I've piggybacked a load of Foundation Reading Comp questions from my other resources onto the Trivial Pursuit template created by Helen Wolfenden. Worked well with students who are getting a bit worn out and revision-averse just as they should be hanging on my every word ...
Speaking stimulus for the topic of Handys / Internet. The first slide acts as a homepage for the activity. Students select an image from the homepage and are then hyperlinked to a slide with a stimulus question. 24 questions in total.
Playscript featuring the characters from Made in Chelsea. In the playscript the characters froma reality show comment on characters from reality shows, Updated from a resource I uploaded previously.
Two texts relating to the events on the Domplatz in Köln on New Year's Eve 2015. The first text is a report which outlines the kinds of crimes that were committed and states who the perpetrators were believed to be. The second text relates the views of a German woman of Turkish heritage regarding these events. The texts are followed by questions in German.
Adapted slightly from a text I originally included in Brennpunkt Neue Ausgabe. A German describes some of the difficulties relating to German national identity. Followed by two comprehension activities.
Key scene from the film "Sophie Scholl - die letzten Tage" , as it appears in the Drehbuch, in which Sophie is questioned by the Gestapo investigator. Students must (i) answer the questions in English (ii) compare the official script with the scene in the film and spot the differences.
Challenging text in which characters from the Hunger Games talk about what they do in their free time. Based partly on details from the books and partly on plausible speculations regarding their free time. Followed by questions in German.
Two versions of the same resource at slightly different levels. Interview with the Easter Bunny, in which the bunny outlines the working conditions for all the Easter Bunnies, describes the busy run-up to Easter, explains why the Easter Bunny is believed to be male and reveals what the female bunnies planned to do to protest. Followed by questions in English.
Powerpoint with 9 slides each with a phoneme to practise. The sentences focus relate to the topic of My Home. The first slide of the PPT acts as a homepage. Students choose a number and are hyperlinked to a slide they can not see.
A speaking (and possibly writing) activity in which students must use on-screen support to generate sentences about key characters in the film. The first page on the slide acts as a homepage, hyperlinking students to hidden photos of the characters.
9 images featuring mobiles and chosen to provoke oral contributions from students. The first slide acts as a homepage. Students choose a random number and are hyperlinked to an unseen image.