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Natalie Sheldon's Shop

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Currently work in the Youth Justice Service developing programmes of intervention for young people in the service. Past experience working as a teacher of Art and Graphics in a young offenders institute, teacher in alternative provision education specialising in SEMH & SEND, and mainstream secondary teacher of Design Technology and Art & Design. I pride myself on creating visually appealing resources with interesting content that appeals to young people who are disengaged from education.




Currently work in the Youth Justice Service developing programmes of intervention for young people in the service. Past experience working as a teacher of Art and Graphics in a young offenders institute, teacher in alternative provision education specialising in SEMH & SEND, and mainstream secondary teacher of Design Technology and Art & Design. I pride myself on creating visually appealing resources with interesting content that appeals to young people who are disengaged from education.
Black History Month 2024 - Raising The Narrative - STEM FactSheets / Information

Black History Month 2024 - Raising The Narrative - STEM FactSheets / Information

Black History (BHM) 2024 Theme is Raising The Narrative I have created a series of PowerPoints with key figures and information This series is based around STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Other series I have created - NOT IN THIS CURRENT UPLOAD: Artists Athletes Eco-Heroes Entertainers (music / film etc.) LGBTQ+ Political Activists Social Activists Trailblazers Writers (these will be found on my TES page ASAP before 01/10/2024) The figures in this STEM series are: Lewis Howard Latimer Percy Lavon Julian Katherine Johnson Gladys West Patricia Bath Mae Jemison Mark Dean Dr Nike Folayan There is also a timeline included for the STEM figures These sheets can be printed and displayed (each has information, a photo and a quote), or used as reference for teaching Please note: each series will be sold individually, and once all the series are uploaded I will create a full bundle with activities as well
PROTECT Programme of Work - Masculinity, Healthy Relationships, Abuse - with AQA Accreditation

PROTECT Programme of Work - Masculinity, Healthy Relationships, Abuse - with AQA Accreditation

This Protect programme is designed to increase young males’ awareness of the key features of a healthy, positive relationship with partners. It aims to explore attitudes and beliefs linked to masculinity and relationships in order to help the young person understand how it may influence their perception of a healthy relationship. Key elements of the relationship sections of the programme include: Lads Law/Boy Code and its links to behaviour for young males, gender stereotypes, healthy and unhealthy relationships and their key indicators, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, emotional, physical and sexual abuse, the abuse wheel and the cycle of abuse, minimisation, denial and blame techniques in abusive relationships, warning signs of abuse, reasons why people stay in abusive relationships, consent, active listening, domestic violence and abuse Key elements of the emotions sections include: sense of wellbeing, recognising emotions, exploring reactions, red and green thoughts, ways to improve emotional wellbeing, assertive, passive and aggressive behaviour, the ABC model, emotional regulation and a range of strategies to support it and self-esteem There is also an additional section on Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) It can be used by staff in Youth Offending Teams for young people on court orders or prevention programmes, and by Youth Workers, Early Help and other social care officers, teachers and school staff and staff in secure settings. This programme is designed to be run in order, with key information linked to stop and search, along with relevant activities that help meet the AQA criteria. The booklet can be printed as a whole, or you have the option to print individual worksheets and to use the PowerPoint digitally. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint, plus all worksheets as individual files AQA units within the programme: 108685 - Identity and Masculinity (Entry Level) 121374 - Developing Healthy Relationships and Respect (L1) 113309 - Issues Associated With Domestic Violence (Entry Level) 113642 - Developing Emotional Regulation Strategies (L1) 119626 - Emotional Wellbeing Unit 3 (Entry Level)
PSHCE - Developing Emotional Regulation Strategies - with AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Developing Emotional Regulation Strategies - with AQA Accreditation

This resource is part of a larger scale programme I have created called PROTECT. The full Protect programme has the potential to claim for 5 AQA accreditations, or there is the option to complete any of the 5 AQA accreditations individually. AQA 113642 covers: exploring positive ways to manage emotions, familiar emotions and when someone might experience them, familiar situations that might trigger feelings in others, behaviours that might indicate someone is having issues managing their emotions, situations that might trigger feelings in self, behaviours that indicate not coping with emotions, strategies for coping with emotions in a positive way, trying out coping strategies in a safe environment, goals relating to emotions, fight or flight responses, the importance of self-regulation for future control of behaviour. Please note: the full Protect programme, plus all of the other 4 AQAs linked to the full programme, will be available to buy separately on here. I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. It also includes additional ANTS - Automatic Negative Thoughts worksheets, which can be purchased separately on my page
PSHCE - Issues Associated with Domestic Violence - with AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Issues Associated with Domestic Violence - with AQA Accreditation

This resource is part of a larger scale programme I have created called PROTECT. The full Protect programme has the potential to claim for 5 AQA accreditations, or there is the option to complete any of the 5 AQA accreditations individually. AQA 113309 covers: identifying myths and realities associated with domestic violence, the meaning of the term ‘domestic violence’, behaviours in a domestic setting that would be considered ‘violent’, legislation linked to domestic violence, causes of domestic violence. Please note: the full Protect programme, plus all of the other 4 AQAs linked to the full programme, will be available to buy separately on here. I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets.
PSHCE - Emotional Wellbeing - with AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Emotional Wellbeing - with AQA Accreditation

This resource is part of a larger scale programme I have created called PROTECT. The full Protect programme has the potential to claim for 5 AQA accreditations, or there is the option to complete any of the 5 AQA accreditations individually. AQA 119626 covers: linking emotions to events, stressful situations and how to manage them, ways to improve self-confidence, bullying, passive, aggressive and assertive attitudes, peer pressure, physical and mental illness and the differences between the two, wellbeing activities to support emotional wellbeing. Please note: the full Protect programme, plus all of the other 4 AQAs linked to the full programme, will be available to buy separately on here. I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. It also includes a section on ANTS - Automatic Negative Thoughts - which can also be purchased separately on my page.
PSHCE - Developing Healthy Relationships & Respect - with AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Developing Healthy Relationships & Respect - with AQA Accreditation

This resource is part of a larger scale programme I have created called PROTECT. The full Protect programme has the potential to claim for 5 AQA accreditations, or there is the option to complete any of the 5 AQA accreditations individually. AQA 121374 covers: characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships, benefits of healthy relationships, controllable and uncontrollable factors that affect relationships, key features of effective communication in healthy relationships, personal values required in healthy relationship, personal attitudes that would help develop healthy relationships and respect for others. Please note: the full Protect programme, plus all of the other 4 AQAs linked to the full programme, will be available to buy separately on here. I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets.
PSHCE - Identity and Masculinity - with AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Identity and Masculinity - with AQA Accreditation

This resource is part of a larger scale programme I have created called PROTECT. The full Protect programme has the potential to claim for 5 AQA accreditations, or there is the option to complete any of the 5 AQA accreditations individually. AQA 108685 covers: the meaning of masculinity and femininity, facts about own country of origin, self-identity, how people form their own self-identity, inner and outer self, what is means to be masculine, how external and internal factors shape identity. Please note: the full Protect programme, plus all of the other 4 AQAs linked to the full programme, will be available to buy separately on here. I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets.
PSHCE - Driving Awareness, Road Safety & Car Crime - with AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Driving Awareness, Road Safety & Car Crime - with AQA Accreditation

The Drive programme is designed for use with young people to help challenge their existing preconceptions around safety and driving. It develops an understanding of The Highway Code, the steps involved in getting a full licence, and the law involved with driving and motor vehicles. It also covers the impacts that alcohol and other substances can have on driving, penalties that can be enforced and the impacts and consequences of car crime on victims and offenders. The full Drive programme has the potential to claim for 3 AQA accreditations, or there is the option to complete any of the 3 AQA accreditations individually. AQA 72734 covers: steps needed to obtain a full UK driving licence, legal requirements needed to drive a motor vehicle on the road, ways in which drink and drugs can affect your ability to drive safely and reasons why there are laws related to driving. AQA 111105 covers: types of car related crime, reasons why people get involved in car crime, legal requirements to safely drive a motor vehicle on the road, ways to keep yourself and others safe when travelling in a vehicle, effects of car crime on victims, the importance of a valid driving licence, the importance of valid insurance, facts about insurance cover, aggravated vehicle taking without owner consent, legal consequences of aggravated vehicle taking without owner consent, types of car crime and the impacts on others and scenarios involving car crime, plus the direct and indirect impacts for those involved. AQA 112723 covers: benefits of learning to drive, the penalty for driving without a licence, consequences of careless driving, road fatalities statistics, types of dangerous driving, prison sentences for dangerous driving, including death by dangerous driving and considerations you should take before driving.
PSHCE - Driving Awareness: Cars - AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Driving Awareness: Cars - AQA Accreditation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Drive programme is designed to meet the criteria for AQA 112723: Driving Awareness: Cars (Level One). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers road safety, driving, vehicle crime and driving under the influence, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 112723. Subject content includes: Learning to drive - benefits Importance of a driving licence Vehicle safety Pre-driving vehicle safety Driving offences - Careless and dangerous driving Penalties for driving and road offences Road accident / fatalities statistics
PSHCE - Car Crime & Vehicle Safety Awareness - AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Car Crime & Vehicle Safety Awareness - AQA Accreditation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Drive programme is designed to meet the criteria for AQA 111105: Car Crime and Vehicle Safety Awareness (Entry Level). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers road safety, driving, vehicle crime and driving under the influence, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 111105. Subject content includes: Learning to drive Legal requirements of a vehicle Driving licences Valid insurance Vehicle safety Car related crime Types of vehicle offences Aggravated offences Sentences for vehicle related crimes Involvement in vehicle related crime Impacts of vehicle related crime
PSHCE - Road Safety / Laws / Legal Age Limits - AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Road Safety / Laws / Legal Age Limits - AQA Accreditation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Drive programme is designed to meet the criteria for AQA 72734: Road Safety: Introduction to Laws and Legal Age Limits (Entry Level). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers road safety, driving, vehicle crime and driving under the influence, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 72734. Subject content includes: Learning to drive - stages Getting a driving licence Legal requirements of a vehicle and driver Driving and alcohol Driving and narcotics / drugs Drink drive limit The law relating to alcohol, drugs and driving
PSHCE - Healthy Relationships - FULL Programme of Work

PSHCE - Healthy Relationships - FULL Programme of Work

This Healthy Relationships programme is designed to develop an understanding of relationships (both healthy and unhealthy), abuse in relationships and other linked topics. It has been designed for use with young people who are in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however it would also be suitable for mainstream and alternative educational settings as a PSHCE resource. This programme is designed to be run in order, with key information linked to relationships, along with relevant activities that help meet the AQA criteria. The booklet can be printed as a whole, or you have the option to print individual worksheets and to use the PowerPoint digitally. Completion of this programme can lead to THREE AQA Unit Award Scheme Accreditations. For the AQA, certain tasks must be completed. If the full Healthy Relationships programme is completed, with all tasks, then the linked AQA can be claimed for! AQAs: 118196 - Understanding Relationships L1 118612 - Unhealthy Relationships L1 118893 - PSHE: Repsectful Relationships Including Friendships EL
PSHCE - Unhealthy Relationships - AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Unhealthy Relationships - AQA Accreditation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Healthy Relationships programme is designed to meet the criteria for AQA 118612: Unhealthy Relationships (Level One). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers relationships and abuse, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for two additional AQAs. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 118612. Subject content includes: Healthy relationships Recognising unhealthy relationships friends are in Where to seek support for yourself or for friends Creating a circle of support Abusive relationships Feelings involved in unhealthy relationships Real-life examples Cultural perceptions of men, women and couples and the impact on relationships
PSHCE - Healthy Relationships & Friendships - AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Healthy Relationships & Friendships - AQA Accreditation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Healthy Relationships programme is purely designed to meet the criteria for AQA 118893: PSHE: Respectful Relationships Including Friendships (Entry Level ). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers relationships and abuse, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for two additional AQAs. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 118893. Subject content includes: Negative behaviours in relationships Healthy / unhealthy romantic relationships Types of abuse Stereotypes Bullying Healthy / respectful relationships Respect Reconciliation Improving relationships
PSHCE - Understanding Relationships - AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Understanding Relationships - AQA Accreditation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Healthy Relationships programme is purely designed to meet the criteria for AQA 118196: Understanding Relationships (Level One). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers relationships and abuse, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 118196. Subject content includes: Relationship definition Friendship Negative relationship behaviours Healthy / unhealthy romantic relationships Types of abuse in relationships Healthy / positive relationships Case studies
PSHCE - Joint Enterprise - AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Joint Enterprise - AQA Accreditation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This Joint Enterprise programme is designed to meet the criteria for AQA 74617: Introduction to the Concept of Joint Enterprise (Level One). This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 74617. Subject content includes: Case studies linked to joint enterprise Definition of joint enterprise The law Types of joint enterprise How to avoid being charged under joint enterprise Key legal processes in relation to joint enterprise Research and data linked to joint enterprise JENGbA Kim Johnson’s Bill How group actions can lead to joint enterprise charges Where to report crime On successful completion of this programme, young people will have met the following overall learning objectives: • To understand the concept of joint enterprise • To understand the concept of joint enterprise through real life case studies • To reflect on the concept of joint enterprise in relation to racism • To consider the impact that gangs and drill music can have on joint enterprise cases • To define joint enterprise • To reflect on the law in relation to joint enterprise • To discuss and argue the case of joint enterprise • To reflect on reasons why young people may be reluctant to report crimes involving their friends or family • To consider how you can avoid charges of joint enterprise • To understand the court decisions in a real life case study • To understand ‘The Jogee Decision’ in relation to joint enterprise • To explain legal processes linked to joint enterprise • To understand data linked to joint enterprise cases • To understand the aims of JENGbA • To develop an understanding of Kim Johnson’s bill • To understand how you can be charged with murder under joint enterprise • To identify the ways in which defendants ended up with the charges • To consider ways the defendants could avoid charges under joint enterprise • To reflect on reasons why young people may go along with their friends even if they are not sure it is the right thing to do • To identify key places to seek relevant advice from
PSHCE - Knife Crime / Safety / Peer Influence - AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Knife Crime / Safety / Peer Influence - AQA Accreditation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Lives Matter programme is purely designed to meet the criteria for AQA 119084: Safety, Peer Influence and Weapons Awareness (Level One). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers knife crime, violent offenses, the law, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 119084. Subject content includes: Offensive weapons - information and the law Consequences of knife carrying / knife crime The ABC model Joint enterprise Case study of joint enterprise Weapons - your views, discussion
PSHCE - Dangers of Energy Drinks - AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Dangers of Energy Drinks - AQA Accreditation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Drugs & Other Substance Use programme is purely designed to meet the criteria for AQA 119050: Exploring the Dangers of Energy Drinks (Entry Level). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers drugs, alcohol, vaping, tobacco, the law, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 119050. Subject content includes: Energy drinks - information, risks, etc. Caffeine Sugar / sweeteners Behaviours linked to energy drink consumption
PSHCE - Drugs / Alcohol / Tobacco - AQA Accreditation

PSHCE - Drugs / Alcohol / Tobacco - AQA Accreditation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Drugs & Other Substance Use programme is purely designed to meet the criteria for AQA 118903: PSHE: Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco (Entry Level). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, vaping, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 118903. Subject content includes: The law in relation to drugs / substances - class A, B, C Detailed information on the risks and general information about substances - new psychotic substances (NPS), ecstasy (MDMA), cannabis, amphetamines (speed), cocaine, nitrous oxide (NOS), LSD, magic mushrooms, ketamine, heroin, alcohol, tobacco, vaping Impacts of use of family, the community
PSHCE - Weapons / Knife Crime & The Law - AQA Accrediation

PSHCE - Weapons / Knife Crime & The Law - AQA Accrediation

I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Lives Matter programme is purely designed to meet the criteria for AQA 118885: Weapons: The Law (Entry Level). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers knife crime, violent offences, the law, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs. This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 118885. Subject content includes: Types of offensive weapons Laws relating to offensive weapons Sentencing guidelines for offensive weapons Types of courts - Crown, Magistrates, Youth Types of violent offences - such as ABH, murder, GBH, etc. The law relating to types of violent offences Stop and Search