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Fun Quizzes For Fun Classrooms

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I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life




I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life
70 Keystage 2 Grammar Revision Worksheets (Comes complete with answers)

70 Keystage 2 Grammar Revision Worksheets (Comes complete with answers)

Welcome to the second English Grammar Revision book. Like the first one (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/101-ks2-sats-english-grammar-revision-worksheets-11189224), it’s packed full of worksheets that can be photocopied freely for use in the classroom, as well as being an ideal tool for students to work through at home. We’ve included resources that test grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, spelling and speaking & listening skills. A huge variety of material that we hope will be fun to use and really helpful, whether you are at school or at home. A big thank you must go to all the students who have tried and tested these resources in the classroom prior to us producing the book! There are a few worksheets for practising more basic skills, such as the two Writing Skills worksheets. However, most of the material reflects the higher level, and will provide a wealth of stimulating lessons for students who are starting to become more independent in their learning. With this in mind we have included a brand new section - Test Your Research Skills. Here you will find quizzes on a range of topics that require students to go and do some research, using a library facility, encyclopaedia (whether in CD Rom or old fashioned book form!), or even the internet... (Please note the original title of this piece of work was "The second ESL resource book (Intermediate Resources)" - If you have bought this. You do not need to buy it again.
171 KS2 Grammar Revision Worksheets - Fun For Everyone!

171 KS2 Grammar Revision Worksheets - Fun For Everyone!

Save money buy buying both my KS2 Revision Grammar books at the same time! 101 KS2 Grammar Revision Worksheets: Hi there . . . ! . . . and welcome to 101 KS2 SATs English Grammar Revision Worksheets! This grammar book perfect KS2 revision material. It’s full of great material for testing your English grammar skills at this level – including question forms, state verbs, phrasal verbs, reported speech, use of articles, error correction, and much more. Many of the worksheets have a special emphasis on using the tenses and structures that you need to practise now, namely past perfect, past perfect continuous, past continuous, present perfect continuous, future continuous, future perfect, and the four conditionals. This book contains 101 photocopiable worksheets, as well as full answers and notes for use. 70 Grammar Worksheets: Welcome to the second English Grammar Revision book. Like the first one, it’s packed full of worksheets that can be photocopied freely for use in the classroom, as well as being an ideal tool for students to work through at home. We’ve included resources that test grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, spelling and speaking & listening skills. A huge variety of material that we hope will be fun to use and really helpful, whether you are at school or at home. A big thank you must go to all the students who have tried and tested these resources in the classroom prior to us producing the book! The original titles were: Big grammar book intermediate book 1 and The second ESL resource book. If you have bought these in the past, you do not need to buy this set again.
Year 6 2014 SPAG test papers -  Two In One Questions and Answers Quiz Makes Revision Fun!

Year 6 2014 SPAG test papers - Two In One Questions and Answers Quiz Makes Revision Fun!

Teaching grammar should be fun, fast paced and enjoyable. I have taken the 2014 SATS past papers and I have combined the test paper and the official marking schemes into single PowerPoint presentations. This means you can now ask a question, get the students to show you the answer, and then show the original answer and check their understanding. I know my class really enjoys this teaching method.
189 Reading Worksheets, 36 Reading Books + ppt versions + KS1 and KS2 Creative Reading Scheme

189 Reading Worksheets, 36 Reading Books + ppt versions + KS1 and KS2 Creative Reading Scheme

This is a a huge online reading bundle of resources. There is plenty to do in this amazing set of resources. I have further edited Levels 1 to levels 4 so there are now reading questions relating to every slide. I have mixed up all the original Thinking Hat colours and done away with black and white as I had teachers who felt these were not appropriate in a primary classroom and relaunched it all as Thinking Scarves - I hope you like the changes and leave me a nice comment below! I believe I have created the ultimate guided reading and poetry teaching resource for teachers. Along with a complete KS1 and KS2 Thinking Hats Reading teaching resource, this pack also includes 189 general reading worksheets and 36 levelled guided reading books. I also took the time to convert all the books into .ppt (old version of PowerPoint) so that as well as printing out the books, you can now show all the books directly on the interactive whiteboard, to build up whole class reading skills. The books vary from level 1 (beginner readers) to level 5 (teenager and adult readers). The worksheets can be used for pretty much any book, so even when you have finished reading these great books, the reading worksheets will still be useful for many years to come! The 189 reading worksheets are differentiated and some a replicated between different year groups. I am confident you will be pleased with this purchase. It would also be great for any World Book Day ideas or teaching resources. It could also be used for national poetry day or book week. If you would like to see more of my teaching resources, please visit http://drfog.co.uk/ If you like the resources, then please leave me a nice comment as this means a lot to me!
189 Reading  Worksheets, 36 Books, 36 Matching pptx PowerPoints, KS1 + KS2 Creative ThInking scheme

189 Reading Worksheets, 36 Books, 36 Matching pptx PowerPoints, KS1 + KS2 Creative ThInking scheme

I have further edited Levels 1 to levels 4 so there are now reading questions relating to every slide. I have mixed up all the original Thinking Hat colours and done away with black and white as I had teachers who felt these were not appropriate in a primary classroom and relaunched it all as Thinking Scarves - I hope you like the changes and leave me a nice comment below! I found a set of 36 levelled reading books. I love them. They go from a beginning reader to all the way to teenager / adult. I also happen to have written 189 general reading worksheets, KS1 and KS2 reading worksheet schemes and I thought I would bring them all together in a single monster reading pack. I have decided to focus my attention on getting these 40 books read and into primary schools. The books themselves are public domain. The fact is, I have spent a long time converting them into PowerPoints, so that you can both print them for the students and have it shown clearly on the interactive whiteboard. I would love to know what people think of these teaching resources. If you like these teaching resources, please also visit my website at http://drfog.co.uk/ Please leave me some nice comments below as these motivate them to make even more teaching resources!
KS1 Science Vocabulary Posters, Spelling Lists and PowerPoint Presentations

KS1 Science Vocabulary Posters, Spelling Lists and PowerPoint Presentations

This pack comes complete the 2 PowerPoint versions of the main key vocabulary for .ppt and .pptx and also a text file containing the words so you can cut and paste them into easy to use Science spelling lists. There is a link in each PowerPoint to find more files such as a word map and also the spelling lists in a more friendly format. Units Covered: KS1 Ourselves vocab KS1 Plants and animals in the local environment vocab Ks1 Forces and movement vocab KS1 Growing plants vocab KS1 Health and growth vocab KS1 Light and dark vocab KS1 Plants and animals in the local environment vocab KS1 Pushes and pulls vocab KS1 Sound and hearing vocab KS1 Using electricity vocab Ks1 Variation vocab
KS1 Growing Plants Science Vocabulary and Spelling List+ Word Mat+ 31 Teaching Activities To Try

KS1 Growing Plants Science Vocabulary and Spelling List+ Word Mat+ 31 Teaching Activities To Try

There are wide range of different teaching resources in this pack, including flashcards, word mats, a 31 teaching activity teaching guide and photo flash cards Words used: Growing plants plant plants branch root stem trunk flower leaf leaves seeds seedlings weed grow growing living alive not living not alive dead healthy Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2 Characteristics of materials science vocabulary + Fun Loop Cards + 31 Teaching Activity Ideas

KS2 Characteristics of materials science vocabulary + Fun Loop Cards + 31 Teaching Activity Ideas

KS2 Characteristics of materials science vocabulary and spelling lists contain all the words listed below. In addition, they also contain a link to more useful teaching resources online. I have also included a set of fun loop cards and a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help to make your lessons more fun and more dynamic. I want you to get the most out of every purchase you make! The words used in the KS2 Characteristics of materials science vocabulary pack strong weak flexible transparent not transparent soft hard waterproof absorbent shiny dull rigid hot cold rough smooth opaque compare comparison describe description material characteristics properties stretchy Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2  Rocks & soils Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack + Fun Loop Cards + 31 Teaching Ideas Guide

KS2 Rocks & soils Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack + Fun Loop Cards + 31 Teaching Ideas Guide

KS2 Rocks & soils Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack. The keywords listed below are show using high quality photos. At the end of the presentation, there is also a link to even more teaching resources - perfect for both an introduction to a topic and also for revision. I have also included a set of loop cards and also a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get the very most out of each lesson. This helps lessons to be more fun and dynamic. Words used in the KS2 Rocks & soils Science Vocabulary pack: rock slate granite sandstone chalk soil clay sand limestone quartz marble stone pebble texture absorbent characteristic surface Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2  Magnets & springs Science Vocabulary + Fun Loop Cards Activity+31 More Teaching Activity Ideas

KS2 Magnets & springs Science Vocabulary + Fun Loop Cards Activity+31 More Teaching Activity Ideas

Lower KS2 Magnets & springs Science Vocabulary. The keywords in the presentation and the spelling list is shown below. The presentation contains images explaining the words and also a link at the end of the presentation to even more teaching resources. This pack includes a set of loop cards and 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide. These will help you get the most out of your lessons and this purchase. Words used in the KS2 Magnets & springs Science Vocabulary Pack magnet spring metal iron copper aluminium steel brass attract repel magnetic non-magnetic attraction repulsion force elastic pull towards push away from stretch squash compress Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2 Circuits & Conductors Science Vocabulary + Flashcards +31 Fun Teaching Activities Teacher Guide

KS2 Circuits & Conductors Science Vocabulary + Flashcards +31 Fun Teaching Activities Teacher Guide

Lower KS2 Circuits & Conductors Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack. The presentations contain all the keywords listed below. In addition, there is a link at the end of the presentations so you can access even more teaching resources online. I have also included a 31 Activity Teacher Guide To help you get more out of your lessons and purchases. These make teaching and learning a lot more fun! Words in the KS2 Circuits & Conductors Presentation electricity electrical circuit battery bulb crocodile clip buzzer motor conduct conductor insulate insulator switch break power bright brightness dim batteries Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2 Habitats Science Vocabulary and Spelling List + Word Mat + 31 Fun Teaching Ideas To Try In Class

KS2 Habitats Science Vocabulary and Spelling List + Word Mat + 31 Fun Teaching Ideas To Try In Class

KS2 Habitats Science Vocabulary and Spelling List. The presentation contains the keywords listed below, along with fabulous photos and images. At the end of the presentation, there is a link to even more online teaching resources. This pack also includes a useful revision word mat about habitats and also a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get more out of your lessons and this purchase. Words used in the KS2 Habitats Science Vocabulary pack habitat nutrition environment keys condition consumer producer organism predator prey food chain similar different Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2  Moving & growing Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack

KS2 Moving & growing Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack

KS2 Moving & growing Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack contain an image for each keyword listed below. In addition, at the end of the presentation there is a link which leads you to even more online teaching resources about this topic. I have also included a word mat and also a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide. These will help you get the most out of each lesson and also out of this great purchase. The KS2 Moving & growing Science Vocabulary teaching pack contains these words: skeleton bone bones ribs spine skull vertebrate contract relax contraction joint move muscles muscle Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2 More About Dissolving Science Vocabulary + Flashcards + 31 Fun Teaching Ideas For Your Classroom

KS2 More About Dissolving Science Vocabulary + Flashcards + 31 Fun Teaching Ideas For Your Classroom

KS2 More About Dissolving Science Vocabulary and Spelling Pack contains photo and image flashcards for the keywords below. In addition, at the end of the presentation, there is a link to even more teaching resources. I have included picture and word flash cards and a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get more out of each lesson. The guide provides easy to set up, well paced activities which both you and your students will enjoy. Words included in the KS2 More About Dissolving Science Vocabulary pack: dissolve dissolving undissolved solution mixture evaporate condense pure separate clear cloudy filter solid Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2  Keeping Healthy Science Vocabulary + Flashcards + 31 Fun Teaching Activities To Try In Class

KS2 Keeping Healthy Science Vocabulary + Flashcards + 31 Fun Teaching Activities To Try In Class

KS2 Keeping Healthy Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack. It contains photo based flash cards for each of the keywords below. In addition, it also contains a link to even more teaching resources at the end of presentation. I have included picture and word flash cards and a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get more out of each lesson. The guide provides easy to set up, well paced activities which both you and your students will enjoy. Words used in the KS2 Keeping Healthy Science Vocabulary pack: diet balanced diet side effect fats sugars starches food types heart circulation heart beat pulse pulse rate muscle blood blood vessel lung breathe growth activity Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2  Life Cycles Science Vocabulary + Flashcards + 31 Fun Teaching Ideas To Try In The Classroom!

KS2 Life Cycles Science Vocabulary + Flashcards + 31 Fun Teaching Ideas To Try In The Classroom!

KS2 Life Cycles Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack. Each keyword below is linked into the presentation to a photo or an image. In addition, the end of the presentation contains a link to even more resources you can use in the classroom. I have included picture and word flash cards and a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get more out of each lesson. The guide provides easy to set up, well paced activities which both you and your students will enjoy. Words used in the KS2 Life Cycles Science Vocabulary Pack: reproduce reproduction stamen stigma sepal petal ovary pollen style germinate germination fertilise fertilisation pollinate pollination disperse dispersal life cycle babyhood childhood adolescence adulthood Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
KS2 Reversible & Irreversible Changes Science Vocabulary +Flashcards+31 Teaching Ideas For Classroom

KS2 Reversible & Irreversible Changes Science Vocabulary +Flashcards+31 Teaching Ideas For Classroom

KS2 Reversible & Irreversible Changes Science Vocabulary and Spelling pack. This pack contains photos and images linked to each of the keywords listed below. In addition, at the end of the presentation is a link to more useful teaching resources. I have included picture and word flash cards and a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide to help you get more out of each lesson. The guide provides easy to set up, well paced activities which both you and your students will enjoy. Words used in the KS2 Reversible & Irreversible Changes Science Vocabulary pack: reversible irreversible change melting freezing evaporating condensing dissolving filtering separating burning insoluble solid liquid gas Additional documents are included with the permission of Sheffield Advisory and Inspection Service. These are available for free elsewhere online as word lists etc. However, not in the range of formats offered here.
Weekly Doodle Pack - Part 1

Weekly Doodle Pack - Part 1

I teach in a small primary school. At the end of the day, the children like nothing more than to sit down, and be given a half completed picture and a challenge. They need to complete the picture in their own way. Each pack has 7 different images in it so it can be a fun daily event. My kids love these doodle challenges, I hope yours do to!
Early Handwriting Practice

Early Handwriting Practice

I found a range of different really fun worksheets for children to work with. They focus on developing the finer hand movements. You could laminate them and use them again and again!
3 weeks of fun doodling sheets in one handy pack!

3 weeks of fun doodling sheets in one handy pack!

At the end of the day, my students like to unwind with a little bit of fun drawing. I have created a range of different fun drawing challenges for my students. You look at the picture, read the simple challenge and add the missing part to each picture. The students can then compare and contrast their different ideas. It is a great way of getting students to talk and describe their work.