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Land of Learning

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Hi! I currently work in London as a Deputy Headteacher. I love all things teaching and learning! I am extremely passionate about education and find researching and creating new strategies and ideas exciting. The world of teaching and leading in England is highly stressful and it's up to all of us to look after each other's well-being...I hope my resources save you some precious time.




Hi! I currently work in London as a Deputy Headteacher. I love all things teaching and learning! I am extremely passionate about education and find researching and creating new strategies and ideas exciting. The world of teaching and leading in England is highly stressful and it's up to all of us to look after each other's well-being...I hope my resources save you some precious time.
A simple booklet about me

A simple booklet about me

Allows children to draw a picture of themselves and write about what makes them special and also write about something that makes them feel happy or sad. Have used after a circle time.
Team work display

Team work display

What Makes a Good (WMG) team? display for my kids who need some extra help on working as a team. These labels accompany photos of them working well in teams.
Summer Holiday Assembly - last assembly of the year - a chance to reflect & think about safety

Summer Holiday Assembly - last assembly of the year - a chance to reflect & think about safety

An important assembly for the end of the year. This assembly thinks about how children can stay safe in the sun, safe if they are playing on their own and safe if they are using the Internet. It also asks pupils to reflect on the year that has just been. Included are songs and a quiz. A chance to say goodbye for the year... If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. Please do review my resources. Thank you!
E-Safety presentation - gives pupils information on what E-Safety is and how they can take care

E-Safety presentation - gives pupils information on what E-Safety is and how they can take care

A presentation for E-Safety. This resource was designed as an assembly but could also be used for a lesson. The 10-slide presentation focuses on E-Safety: what is E-Safety? Why is E-Safety important? How can you keep yourself E-Safe? If you have any questions or need any support, send me a message and I'll do anything I can to help. My resources use English spelling. Please do review any resources that you download - many thanks!
Informative and visual presentation all about sugar - parent workshop or Science lesson

Informative and visual presentation all about sugar - parent workshop or Science lesson

An informative presentation all about sugar and the effects of. Includes a fun practical activity that will get parents thinking. The presentation can be very easily adapted for a KS2/3 Science lesson. To make it an excellent experiment/workshop, I bought sugar and physical resources to make it interactive and engaging. If you have any questions or need any support, send me a message and I'll do anything I can to help. Please do review any resources that you download - many thanks!
Fruit glorious fruit - fun, visual presentation and activity on where fruit comes from

Fruit glorious fruit - fun, visual presentation and activity on where fruit comes from

A presentation that runs through where fruits are from with extra information. The activities include a Venn diagram sorting activity and a homework sheet on fact finding. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!
Theresa May calls a Snap Election - the FULL speech - so many lesson possibilities

Theresa May calls a Snap Election - the FULL speech - so many lesson possibilities

This is a fabulous resource that can be used for so many different engaging lessons. This is Theresa May's full speech on calling a general election on 8th June. The speech is fascinating. Ask your pupils to work out which key words are repeated the most, how Theresa May refers to herself and the opposing parties or work out why an election is being called. It could also be used to pick apart May's use of grammar and vocabulary.
Thought-Provoking Mental Well-Being presentation full of activities for 10 lessons

Thought-Provoking Mental Well-Being presentation full of activities for 10 lessons

Good mental well-being has become harder to maintain as life becomes increasingly hectic. That's why it must be our priority to help pupils to understand their own mental well-being and know how to improve it. This great presentation is full of ideas, starters, suggested activities and examples aimed at supporting pupils to improve and maintain a healthy mental well-being. Activities range from thinking about what makes them happy to designing their own happy place to setting goals to thinking about how helping others can lead to being a happier person. The activities are suitable to support a 10 week programme on mental well-being, which should become a priority in every curriculum. Any questions, please just ask.
Growth Mindset Activity Pack - supporting your pupils to develop a better mindset

Growth Mindset Activity Pack - supporting your pupils to develop a better mindset

An activity booklet with 9 thought-provoking activities to support your pupils to improve their mindset. These activities are designed to encourage pupils to dig deeper and understand themselves better. Guide them through these activities and alongside teaching, they should start to understand how to improve their mindset. There are two questionnaires, one for the beginning of the project and one meant for when you have promoted a growth mindset for a few months. You can use this to analyse change. Any questions, just ask!
Quinn & The Wackading - a story of bullying, self-esteem and friendship

Quinn & The Wackading - a story of bullying, self-esteem and friendship

An engaging tale surrounding the themes of: bullying, self-esteem and friendship. This story is a great tool for PSHE lessons, assemblies or English lessons. Pupils will follow Quinn on his adventure of self-discovery. I have written the story to include a whole host of interesting language devices, including alliteration and repetition, which can be discussed and pupils can imitate in their own similar story.
Growth and fixed mindset presentation - pupils learn all about the differences of mindsets

Growth and fixed mindset presentation - pupils learn all about the differences of mindsets

A presentation for assembly or lesson on mindsets. The presentations helps primary-aged pupils to understand what a growth and a fixed mindset are and how they can work towards developing a growth mindset. The presentation also talks about comfort zones and Carol Dweck, who created the theory of mindsets. Having a growth mindset plays a vital part in being happy and successful, if you haven't already, I would suggest definitely developing a growth mindset programme for your school...this presentation is a great introduction to that! If you have any questions or need any support, send me a message and I'll do anything I can to help. My resources use English spelling. Please do review any resources that you download - many thanks!
Activities for a Whole-School Growth Mindset Afternoon

Activities for a Whole-School Growth Mindset Afternoon

I am holding a whole-school growth mindset afternoon to continue raising the profile of the mindsets and how they can impact success. I created this powerpoint, which includes 10 mindset activities for teachers to choose activities from. Activities relate to various different subjects and are fun and engaging ways for pupils to develop their understanding of growth and fixed mindsets.
International Day of Friendship Assembly - July - a fun and thought-provoking assembly on friendship

International Day of Friendship Assembly - July - a fun and thought-provoking assembly on friendship

International Day of Friendship is celebrated in July. Here's an opportunity to lead an assembly that will get pupils thinking! The powerpoint goes through what International Day of Friendship is, how to be a good friend, what friendship means etc. There are clips, quotes and famous friend pictures included. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. Please do review my resources. Thank you!
Buttercup Bree Daisy Chain Anti-Bullying Film  plan and English activities

Buttercup Bree Daisy Chain Anti-Bullying Film plan and English activities

Such a fabulous animated film - www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGxmschhkNg A fun week of English planning with resources including models for writing. An opportunity for extended writing around a meaningful and interesting topic. Suitable for Y1 - Y6. I wrote this plan for a whole-school English week to give teachers a break. Pupils access the activities at their own level. If you have any questions or need any support, send me a message and I'll do anything I can to help. My resources use English spelling. Please do review any resources that you download - many thanks!