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I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter! I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!




I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter! I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!
French Teaching Resources DVD/ Film Worksheet: School: Être et Avoir.

French Teaching Resources DVD/ Film Worksheet: School: Être et Avoir.

I use this differentiated worksheet to revise and build upon key school vocabulary. It features a 16 minute extract from the gorgeous French film Être et avoir, which we watch with subtitles. Être et avoir. 1.04.30 – 1.07.24 : Ami/ amie : Chapitre 12. The first section tells students to: Cochez les choses que vous voyez : Le coucher du soleil l’aube une vache un cheval un fleuve un champs un livre un tableau un élève une règle une trousse un professeur/ un instituteur une photocopieuse un stylo un crayon un cahier une chaise une poubelle une gomme un taille-crayon There are 5 Extra questions for stronger students such as: 1. Comment dit-on « un volet » en anglais ? 2. Comment dit-on « grince » en anglais ? 4. Marie et Jojo font… a. du café b. de l’équitation c. des photocopies The next extract: 1.07.24 – 1.16 minutes has 16 Vrai ou faux ? questions such as: 1. Ils apprennent comment dire « friend. » 2. Jojo dit « maman et son ami Jojo. » 3. Létitia fait une erreur. 4. Johann parle de son ami. 5. La photocopieuse est en panne. 6. Le collège est plus grand que l’école primaire. There are 7 Extra questions for stronger students such as : 1. Quel animal est sur le sweat de Laetitia ? 2. Comment s’appelle le collège ? 3. Ils parlent de deux types de vaches. Lesquels ? 4. Comment dit-on « Year 7 » en français ? The answers are on the first 2 sheets. The student question sheet is the third sheet.
French Teaching Resources Role Play & Battleships: School. Au collège.

French Teaching Resources Role Play & Battleships: School. Au collège.

This differentiated role play can be used to practise phrases about school. Examples of questions and answers: Au collège. A. Quelles matières études-tu? B. Je fais ____ matières, y compris les maths, l’anglais, les sciences, l’informatique, l’histoire, la géographie, le dessin, le français, l’allemand, l’EPS, le théâtre, la musique, la technologie, l’économie, les études de commerce, les études médiatiques. A. Quelle est ta matière préférée? B. Ma matière préférée est ________________________ car j’en suis fort(e)/ je pense que c’est facile/ c’est très intéressant/le prof est très sympa/ c’est amusant/ je veux devenir ***. A. Es-tu fort(e) en maths ? B. Oui, j’en suis fort(e)/ non, je n’en suis pas très fort(e). Other questions: A. Quelles autres matières aimes-tu ? A. Quel est ton jour préféré ? A. Aimes-tu le sport ? A. Quelle est la matière que tu détestes le plus ? Extra questions and answers for stronger students : A. Qu’est-ce que tu as eu comme cours hier ? B. Hier j’ai eu _________________, c’était ______________________ A. Qu’est-ce que tu auras comme cours demain ? B. Demain j’aurai __________________ ce sera __________________ A. Qu’est-ce que tu faisais à l’école primaire ? B. Je jouais au cache-cache, je dessinais, je lisais…c’était __________________ Battleships Expressions: Mon école est bien équipée et Mon école est moderne et Il y a 950 élèves en tout et L’année scolaire commence début septembre et Les cours commencent à sept heures et demie et l’année scolaire finit fin juin. les cours finissent à deux heures et demie. un cours dure une heure. la récréation dure quarante minutes. j’ai une heure et demie de devoirs chaque soir. je prépare un examen qui s’appelle le GCSE. Battleships Game Instructions Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions and discuss pronunciation. I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen. I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the French version and then try to play the game saying the French phrases as far as possible from memory.
French Teaching Resources Battleships Game/ Lotto Grid & Song: Reflexives.

French Teaching Resources Battleships Game/ Lotto Grid & Song: Reflexives.

This game practises daily routine phrases using reflexives and the Present Tense. Expressions: Je me réveille Tu te lèves Il se rase Elle s’habille On se promène Nous nous amusons Vous vous brossez les dents. Ils se couchent Elles se coiffent tôt. tard. vers sept heures. à minuit après avoir fait les devoirs. avant de faire du VTT. Battleships Game Instructions The students love this competitive and fun game! I use this battleships game (which can also be used as a lotto grid) to help students to practise their pronunciation and to reinforce new vocabulary and grammatical structures. Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions. The students then focus on pronunciation and decide the two easiest and two most difficult words to pronounce. I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen. I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the French version and then try to play the game saying the French phrases as far as possible from memory. I allow the really weak students to have the French version next to the English version so they have lots of support, stronger students are allowed a few “sneaky peaks” at the French version and the really strong students aim to refer back to the French version as little as possible. This really helps the students to memorise the vocabulary/structures! During the game I circulate the classroom checking pronunciation. This is followed by whole class drilling of pronunciation mistakes. Enjoy! Song (One PowerPoint Slide): This fun song can be used to practise the Daily Routine and Reflexives. It is sung to the tune of Jingle Bells! The student love the "pipi" bit!! Lyrics: Je me lève, je me lave, je me brosse les dents. Je m’habille, je fais pipi et je quitte la maison. OH ! A huit heures je prends le bus et je vois mes amis. Puis j’arrive au collège à huit heures et demie !
French Teaching Resources Pronunciation Focus: ch, th and r.

French Teaching Resources Pronunciation Focus: ch, th and r.

This single PowerPoint slide Warmer/ Starter Activity helps students focus on the pronunciation of the ch, th and r sounds in French. I use this as a quick warmer and ask the students to discuss the pronunciation and meaning in pairs/ groups before eliciting and checking both. After drilling I challenge the students to say each sentence 3 times as fast as possible and then pounce on some "volunteers"! Phrases: Charles a un chien, un cheval et des cochons. Thomas aime le thon, le thé, le théâtre et l’athlétisme. Rebecca mange du riz au restaurant romantique
Day of the Dead! Día de los Muertos Teaching Resources.

Day of the Dead! Día de los Muertos Teaching Resources.

Day of the Dead! Día de los Muertos Activities. These activities should take a whole lesson and could be extended into homework. Students will learn cultural facts and vocabulary such as: un cementerio une tumba una ofrenda unos cempasúchiles unos juguetes unos angelitos el pan de muerto unas calaveras una catrina Start by showing the PowerPoint: I have written in English, adding in the Spanish vocabulary and have tried to keep words to a minimum. I have aimed to include vibrant and interesting images and animations to fire the students’ imaginations! This should take about 10 minutes. Then either show the YouTube link to the gorgeous 3 minute animation of La Día de los Muertos or give the students the worksheet to complete as they watch. You may wish to play the animation twice. Finally use the last sheet to help the students respond creatively to what they have learnt by creating a Spanish acrostic, a calligramme or a poem. These will make beautiful displays!
French Teaching Resources. French - English Matching Cards & Starter/ Plenary: Negatives.

French Teaching Resources. French - English Matching Cards & Starter/ Plenary: Negatives.

These cards revise key negative expressions. I have also included a range of tenses to stretch stronger students. Expressions: Je ne joue jamais au rugby. Je ne fais pas de musculation. Je ne suis pas sorti(e) avec mes amis. Je n’ai jamais vu ce film. Je ne vais plus faire de yoga. Je ne vais pas manger de chocolat. Je ne mangeais que du pain. Je ne faisais jamais mes devoirs. You may choose to have different levels of challenge. For example, Level 1 = match the cards and discuss the pronunciation. Level 2 = match the cards , discuss the pronunciation and then have quick fire questions from French to English, whereby 1 student closes their eyes and their partner reads out the French cards which the student must translate into English from memory. Level 3 = As Level 2 but the quick fire questions are from English to French. Following checking there are 2 fun games to play, either pelmenism or a game I learnt in Japan called Karuta. In Karuta the students put the English language cards to one side and spread out the French cards in front of them. I then say the English and the students compete to touch the correct French card first. Whoever touches it first wins the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The students love this game! I have used this one slide warmer many times and found it works really well both as a 15 minute starter and as a plenary activity. Give each student a mini whiteboard.Click on the PowerPoint and the students will see a sentence to unjumble and an extension task to change the phrase to a different tense. E.g. au pas je tennis joue ne. Extra: perfect tense. Give the students 20 seconds to figure out and write down the answer, then click on the PowerPoint to reveal the answer: Je ne joue pas au tennis. Je n’ai pas joué au tennis. Other phrases on the slide are: fais ne je voile pas de. Extra: perfect tense. Je ne fais pas de voile. Je n’ai pas fait de voile. ville jamais ne il va en. Extra: future tense. Il ne va jamais en ville. Il ne va jamais aller en ville. d’équitation plus ne je fais. Extra: would no longer like…(conditional). Je ne fais plus d’équitation. Je ne voudrais plus faire d’équitation.
French Teaching Resources. Modal Verbs: Vouloir, Pouvoir, Devoir, Cards, Battleships and Role Play.

French Teaching Resources. Modal Verbs: Vouloir, Pouvoir, Devoir, Cards, Battleships and Role Play.

The PowerPoint is used with the Vouloir, Pouvoir & Devoir Matching Cards which have the full conjugation of these verbs. The first slide says: All: Match the cards, line up in this order: je, tu, il/elle/on, nous, vous, ils/elles. 90 % correct. Most: Match the cards as above. 100% correct. Perfect pronunciation challenge! Some: AND: create 5 complex sentences with infinitives and a range of tenses. Once you check the conjugations (using slides 2, 3 and 4) you can play pelmensim and slap the card. Battleships Expressions: Je veux aller en ville mais Tu veux aller au bowling mais Il veut aller à la piscine mais Nous voulons retrouver nos amis mais Je ne peux pas sortir car Nous ne pouvons pas aller au spectacle parce que je dois aller voir ma grand-mère. tu dois garder ton petit frère. il doit promener le chien des voisins. nous devons faire les devoirs. vous devez sortir avec vos parents. ils doivent rentrer avant 22h30. Role Play: A simple role play to help students practise the modal verbs vouloir, pouvoir and devoir. Expressions: Modal Verbs Role-Play. Tu veux… aller en ville ce matin? aller au cinéma samedi soir? aller au bowling demain matin? aller à la piscine aujourd’hui? Désolé(e), mais je ne peux pas parce que je dois… garder ma petite sœur. sortir avec mes parents. promener le chien (des voisins). aller voir ma grand-mère. Tu veux y aller… cet après-midi? demain soir? demain matin? demain? Excuse-moi, mais je dois… laver la voiture (de ma mère). rentrer avant 22h30. ranger ma chambre. faire mes devoirs.
French Teaching Resources: Starter Activity/ Warmer : Jobs

French Teaching Resources: Starter Activity/ Warmer : Jobs

Les métiers! Give the students a mini-whiteboard each and show them the first slide which gives the following differentiated instructions: All: Draw a picture to illustrate 1/3 jobs (masc/fem). Most: Draw a picture to illustrate 2/3 jobs (masc/fem). Some: Draw a picture to illustrate 3/3 jobs. (masc/fem) and identify the tense (present, perfect, imperfect, future, conditional). Then show them slide 2 which has the following phrases and give them a minute to complete all, most or some for each phrase: Je vais devenir… coiffeur menuisier vendeuse Je voudrais être… mécanicienne institutrice infirmier Je voulais être… comptable médecin sapeur-pompier Mon grand-père/ ma grand-mère était… cuisinière kinésithérapeute ingénieur Mon frère/ ma sœur deviendra….. nourrice plombier informaticienne
French - English Matching Cards & PowerPoint: The Imperfect Tense Teaching Resources.

French - English Matching Cards & PowerPoint: The Imperfect Tense Teaching Resources.

This PowerPoint consists of two slides to elicit the formation of the Imperfect Tense used to express what you used to do. The first PowerPoint slides instructs the students as follows: All: match cards. On these cards what do we use the imperfect tense to express? Most: What are the endings (you have to figure out some!): je, tu, il/elle/on, nous, vous, ils/elles. Some: Can you figure out how to form the stem? (no chance!). Perfect Pronunciation Challenge and QFQs! * QFQs = Quick Fire Questions where one student closes their eyes and the other quizes them in what is on the cards: English to French translations, French to English, formation etc. Tell them to come up with really challenging questions! The second slide has the answers! Matching Cards Expressions: Expressions: Quand j’étais jeune… Je jouais au cache-cache dans le jardin. Tu faisais du vélo sur le trottoir Il ne faisait pas de devoirs. Nous buvions de la limonade. Je voulais être pilote. Ils croyaient au Père Noël. Je regardais des dessins animés et je lisais des BD. They used to believe in Father Christmas. I used to watch cartoons and read comics. You used to cycle on the pavement. He didn’t use to do any homework. When I was young… We used to drink lemonade. I used to play hide-and-seek in the garden I used to want to be a pilot. You can also play pelmensim and slap the card.
French Teaching Resources: Battleships Game/ Lotto Grid: Problems where I live.

French Teaching Resources: Battleships Game/ Lotto Grid: Problems where I live.

Expressions: Chez nous le problème c’est.... qu’il y a trop de pollution et qu’il y a trop de circulation et la pollution à cause des gaz d’échappement des voitures et qu’il y a une nouvelle autoroute près de chez nous et Qu’on construit des maisons tout près et quand il pleut la rivière déborde. il y a souvent des inondations. il y a des papiers/ des ordures partout. le bruit est affreux. il n’y a pas beaucoup des transports en commun. Battleships Game Instructions The students love this competitive and fun game! I use this battleships game (which can also be used as a lotto grid) to help students to practise their pronunciation and to reinforce new vocabulary and grammatical structures. Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions. The students then focus on pronunciation and decide the two easiest and two most difficult words to pronounce. I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen. I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the French version and then try to play the game saying the French phrases as far as possible from memory. I allow the really weak students to have the French version next to the English version so they have lots of support, stronger students are allowed a few “sneaky peaks” at the French version and the really strong students aim to refer back to the French version as little as possible. This really helps the students to memorise the vocabulary/structures! During the game I circulate the classroom checking pronunciation. This is followed by whole class drilling of pronunciation mistakes. Enjoy!
French Teaching Resources PowerPoint: Booking A Hotel Room

French Teaching Resources PowerPoint: Booking A Hotel Room

Expressions: Vous avez… une chambre pour une personne une chambre double/ avec un grand lit une chambre avec lits jumeaux de libre, s’il vous plaît? Pour… une nuit. deux nuits. une semaine. une quinzaine de jours. Pour… une personne. deux personnes. deux adultes et deux enfants. Il y a…. WC une douche une salle de bains une télévision ...dans la chambre? Je voudrais aussi une chambre accessible aux handicapés. Je suis en fauteuil roulant. Il y a… un restaurant un ascenseur un parking une piscine ....à l’hôtel? The slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill.
French Teaching Resources PowerPoint: Complaining about a camping holiday.

French Teaching Resources PowerPoint: Complaining about a camping holiday.

Expressions: Se plaindre! Je vous écris pour me plaindre de mon séjour Le camping était complet Le branchement d’électrcité fonctionnait à peine Il n’y avait pas d’emplacements Les sanitaires n’étaient pas propres Il y avait trop de bruit The first slide encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings. It is differentiated as follows: All: Be able to match the phrase and the picture. Most: Be able to fully translate each phrase. Some: AND Perfect Pronunciation Challenge. The next slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Then there are "what's missing?" slides. The final slide has pictures of all the phrases. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
French Teaching Resources: Role Play: Future Holidays.

French Teaching Resources: Role Play: Future Holidays.

This differentiated role play practises the future tense and holiday vocabulary plus a little exposure to the conditional perfect. Example questions and answers: Mes projets pour les vacances. A. Où iras-tu en vacances l’année prochaine? B. Cette année/ comme d’habitude/ pour la première fois j’irai au bord de la mer/ à la campagne/ chez mes grands-parents/ à Paris/ en Angleterre/ en Espagne/ aux États-Unis. Je resterai à la maison. A. Avec qui ? B. J’y irai avec ma famille/ mes amis/mon copain/ma copine/ ma classe. Other questions: A. Qu’est-ce que tu feras ? A. Ce sera comment ? A. Tu aurais préféré aller où ? A. Tu aurais préféré faire quoi ? Extra questions and answers for stronger students: A. Ou es-tu allé(e) l’année dernière ? B. L’année dernière je suis allé(e) au bord de la mer/ à la campagne/ chez mes grands-parents/ à Paris/ en Angleterre/ en Espagne/ aux États-Unis. Je resterai à la maison. A. Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ? B. J’ai fait du sport/ du VTT/ de la natation/ de l’équitation/un stage de tennis/ de la planche à voile/ du parapente. A. C’était comment ? B. C’était très/ assez/ extrêmement/ un peu génial/ ennuyeux/ fatigant/ passionnant.
Teaching Resources: French Holiday Vocabulary Using Mr Bean's Holiday Extract

Teaching Resources: French Holiday Vocabulary Using Mr Bean's Holiday Extract

This is a fun way to introduce the holiday topic or to revise vocabulary. I have taken the end part of the Mr Bean's Holiday film where Mr Bean walks around the beach to the sound of La Mer by Charles Trenet. The YouTube link is on the sheet. The students have to watch the extract and tick the things they see from the following list: un palmier une caravane un embouteillage un auberge de jeunesse un hôtel une mobylette il pleut des planches de surf un parasol un transat des lunettes de soleil un terrain de pétanque un seau un requin la mer un pédalo des pistes cyclables des bateaux des serviettes de bain un terrain de golf un ballon de plage \une glace le volleyball un maillot de bain I show the extract twice and whilst most students check their answers the stronger students can then try to unjumble the song lyrics. Enjoy!
French Teaching Resources: Role Play: Hobbies.

French Teaching Resources: Role Play: Hobbies.

This differentiated role play is entitled: Les choses que j’aime faire. Example questions and model answers: A. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire comme passe-temps ? B. Ma passion c’est le foot/ le tennis/ la natation/ le netball/ le ski/ la boxe/la lecture/ l’équitation/ car/parce que à mon avis/ je pense que/ je trouve que c’est très/ assez/un peu/ plutôt/ extrêmement/ incroyablement/ vraiment amusant(e)/ délassant(e)/intéressant(e). A. Quand est-ce que tu en fais ? B. J’en fais tous les jours/ deux fois par semaine/ tous les week-ends/ tous les vendredis. Other questions: A. Aimes-tu faire de l’équitation/ de la natation/ les devoirs/ les magasins ? A. Aimes-tu jouer au foot/ au tennis/ au rugby/ au netball/ au basket/ du piano/ de la violon ? Extra extension questions and model answers for stronger students: A. Qu’est-ce que tu as fait le week-end dernier, c’était comment ? B. Le week-end dernier j’ai joué au foot/ au tennis/ au rugby/ au netball/ au basket/ du piano/ du violon j’ai fait du ski/ du vélo/ du VTT/ de la natation/ de l’équitation j’ai lu un livre/ travaillé à l’ordinateur. C’était chouette/ génial(e/ nul(le). A. Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire le week-end prochain, ce sera comment ? B. Le week-end prochain, je vais faire du ski/ jouer au foot/ faire mes devoirs ce sera chouette/ génial(e/ nul(le).
French Teaching Resources PowerPoint, Battleships & Lotto Starter: The Future Tense.

French Teaching Resources PowerPoint, Battleships & Lotto Starter: The Future Tense.

This PowerPoint gradually introduces the Future Tense. The first slide encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings and rules. It is differentiated into all, most and some. * QFQ = Quick Fire Questions (students quiz each other). Regular Verb Expressions: Je jouerai au foot. Je regarderai la télé. J’écouterai de la musique. Je mangerai un gâteau. Je finirai mes devoirs. Je vendrai ma voiture. The next slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English, the rule and to drill. The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Then there are "what's missing?" slides. The final slide has pictures of all the phrases. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! Slides 22 and 23 revise the rule and check the endings for all sbject pronouns. Slide 24 introduces irregular verbs. Expressions: Je serai acteur. Tu auras beaucoup d’argent. Il fera de la planche à voile. J’irai en vacances à Londres. Je verrai un film. Nous pourrons aller à la plage. Je viendrai chez toi. Je devrai ranger ma chambre. Then there is another Beat The teacher slide (see above) followed by What's missing? slides. The last slide revises the information covered and can be used at the beginning of the next lesson. You may then wish to use one of my Battleships Games or my lotto game to revise/ reinforce this grammar. Lotto. Expressions include: je jouerai je regarderai je mangerai j’irai je me réveillerai je ferai Battleships Expressions: Je quitterai le collège et J’irai au lycée et Je continuerai mes études et Je ferai une licence de commerce et Je ferai un apprentissage et Je travaillerai à l’étranger et je ferai du bénévolat en Afrique. j’aurai ma propre entreprise. je rencontrerai l’homme/ la femme de mes rêves. j’aurai deux ou trois enfants. je serai très riche. j’habiterai au bord de la mer. Battleships Game Please see instructions in one of my other product descriptions - I've reached my word count here!
French Teaching Resources: Role Play & Matching Cards: Meals & a Range of Tenses.

French Teaching Resources: Role Play & Matching Cards: Meals & a Range of Tenses.

This role-play includes a range of meals, tenses and food vocabulary. It includes an extension task for strongers students. Example extract: Les repas. A. Qu’est-ce que tu prends normalement comme petit déjeuner? B. D’habitude je mange des céréales/ des tartines/ un yaourt/ des fruits/ un croissant/ un pain au chocolat/ du pain grillé avec du beurre et de la confiture et je bois un jus d’orange/ un thé/ un café. C’est délicieux/ dégoutant. A. Qu’est-ce que tu prends normalement comme déjeuner? B. Souvent je prends un sandwich au fromage/ un paquet de chips/ une pomme/ un fruit et une bouteille d’eau/ un jus de fruits/ une limonade/ un coca. French - English Matching Cards: Food, Meals, Restaurant. Expressions: J’ai pris mon petit déjeuner à six heures et quart. I had my breakfast at 6.15. On mange des tartines et on boit du chocolat chaud. We eat bread and butter and drink hot chocolate. Demain pour mon dîner je mangerai des spaghettis. For my dinner tomorrow I will eat spaghetti. Quand j’étais jeune je ne mangeais jamais de poisson. When I was young I never used to eat fish. Normalement je prends une salade pendant la pause-déjeuner. Normally I have a salad during the lunch break. J’ai mangé mon repas du soir à dix-huit heures quarante-cinq. I ate my evening meal at 18.45. Comme plat principal je voudrais prendre du poulet avec des légumes. For my main meal I would like to have chicken with vegetables. You may choose to have different levels of challenge. For example, Level 1 = match the cards and discuss the pronunciation. Level 2 = match the cards , discuss the pronunciation, identify the tenses and then have quick fire questions from French to English, whereby 1 student closes their eyes and their partner reads out the French cards which the student must translate into English from memory. Level 3 = As Level 2 but the quick fire questions are from English to French. Following checking there are 2 fun games to play, either pelmenism or a game I learnt in Japan called Karuta. In Karuta the students put the English language cards to one side and spread out the French cards in front of them. I then say the English and the students compete to touch the correct French card first. Whoever touches it first wins the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The students love this game!
French Teaching Resources: Emphatic Pronouns Worksheet.

French Teaching Resources: Emphatic Pronouns Worksheet.

Differentiated worksheet to practise emphatic pronouns. Content: The emphatic pronouns are listed in French and English. Moi Toi Lui Elle Soi Nous Vous Eux Elles EXAMPLE CONTENT: A. Emphatic pronouns are used after prepositions e.g. Je m’entends bien avec elle = ______*students write in the English Je m’entends bien avec lui = __________________________ Sans vous = without _______ B. Emphatic pronouns are used for comparisons e.g. Je suis plus grand qu’elle = ____________________________________. Elle est plus drôle que lui = ____________________________________. C. Emphatic pronouns are used for emphasis e.g. Moi, je suis travailleur, mais toi, tu es paresseux ! = ___________ Moi, je veux une glace = ____________________________. D. They are also used on their own e.g. Qui a un chat? Toi! Lui! Elle! Moi! = _____________________. Exercice A. Complétez et traduisez en anglais. 1. Je m’entends bien avec ______ (them). = ________________. 2. Je ne m’entends pas avec _____ (him). = ________________. Extra (extension task): 1. La femme est derrière ______ (us). = ____________________. 2. David Beckham est plus mignon que _____ (him). = _________. 3. Angelina Jolie est plus intelligente que _____ (her). = ________. Extra extra !: Écrivez 7 phrases en utilisant des pronoms disjonctifs. Write 7 sentences using emphatic pronouns. (Try to use a range of tenses and adjectives and write complex sentences).
French Teaching Resources Battleships Game/ Lotto Grid & Matching Cards: Directions

French Teaching Resources Battleships Game/ Lotto Grid & Matching Cards: Directions

Battleships Expressions: Pour aller aux magasins ? Pour aller au musée? Pour aller à la poste ? Pour aller au syndicat d’initiative ? Pour aller à la librairie ? Pour aller à l’hôtel de ville ? Vous allez tout droit. Vous tournez à gauche. Vous tournez à droite. Prenez le bus numéro 15. Traversez les feux et le pont. Prenez la première rue à droite. Prenez la deuxième rue à gauche. Battleships Game Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions and discuss the pronunciation. I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen. I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the French version and then try to play the game saying the French phrases as far as possible from memory. I allow the really weak students to have the French version next to the English version so they have lots of support, stronger students are allowed a few “sneaky peaks” at the French version and the really strong students aim to refer back to the French version as little as possible. This really helps the students to memorise the vocabulary/structures! During the game I circulate the classroom checking pronunciation. Enjoy! French - English Cards: Prepositions, Directions & Places. Expressions: Continuez jusqu’au carrefour. C’est tout près d’ici. L’arrêt de bus se trouve en face de la gare routière. La patinoire est devant le commissariat. Le syndicat d’initiative est à coté de la pharmacie. L’hôtel de ville est devant la boulangerie. Le stade est entre l’église et la piscine. La bibliothèque est au bout de la rue. Le café est à gauche de la librairie. Au coin de la rue il y a une charcuterie. You may choose to have different levels of challenge. For example, Level 1 = match the cards and discuss the pronunciation. Level 2 = match the cards , discuss the pronunciation and then have quick fire questions from French to English. Level 3 = As Level 2 but questions from English to French. Then play pelmenism/ slap the card.
Teaching Resources: Slap The Board/ Lotto Game & Battleships: French Department Stores

Teaching Resources: Slap The Board/ Lotto Game & Battleships: French Department Stores

PowerPoint Slide Expressions: au rez-de-chaussée cadeaux le rayon souvenirs les jouets parfumerie bijouterie électroménager les meubles rayon enfants la mode le sous-sol au premier étage librairie au deuxième étage à droite de alimentation à côté de entre en face de la papeterie informatique audi-visuel rayons femme rayon hommes A simple fun warmer game/ starter activity. Students line up in front of the interactive whiteboard in 2 teams. The teacher says the English word and the students race to slap the correct word first to win a point for their team. Then they move to the back of the line and the next 2 students step up. This could also be used for a game of bingo/ lotto. Battleships Expressions: Le rayon souvenirs est Les jouets sont Les imperméables sont Les parfums et la bijouterie sont Les meubles sont La mode jeune est au sous-sol. au rez-de-chaussée. au premier étage. au deuxième étage. à droite de la restauration rapide. à côté de la papeterie. Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions. The students then focus on pronunciation and decide the two easiest and two most difficult words to pronounce. I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen. I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the French version and then try to play the game saying the French phrases as far as possible from memory. I allow the really weak students to have the French version next to the English version so they have lots of support, stronger students are allowed a few “sneaky peaks” at the French version and the really strong students aim to refer back to the French version as little as possible. This really helps the students to memorise the vocabulary/structures! During the game I circulate the classroom checking pronunciation. This is followed by whole class drilling of pronunciation mistakes. Enjoy!