, date and method to help track your income.
Ready to print and use!
Also available in store!
Tutor Session Planning and Record Form
Supply and Substitute Feedback For the School Form
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing