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LJ Create STEM Shop

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We provide a range of free, and low-cost STEM resources for schools and further education. Our resources include theory presentations, activity sheets, information fact files, and informative posters for your classroom.




We provide a range of free, and low-cost STEM resources for schools and further education. Our resources include theory presentations, activity sheets, information fact files, and informative posters for your classroom.
Earth Systems - Earth's Early History

Earth Systems - Earth's Early History

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at Earth’s early history. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate the formation and early history of the Earth. Main Skills: Interpret written text, diagrams, tables and graphs. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 26 slides covering: • The Formation of Our Solar System • Dating the Formation of Our Solar System • Radiometric Dating • The Early Earth • Life
Earth Systems - Introduction to Earth Systems

Earth Systems - Introduction to Earth Systems

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at Earth systems. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore how Earth systems interact. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 27 slides covering: • Atmosphere • Hydrosphere • Geosphere • Biosphere • Earth Systems • Interactions • Water and Atmospheric Interactions • Albedo • Ice • Feedback • Snowball Earth • Earth System Feedback
Earth Systems - Earth Model

Earth Systems - Earth Model

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at an Earth model. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the structural layers of Earth. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 21 slides covering: • Composition of the Earth • Depths • Structure Regions • Modelling the Planet! • Predictions • Visualization
Earth Systems - Distribution of Natural Resources

Earth Systems - Distribution of Natural Resources

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at distribution of natural resources. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the distribution of mineral, energy and groundwater resources. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 26 slides covering: • Mineral Resources • Ore Deposits • Volcanic Processes • Hydrothermal Processes • Sedimentary Processes • Copper Mountains • Metal Resources • Energy Resources • Coal • Oil and Natural Gas • Non-Renewable Resources • Finding New Resources • Water • The Aral Sea
Earth Systems - The Water Cycle

Earth Systems - The Water Cycle

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at the water cycle. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the stages of the water cycle. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 24 slides covering: • The Water Cycle • Our Water is Millions of Years Old • Water Can Gain Energy • Evaporation • Factors That Affect Evaporation • Convection • Condensation • Rain, Snow or Hail • Rainfall • Soaking into the Ground • Percolation • Run-Off
Earth Systems - Soil Composition

Earth Systems - Soil Composition

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at soil. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the process of soil formation. Explore the composition of soil. Explore how human activity can damage the soil. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 40 mins 29 slides covering: • Soil Composition • Soil Formation • Physical Weathering • Chemical Weathering • Erosion and Deposition • Minerals • Organic Materials • Beneficial Organic Material • Harmful Organic Material • Water and Air • Life and Soil • Damaging Activities • Soil Conservation
Earth Systems - Oil Pollution

Earth Systems - Oil Pollution

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at oil pollution. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the problems related to oil pollution. Investigate the causes of oil pollution, how it can be prevented and how polluted areas can be treated. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 24 slides covering: • Oil Pollution • Mineral Oil • Sources of Pollution • Offshore Drilling • Large Oil Spills • Seepage and Burning • Maintenance and Disposal • Damage to the Ecosystem • Sea Birds and Sea Otters • Killer Whales • Clean-up Methods • Containment • Recovery • Break Up • Removal • Prevention
Earth Systems - Impact of the Sun's Energy

Earth Systems - Impact of the Sun's Energy

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at the impact of the Sun’s energy. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the impact of the Sun’s energy. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 24 slides covering: • The Sun’s Energy • Transfer of Energy • Radiation • Conduction • Convection • Uses of Radiated Energy • Life on Earth • Winds • Ocean Currents • The Water Cycle
Earth Systems - Earth's Atmosphere

Earth Systems - Earth's Atmosphere

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at the Earth’s Atmosphere. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. Explore how atmospheric conditions influence the weather. Explore how natural processes and human activities cause changes in the atmosphere. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 39 slides covering: • Composition of the Atmosphere • Air Pressure • Layers of the Atmosphere • The Troposphere • The Stratosphere • The Meosphere • The Thermosphere • Weather • Wind • The Water Cycle • Local Weather • Changes in the Atmosphere • Human Activities • Pollution and Health • Protecting Air Quality
Earth Systems - Clouds

Earth Systems - Clouds

A presentation suitable for KS3 looking at clouds. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the importance of water in the atmosphere. Explore how clouds are formed. Explore how clouds affect the weather. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 28 slides covering: • Clouds • What are Clouds? • How are Clouds Formed? • Types of Cloud • Cirrus Clouds • Stratus Clouds • Cumulus Clouds • Clouds and Weather Patterns • Clouds and Weather Fronts • Precipitation • Cloud Cover
Plant Biology - Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Plant Biology - Reproduction in Flowering Plants

A presentation suitable for KS5 looking at reproduction in flowering plants. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore reproduction in flowering plants. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 60 mins 52 slides covering: • Flower Structure - The Perianth • Flower Structure - The Calyx and Corolla • Male Reproductive Organs • Female Reproductive Organs • The Ovary • The Nectaries • Categorising Flowering Plants • The Production of Pollen Grains • The Flowering Plant Male Gametophyte • The Structure of the Ovule • The Embryo Sac as a Spore • Pollination • Pollination - Anthers • Dioecious and Monoecious Plants • Protandry and Protogyny • Self-incompatibility • Special Floral Structure Arrangements • Wind Pollination • Wind Pollination Versus Insect Pollination • Fertilization • Pollen Germination • Development of the Seed and Fruit
Plant Biology - Plant Growth

Plant Biology - Plant Growth

A presentation suitable for KS5 looking at plant growth. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the different ways that plants respond to stimuli. Investigate plant growth. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 60 mins 43 slides covering: • Tropisms • Plant Growth Substances • Plant Growth Substances Versus Hormones • Categories of Plant Growth Substances • Auxins • Went’s Experiment • Auxin and Cell Elongation • Removing the Apical Meristem • Synthetic Auxins • Positive Geotropism • The Role of Auxins in Positive Geotropism • Using a Clinostat • Gibberellins • Cytokinins • Abscisic Acid • ABA and Plant Stress • ABA and Cold Hardening • Ethene
Plant Biology - Photosynthesis

Plant Biology - Photosynthesis

A presentation suitable for KS5 looking at photosynthesis. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the biochemistry of photosynthesis. Investigate the factors that can limit the rate of photosynthesis. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams, understand chemical formulas. Duration: Approximately 60 mins 57 slides covering: • Plants as Energy Converters • The Photosynthesis Equation • Where Does Photosynthesis Occur? • Structure of a Chloroplast • Photosynthesis as Two Groups of Reactions • How the Energy is Used • Light Harvesting • The Chloroplast Pigments • How the Pigments Work Together • The Photosystems • The Two Stages of Photosynthesis • The Hill Reaction • The Calvin Cycle • The Light Dependent Reaction • Photophosphorylation • Thylakoids and ATP Synthase • Cyclic Photophosphorylation • Non-cyclic Photophosphorylation • The Products of Water Splitting • The Light Independent Stage • The Most Abundant Enzyme in the World! • Using ATP and NADPH • The Fate of Triose Phosphate • Limiting Factors of Photosynthesis • Light as a Limiting Factor • Carbon Dioxide as a Limiting Factor • Temperature as a Limiting Factor
Plant Biology - Osmosis

Plant Biology - Osmosis

A presentation suitable for KS5 looking at osmosis. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate the process of osmosis. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 60 mins 45 slides covering: • Diffusion • Osmosis Defined • Visking Tubing • Water Potential in Plants • Water Potential and Kinetic Energy • The Net Movement of Water Molecules • The Symbol and Units of Water Potential • Osmosis Defined in Terms of Water Potential • The Water Potential Gradient • The Effects of Solutes on Water Potential • Solute Potential Defined • Pressure Potential • Pressure Potential in Plants • Osmosis and Plant Cells • Plasmolysis • Incipient Plasmolysis • Water, Solute and Pressure Potential • Reversing Plasmolysis • Turgidity • Full Turgidity • Alternative Terminology • Osmosis in Animal Cells • Osmoregulation
Plant Biology - Nutrients

Plant Biology - Nutrients

A presentation suitable for KS5 looking at nutrients. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Investigate the nutrients required by plants. Explore the effect of mineral deficiencies on plant growth. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 22 slides covering: • Essential Elements • Trace Elements • Nutritional Balance in Plants • Nutrient Deficiency Diseases • Nitrogen • Phosphorous • Potassium • Manganese • Copper • Zinc
Plant Biology - Transport Systems in Plants

Plant Biology - Transport Systems in Plants

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at transport systems in plants. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore transport systems in plants. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 24 slides covering: • Vascular Tissue • Roots • Xylem • Tracheids • Vessel Elements • The Phloem • Leaves • Movement of Water • Movement of Sugars
Plant Biology - Response in Plants

Plant Biology - Response in Plants

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at response in plants. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore common stimuli in plants. Explore how plants respond to stimuli. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 29 slides covering: • Survival, Stimuli and Surroundings • Stimuli and Plant Movement • Stimuli • Tropisms • Phototropism • Hydrotropism • Geotropism • Chemotropism • Nastic Responses • Thrigmotropism • Venus Fly Trap • Mimosa
Plant Biology - Reproductive Systems of Plants

Plant Biology - Reproductive Systems of Plants

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at reproductive systems of plants. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore the reproductive system of plants. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 60 mins 50 slides covering: • Flowering and Non-flowering Plants • The Liverwort - Non-flowering • Liverwort Structure • Liverwort Sperm • Liverwort Eggs • Fertilization in the Liverwort • The Liverwort Sporophyte Generation • Germination of the Liverwort Spore • Alternation of Generations - Liverwort • Flower Structure - The Perianth • Flower Structure - The Calyx and Corolla • Flower Structure - The Androecium • Flower Structure - The Gynoecium • Flower Structure - The Ovary • Flower Structure - The Nectaries • The Production of Pollen Grains • The Flowering Plant Male Gametophyte • Structure of the Ovule • The Embryo Sac as a Spore • Pollination • Pollination - Anthers • Fertilization • Pollen Germination • Development of the Seed and Fruit
Atomic Structure - Waves and Spectra

Atomic Structure - Waves and Spectra

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at waves and spectra. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Calculate frequency, wavelength and energy of electromagnetic waves. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams and perform calculations. Duration: Approximately 45 mins 32 slides covering: • Electromagnetic Spectra • Features of Electromagnetic Waves • Speed of Electromagnetic Waves • Speed, Wavelength and Frequency • Energy and Frequency • Max Planck and Albert Einstein • Quantum of Energy • Types of Spectra • Emission Spectra • Quantum of Energy • Other Emission Spectra • Absorption Spectra
Atomic Structure - Thompson and the Properties of the Electron

Atomic Structure - Thompson and the Properties of the Electron

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at Thompson and the properties of the electron. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation. Learning Objective(s): Explore Thompson’s contribution to the concept of atomic structure. Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams. Duration: Approximately 30 mins 14 slides covering: • Cathode Rays • Investigation of Cathode Rays • What Could the Cathode Rays be? • J J Thompson’s Experiment • J J Thompson’s Conclusions