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Learning_Workbooks' Shop

Hello :) My name is Shazia and I am the owner of Learning Workbooks. I create activity books for children in literacy, numeracy, arts and crafts as well as learning resources for adults. I am a qualified primary school teacher who worked in Scottish primary schools for 12 years. I now teach early education and childcare at a further education college. I love creating resources for parents, teachers and children. Many have been personally created by me and I'm sure you will love them! :)




Hello :) My name is Shazia and I am the owner of Learning Workbooks. I create activity books for children in literacy, numeracy, arts and crafts as well as learning resources for adults. I am a qualified primary school teacher who worked in Scottish primary schools for 12 years. I now teach early education and childcare at a further education college. I love creating resources for parents, teachers and children. Many have been personally created by me and I'm sure you will love them! :)
Numbers 11-15 Workbook

Numbers 11-15 Workbook

The Numbers 11-15 workbook has been designed to enable children to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in counting and writing numbers to 15. It consists of a variety of pictures and activities to promote effective learning in numeracy. 20 pages
Numbers 1 to 5 Workbook

Numbers 1 to 5 Workbook

The Numbers 1-5 workbook has been designed to enable children to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in counting, reading and writing numbers from 1 to 5. It consists of a variety of pictures and activities to promote effective learning in numeracy. 20 pages
Numbers 6-10 Workbook

Numbers 6-10 Workbook

The Numbers 6-10 workbook has been designed to enable children to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in counting and writing numbers to 10. It consists of a variety of pictures and activities to promote effective learning in numeracy. 20 pages
Numbers 16-20 Workbook

Numbers 16-20 Workbook

The Numbers 16-20 workbook has been designed to enable children to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in counting and writing numbers to 20. It consists of a variety of pictures and activities to promote effective learning in numeracy. 20 pages
Colour and Learn Your Times Tables

Colour and Learn Your Times Tables

This free booklet consists of 10 pages of the multiplication tables from 1-10. Each number is presented in black outline so that children can colour them in whilst learning to revise the tables, making it a fun method of processing and retaining the information.
40 Literacy and Numeracy Activities

40 Literacy and Numeracy Activities

This resources contains a range of literacy and numeracy activities for children in early years. These activities include letter tracing, alphabet and number matching, tracing shapes, colour recognition, number writing and counting. 40 pages
Addition to 5 Homework Sheets

Addition to 5 Homework Sheets

Reinforce children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in adding to 5 with these homework sheets that support the learning outcomes in the ‘Addition to 5’ workbook. 20 pages. Addition to 5 Homework Sheets key content: Concept of addition Language of ‘add’ Introducing the ‘+’ and ‘=’ sign’ Adding 1 and 2 Adding 1 more, 2 more Facts for 2 and 3 Facts for 4 Facts to 5 Using a number line
Addition to 5 Workbook

Addition to 5 Workbook

Develop children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in adding to 5. 20 pages. Addition to 5 key content: Concept of addition Language of ‘add’ Introducing the ‘+’ and ‘=’ sign Adding 1 and 2 Adding 1 more, 2 more Facts for 2 and 3 Facts for 4 Facts to 5 Facts to 3 Facts for 4 and 5 Adding to 5 Addition to 5 assessment
Addition to 10 Workbook

Addition to 10 Workbook

Develop children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in adding to 10. 20 pages. Addition to 10 key content: Facts for 6 Facts for 7 Facts for 8 Facts for 9 Facts for 10 Facts to 10 Doubles Near doubles Addition to 10 assessment
Addition to 20 Workbook

Addition to 20 Workbook

Develop children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in adding to 20. 20 pages Addition to 20 workbook key content: Adding 10 Adding 1 and 2 Adding single digits and teen numbers Adding single digit numbers Adding doubles, near doubles Addition facts for 11 to 20 Adding three numbers Addition to 20 assessment. Key Tags adding single digit numbers workbooks, adding single digits, adding single digit numbers worksheet, addition worksheets, addition workbooks, addition games, addition sums, addition to 20, numeracy workbooks, numeracy learning, maths workbooks, mathematics, numbers workbook, numbers worksheet, learning workbooks,
Adding Single Digits Workbook 2

Adding Single Digits Workbook 2

Develop children’s ability to add single digits with this 30 page workbook. Each page consists of 14 addition sums so that learners can practise their ability to add single digits effectively with constant repetition. Answers for all sums are provided at the end of the workbook. Key Tags adding single digit numbers workbooks, adding single digits, adding single digit numbers worksheet, addition worksheets, addition workbooks, addition games, addition sums, addition to 20, numeracy workbooks, numeracy learning, maths workbooks, mathematics, numbers workbook, numbers worksheet, learning workbooks,
Adding Single Digits Workbook 1

Adding Single Digits Workbook 1

Develop children’s ability to add single digits with this 30 page workbook. Each page consists of 14 addition sums so that learners can practise their ability to add single digits effectively with constant repetition. Answers for all sums are provided at the end of the workbook. Key Tags adding single digit numbers workbooks, adding single digits, adding single digit numbers worksheet, addition worksheets, addition workbooks, addition games, addition sums, addition to 20, numeracy workbooks, numeracy learning, maths workbooks, mathematics, numbers workbook, numbers worksheet, learning workbooks,
Adding Single Digits Workbook 4

Adding Single Digits Workbook 4

Develop children’s ability to add single digits with this 30 page workbook. Each page consists of 14 addition sums so that learners can practise their ability to add single digits effectively with constant repetition. Answers for all sums are provided at the end of the workbook. Key Tags adding single digit numbers workbooks, adding single digits, adding single digit numbers worksheet, addition worksheets, addition workbooks, addition games, addition sums, addition to 20, numeracy workbooks, numeracy learning, maths workbooks, mathematics, numbers workbook, numbers worksheet, learning workbooks,
Adding Single Digits Workbook 3

Adding Single Digits Workbook 3

Develop children’s ability to add single digits with this 30 page workbook. Each page consists of 14 addition sums so that learners can practise their ability to add single digits effectively with constant repetition. Answers for all sums are provided at the end of the workbook. Key Tags adding single digit numbers workbooks, adding single digits, adding single digit numbers worksheet, addition worksheets, addition workbooks, addition games, addition sums, addition to 20, numeracy workbooks, numeracy learning, maths workbooks, mathematics, numbers workbook, numbers worksheet, learning workbooks,
Numbers to 100 Workbook 2 Homework Sheets

Numbers to 100 Workbook 2 Homework Sheets

Reinforce children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in numbers to 100 with these homework sheets that support the learning outcomes of ‘Numbers to 100 Workbook 2.’ Photocopying for classroom use permitted. 20 pages. Numbers to 100 Workbook 2 Homework Sheets Key Content: Writing numbers in digits Writing numbers in words Writing numbers word problems Place value: tens and units Counting given tens and units and writing the numbers Writing the tens and units for given numbers Writing the numbers for given tens and units Drawing lines to match tens and units to numbers Drawing the tens and units for given numbers Place value word problems Ordering numbers Number sequencing Rounding to the nearest 10 Estimating by rounding
Numbers to 100 Workbook 2

Numbers to 100 Workbook 2

Numbers to 100 Workbook 2 is a follow up of Numbers to 100. It contains new content that extends knowledge and understanding of the number system. It also reinforces and extends the place value content in the Numbers to 100 workbook. Numbers to 100 Workbook 2 Key Content: Writing numbers in digits Writing numbers in words Writing numbers word problems Place value: tens and units Counting tens and units and writing number Writing the tens and units for given number Writing the number for given tens and units Colouring to match tens and units to numbers Drawing the tens and units for given numbers Place value word problems Ordering numbers Number sequences Rounding to the nearest 10 Estimating by rounding Numbers to 100 Workbook 2 Assessment
Numbers to 100 Homework Sheets

Numbers to 100 Homework Sheets

Reinforce children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in numbers to 100 with these homework sheets that support the learning outcomes of the ‘Numbers to 100’ workbook. 20 pages. Numbers to 100 Homework Sheets key content: Sequences – before and after Sequences – the number between Sequences – before, after, between 1 or 2 more than / less than Place value 10 more / less Comparing numbers Ordering numbers Odd and even