
Applying for Jobs
This bundle contrains lessons, handouts and activities which cover the following aspects of applying for jobs:
Career Planning and Personal Skills Reviews
Conflict Management and Coping with Setbacks
Stress Awareness
Employability Skills Workshop
Employment Letter Writing
Knowing Where to Look for Jobs

Health and Social Care
An excellent value bundle, saving 69%.
The bundle includes 9 topic areas and hours of activities for students in the following areas:
Anti-discriminatory Practice, Alternative and Complementary health Care, Communication, Community Care, End of Life Care, Ethics, Discriminatory Practices, Multi-Disciplinary Team Work.
Students will develop their ICT, Evluation, Research, Employability, English and Maths skills.

News, Politics, Current Affairs reading Comprehension
8 reading comprehensions which cover a combination of political headlines and global matters which have been in the news recently.
Could make useful activities for lesson time, general studies or tutorials.
Excellent value and a way of keeping your class up to date with whats going on in the world.
They have been written in a style which completes SATS, entrance exams etc.