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FRENCH - Verbs - Les Verbes - Board Games

FRENCH - Verbs - Les Verbes - Board Games

A fun way to practice verb infinitives in French. Contains images for: avoir être aller faire (les devoirs) regarder jouer parler (French flag) habiter manger écouter / entendre travailler rentrer porter écrire dessiner dormir demander / répondre conduire offrir choisir dire boire voir lire aimer The rules are slightly different from the usual ones. When you land on a snake, if you can correctly name the infinitive verb you remain on that square. You do not have to go down the snake. When you students are confident naming the infinitive verbs, they can then say a sentence about the picture. Use a dice to find out which 'person' the sentence will start with. For example: 1=je, 2=tu, 3=il/elle/on, 4=nous, 5=vous, 6=ils/elles. Have fun. My students did. There is also a crossword puzzle to practise and reinforce vocabulary. Please spare a moment to comment. Your feedback is much appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.' < My thanks to: cliparts.co, clker.com and clipartbest.com for the use of the clipart images.
FRENCH - Verbs - Les Verbes - Board Games

FRENCH - Verbs - Les Verbes - Board Games

A fun way to practice verb infinitives in French. Contains images for: avoir être aller faire (les devoirs) regarder jouer parler (French flag) habiter manger écouter / entendre travailler rentrer porter écrire dessiner dormir demander / répondre conduire offrir choisir dire boire voir lire aimer The rules are slightly different from the usual ones. When you land on a snake, if you can correctly name the infinitive verb you remain on that square. You do not have to go down the snake. When you students are confident naming the infinitive verbs, they can then say a sentence about the picture. Use a dice to find out which 'person' the sentence will start with. For example: 1=je, 2=tu, 3=il/elle/on, 4=nous, 5=vous, 6=ils/elles. Have fun. My students did. Please spare a moment to comment. Your feedback is much appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.'
FRENCH - ALLER - Où vas-tu? - Worksheets

FRENCH - ALLER - Où vas-tu? - Worksheets

Gap-fill worksheets to practice the use of ‘au, à la and aux when using the expression ‘Je vais …’ Also revises place names of places found in a town. Follow on w/sheets practices conjugating the verb ‘aller’.’ Extension worksheet practises the use of ‘time expressions.’ There is an exercise for putting phrases into English and French. Answer worksheets are included. This resource contains** 10 files**. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Please take a moment to leave a comment. Feedback is much appreciated. AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENTS PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’S TO SHOW HOW THE WORD DOCUMENTS LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.
FRENCH - Months & Seasons - Les Mois de l'Année et Les Saisons - Worksheets

FRENCH - Months & Seasons - Les Mois de l'Année et Les Saisons - Worksheets

A selection of worksheets for practicing the names of the months of the year in French. Follow on worksheet introduces the names of the seasons with a gap-fill activity. There is also an exercise to say what the weather is like in different seasons and another exercise to say what you wear in different types of weather. Useful for revising clothes vocabulary. Finally there is a crossword puzzel and a completed one too. There are 8 files in total. Feedback is welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’s SO THAT YOU CAN SEE HOW THE WORKSHEETS LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.


11 weather phrases in Spanish to label. I have set out the phrases, grouping those together which share the same pattern. This might be of help when students are meeting them for the first time. The extension graduated worksheet is to practice how to use weather expressions to give a simple weather forecast, useful for introducing Spanish cities and where they are situated. There is also a tick report for practising days of the week. Finally there is a connect 4 game. There are 7 files in total. Any feedback is always welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘muchas gracias.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’s TO SHOW HOW THE WORKSHEETS WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.
SPANISH - How old are you? - ¿Cuántos años tienes?

SPANISH - How old are you? - ¿Cuántos años tienes?

Two worksheets to practice saying how old you are in Spanish. An introduction to the expression ‘Tengo años’ There is a worksheet to say how old someone is, practice for él tiene … años and ella tiene … . años. There is an activity for practicing the months of the year. Follow on worksheet to practice saying when your birthday is. Worksheets are gap-fill graduated activities, where the children end up writing out the phrases independently. There are 5 files in total. Revises numbers and months of the year. Feedback and comments are much appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘muchas gracias.’ **AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED SCREEN SHOTS TO SHOW HOW THIS RESOURCE LOOKS WHEN DOWNLOADED. **
SPANISH VERBS - Planting an ar verb

SPANISH VERBS - Planting an ar verb

Verb flower for practicing how to conjugate regular Spanish -ar verbs. I have uploaded a ‘finished’ worksheet in colour and a gap- fill black and white worksheet for students to complete themselves. There is a join-up infinitive verbs pics to words plus a completed teacher copy. Also included is also a worksheet to practice conjugating regular -ar verbs. There are 5 files in total. If you consider this worth buying, ‘muchas gracias’.
SPANISH - Classroom Instructions

SPANISH - Classroom Instructions

A selection of worksheets to learn and practice classroom instructions in Spanish. Introduces vocabulary, then further worksheets to reinforce vocabulary. I have also included a test. Contains completed answer sheets also. Feedback is always welcome. RESOURCE CONTAINS 9 FILES. If you consider this worth buying, ‘muchas gracias.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH PRINT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED SCREEN SHOTS TO SHOW HOU THE WORKSHEETS WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.


Gap-fill exercise to introduce the names of some common occupations and professions in Spanish. (Completed one done for teachers.) Worksheets to practice saying what someone’s job is and where they work. There is also an extended worksheet which revises names of family members and possessive adjectives. (Answers provided). There is finally an activity with the focus on opinions of jobs. Answers are provided. Feedback is always welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘muchas gracias’. Resource contains 7 files. AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH PRINT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’s TO SHOW HOW THE FILES LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.


A fun way to learn the names of colours in Spanish. Helps also with word recognition. Also useful for early finishers. I have included the colours: azul claro/azul oscuro and verde claro/verde oscuro. Also revises numbre names to eleven. If you consider this worth buying, ‘muchas gracias.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE ISSUES WITH RESOURCE PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED A SCREEN PRINT TO SHOW THAT THERE IS NOT A PROBLEM WHEN DOWNLOADING THIS RESOURCE.
French - La Maison - Worksheets

French - La Maison - Worksheets

All you will need to practice talking about a house, the rooms within it and furniture found in those rooms. Exercises include labeling : a house exterior a kitchen a dining room a place setting a living room a bedroom a bathroom There is also a writing activity to practise saying where you find certain furniture and household objects. If you consider this worth buying 'un très grand merci.' Feedback is appreciated. Leaving a comment also enables me to let you know if I add to or amend this resource. I AM INCLUDING SCREENPRINTS TO SHOW HOW EACH FILE WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED. THIS IS DUE TO THE ONGOING PROBLEMS THAT TES HAS WITH PRINT PREVIEWS. I CAN CONFIRM THAT THIS RESOURCE DOWNLOADS WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS. THANKS FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING.


A labeling activity to practice learning vocabulary for numerous sports, games and musical instruments in French. Followed by an activity of how to say that you play a particular, sport, game or musical instrument. Introduces the expressions: Jouer à and Jouer de. There is also a writing activity using the third person singular saying what each child plays and what they don’t play. A follow on activity introduces time expressions which includes answers. The last activity is a reading and answering questions in English. Answers are included. There are 7 files in total. If you consider this worth buying, ‘Un très grand merci.’ Feedback and comments are much appreciated. AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED SCREEN PRINTS FOR YOU TO SEE HOW THE WORKSHEETS WILL LOOK. I HAVE DOWNLOADED THIS RESOURCE AND THERE IS NOT A PROBLEM WITH IT.


Exercises to practise the perfect tense with AVOIR in French. Covers regular and irregular verbs. There is an exercise using the negative ne & pas. Answer sheets are included. If you consider this worth buying, as always ‘un très grand merci’. Resource includes 9 files, AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH PRINT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED A PDF AND SCREENPRINTS SO THAT YOU CAN SEE HOW THE WORD DOCUMENTS WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.


Exercises to practice and learn how to talk about 16 hobbies in Spanish. Uses the expressions: me gusta, no me gusta, me encanta and odio. There is a picture/vocab matching activity and there is also an exercise focusing on the use of adjectives which enables students to be able to give justified opinions of their hobbies. Answer sheets are included. There are 12files in total.


Exercises to talk about hobbies, days of the week and weather. Begins by practicing what you do in your free time. Follow on exercise is to practise saying what you do on different days of the week. Then progresses to being able to say what hobbies you do in different types of weather. There are 7 types of weather to learn. Also includes 5 time expressions. Answers are provided.
FRENCH - Leisure Activities - Les Loisirs - Worksheets

FRENCH - Leisure Activities - Les Loisirs - Worksheets

A gap-fill activity introducing vocabulary for a range of leisure activities in French. There is a graduated worksheet to practice saying what leisure activities you do. Follow on worksheet is to practice saying how often you do them. There is also a test exercise. Includes answer worksheets. There are 6 files in total. Feedback is always welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED SCREENPRINTS OF THE WORKSHEETS TO SHOW THAT THEY WILL DOWNLOAD WITHOUT ANY FAULTS.


Exercises to help your students practise French pronunciation. Besides learning the various sounds, I have also taken the opportunity to introduce new vocabulary. The matching words to pictures activities is a fun way for students to learn new words. Also adding vocab already learnt is a great way to test your students on what they have retained and remembered. There is a song to learn the French alphabet. I have included the youtube link where you can find it. You students should have fun learning it! There are 9files in total. If you consider this worth buying, un ‘très grand merci.’ **I HAVE SPENT ALMOST 12 HOURS TODAY MAKING THE FIRST TWO WORKSHEETS AND THE PRINT PREVIEW OF THEM IS TERRIBLE. IT IS SO DISHEARTENING AND FRUSTRATING WHEN THE FINISH PRODUCT IS NOT SHOWING HOW IT SHOULD LOOK. I HAVE INCLUDED SCREEN PRINTS TO SHOW HOW THE WORKSHEETS WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED. **
FRENCH VERBS - Planting regular French -er, -ir- and -re verbs BUNDLE

FRENCH VERBS - Planting regular French -er, -ir- and -re verbs BUNDLE

3 Resources
Three Verb flowers for practicing how to conjugate regular French -er, -ir- and -re verbs. I have uploaded a ‘finished’ worksheet in colour and a gap- fill black and white worksheet for students to complete themselves. There are also worksheets to practise conjugating other regular -er, -ir and -re verbs.