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Lighthousehunter's Shop

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I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.




I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
Transition Y6 Reflection Activity

Transition Y6 Reflection Activity

Transition Y6 End of year reflection activity to help pupils think about their time in Y6 and their next school. Can be linked to a range of year end activities including a stimulus for a Leavers Assembly, a diary extract or PSHE discussion.
Summer holiday reading challenge.

Summer holiday reading challenge.

Summer holiday reading challenge. This activity is aimed at KS1 and KS2 pupils as a reading challenge for 20 days over the summer holiday break to encourage them read a variety of texts and reading materials to keep up their reading skills while they are away from school. The 20 activities are fun and varied and children can share their experiences when they return to school in September. I gave a certificate and small rewards for number of challenges completed eg 1 challenge – sticker, 2-5 challenges – bookmark, 6-10 challenges – badge, 11-15 challenges – pencil and notepad, 16-20 challenges – frisbee or small game.
Maths Scaling cards Y5 and 6. Set of 6.

Maths Scaling cards Y5 and 6. Set of 6.

Maths Scaling cards Y5 and 6. Set of 6. Set of 6 problem solving scaling cards for practising ratio and proportion using recipe ingredients and changing quantities for different sized groups. I use these cards for small group practise and consolidation after initial teaching input.
KS2 Eco-Warrior Newsheet

KS2 Eco-Warrior Newsheet

KS2 Eco-Warrior News. A newspaper style page focusing on the important eco issue of rewilding the environment through the reintroduction of beavers into the countryside and the benefits they can bring to humans and wildlife. I made this resource to enable pupils to read a newspaper style article about beaver rewilding, to identify features of a newspaper, genre style and language as well as learning about the topic of wildlife and eco systems. Can be used as a factsheet, comprehension, guided reading passage or the basis for developing a class newspaper. Useful linked to topics about Wildlife, Ecosystems, Beavers, Rivers and Waterways, Animals that help us.
Greek Myth story plan on a page  KS1and2

Greek Myth story plan on a page KS1and2

Greek Myth story plan on a page KS1 & 2 Greek Myth story planning template. A fun resource for pupils to use to plan their own mythological writing. Includes story prompts and spaces for pupils to develop writing in note or bullet point format when planning their own character description, setting and story structure. Great to use following a ‘Myths’ writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with topics: Myths and Legends, Ancient Greece, Greece, Heroes and Heroines/Superheroes.
Australian Animals fact cards. Set of 36

Australian Animals fact cards. Set of 36

Australian Animals fact cards. Set of 36 cards depicting an animal, bird, reptile or fish found in Australia and a beautiful photographic image. Each card includes a few key facts about the animal on the card. There are also 12 key word definition cards (predator, poisonous, marsupial, nocturnal, amphibious, carnivore etc) The cards can be used to encourage recognition of the animals and their features/characteristics. Pupils can use them as a sorting exercise or as a paired or group game to sort the cards under the definition words (make a Venn diagram, sort into a list, identify common features between animals.) Can be placed in the class library area or the ‘Early Finisher’ box/tray. A double set of cards (laminated) can offer pupils opportunities for fun games such as Snap and Pairs. I have used these to help pupils develop work on animals and their characteristics eg: writing a factual or descriptive piece about a particular animal or shared features of two animals or a researched paragraph about current issues relating to specific animal eg protected species. Can be used by Y2 -Y6 upwards. Useful for topics on Australia, Animals, Camouflage, Habitats etc.
Crime and Punishment Anglo Saxons pack. KS2

Crime and Punishment Anglo Saxons pack. KS2

Crime and Punishment Anglo Saxons resource pack. KS2 The pack is based around a fictional short story called ‘The False Oath’ set in AD 964 at the time of the reign of the last Viking king of Northumbria, Eric Bloodaxe. The description of crime and punishment in the story is based upon historical sources. A significant feature of Saxon law relied upon people telling the truth and behaving honourably. Men swore an oath of loyalty to a lord, part of which was a promise to obey the law. Oath breaking was a very serious offence. Swearing an oath on the bible was solemn and binding and if broken, people believed they would be condemned to persecution in the afterlife. ‘The false oath’ focuses on a young boy and his family find themselves at the centre of a feud over land with their Norse neighbours. Their actions see the family and their neighbour face Saxon justice in the Witan with far reaching consequences for everyone. The story includes a historical context and notes. I wrote the story myself after being unable to find resources which helped pupils understand the concepts, beliefs, ideas of democracy and justice, fairness and motivation surrounding the Saxon justice system rather than the punishments themselves. The resource pack includes: • Short story and historical notes. • Historical information power-point about the Anglo Saxon justice system. 6 pupil resources: • Pupil worksheet to summarise the historical context of the story. • Glossary Activity • Glossary cards • Witan drama activity and thinking worksheet for pupils. • Pupil activity about the importance of people (in the story) and their place in the ‘pecking order’. • Anglo Saxon punishment factsheet.
Creative Writing. Ethiopian wish scroll.

Creative Writing. Ethiopian wish scroll.

Creative Writing. How to make an Ethiopian wish scroll. This factsheet tells pupils about the ancient African wish scrolls which are carried on a person (in a bag or tube around the neck or on a belt) after they have written a personal prayer, wish, affirmation, charm or talisman. There are simple instructions on how to make the scroll and some fun facts about the tradition. A great way to make writing meaningful and fun. Useful with KS1 and KS1 topics on Africa, Mental Health, Goal setting and Affirmations, Families.
Ernest Shackleton Famous person factsheet

Ernest Shackleton Famous person factsheet

Ernest Shackleton Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in his life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this factsheet with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about Ernest Shackleton in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Links well with topics on Explorers, South pole/Antarctica, Famous people, Ships and sailors, Frozen Earth.
Year 6 Arithmetic Practise Paper.

Year 6 Arithmetic Practise Paper.

Year 6 Arithmetic Practise Paper. This resource is a full arithmetic practise paper based upon the actual 2022 SATs paper. It consists of 36 questions covering the full range of questions that would be expected on a SATs test paper. I have used a similar layout to ensure the children get used to the format. Useful to assess which children struggle with particular types of questions and their application to enable some extra input before the actual test day. The answers are included on the last page of the paper.
Weather photograph pack. Set of 50+

Weather photograph pack. Set of 50+

Weather photograph pack. Set of 50+ beautiful colour photos on a power-point slide presentation. Includes extreme weather (storms, hurricanes, heatwave etc). I have included a slide of weather symbols and a worksheet of weather symbols for pupil use (eg for a weather chart or observation and recording).Slides 58-67 are photographs of weather instruments. Can be used for inspiring the start of a topic on weather or as a stimulus for speech and language development, creative writing and poetry.
Geographical features cards. Set of 60

Geographical features cards. Set of 60

Geographical features cards. Set of 60 cards depicting a physical geographical feature (natural and human) and a beautiful photographic image. The cards can be used to encourage recognition of the features. Pupils can use them as a sorting exercise or as a paired or group ‘guessing game’. Can be placed in the class library area or the ‘Early Finisher’ box/tray. A double set of cards (laminated) can offer pupils opportunities for fun games such as Snap and Pairs. I have used these to help pupils develop work on features eg: writing a factual or descriptive piece about a feature or set of features or a researched paragraph about current issues relating to a geographical feature eg: coastal erosion on Norfolk coastline, how the Grand Canyon was formed. Can be used by Y2 -Y6 upwards. Useful for topics on Geography, Climate and Weather, Coastal erosion, UK etc.
India fact sheet.

India fact sheet.

India fact sheet. Includes locational information and geographical features broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a country in a range of genres (newspaper report, non-fiction report, weather report or information text etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the country followed up with a written comprehension exercise. In geography lessons I have used this factsheet with a small group and asked the pupils to compare the physical and geographical features of India with the UK.
Anne Bonny / Mary Read. Pirates Fact sheet.

Anne Bonny / Mary Read. Pirates Fact sheet.

Anne Bonny and Mary Read – Female pirates. Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Linked topics: Pirates, Famous people, Ships and the Sea.
Edward Teach – Captain Blackbeard. Famous person fact sheet.

Edward Teach – Captain Blackbeard. Famous person fact sheet.

Edward Teach – Captain Blackbeard. Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Linked topics: Pirates, Famous people, Ships and the Sea.
Japan Geography fact sheet.

Japan Geography fact sheet.

Japan fact sheet. Includes locational information and geographical features broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a country in a range of genres (newspaper report, non-fiction report, weather report or information text etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the country followed up with a written comprehension exercise. In geography lessons I have used this factsheet with a small group and asked the pupils to compare the physical and geographical features of Japan with the UK.
Famous animal fact sheet. Greyfriars Bobby.

Famous animal fact sheet. Greyfriars Bobby.

Famous animal fact sheet. Greyfriars Bobby. Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person/animal in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Useful to use with cross curricular PSHE and History topics eg ‘Pets’, ‘Animals’, ‘People who help us’, PSHE topics.
‘Witch Trial’ resource pack. KS2/3

‘Witch Trial’ resource pack. KS2/3

Crime and Punishment ‘Witch Trial’ resource pack. The pack is based around a fictional short story set in 1649 and based on true events. A ‘Witch-Picker’ travels from Edinburgh to the North of England carrying out witch trials which resulted in the execution of over 100 people. The story includes a historical context and notes. I wrote the story myself after being unable to find resources which helped pupils understand the concepts, beliefs, fear and motivation surrounding the persecution of individuals as witches in the 17th century rather than focus on the gore and horror of punishment. The resource pack includes: • Short story and historical notes. • Historical information power-point about witches in the 17th and 18th centuries. Seven pupil resources: • Pupil worksheet to summarise the historical context of the story. • Glossary Activity • Glossary cards • Courtroom drama activity and resources for pupils. • Pupil activity about how the witch picker was so powerful. • Pupil activity – Thought Pyramid and questions for small group discussion (6 sets). • Pupil activity – match the crime to the punishment.
England today 5 KS1  Geography lessons.

England today 5 KS1 Geography lessons.

England today: Series of 5 KS1 power-point Geography lessons. Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, watch a BBC clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts (included on slides), use maps and atlases to locate England’s within the UK and identify geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of England. Great to link with cross curricular topic such as Maps and Plans, United Kingdom, Seaside, All about me, Local Study. Lesson 1 Learning objectives To find England in an atlas. To recognise the key features of England. To describe the location of England using geographical vocabulary. Tasks: Atlas and globes needed, country matching activity. Lesson 2 Learning objectives To recognise the main geographical (physical) features of England. To find and label the physical features of England on a map. To describe the physical features of England using geographical vocabulary. Tasks: Atlas work, label a map, self-evaluation task. Lesson 3 Learning Objectives To identify the different settlements in England. To describe the characteristics of different English settlements. Task: Dictionary definition, ordering settlements, worksheet. Lesson 4 Learning objectives: To identify the physical features of seaside areas in England and say whether they are natural or human. To describe the characteristics of different English seaside places. Task: Identifying seaside features. 2 worksheets. Lesson 5 Learning Objectives To know the capital city of England. To explain what a capital city is. To identify the physical features of cities in England and say whether they are natural or human. Tasks: comparing features of different places. Worksheet.
Groovy Grammar KS2 starters.

Groovy Grammar KS2 starters.

Groovy Grammar KS2 starters. Simply click a button on the first page of the power-point and get a starter! 169 starters aimed at KS2 pupils, each slide contains a grammar point for pupils to practise through a range of strategies including talk partners, mime, games eg ‘I spy’, ‘Kim’s game’, ‘And/But game’, Charades, Performing Punctuation and Ready! Steady! Teach! As well as practise sentences, cartoons, rewriting sentences, word substitution etc. Grammar includes: recognising and using nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Prefixes and Suffixes, determiners, pronouns, conjunctions, alliteration, vocabulary extension, expressions and their meanings, eponyms, changing the ‘mood’ of a sentence , apostrophe ‘s’, word order swaps, commas, speech marks personification etc. I have used this as a start of the day activity as revision or sometimes as a lesson starter depending on the focus. The children love to choose the starter so I have a rota!