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La Salle de Bains - Picture Match

La Salle de Bains - Picture Match

Worksheet with 16 pictures to match to 16 words. Useful for lesson starters, homework and dictionary work. Words include: la baignoire le robinet l'éponge (f) la douche le savon
Dans la Cuisine - Picture Match

Dans la Cuisine - Picture Match

Worksheet with 16 pictures to match to 16 words. Useful for homework, lesson starters and dictionary work. Words include: la table le frigo la chaise le grille-pain
Dans le Salon - Picture Match

Dans le Salon - Picture Match

Worksheet with 16 pictures to match to 16 words in French. Useful for lesson starters, homework and dictionary work. Words include: le cousin le canapé le fauteuil le chauffage central la lampe
La Maison - Picture Match

La Maison - Picture Match

Worksheet with 16 pictures to match to 16 words in French. Useful for lesson starters, homework or dictionary work. Words include: le jardin la salle à manger l'escalier la douche la fenêtre
Joyeux Noël - CROSSWORD

Joyeux Noël - CROSSWORD

This file contains two versions of the same crossword; one has a word bank to help pupils, the other one does not. The clues are in English and pupils write the answers in French. There is also a list of French Christmas vocabulary if needed.
Spanish Booklet - El Cuerpo

Spanish Booklet - El Cuerpo

This is a 12 page booklet which can be used as such or as separate worksheets. It contains: 1. vocabulary of parts of the body 2. activities to practise the vocabulary 3. answers You can choose which sheets to put into a booklet and which order to put them in. I use about 5 sheets to make a booklet which I can leave for a substitute teacher in my absence. All the vocabulary is provided so pupils can get on with the work at their own pace.
Perfect tense with 'avoir' - Colour Match

Perfect tense with 'avoir' - Colour Match

This is a 3-way colour match sheet. Pupils find a phrase in French and two possible meanings in English. Eg. J'ai visité - I have visited - I visited There are some questions included and also negatives. Very useful to leave for a cover lesson. There is also a blank grid for pupils to fill in as they find the matches. Answers included.
Spanish Hotels - Loop Game

Spanish Hotels - Loop Game

Set of cards to cut up and laminate. Each card has a picture and a phrase which do not match. Distribute the cards at random to pupils in the class. One pupil starts by saying the phrase on their card. The person who has the picture to illustrate what this person has said hold up their card. They then read their phrase and it goes round the class in a loop until it comes back to the first person. This encourages all pupils to say something. You can time the class to see if they can speed up the second and third times they play.
Clothes - French Booklet

Clothes - French Booklet

This is a 20 page booklet which can be used as such or as separate worksheets. It contains: 1. vocabulary of clothes 2. adjectives to describe clothes 3. materials 4. accessories 5. jewellery 6. puzzles This is useful to leave for a cover teacher as the answers are included. Pupils can work at their own pace as they have all the vocabulary that they will need to complete the activities.
Helping at Home - Writing Framework

Helping at Home - Writing Framework

This writing framework can be used for writing or speaking. It covers: 1. How to say what you do to help 2. How to say what you like/ don't like doing 3. What you will do to help next weekend 4. Why you do something 5. Describe an occasion when you helped in the past 6. Exercise 1 Translate French sentences into English (Answers included) 7. Exercise 2 Translate English sentences into French (Answers included) 8. Vocabulary list
Talking about your house - French Booklet

Talking about your house - French Booklet

This is a 13 page booklet which students can use to help them to talk about their house. It includes: 1. Writing frame for basic sentences 2. Comprehensive vocabulary list - covers all the words used in the booklet. 3. Pictures to label 4. Crossword 5. Gapfill words 6. Two wordsearches It is very useful to leave for a substitute/ cover teacher especially if they are not a French specialist. Pupils can work at their own pace and they have all the vocabulary they need to hand. You can easily leave an answer booklet for the substitute teacher. Answers included.
Transport - French Booklet

Transport - French Booklet

This is a 21-page booklet which can be used as such or as separate worksheets/ vocab list. It contains: 1. Front cover 2. Vocab list of transport vocabulary in French and English 3. Crosswords to practise vocabulary (3) 4. Wordsearch (1) 5. Word Scramble (1) 6. Pictures to label 7. Means of transport ( by car, by train etc.) 8. Vocab list without the English for students to test themselves. You can choose which sheets to put into a booklet and which order to put them in. I use the vocab sheet with different activities to leave for a substitute teacher in my absence. When making a booklet don't forget to take out the answers. The answers are clear and can also be left for a substitute teacher, especially if they are not a French teacher.