Are you starting a topic about animals, adaptation, or living things? This set of photos shows a wide range of different animals, from bees and ladybirds to bears and tigers.
You could use it for a starting point for a discussion on animals.
Students could sort the different animals into different groups and explain their thinking.
You could print and laminate these photos and create a high quality, eye catching wall display.
Students could also take these photos and research each of the animals living requirements and life cycles.
Are you starting a topic about trees or plants? This is a great set of photos about different types of trees. The photos are from all the seasons and show trees from all over the world.
These photos could be printed out and laminated to make a wonderful, eye catching display about trees.
The students could watch the presentation and use the photos as prompts for questions and answers about different types of plants.
The tree photos could be sorted in different ways or used to create classification keys.
The photos could also be used in a literacy lesson and linked to the topic of plants or trees.
Are you starting the topic of flowers or green plants? I have collated 30 high quality photos which are a perfect starter for this topic.
This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills.
These photos could be printed out and laminated to make a wonderful, eye catching display about flowers.
The students could watch the presentation and use the photos as prompts for questions and answers about different types of plants.
The flowers photos could be sorted in different ways or used to create classification keys.
The photos could also be used in a literacy lesson and linked to the topic of plants or flowers.
Are you starting the topic of plants? Are you looking for a wide range of different plant photos? Here are 30 different photos of plants, including mosses, water plants, flowering plants, trees and leaves.
This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills.
These photos could be printed out and laminated to make a wonderful, eye catching display about different types of plants.
The students could watch the presentation and use the photos as prompts for questions and answers about different types of plants.
The plant photos could be sorted in different ways or used to create classification keys.
The photos could also be used in a literacy lesson and linked to the topic of plants and growing.
These 30 colourful photos about gardens are a great way to introduce the topic of gardens. The students can discuss what they find in a garden. These photos will help remind students about different things we can do in a garden.
These photos could be printed out and laminated to make a wonderful, eye catching display about gardens .
The students could watch the presentation and use the photos as prompts for questions and answers about what they see in a garden.
These photos could be used as flash cards to extend a students descriptive vocabulary.
The photos could also be used in a literacy lesson and linked to the topic of gardens and parks.
Are you doing a topic on bears? Are you looking for exciting, visual resources? I have collected together 30 great photos of bears which you can share with your class.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different bears being shown in each of photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about bears.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of bears. The students can then discuss what they think each one needs to survive and research which are an endangered species and why.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Are you doing a topic on bears? Are you looking for lots of photos on brown bears? I have collected together 30 wonderful photos of brown bears for you to use in the classroom.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different brown bear activities being shown in each of photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Brown Bears.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different brown bear activities. The students can then discuss what they think why the bear i doing this activity.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Are you studying Australia? Are you wanting to cover the different animals there? I have collected 30 photos of Australian animals you could use as part of a display or an opening lesson.
This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different animals being shown in each of photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Australian Animals.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of animals. The students can then research their living
requirements and if they are in danger of becoming extinct.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different bears being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts.
The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story .
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Minibeasts Visual Story Prompts is a fun set of worksheets based around different insects. The students imagine they are the insect. What would they see, feels, smell and touch? This is a wonderful way of getting the students to think like an insect. Let their imaginations run riot!
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different minibeasts being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts.
The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story .
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different body parts and their uses being shown in each of the photos.
Lots of fun, English based activities about my body, including anagrams and idioms. I have also included my 31 teaching activity guide for more ideas about how to use the images from the story prompts in different activities.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts.
The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story .
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
This creative writing prompt for parks uses all 5 senses. The students need to think about what they see, hear, touch, taste and smell in each of the pictures. The pictures help them to imagine different places, write richer descriptions and become more organised writers. This creative writing prompt sheet is a great way to prepare for the KS1 SATs tests or the KS2 SATs tests while still having a lot of fun!
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different locations being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching set of story prompts.
The students could also take five of the laminated photos and create them into a story .
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
A wide range of different presetations about different national weeks such as anti-bullying week, Science week, Climate Change Week, Christian Aid Week, Interfaith Week, Road Safety Week… lots of different visual images to help start a wide range of different discussions about each topic.
Want lots of different resources about food? Here are lots of different presentations, story prompts and even a complete ESL topic about different types of food. Try it today!
Are you looking for month long celebrations? I have brought together my Black History Month, Walk To School Month, Happiness Challenge, and Big Draw into a single, easy to use bundle.
Are you looking for fun lessons and teaching resources about Australia? Then I think you will like this set of teaching ideas. There are photos of Australia and Australian animals, and a 30 hour ESL lesson on the topic.
I have collected together some of my most popular science related presentations and teaching ideas and offer them to teachers at a greatly reduced price to celebrate Science Week.
Here are some of my best presentations and teaching activities which are linked to water. There are story prompts, a research skill worksheet and visually exciting pictures.
I have collected together my best animal related presentations. These include what birds I find in my local park, to different wildlife around the world. I even have included a KS1 vocabulary list of the animals around us and a story about different animals and some animal activities.
If you are teaching about park life, then this is the bundle for you! It looks at all the aspects of park life. It is a great way of comparing and contrasting a wide range of different parks around the world with your own local park. I have also included a creative writing prompt your students to imagine the different features they would find in the park. Try it today.