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Career Planning

Career Planning

This tutorial was delivered over two one hour sessions to 16+ students and has links to up to date online resources. It guides students through the importance of planning their career and enables them to produce an initial careers plan. Lesson Objectives: Be able to identify career paths in your sector Be able to demonstrate your skills Be able to create a development plan and set goals for your future


This was originally delivered over 2, 3 hour lessons to Access to HE students. There are activities including; types of abuse, accessible complaints procedures, serious case reviews and an activity where students have to design a new Health and Social Care Service compliant with safeguarding policy. Please note that this lesson is aimed at adult learners who have some prior knowledge of safeguarding. Furthermore, learners are expected to work as independent learners in the same way that they will at university. You will require computers for your students in order for them to do some independent research.
Conflict Management

Conflict Management

An array of handouts and activities designed to make adult learners consider conflict management with an employability focus. Learners will work with the Four-Step Process of Conflict Management. Could be adapted for staff training.
Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology

Whole lesson covering what forensic psychology is and treatment of criminals. Student activities contained.


Aimed at Year 7 students, an activity booklet which students can type into which covers a range of e-safety points which will complement any e-safety unit. The pack also includes students prompts, student instructions for producing their own PowerPoint Presentation on E-Safety, unit evaluations and other handy tips. The pack also looks at file management and saving work effectively. An e-safety quiz PowerPoint has also been included to be used before students learn about e-safety to assess prior knowledge. This may well be a useful first unit for year 7's.


Originally produced for BTEC H&SC, Unit 9, Level 2 but would also be suitable for GCSE. Lesson was delivered in 1.5 hours with objectives as follows: To describe how smoking can effect health To explain why a smoker is at risk of diseases Please note, the quiz I have adapted from elsewhere but all other activities are original. Student activities include a smoking advert analysis, a paired extension activity where students investigate Cannabis, labelling physical and emotional health effects on worksheet provided, producing a warning poster/warning leaflet, starter activity and a range of other activities.
Measuring Crime

Measuring Crime

Originally created for A-Level learners, this lesson is also appropriate for Foundation degree and Access to HE students studying sociology, criminology and psychology. The lesson will enable learners to investigate how measuring crime has changed throughout the centuries as well as beginning to build up an idea of the reliability of crime data. Students will the reasons why crimes are not always report and take an in depth look at White Collar Crime, with reference to two well known case studies.
2016 End of Year Quiz

2016 End of Year Quiz

A fully interactive team quiz PowerPoint with a music round with embedded tunes. The quiz also tests students general knowledge. Approximately 45 questions. Comes with a team sheet for students to fill in answers and swap for peer assessment. Staff presentation included with answers. Used this for an observed lesson and got excellent feedback.


3 Resources
This bundle features models and definitions of abnormality. Students will also be exploring treatments for mental illness and evaluating throughout.
Cinema Project

Cinema Project

Originally intended for year 9 students. Students will act as a project manager imagining that a local company has received for a new entertainment complex. The complex will have a shopping area with all the main high street stores and a multi-storey car park. The complex will also have an entertainment zone including cinema, bowling, arcades etc Students task is to project manage the new cinema and help them to overcome some of the problems they will face. Tasks Include: 1) Project front cover (Estimated amount of time 20 mins) 2) A plan of the project (Estimated amount of time 60 mins) 3) Designing (and testing) a logo for the cinema (Estimated amount of time 120 mins including homework) 4) Creating a staff database to store useful information about staff (Estimated amount of time 180 mins) 5) Creating a booking system (spreadsheet) that controls the booking of a screen and indicates how much revenue (money) will be taken if certain seats are sold (Estimated amount of time 180 mins) 6) Designing and creating a 30 second advert for the cinema that will appear on local television (Estimated amount of time 180 mins) 7) Completion of final report (Estimated amount of time 120 mins) 8) A project review evaluating your performance as a project manager (Estimated amount of time 40 mins) You may wish to produce some tutorial lessons on certain areas such as databases, spreadsheets and movie maker dependent on student prior knowledge. At the end of the project students will write a project report which will involve screen shots of their work and annotation of what they have done. The project without tuition will take approximately 15 hours.


Whole lesson with activities covering medicalisation in terms of the 'Third Sex', 'Homosexuality' and 'Dying'. Covers points such as cross-cultural perspectives and social control. Originally produced for Access to Higher Education but could be adapted to meet some Sociology specifications for other courses.
News, Politics, Current Affairs reading Comprehension

News, Politics, Current Affairs reading Comprehension

8 Resources
8 reading comprehensions which cover a combination of political headlines and global matters which have been in the news recently. Could make useful activities for lesson time, general studies or tutorials. Excellent value and a way of keeping your class up to date with whats going on in the world. They have been written in a style which completes SATS, entrance exams etc.


This is is a full lesson with activities which goes over in detail interview preparation, how to prepare for 'killer' questions and interview techniques to name but a few. The PowerPoint lesson resource has detailed notes in the notes field to help with delivery. There is a session plan included which can be adapted to suit your organisations paperwork. Aims and Objectives: To identify what an interview is for To identify some common questions To know how to deal with a “Killer Question” To identify why people aren’t successful at interview. Full information handouts for students as well as a student self evaluation activity on interview skills have been provided also.
Application Form Activity Workbook with Lesson Plan

Application Form Activity Workbook with Lesson Plan

A comprehensive 9 page workbook on Application Forms and resources which contains activities and information on the following : 1. The Employers Perspective-Student put themselves in the position of the employer and decide who they would want to interview based on application forms 2. Key things to remember when completing application forms-room for student notes 3. Student checklist 4. How employers look through application forms e.g. searching questions 5. Transferable Skills Information 6. Transferable Skills Review Activity 7. Student Reflection/Evaluation
Research Project Preparation

Research Project Preparation

Some detailed lessons and other student resources on research methods which were originally tailored for an Access to HE Course but will also be useful for students embarking on an EPQ or for A-Level students who are exploring research methods. There are two versions of an interactive tutorial lesson, one aimed at health and another aimed at sociology research projects. There are activities on questionnaire writing, interviews, data analysis, ethics and report writing structure. These resources would need to be delivered over a series of lessons. They will need adjusting to suit learners needs.
Know Discriminatory Practices in Health and Social Care

Know Discriminatory Practices in Health and Social Care

Written for new BTEC Specification, Level 3, Unit 2, Equality and Diversity in Health and Social Care. Full 2.5 hour lesson which is mapped to part of the assignment with student activities throughout which include scenarios, group research tasks, case studies. Minimal teacher input required.
Ethics and Reflective Practice

Ethics and Reflective Practice

Originally designed for Access to HE Health and Social Care but could easily be tailored to suit a range of other courses. This is three lessons (3 hours in length each depending on pace and ability of the group) worth of activities and notes for teacher-led mini tutorials. Lessons plans included which can be tweaked and copied over to your organisations paper work. The following objectives should be met via a range of research, debate, discussion and independent student activities which have been included: Identify a main theme with regard to ethical issues (e.g. confidentiality, consent, self-determination) and discuss the underpinning theory Identify and analyze how a relevant professional code of practice relates to and affects decision-making with regard to your chosen theme Identify and analyze how the law relates to your theme Explain, and use, a model of reflective practice in relation to your personal and professional development To identify and utilise a reflective model of practice. To identify examples of assignment headings and assignment ideas/Exams Implement private study plans with regards to Community Health Assignment/Exams E&D, Employability, ICT, Study Skills and English inherent throughout.
Community Care-Health and Social Care Provision

Community Care-Health and Social Care Provision

This lesson is aimed at developing students academic skills and giving them an overview into the various aspects of Community Care and why it is necessary considering the current state of the Health and Social Care system. This was originally delivered in two, 3 hour blocks, however can easily be adapted to work over several shorter lessons. The lesson covers: Overview of Community Care Examples of Services Primary and Intermediate Care Real life examples with case studies Day Centres Home Care VS Hospital Care Reducing Avoidable admissions Self Management of Health Conditions Tele-Health/Tele-Care The activities which have been included for students are designed to prepare students for university e.g. writing literature reviews, investigative the effectiveness, evaluations, research and discussions. References and Data used throughout.
Introduction to Mental Health

Introduction to Mental Health

This PowerPoint is full of student activities and was originally created for Access to Higher Education Learners to be delivered over two days. This unit of work covers introduction to mental health and mental ill-health, defining mental health, diagnostic manuals and reliability of these, types of mental illness, data exploration activities and scenarios based on the current mental health crisis. I was observed twice throughout this unit and received a grade 1. There are lots of links which can be pulled out for lesson planning in terms of English, Maths, Employability and Equality and Diversity.
Induction Week/Enrichment

Induction Week/Enrichment

Presentation crammed with icebreakers, team building activities, and activities to introduce students to concepts such as E&;D, employability, policies etc. Some activities designed to enable students to find their way around buildings etc. Therefore, you will need to design a simple clue sheet about your organisation. Can be adapted to meet your organisations needs. This was taught over a full day but can be divided up across tutorial/form tutor time etc.