I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter!
I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!
I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter!
I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!
This differentiated role play can be used to practise phrases about school.
Examples of questions and answers:
Au collège.
A. Quelles matières études-tu?
B. Je fais ____ matières, y compris les maths, l’anglais, les sciences, l’informatique, l’histoire, la géographie, le dessin, le français, l’allemand, l’EPS, le théâtre, la musique, la technologie, l’économie, les études de commerce, les études médiatiques.
A. Quelle est ta matière préférée?
B. Ma matière préférée est ________________________ car j’en suis fort(e)/ je pense que c’est facile/ c’est très intéressant/le prof est très sympa/ c’est amusant/ je veux devenir ***.
A. Es-tu fort(e) en maths ?
B. Oui, j’en suis fort(e)/ non, je n’en suis pas très fort(e).
Other questions:
A. Quelles autres matières aimes-tu ?
A. Quel est ton jour préféré ?
A. Aimes-tu le sport ?
A. Quelle est la matière que tu détestes le plus ?
Extra questions and answers for stronger students :
A. Qu’est-ce que tu as eu comme cours hier ?
B. Hier j’ai eu _________________, c’était ______________________
A. Qu’est-ce que tu auras comme cours demain ?
B. Demain j’aurai __________________ ce sera __________________
A. Qu’est-ce que tu faisais à l’école primaire ?
B. Je jouais au cache-cache, je dessinais, je lisais…c’était __________________
Battleships Expressions:
Mon école est bien équipée et
Mon école est moderne et
Il y a 950 élèves en tout et
L’année scolaire commence début septembre et
Les cours commencent à sept heures et demie et
l’année scolaire finit fin juin.
les cours finissent à deux heures et demie.
un cours dure une heure.
la récréation dure quarante minutes.
j’ai une heure et demie de devoirs chaque soir.
je prépare un examen qui s’appelle le GCSE.
Battleships Game
Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions and discuss pronunciation.
I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen.
I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the French version and then try to play the game saying the French phrases as far as possible from memory.
Pour améliorer l’environnemt je vais…
Recycler les bouteilles/ le verre.
Recycler les papiers, les journaux et les magazines.
Acheter du papier recyclé.
Prendre une douche, pas un bain.
Baisser le chauffage et mettre un pull.
Éteindre la lumière quand je quitte une pièce.
The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill.
The next section of slides have multiple choice questions.
Then there are "Qu’est-ce que c’est?" slides.
The final slide has pictures of all the phrases. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love!
The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
You may wish to reinforce these new expressions using my battleships/ lotto game:
Je vais
On peut
Il faut
Je voudrais
Je dois
recycler les bouteilles.
recycler les journaux.
acheter du papier recyclé.
prendre une douche, pas un bain.
baisser le chauffage et mettre un pull.
éteindre la lumière quand je quitte une pièce.
Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions.
The students then focus on pronunciation and decide the two easiest and two most difficult words to pronounce.
I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen.
I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the French version and then try to play the game saying the French phrases as far as possible from memory. I allow the really weak students to have the French version next to the English version so they have lots of support, stronger students are allowed a few “sneaky peaks” at the French version and the really strong students aim to refer back to the French version as little as possible. This really helps the students to memorise the vocabulary/structures!
During the game I circulate the classroom checking pronunciation. This is followed by whole class drilling of pronunciation mistakes.
I give this double-sided sheet to my students to encourage them to add sophistication to their written work by adding a range of grammatical structures and tenses and have found it to be very effective.
Worksheet extract:
Des expressions et du vocabulaire.
Complex sentences
et = and, mais = but, parce que/ car = because, donc = therefore, cependant = however, malheureusement = unfortunately, qui = who, où = where/which.
amusant = fun, passionnant = exciting, ennuyeux/ barbant = boring, nul(le) = rubbish, pénible = awful, génial/ formidable/ chouette = great, ridicule = ridiculous, paresseux/euse = lazy, marrant(e) = fun (person), bavard(e) = chatty, casse-pieds = annoying, propre = clean, sale = dirty, effrayant(e) = frightening, utile = useful, facile = easy, difficile = difficult, chic = stylish.
très = very, assez = quite, un peu = a little, vraiment = really /truly, plutôt = rather. extrêmement = extremely, gentiment = kindly, heureusement = happily, generalement = generally.
Useful expressions
C’est = it is, c’était = it was, ça sera = it will be, ça serait = it would be
Ce n’est pas = it isn’t, ce n’était pas = it wasn’t, ça ne sera pas = it won’t be, ça ne serait pas= it wouldn’t be
Il y a = there is/ are, il y avait = there was/ were, il y aura = there will be, il y aurait = there would be
Il n’y a pas de = there isn’t, il n’y avait pas de = there weren’t any, il n’y aura pas de = there won’t be, il n’y aurait pas de = there wouldn’t be.
Je l’aime bien = I really like it, je l’adore = I love it, je ne l’aime pas = I don’t like it, je le/la/ les déteste = I hate it.
Je l’ai aimé(e) = I liked it, je ne l’ai pas aimé(e) = I didn’t like it, je l’ai déteste = I hated it.
Je le/la/les trouve= I think it’s, je pense que c’est = I think that it’s, à mon avis c’est = in my opinion it’s…
Other strucutres and tenses included:
Present with depuis
Near future
Perfect tense (completed actions in the past)
Pluperfect tense
Imperfect tense (used to)
Imperfect tense and perfect tense together ( I was ***ing when something else happened)
Conditional tense
Present participle
Expression with the infinitive
Useful words linked to tenses
This PowerPoint starts by eliciting the definitions of the infinitive (the 3 kinds of verbs are -er, -ir and -re) and conjugation. The next slide elicits the different subject pronouns. Slide 5 elicits the conjugation of Aimer and slide 6 elicits the rules for conjugating -er verbs.
The final slide resumes the rules for -er verbs and sets the following differentiated ask (this slide could be printed off):
All: Use colour, pictures, analogies etc to remember how to conjugate regular –er verbs. Write 7 sentences using regular –er verbs.
Most: Write 7 complex sentences for exercise, using connectives, adjetives, adverbs and opinions.
Some: Include regular –ir and –re verbs (see verb tables).
Regular er verbs: aimer = to like, arriver = to arrive, chanter = to sing, danser = to dance, jouer = to play, penser = to think, rêver = to dream, travailler = to work, voyager =to travel, détester = to hate, regarder = to watch, collectionner = to collect.
There is also a link to the fabulous Conjugation Back song on YouTube. Whilst this is for Spanish, it clearly illustrates the idea of conjugation.
English - French Matching Cards:
As well as regular -er verbs in the present tense I have included one perfect tense and one near future tense phrase to challenge the stronger students.
Je joue au tennis depuis dix ans.
Nous adorons le français car c’est très intéressant !
Il mange beaucoup de croissants.
Je vais regarder la télé avec ma sœur.
Tu aimes les chevaux?
Ils jouent du piano trois fois par semaine.
Nous avons écouté des chansons françaises.
Vous détestez le chou? Moi aussi!
You may choose to have different levels of challenge. For example,
Level 1 = match the cards and discuss the pronunciation.
Level 2 = match the cards , discuss the pronunciation and then have quick fire questions from French to English, whereby 1 student closes their eyes and their partner reads out the French cards which the student must translate into English from memory.
Level 3 = As Level 2 but the quick fire questions are from English to French.
Following checking there are 2 fun games to play, either pelmenism or a game I learnt in Japan called Karuta. In Karuta the students put the English language cards to one side and spread out the French cards in front of them. I then say the English and the students compete to touch the correct French card first. Whoever touches it first wins the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The students love this game!
This PowerPoint starts by revising regular past participles and the conjugation of avoir. It then introduces the key irregular past participles.
Expressions taught:
J’ai fait du ski. (faire)
J’ai bu un coca. (boire)
J’ai vu la Tour Eiffel. (voir)
J’ai lu un livre. (lire)
J’ai pris une photo. (prendre)
J’ai écrit une lettre. (écrire)
J’ai dit bonjour! (dire)
The first slide on irregular past participles encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings. They can then discuss the pronunciation and question each other before the teacher checks with the whole class using the next slides.
The next slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Slide 25 has pictures of all the phrases. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
Slide 26 can be used for revision during the next lesson.
You may then wish to play one of my Perfect Tense battleships Games/ Lotto Grids to reinforce this content.
Battleships Expressions:
J’ai joué au foot et
Tu as fini les devoirs et
Il a vomi et
Elle a perdu ses devoirs et
On a regardé un film et
Nous avons écouté la radio et
Vous avez mangé des légumes et
Ils ont vendu la voiture et
Elles ont acheté des vêtements et
j’ai fait de la natation.
tu as fait de l’équitation.
il a lu un livre.
elle a bu une limonade.
nous avons pris des photos.
vous avez vu la Tour Eiffel.
ils ont voulu faire la vaisselle.
elles ont dit au revoir.
Me encantan los mariscos y el pescado.
Me gusta la ensalada.
Me gustan las verduras.
No me gusta el pollo.
Me gusta el carne.
Como el arroz.
Tomo salchichas.
De primer plato tomo sopa.
Desayuno huevos y fruta.
De postre hay una tarta y helado.
This presentation presents food items: seafood, fish, salad, vegetables, chicken, meat, rice etc and revises opinions in Spanish. The first slides have each item of food in Spanish plus and opnion with a picture. The teacher should use this to elicit the meaning in English and drill the pronunciation. There is then a "beat the teacher" to revise the learning at the end or during the following lesson.
Beat the teacher is played like this:
The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
Finally, use the final slide to pounce on the students and ask ¿Qué es?
Está en el norte.
Está en el este.
Está en el sur.
Está en el oeste.
Está en la costa.
Está en el campo.
Está en la montaña.
Está en el centro.
Está en un pueblo.
Está en una ciudad.
This presentation presents ""Where you live" in Spanish. The first slides have each place in Spanish with a picture. The teacher should use this to elicit the meaning in English and drill the pronunciation.
Then there is graded questioning. Firstly there are multiple choice slides followed by what's missing memory game slides.
You can also use the final slide to play a game of "beat the teacher" to revise the learning at the end or during the following lesson.
Beat the teacher is played like this:
The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
As drinks are quite straight-forward I have built in some additional structures to up the level of challenge for stronger students.
Je voudrais un coca.
Je bois un jus d’orange.
Je vais boire une limonade.
J’ai bu un verre d’eau.
Je bois un diabolo-menthe.
Je voudrais un chocolat chaud.
Nous buvons un café.
Je vais boire un milk-shake.
J’ai bu un thé au lait.
The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill.
The next section of slides have multiple choice questions.
Then there are "what's missing?" slides. The final slide has pictures of all the new vocabulary. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
This PowerPoint should be used in conjunction with the French - English matching cards (which can then be used for revision in the next lesson). The PowerPpoint elicits the formation of the Present, Perfect and Future Passive Voice.
Examples of phrases on cards:
Les émigrés sont souvent exclus.
Immigrants are often excluded.
Les papiers sont signés.
The documents are signed.
Following checking there are 2 fun games to play, either pelmenism or a game I learnt in Japan called Karuta. In Karuta the students put the English language cards to one side and spread out the French cards in front of them. I then say the English and the students compete to touch the correct French card first. Whoever touches it first wins the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The students love this game!
Spanish PowerPoint introducing sports with practicar:
Practico la vela.
Practico la natación.
Practico el ciclismo.
Practico el patinaje.
Practico la equitación.
Practico el atletismo.
Practico el esquí.
Practico el hockey (sobre hielo).
Practico la gimnasia.
The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill.
Slide 11 has pictures of all the new vocabulary. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love!
The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Then there are "¿Qué es?" slides.
This is my go to warmer activity when I need something quick, fun and energising! For each slide I take about 5 minutes. There are 14 different slides of tongue twisters in this PowerPoint.
I show the slide and give the students 30 seconds to discuss the pronunciation and see what words they can translate.
I then pounce on students to elicit the pronunciation and translation.
Then I gradually drill the tonguetwister, bit-by-bit.
When the students can recite the whole tonguetwister I challenge them to say it 3 times as fast as possible and then either ask for volunteers or pounce on individual students.
Often the shortest tonguetwisters e.g. Seize chaises sèchent! are the most difficult.
This 1 slide PowerPoint can be used to teach the alphabet and to play Beat The Teacher! The teacher points to a letter and says a letter in French. If it is the correct letter the students all repeat it. If its the wrong letter the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! Brilliant for contrasting G & J and E & I!
Battleships Game: (this includes the french pronunciation of the letters)
The students love this competitive and fun game!
I use this battleships game (which can also be used as a lotto grid) to help students to practise their pronunciation of the letters.
I drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game: The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a letter from the horizontal line and then a letter from the vertical line.
Where the 2 letters meet up is the square you have chosen.
I use the second sheet (without pronunciation help) to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the first version and then try to play the game pronouncing the letters correctly as far as possible from memory. I allow the really weak students to have the first sheet next to the second sheet so they have lots of support, stronger students are allowed a few “sneaky peaks” at the first sheet and the really strong students aim to refer back to the first sheet as little as possible. This really helps the students to memorise the vocabulary/structures!
During the game I circulate the classroom checking pronunciation. This is followed by whole class drilling of pronunciation mistakes.
The "I spy with my little eye...." one slide PowerPoint can be used as a simple 10 minute French warmer/ starter activity.
I get the students to play this in small groups practising not only classroom vocabulary, but also thinking more imaginatively e.g. clothing, colours and vocabulary such as "hair" and "eyes." Therefore this can be used with a variety of year groups. Then we play as a whole class.
This is a PowerPoint presentation describing types of transport to school using the verb llegar. It also includes pronto, a tiempo and tarde.
The first slides present each mode of transport with the phrase and picture. Use these to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill the expression.
Then there is graded questioning: choosing the correct answer from a selection of choices. Finally there are "what's missing?" slides.
The last slide can be used to re-cap or prehaps for a game of Beat The Teacher which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
This presentation presents places in town in Spanish.
castillo, palacio, alcázar, iglesia, fábrica, parque nacional, museo, monumento, acueducto (romano) & edificio.
The first slides have each place in Spanish with a picture. The teacher should use this to elicit the meaning in English and drill the pronunciation.
Then there is graded questioning. Firstly there are multiple choice slides followed by what's missing memory game slides.
You can also use the final slide to play a game of "beat the teacher" to revise the learning at the end or during the following lesson.
Beat the teacher is played like this:
The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
Una cama.
un armario.
unas estanterías.
una mesa y una silla.
unos pósters.
una lámpara.
un ordenador y una televisión.
una puerta.
una ventana y unas cortinas.
un equipo de música.
la pared.
una alfombra.
This presentation presents bedroom furniture in Spanish. The first slides have each piece of furniture in Spanish with a picture. The teacher should use this to elicit the meaning in English and drill the pronunciation.
Then there is graded questioning. Firstly there are multiple choice slides followed by what's missing memory game slides.
You can also use the final slide to play a game of "beat the teacher" to revise the learning at the end or during the following lesson.
Beat the Teacher is played like this:
The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
Battleships Expressions:
La televisión está
El armario está
El ordenador está
La mesa está
La silla está
La lámpara está
encima de las estanterías.
debajo de la cama.
delante de la ventana.
al lado de la alfombra.
detrás de la puerta.
I use this battleships game (which can also be used as a lotto grid) to help students to practise their pronunciation and to reinforce new vocabulary and grammatical structures.
Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions.
I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen.
I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the Spanish version and then try to play the game saying the Spanish phrases as far as possible from memory. I allow the really weak students to have the Spanish version next to the English version so they have lots of support, stronger students are allowed a few “sneaky peaks” at the Spanish version and the really strong students aim to refer back to the Spanish version as little as possible. This really helps the students to memorise the vocabulary/structures!
During the game I circulate the classroom checking pronunciation.
This presentation presents where you live, what kind of home in Spanish.
Vivo en una casa.
Vivo en un piso.
Vivo en un piso en un bloque moderno.
Vivo en un piso en un bloque antiguo.
Vivo en un chalet.
Vivo en una granja.
The first slides have each type of home in Spanish with a picture. The teacher should use this to elicit the meaning in English and drill the pronunciation. Then there is graded questioning. Firstly there are multiple choice slides followed by whats missing memory game slides. You can also use the final slide to play a game of "beat the teacher" to revise the learning at the end or during the following lesson.
Beat the teacher is played like this:
The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
Spanish PowerPoint introducing weekend activities:
I do my homework, I ride my bike, I play the guitar, I tidy my room and make the bad, I play sports, I play cards, I watch TV, I don't go to school..
The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill.
The next section of slides have multiple choice questions.
Then there are "what's hidden behind the donut?" slides.
The final slide has pictures of all the new vocabulary. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love!
The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
This PowerPoint slideshow covers food and drink types commonly found in a school cafeteria.
Como un bocadillo.
Como una ensalada.
Tomo una pizza.
Tomo espaguetis.
Como patatas fritas.
Tomo una hamburgesa.
Como fruta.
Bebo una limonada.
Tomo un zumo de naranja.
Bebo una Coca-Cola.
Bebo una naranjada.
Bebo un agua mineral.
First section is a food presentation, its followed by multiple choice questions and then a name the picture section (Graded Questioning). The next section is a beat the teacher game, the students love this! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
The final section is a memory game, students must say what is missing. The next section of slides present and test drinks.
This presentation presents adjectives to describe towns and villages in Spanish. The first slides have each adjectives in Spanish with a picture. The teacher should use this to elicit the meaning in English and drill the pronunciation. Then there is graded questioning. Firstly there are multiple choice slides followed by what's missing memory game slides. You can also use the final slide to play a game of "beat the teacher" to revise the learning at the end or during the following lesson.
Beat the teacher is played like this:
The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
I use this simple presentation to present the 12 hour clock in Spanish. Eliciting the English and drilling the phrases.
A fun activity to do is to then say a time which the students make with their bodies (one arm for the big hand, one arm for the small hand).
Es la una
Son las dos
Son las cuatro
Son las seis
Son las siete
Son las once
y cuarto.
y media.
menos cuarto.
y diez.
y veinte.
menos cinco.
menos veinticinco.
Plenary/ warmer:
I use this 1 slide warmer activity/ pleanary having taught the time (12 hour clock).
Give the students a mini-whiteboard each.
Click on the presentation and a time will appear e.g. Es la una. The students must draw a clock (analogue or digital) with the correct time.
Click again for the extension activity which is a jumbled up time: e.g. y son siete media las. The students must write this in the correct order e.g. Son las siete y media and then draw the clock.
An additional extension could be to then change this to the 24 hour clock.
There are 4 times to draw and unjumble. This should take approximately 15 minutes.
Times covered include:
Son las ocho menos cuarto
Son las tres y cuarto
Son las once menos veinticinco.
Son las nueve menos veinte
Son las cuatro menos cuarto