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Health Promotion

Health Promotion

This is about 4 hours worth of teacher-led tutorial and student activities on health promotion. Students will cover the following: Healthy/unhealthy/risk taking behaviours Why health promotion is used Organisations on a local and national level which seek to promote health Health Targets Models of Behaviour Change Health Promotion Activities and Techniques Students will build on their research and evaluation skills.


This is is a full lesson with activities which goes over in detail interview preparation, how to prepare for 'killer' questions and interview techniques to name but a few. The PowerPoint lesson resource has detailed notes in the notes field to help with delivery. There is a session plan included which can be adapted to suit your organisations paperwork. Aims and Objectives: To identify what an interview is for To identify some common questions To know how to deal with a “Killer Question” To identify why people aren’t successful at interview. Full information handouts for students as well as a student self evaluation activity on interview skills have been provided also.
Introduction to Market Segmentation/How is Marketing Targeted to different groups?

Introduction to Market Segmentation/How is Marketing Targeted to different groups?

Aimed at GCSE Travel and Tourism, this lesson will provide students with the opportunity to become familiar with the key terminology, look at examples of market segmentation with regards to advertising. Whilst this lesson is aimed at Travel Tourism, it may also be applicable to some business studies students. Lesson Outcomes: To identify the market segments relating to demographics, lifestyle and psychographics To explain how products are changed to suit different groups’ needs
Psychology/Mental Health

Psychology/Mental Health

6 Resources
A range of full lessons on psychology and mental health. Applicable to A-Level, Health and Social Courses, Psychology Courses and Access to HE Courses.
Application Form Activity Workbook with Lesson Plan

Application Form Activity Workbook with Lesson Plan

A comprehensive 9 page workbook on Application Forms and resources which contains activities and information on the following : 1. The Employers Perspective-Student put themselves in the position of the employer and decide who they would want to interview based on application forms 2. Key things to remember when completing application forms-room for student notes 3. Student checklist 4. How employers look through application forms e.g. searching questions 5. Transferable Skills Information 6. Transferable Skills Review Activity 7. Student Reflection/Evaluation
Research Project Preparation

Research Project Preparation

Some detailed lessons and other student resources on research methods which were originally tailored for an Access to HE Course but will also be useful for students embarking on an EPQ or for A-Level students who are exploring research methods. There are two versions of an interactive tutorial lesson, one aimed at health and another aimed at sociology research projects. There are activities on questionnaire writing, interviews, data analysis, ethics and report writing structure. These resources would need to be delivered over a series of lessons. They will need adjusting to suit learners needs.
Genetically Inherited Disorders

Genetically Inherited Disorders

A lesson on genetically inherited disorders which includes whole class activities and discussions including Punnett diagrams across 36 slides on PowerPoint. Disorders covered include: -Huntington's Disease -Polydactyl -Haemophilia Students are also provided with quiz question opportunities to check learning and progress throughout and a poster based research activity.
Introduction into writing travel brochures/travel brochure writing

Introduction into writing travel brochures/travel brochure writing

This is an introductory lesson into the features of travel brochures. There are activities and discussions for students to participate in throughout the lesson. This lesson could be used prior to students writing their own full travel brochure. The Objectives are: 1. Recognise features of Travel Brochures 2. Examine features of Travel Brochures and their Audiences 3. Write an extract of a travel brochure
Multi-Disciplinary Team Work

Multi-Disciplinary Team Work

Students will explore the following in relation to health and social care via a range of activities: To Explain what is meant by the term ‘multi-disciplinary team’ (MDT) To Evaluate multi-disciplinary team working within the Health and Social Care context To Analyse the influence of a health care professional and their professional bodies
Job Application Process

Job Application Process

3 Resources
This bundle includes session plans, lesson resources and handouts to cover: Interviews Application Forms Employment Letter writing
Labelling Theory and Crime

Labelling Theory and Crime

This lesson introduces students to the idea of labelling theory and what can impact on being labelled as criminal e.g. the circumstance, historical period etc. Modern examples are used e.g. the one legged model to introduce students to this area in a way they can relate to. Students will embark on a range of activities surrounding Becker, Labelling theory, Producing a Web Page based on the theory and will be briefly introduced to the overlap between sociological/criminological theory and philosophy by looking at John Stuart Mills and Jeremy Bentham. This should last for around 2 hours depending on the group delivered to.
Models of Mental Illness

Models of Mental Illness

This session will need between 1-2 hours depending on the group. Students should be able to meet the following objectives: -Identify the five main models of abnormality -Discuss the implications for treatment of each model -Evaluate the models of abnormality They will be able to look in-depth at disorders and treatments which align with the main models. Several activities embedded throughout.
Macro and Micro Nutrients

Macro and Micro Nutrients

A PowerPoint presentation which can be used for a tutor led introduction or given to students as a revision material. The PowerPoint covers the major nutrient groups.
ADH and Kidneys Recap

ADH and Kidneys Recap

Originally designed for Access to HE but will also be applicable to A-Level and Foundations degree. This lesson covers the Human Physiology/Biology of ADH and the kidneys. By the end of the lesson students will have: Discussed and explain urine output Dehydration and how it is caused Negative Feedback Osmoregulation Could be useful for as a revision recap
Mental Health in Adolescence

Mental Health in Adolescence

Student Focused Investigation style lesson where students will be researching the prevalence and causation of mental health problems in Adolescents.
Psychological Health's impact on Physical Health

Psychological Health's impact on Physical Health

This lesson considers to important questions...How does an individuals psychological state impact on their health and well-being? and How might a professional deal with this to support the individual? Originally designed for Access to Health Professions students, this lesson contains activities and scenarios of a medical/healthcare nature.
Communication in Health

Communication in Health

A PowerPoint featuring a full lesson with student centred activities to cover the following.. LO1: REFLECT ON YOUR OWN COMMUNICATION SKILLS LO2: Identify the reasons for effective health communication LO3: Explain the importance of effective communication in health and social care Students will also be able to utilise presentation skills, note-taking and referencing skills throughout and was originally aimed at pre-university course learners. You will need to have some coloured card of which you will cut each sheet into various regular shapes for students to participate in a silent jigsaw activity whereby they will only be able to use non-verbal communication. You will also need some case studies of cases of poor communication which fit the needs of your learners. These are easily accessible via the internet-if you need help, please contact me.
Atypical Psychology

Atypical Psychology

A very detailed, heavy session which covers various aspects of Atypcial Psychology, including activities for students. I would recommend re-formating to make slides more user friendly. Originally designed for Access to Higher Education but can be tweaked to fit A-Level specifications.
First Aid Awareness

First Aid Awareness

This lesson aims to provide them with an awareness so they are able to answer theory questions. I then arranged for St John Ambulance to come in to deliver a basic first aid course to students to gain their certificate. This could be amended to be delivered in tutorial or detail added to make it applicable to higher level BTEC or A-Level courses. This PowerPoint contains activities on how to call 999 and what to say, DR ABC protocol, risk assessment, basic treatment of unconsciousness, burns, bleeding, fractures, anaphylaxis and choking. Their are practical activities throughout with instructions which include scenarios. You would benefit from basic first aid supplies e.g. gloves, bandages etc. CPR is not included in the lesson content due to health and safety implications and not having access to a resuscitation mannequin at the time of delivery. Teacher will need some basic prior knowledge to deliver this lesson.