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I am a Media Teacher trying to share my resources to make your life easier!




I am a Media Teacher trying to share my resources to make your life easier!
Crime Scene Evidence Markers Printable PDF

Crime Scene Evidence Markers Printable PDF

Got a crime scene in your classroom & want the printable markers to make it look like CSI? Then look no further than these cute, easy to print & cut crime scene markers, also known as evidence markers. I needed some for my interactive, multiplatform murder mystery lesson and couldn’t find any, so created them myself. Enjoy!
Superhero/action treatment pitch exemplar

Superhero/action treatment pitch exemplar

This original treatment pitch for a superhero/action short film was written for a year 10 Media Arts superhero unit but could be pitched up or down by a year. The PDF & MP4 Video pitch contain a logline, synopsis, visual & stylistic influences, mood, target audience and character profiles. This is an easy to use exemplar written by experienced Media Arts Teachers following the Australian Curriculum.
Mafia Game, no printing - logical reasoning + argument structure lesson

Mafia Game, no printing - logical reasoning + argument structure lesson

Mafia (sometimes known as One Night Werewolf) game is a great and fun way to get students thinking logically and giving rationals for their argument. It can teach them to provide and weigh up evidence, the importance of bias and reliability and also enjoy learning at the same time. All you need is a deck of cards and this PowerPoint and off you go. The rules seem hard at first but the whole class will understand within the first round. I have played this game with students in middle-high schools and it is loved by grades 7-12 but could easily be played by younger grades. I recommend at least 15 minutes the first time you play but rounds can last as little as 10 minutes once they know the rules. For drama, I encourage dramatic deaths and faster rounds, for English/Language Arts I focus on different areas of their arguments, including structure, rationale, bias, reliability of sources etc. The students respond well and can then apply this structure in drafting assessment.
Multiplatform/Transmedia Practical Project

Multiplatform/Transmedia Practical Project

This is a practical & hands on project that can be done individually but I have set it up as a class/group task. It assumes the class has been introduced to multiplatform/transmedia concepts already but then gives them the opportunity to brainstorm practical ideas for multiplatform products. They then pitch their product ideas to the class before creating them. The story is based in a high school media classroom as a teacher is murdered (just because students love a crime scene/fake blood) and there are 4 possible student suspects. Each has a motive and a back story and a gender neutral title. Additional facts are also provided. This pairs really well with the multiplatform unit and term workbooklet available in my store. This is an ideal opportunity for QLD FTVNM & MAIP students.
Christmas Filming Activity Shot List

Christmas Filming Activity Shot List

The perfect end of year or Christmas filming activity for at least one-two lessons (filming & editing). The shot list has gender neutral names and is simplified thriller but can easily transform into a comedy or drama by editing. Hand students this shot list and watch them go create Christmas magic :)
Mise-En-Scene in Joker Trailer Analysis

Mise-En-Scene in Joker Trailer Analysis

This is a breakdown of Mise-En-Scene in the Joker (2019) Trailer with a secondary teacher explaining mostly symbolic codes and conventions - the impacts of lighting, costuming, colouring, facial expressions, gestures etc. however does also include some discussion of technical codes also. This presentation is aimed at yr 10 media students but could be used for more senior students learning to apply the concepts. Built in activities.
Advertising Work Booklet - Term's Activities

Advertising Work Booklet - Term's Activities

This term’s work booklet focuses on advertising and creating a 30-60 second video ad with 2 print ads for a local business or a school event or group. The task also includes an evaluation and journal. The content is laid out with student activities to deconstruct ads, determine elements of advertising and how students can apply these elements in their own work. With an exemplar, task sheet and space for a class project to model the assessment task, this work booklet also offers student’s space to complete their assessment in the work booklet also. This is 10 weeks work for a senior applied Media Arts in Practice class in Qld, Australia. This is the second unit following on from the Public Service Announcements booklet I also sell.
Public Service Announcement Work booklet

Public Service Announcement Work booklet

This student booklet has activities and plenty of fabulous PSA examples with opportunities for deconstruction. It includes photoshop basics as well as an assessment task that also has a section to be modelled in class in a student or teacher led class project. This is for the Qld Media Arts in Practice 2019 program - a senior applied subject - however is suitable for grades 8-12.
Film Genre Conventions & Trailers Unit Complete

Film Genre Conventions & Trailers Unit Complete

This yr 9 unit has everything for an entire unit of work including the student work book, assessment task and all of the lessons planned. The workbooklet uses famous film scenes and current film trailers to teach students about genre conventions and film trailer conventions. Students lead this unit at their own pace, using the workbooklet to prompt analysis skills. All trailers have the links embedded in the workbooklet and the powerpoint introduction to the unit is attached. Students complete the booklet by writing their own film trailer treatment (exemplar provided in booklet) and producing a mixed genre film trailer.