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Russian A-level: Queen of Spades ; sample essays, exercises and answers

Russian A-level: Queen of Spades ; sample essays, exercises and answers

This document contains exam style questions on one of literary works - Queen of Spades. The essays are compiled in line with Edexcel requirements for achieving high marks ( inclusion of 2-3 key points, rich and varied vocabulary, knowledge of content, quotes and analysis). Each of the 9 essays is followed by a short exercise to help with memorising Kew phrases and grammar practice (translation, matching pairs, filling in prepositions, putting the words in the correct case, word formation). Answers are included to enable self-study.
Russian GCSE: Tourism and Travel (vocab, comprehension, exercises, writing)

Russian GCSE: Tourism and Travel (vocab, comprehension, exercises, writing)

A 8-page worksheet on one of the 5 themes of Russian GCSE- Local area, tourism and Travel The worksheet includes: *relavant glossary *reading comprehension texts *vocabulary focused exercises *writing task *answers to tasks Reading comprehension tasks can be adapted for pair work in class, stimulus for further discussion or as a listening comprehension
Spoken Russian: British Vs Russian mentality. Video, vocabulary and exercises

Spoken Russian: British Vs Russian mentality. Video, vocabulary and exercises

A fun topic to discuss: Do we always mean what we say? And what are we really saying? Are we being rude or simply can’t bear to say no or criticise people openly? *Watch the video (Link is included). *The video provides plenty of ideas for discussion. *Pick up great spoken language phrases (glossary to the video is included) *Expand your vocab even further by completing the exercise: match the synonyms, fill in the gap, match the phrases from the video to check your comprehension *check your answers Answers are included
Russian GCSE: Town, Region and Country (vocab, comprehension, exercises, writing)

Russian GCSE: Town, Region and Country (vocab, comprehension, exercises, writing)

A 6-page worksheet on one of the 5 themes of Russian GCSE- Local area, tourism and Travel The worksheet includes: *relevant glossary *reading comprehension texts and exercises *vocabulary focused exercises *exam-style translation task *answers to tasks Reading comprehension tasks can be adapted for pair work in class, stimuli for further discussion or as a listening comprehension. The resource is prepared in line with the UK GCSE requirements. However, it can be used by anyone studying general Russian towards A2 level.
Russian A-level/B1-2: Жизнь в Москве и пригороде

Russian A-level/B1-2: Жизнь в Москве и пригороде

This 7-page worksheet is based on authentic texts and is focused on discussing life in Moscow and its suburbs. The worksheet contains: an article discussing a move from Moscow to a smaller town. nformation card on the town of Noginsk. a variety of personal opinions and readers’ experiences of living in Moscow and out of town. comprehension questions, multiple choice exercise, word search exercise, fill in a table exercise
Russian GCSE speaking exam sample card with answers. Town, Region, Country

Russian GCSE speaking exam sample card with answers. Town, Region, Country

This resource is aimed both at teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow), a teacher’s card and sample answers to all five questions. Pages 3-4 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The answers can be used as a starting point for a discussion, to practise vocabulary (for example, do a word search) or certain grammar themes (e.g. find all examples of Genitive case in the text, find the verbs in the past tense, retell the text in the past tense or from the third person,etc). Teachers could encourage the students to discuss the sample answers, saying whether they share the same viewpoint. The questions cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (Town, region, country in this instance). We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian.
A-level Russian - Essay & research introduction sentence starters, character description, stylistic

A-level Russian - Essay & research introduction sentence starters, character description, stylistic

A 4-page resource useful for helping A/AS level students write their introductions to essays or independent research project (part of the speaking exam) on various topics. Sections include : sentence starters introducing a theme expressing viewpoint adding arguments expressing contrast/concession drawing conclusion words and phrases to describe characters of a literary work/film possible stylistic devices and figures of speech to mention in your work of literature/film essay
Russian GCSE speaking exam sample card with answers. International and global dimension. Environment

Russian GCSE speaking exam sample card with answers. International and global dimension. Environment

This resource is aimed both at teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow), a teacher’s card and sample answers to all five questions. Pages 3-4 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The answers can be used as a starting point for a discussion, to practise vocabulary (for example, do a word search) or certain grammar themes (e.g. find all examples of Genitive case in the text, find the verbs in the past tense, retell the text in the past tense or from the third person,etc). Teachers could encourage the students to discuss the sample answers, saying whether they share the same viewpoint. It is impossible to predict the exact questions but we tried to include the questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme Page 3 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian
Russian GCSE speaking exam. Identity&Culture. Who am I?

Russian GCSE speaking exam. Identity&Culture. Who am I?

The resource is aimed at A2 level learners. Although we developed it for both teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students, the resource can be used by anyone looking to expand their vocabulary and practise talking about culture and identity. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow), a teacher’s card and sample answers to all five questions. Pages 3-4 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The answers can be used as a starting point for a discussion, to practise vocabulary (for example, do a word search) or certain grammar themes (e.g. find all examples of Genitive case in the text, find the verbs in the past tense, retell the text in the past tense or from the third person,etc). Teachers could encourage the students to discuss the sample answers, saying whether they share the same viewpoint. Although it is impossible to predict the exact questions but we tried to include the questions that cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (ldentity & Culture in that case). Pages 3-4 provide possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. We included grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian. Please, note, the sample answers reflect the higher tier GCSE requirements.
Russia&NATO. Россия и НАТО. Reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises

Russia&NATO. Россия и НАТО. Reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises

An 8-page worksheet based on a newspaper article discussing the history of relationship of the USSR and NATO. Aimed at advanced (C1+) learners. The worksheet contains 4 vocabulary building exercises with answers. The text is abundant with words and phrases related to politics and government and can be used when covering such topics as: international relations *history *war and peace, Cold War politics & diplomacy Can be used in class work or for independent comprehensive reading.
Russian GCSE translation booklet

Russian GCSE translation booklet

Translation activities designed to practise and revise the GCSE level vocabulary. The activities cover all 5 GCSE themes (with subtopics). Each subtopic contains 6 sentences and 2 texts for translation from Russian into English and vice versa. The activities are designed to prepare for GCSE, but can be useful for anyone studying Russian towards A2 level (continuing beginner). The exercises can be used as a 10-15 minute homework or classwork activity with subsequent peer assessment.
Russian GCSE: International and Global Dimentions Vocabulary and exercises

Russian GCSE: International and Global Dimentions Vocabulary and exercises

A 6-page worksheet on one of the 5 themes of Russian GCSE- International and Global Dimensions. The worksheet includes: environmental issues vocabulary social issues vocabulary 5 exercises, including reading comprehension exercises, making up phrases and translation. answers to all 5 exercises Reading comprehension text can be adapted and used as a listening exercise in class.
GCSE Russian speaking exam role play cards

GCSE Russian speaking exam role play cards

This resource include 10 practice role-play cards based on the New Spec GCSE topics. These cards give students to chance to revise the key 5 topics and prepare for the speaking exam. The resource also includes the teacher scripts for each card so students can practise in pairs & see how the role-play works from the examiner’s perspective.
Russian GCSE speaking exam practice card with answers. Town, region, country 1

Russian GCSE speaking exam practice card with answers. Town, region, country 1

This resource is aimed both at teachers preparing students for the new GCSE specification (first certification from 2019) as well as students. The file includes a student’s card (that imitates a card that a student will be given at the exam and based on which a discussion with the examiner will follow) and a teacher’s card. Pages 3-4 provides possible answers aimed at achieving the highest grades. The questions on the card cover a broad spectrum within the chosen theme (Town, region, country in this instance). Sample answers contain grammatical constructions and vocabulary listed in Specification Pearson Edexcel GCSE Russian. The sample answers can be used as a reading comprehension exercise, followed by a word search exercise, true/false. Another idea is asking students to find synonyms/antonyms from the text; students could compare the sample answer to their own answers, agree/disagree with the statements.
Russian GCSE practice: LISTENING test paper

Russian GCSE practice: LISTENING test paper

GCSE listening practice (Edexcel examboards). The test is created to reflect Edexcel exam paper and contains 14 exam style listening questions (multiple choice, choosing correct answers, filling in the gaps from the word lists provided, answering questions in English and Russian). The following topics are included: Food and drink: restaurants, fast food preferences Life in the town and rural life Holidays, tourist information and directions Services School life & routine School rules and pressures Work, careers and volunteering / future plans House & Home Daily routines Celebrations, birthdays Relationships with family and friends Environmental issues Travel and transport Media – TV and film Information and communication technology Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise **Answers and transcripts are provided on separate pages **
A-level Russian: ПЕРЕСТРОЙКА: исходы и мнения. Texts and exercises

A-level Russian: ПЕРЕСТРОЙКА: исходы и мнения. Texts and exercises

This 7-page worksheet is designed to help with revising the topic and work on essential vocabulary. The texts are selected with a view to refresh the key ideas of perestroika and the issues with the policy implementation and its outcomes. The exercises include: -fill in the gaps -word search translation activity comprehension questions -matching the cause to effect The texts can be used to replicate exam-style listening questions.
Russian GCSE practice: LISTENING test paper - b

Russian GCSE practice: LISTENING test paper - b

Russian GCSE listening practice (Edexcel examboards). The test is created to reflect Edexcel exam paper and contains 14 exam style listening questions (multiple choice, choosing correct answers, filling in the gaps from the word lists provided, answering questions in English and Russian). The following topics are included: Leisure Festivals Holidays, tourist information and directions Services School life & routine School rules and pressures Work, careers and volunteering / future plans House & Home Daily routines Relationships with family and friends Environmental issues Travel and transport Places in town Information and communication technology Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise **Answers and transcripts are provided on separate pages **
Short Stories in Simple Russian. A2/GCSE

Short Stories in Simple Russian. A2/GCSE

A collection of short entertaining stories (150-200 words) in simple Russian on a variety of topics - holidays, travels, transport, life in a big city, meeting new people, environment, school, exams, choosing a career, meals, Olympics, festivals. Each story is followed by a variety of exercises - from vocabulary search, multiple choice comprehension tests to comprehension question and questions for a wider discussion. The stories are divided into 5 major themes to reflect Edexcel Russian specification: Identity and Culture Local area, Holiday and Travel School Future aspirations, Study and work International and Global Dimensions