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Learn and Burn
Sort animal groups

Sort animal groups

Activity sheets for various ability groups. Children to work independently, or in pairs to classify animals into families throughout the Metazoa. Cut, sort, stick, match, or photograph....
Making objects go faster or slower

Making objects go faster or slower

A power point to recap or reinforce practical work researching forces that make objects move, speed up or go slower. This gives the opportunity for children to discuss what they have found out and summarize orally, what they have learned.
Art curriculum map for Early years

Art curriculum map for Early years

This resource is a prompt sheet or a map to encourage use of all Art areas in the Early years. It helps to include the many aspects of Art and give the opportunity for young children to experience a range of medium and media.
Yes/No diagrams ICT

Yes/No diagrams ICT

These are 2 worksheets for children to practice branching databases and 2 models for teachers to rehearse with them, before of after a lesson. They can be adapted to suit topic work and can be included in any subject area. Children could decide about Yes or No answers, or decide about what questions to ask. Success is achieved when children can make up their own branching database with increasing complexity.
Beach chest

Beach chest

This power point is a guide to teachers, to make a unique and individual resource, specifically for your class. It is a bespoke design that will allow you to enjoy making it and sharing it with the children you teach. It was originally designed for a seaside theme, but could easily be adapted. Stimulus for thought and imagination for all and above all excitement and enjoyment...