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I am a primary school teacher working for a home school and tutor online with a passion for children to be engaged in learning. The resources in my shop include lesson plans, PowerPoint Presentations, and hands-on activities with many cross-curricular links.




I am a primary school teacher working for a home school and tutor online with a passion for children to be engaged in learning. The resources in my shop include lesson plans, PowerPoint Presentations, and hands-on activities with many cross-curricular links.
Step Ups Exercise

Step Ups Exercise

PE exercises suitable for all sports and to use with other main circuit exercises for all ages in primary school.
KS 2 English Balanced arguments

KS 2 English Balanced arguments

KS2 Yr5-Yr6 English – Why we should eat a balanced diet – A Balanced Argument This block of lesson gives pupils an opportunity to revise what a balanced argument is, revising vocabulary and key features of writing a balanced argument. There is a prequel lesson where pupils can have a class/ group debate on different questions about Junk food. Following this lesson there are five lessons that will give pupils ideas to plan, write and edit their own balanced arguments on Why we should eat a balanced dirt. Ideas for writing their own arguments could come from the prequal lesson questions pupils debated about as well.
KS 2 Maths A sugary Tax

KS 2 Maths A sugary Tax

A sugary Tax These lessons are suitable for upper KS2. Pupils will research and understand the nutritional value of foods and drinks focussing on sugar content and identify foods and drinks with high sugar levels. The initial task pupils will complete would be to ‘Thought Shower’ which foods have high sugar content, then compile a list of named foods and drinks and prices of these foods and drinks. In TP’s using supermarkets online look up foods and drinks listing Carbohydrates of which are sugars per 100g per serving and the prices. Research the same product on two different supermarkets listing the prices. Answering the Question: Is there a difference in price between the supermarkets? Lesson two will give opportunities for pupils to work out the tax that would be enforced comparing the price to the price before tax is added. This lesson carries over to lesson three where pupils will use the calculations of the VAT on the food and input data of the amount of teaspoons of sugar in drinks and foods to create a pie chart and then to write a summary of findings. In this summary of what your results show, pupils will their own opinions on the sugar tax. Lesson four is a practical lesson in bread making weighing out correctly ingredients to bake a loaf of bread and follow instructions carefully of a bread recipe. This lesson is linked to a science lesson where pupils will look at how yeast works and that some microbes are beneficial.
KS 2 PSHE Social Lifestyle and Goals

KS 2 PSHE Social Lifestyle and Goals

These lessons are for upper KS2. There are seven lessons that introduce opportunities for pupils to evaluate any goals they may have, set goals and evaluate their achievements at set lessons over the period of the term. The remaining lessons pupils will learn about medication, smoking, alcohol and taking drugs and the impacts this has on the people who do any of the above, both socially and on their health.
KS 2 English Letter of Complaint

KS 2 English Letter of Complaint

This unit of work is suitable for upper KS2. The learning in these five lessons gives pupils opportunities to study a range of complaint letters about eating out in restaurants, thinking about why people write letters of complaints focussing on the tone and language that is used. Pupils will look at a range of complaint letters talking through the learning from the letters of complaint and thoughts of the ideas complied in order to continue planning and drafting out a compliant letter about a disappointed meal out/ experience that didn’t end well/ or the food was uncooked/over cooked. By the end of the week pupils will write their own letters of complaints and the possible response from the complaint letter.
KS2  History - Hunter Gatherers

KS2 History - Hunter Gatherers

This lesson is for upper KS2 Where pupils will learn all about making comparisons and connections between early civilizations and today. By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to compare and contrast how early civilizations have developed socially and culturally over time. This lesson allows pupils to explore Stone Age man through watching a number of video clips of how hunter gatherers lived in Neolithic times and how farming developed through the ages looking into the similarities and differences of Neolithic man to modern day man. This lesson will give opportunities to many questions being asked from the pupils to find answers to, and thinking about the era they would prefer to live in.
KS2 Maths Food on a budget

KS2 Maths Food on a budget

These lessons are suitable for upper KS2. Opportunities are given to pupils to think of their favourite meals writing down the ingredients needed, checking the recipe and given a budget to role play buying the ingredients across different supermarkets. Pupils would also gain an understanding of VAT, working out the VAT on food produce. Towards the end of the week, pupils will be given a budget to plan a week’s family menu, and evaluate the prices across the different supermarkets constructing tally charts, pie charts and graphs to evaluate the data collected. The four days of lessons are all prepared on one PPP listing all resources and website needed for teaching. Two characters Charlie and Lee have been used to ask questions to the children or giving a statement that the children will have to answer using stem sentences (that you are using in your class) in giving their explanations and reasonings Feedback and comments would be appreciated, Thank you in advance.
KS 2 Science muscular system lesson

KS 2 Science muscular system lesson

Updated Lesson plan with Brand new resources! This science lesson has been planned for lower KS2 but can be used for the teaching in upper KS2 as well. Giving opportunities for children to learn all about the muscular system in humans,that there are three types of muscles in the body and their function, how the muscles move in performing different actions and the terms/ vocabulary used in describing these actions with a series of fun activities which will reinforce learning. The lesson that follows The Muscular System is the skeletal system. You can find this lesson in my shop.
KS 2 Farming and food production Cross Curricular Topic

KS 2 Farming and food production Cross Curricular Topic

17 Resources
This topic bundle of lessons gives pupils an understanding on where food comes from around the world, which season’s fresh produce is grown and investigating farming and how farmed produce ends on our forks. The impact on war and drought has on food distribution to the rising food prices. The science lessons include lessons on ‘why we should eat a balanced diet?’ Diet and lifestyle on the human body and Pioneers on food, medicine and vaccines. The history lessons looks at the different methods of farming, the Atlantic trade routes, make connections about how farmers and farming life has developed over time, and over time how food medicine has had an impact on our lifestyle. The Maths lesson circumnavigating the high seas links to the history lesson – Atlantic trade routes and the PSHE lesson asks the question ‘why fair trade is important to farmers?’ The English lessons include: writing a balanced argument and asking the question: ‘Why we should eat a balanced diet’; what’s in the news- researching what the papers write and identifying what’s fact and fiction. The follow on week’s lessons – Hot of the press, gives pupils opportunities to write their own newspaper articles.
Ks 2 Science - Digestive system advanced part 2

Ks 2 Science - Digestive system advanced part 2

This lesson about the digestive system follows on from ‘How the digestive system works’ Giving opportunities for pupils to explore questions that help to give an understanding of the functions of the digestive system and to use stem sentences to answer in detail how the digestive system works. Reinforce learning parts of the digestive system and placing them correctly in the body is one activity. It has been written aimed for upper ks2 answering questions. asking for pupils to give explanations using stem sentences. The power point presentation is a lesson plan and teaching resource for the lesson.
KS2 English - By Invitation Only!

KS2 English - By Invitation Only!

KS2 English - By Invitation Only! This unit of work is suitable for upper KS2. The learning in these four lessons gives pupils opportunities to research different styles and formats of invitation cards to design their own; composing an invitation to Inform and provide information about an event. Also to think about the language and the descriptive style and charisma that is used to persuade the audience. Pupils will focus on researching and designing their own invitation card for an event; the remaining lessons are using prior knowledge in designing a dinner menu for an event Produce a final menu outlining the courses, using descriptive language, punctuation to persuade and inform. Then to design a menu that has the same style and effect as the invitation. The English unit of work is based on a number of other lessons in this topic- Food For Thought; it brings together all pupils learning in this twelve week unit of work. There are links to the Design Technology unit of work designing a menu for a final presentation evening inviting family members and sharing all work produced in the topic over the term.
Ks 2 Talk4writing NCR 4 week block The Celts -Roman writing

Ks 2 Talk4writing NCR 4 week block The Celts -Roman writing

This unit of work is a great talk4writing non chronological report text to learning all about the Romans. Week one KS2 yr3-yr 5 as taught in a mixed year group class. The initial introductory text is based on the Celts in preparation for writing a non chronological write about the Romans. Week one is to learn all about the Celtic way of life text through the story map and answer questions about the text. The three following weeks can be purchased separately or as a block unit. Included in the week one NCR The story map is attached in this week one package, Reading comprehension Celtic report highlighting the grammar features Week two is to change the Celtic Britain report text to writing about the Roman Army and their way of life. Information used about the Roman army is sourced Grammar exercises are also sourced Week three is to plan and prepare own independent writing about as aspect of Roman life. Box up plan Week four is to complete independent writing. Box up plan revised grammar key ingredients for writing an effective report
KS 2 English Advertising

KS 2 English Advertising

This unit of work is suitable for upper KS2. The learning in these four lessons gives pupils opportunities to learn about different ways of advertising, who are the target audience when adverts are produced, thinking about the techniques which are used when adverts are made with the outcome of planning and producing own posters for a healthy eating or fitness campaign. Lesson one begins with discussing persuasive techniques in advertising answering questions on: Q. Where do you encounter advertising? (They will likely mention television, billboards, radio, Websites, school hallways, and so on.) Q. Which specific advertisements "stick in your head?” the class task leads into watching a selection of adverts discussing the three different ways of advertising. Lesson two gives pupils opportunities to research on the web different poster/fliers – web search images posters advertising events/ cafes and restaurants. By the end of the week, pupils will use their learning from previous lessons to create a design their own posters that has the biggest impact that is eye catching. The final lesson gives opportunities to edit and improve their posters.
Ks 3 The Quakers

Ks 3 The Quakers

This lesson is history - RE oriented for KS 3(Grade 6-8) but could be taught as a year 6 lesson. Pupils will learn all about how the Quakers had a different religious view to other Christian faiths. As well as Identifying how the Quakers helped the American slaves to their freedom? Lesson objectives have been differentiated : All – By studying, when did the Quakers form and what was their religious beliefs? Most - To identify the work the Quakers did in America to help free the African-American slaves. Some – To study the Quakers in Britain, and how they supported the British workers in the 19th century.
science  Food, medicine , lifestyle & the human body

science Food, medicine , lifestyle & the human body

10 Resources
Science Bundle suitable for KS 2 & KS 3 9 science lessons with ppp and resources. A mix of lessons ranging from understanding the human body and how organs & systems function; to storing foods correctly, how and why bacteria forms in bad ways, and how medicines have been discovered from bacteria and viruses. Recognizing food groups on the Eat well plate and leading a healthy lifestyle.
KS 2 English Diary Writing

KS 2 English Diary Writing

Learning overview to understand the meanings of the songs Harriet and fellow slaves sang. Construct in the first person a diary entry, which includes a chant that portrays a meaning and a code organising ideas chronologically. This week of lessons focusses on exploring the chants and songs the slaves sung from the book ’ The story of Harriet Tubman - Freedom Train’ by Dorothy Sterling. Using the knowledge of the story to write a diary entry of a slave working in the fields or in the household.
KS 2 French Topic

KS 2 French Topic

KS 2 French - 5 weeks of learning the vocabulary in role play situations - opportunities to use play food for the lessons. KS 2 French Link lessons to areas of the ‘12 week Food for Thought cross curricular topic’ learning the French Eat well plate, asking, ordering and replying for food and drinks in a cafe scenario. Great opportunities to set up a cafe with French cuisine . Learning the French core vocabulary for the digestive and circulatory system will reinforce learning in science.
KS2  How the digestive system works

KS2 How the digestive system works

This science lesson is for upper KS2 and grades 5-8 Pupils will learn and successfully describe the process of the digestive system, identifying and naming the parts of the digestive system through interactive games and using an outline of the body draw and annotate what they know happens to food when they’ve eaten it. From shared learning and class activities of the lesson pupils should be able to label and identify parts of the digestive system correctly. Also thinking about the questions asked in the power point and how to answer key questions using the stem sentence approach; A summary of children’s learning is to write a clear explanation of the function of each part of the digestive system and how the digestive system works. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review my lesson. :-)
science  ks2 , ks3. skeletal system

science ks2 , ks3. skeletal system

This lesson is an informative lesson with many facts about the skeletal system and its role in supporting the major organs in the body. Giving opportunities for pupils to ask specific and indepth questions using stem sentences in their answering. The learning objectives for this lesson is to ask own questions about the scientific phenomena of the skeletal system and to name and describe the functions of the skeletal system. The lesson is suitable for upper ks2 and year 7 and year 8 in ks3. Grades 7-8 Lesson file includes a lesson plan and ppp
Ks 2 PSHE Fair Trade

Ks 2 PSHE Fair Trade

KS2 PSHE History focus -What does Fair trade mean to you? This lesson is suitable for upper KS2 This lesson is where pupils will: learn and understand the definition of Fair trade; Explain why Farmers rely on Fair trade for their produce; Discuss issues that are current in the news; discuss how EU sugar reform is endangering the livelihoods of small farmers and develop personal opinions and views. This is a discussion lesson that gives pupils opportunities in making suggestions on ways to improve the schools views and practices on Fair Trade. This lesson can be a stand alone lesson and is linked with the History lesson-Atlantic Trade Routes and 3 lessons of numeracy - Sailing & circumnavigating the high seas which can be purchased as a bundle. Two fun and interesting activities that are equally ideal lessons to be taught throughout the year or around Fair trade Fortnight, usually around 24th February - 8th March.