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KS1 Worksheet - Dictionary - Fruits (2 versions)

KS1 Worksheet - Dictionary - Fruits (2 versions)

KS1 Worksheet - Dictionary - Fruits (2 versions) Main activity - cut out the fruits and match them to the correct descriptions. Then put them in alphabetical order. Version 1 - two fruits begin with the letter B so the 2nd letter will have to be used for ordering Version 2 (easier) - all the fruits start with a different letter and the alphabet is provided as an aid. Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Verbs Tenses (2 worksheets)

KS2 Worksheet - Verbs Tenses (2 worksheets)

KS2 Worksheet - Verbs Tenses - Past, Present and Future (2 worksheets) Activity 1 - choose whether the sentences are written in the past, present or future tense. Activity 2 - choose four of the verbs and write three sentences for each one, 1 in the past tense, 1 in the present tense and 1 in the future tense. Complete the table provided filling in the past and future tenses of the verbs given. Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Synonyms (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Synonyms (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Synonyms (2 versions) Version 1: Main activity - use the most appropriate synonym from the speech bubbles to complete the sentences. Challenge - write a sentence for each of the synonyms given for the word ‘said’. Version 2 (easier): Main activity - use the most appropriate synonym from the speech bubbles to complete the sentences. Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Speech Marks (2 worksheets)

KS2 Worksheet - Speech Marks (2 worksheets)

KS2 Worksheet - Speech Marks (2 worksheets) Activity 1 - Write a sentence for each picture including the spoken words and correct punctuation. Extension - Write sentences with speech using the words provided. Activity 2 - Place speech marks and punctuation correctly in each sentence. Extension - Write sentences with speech using the words provided. Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 3 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 3 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 3 (2 versions) Version 1: Section 1 - choose a suitable conjunction to complete each sentence Section 2 - underline the adjectives and circle the adverbs in each sentence Section 3 - complete the sentences using the correct comparative or superlative adjective Section 4 - complete the sentences using the correct homphones (your/you’re, there/their/they’re and done/did) Section 5 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? . , ! “” ) Version 2 (easier): Section 1 - choose a suitable conjunction to complete each sentence (conjunctions given) Section 2 - underline the adjectives in each sentence Section 3 - complete the table using the correct comparative or superlative adjective Section 4 - complete the sentences using the correct homphones (your/you’re and there/their/they’re) Section 5 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and speech marks Answers provided on the last page.
KS1 Worksheet - Literacy Test (2 versions)

KS1 Worksheet - Literacy Test (2 versions)

KS1 Worksheet - Literacy Test (2 versions) Version 1: Section 1 - write sentences filling in missing capital letters and punctuation Section 2 - jumbled sentences - order correctly Section 3 - choose a/an for each sentence Section 4 - choose is/are for each sentence Section 5- choose has/have for each sentence Section 6 - choose was/were for each sentence Section 7 - choose the opposite word for the ones given Section 8 - write a word that rhymes with the given words Section 9 - put 5 words in alphabetical order Section 10 - underline the 2 nouns in each sentence Section 11 - underline the verb in each sentence Section 12 - choose a suitable adjective to add to each sentence Section 13 - changing words to plurals (adding s and es mixed) Version 2 (easier): Section 1 - write sentences filling in missing punctuation Section 2 - write sentences filling in missing capital letters Section 3 - choose a/an for each word Section 4 - choose is/are for each sentence Section 5- choose has/have for each sentence Section 6 - choose the opposite word for the ones given Section 7 - write a word that rhymes with the given words (3 letter words) Section 8 - put 4 words in alphabetical order Section 9 - underline any noun in each sentence Section 10 - underline the verb in each sentence Section 11 - fill in the missing word using a suitable adjective Section 12 - changing words to plurals (adding s in 1 column and adding es in the other column) Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 4 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 4 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 4 (2 versions) Version 1: Section 1 - put 5 words in alphabetical order (using 1st and 2nd letters) Section 2 - write a definition for the words: noun, verb and adjective Section 3 - write the best collective noun for each phrase Section 4 - choose 4 common nouns, proper nouns, verbs and adjectives from the passage given Section 5 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? . , ! ) Version 2 (easier): Section 1 - put 4 words in alphabetical order (using 1st letter) Section 2 - match the definitions to the words: noun, verb and adjective Section 3 - choose the best collective noun for each phrase for the words given Section 4 - choose 4 nouns, verbs and adjectives from the passage given Section 5 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? . ) Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 1 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 1 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 1 (2 versions) Version 1: Section 1 - identify 5 common nouns, proper nouns, verbs and adjectives in the given passage Section 2 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? ! . , ) Section 3 - copy the sentences and put in the missing speech marks and punctuation Section 4 - choose their or there to complete the sentences Section 5 - choose are, our or hour to complete the sentences Version 2 (easier): Section 1 - identify 4 nouns, verbs and adjectives in the given passage Section 2 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? . ) Section 3 - copy the sentences and put in the missing speech marks and capital letters Section 4 - choose their or there to complete the sentences Section 5 - choose are, our or hour to complete the sentences Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 2 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 2 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 2 (2 versions) Version 1: Section A: write the contractions Section B: use apostrophes for belonging to Section C: write out sentences inserting all the missing punctuation (capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks) Section D: write out sentences inserting all the missing punctuation (capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks, question marks and commas) and speech marks Version 2 (easier): Section A: write the contractions Section B: use apostrophes for belonging to Section C: write out sentences inserting all the missing punctuation (capital letters, full stops and question marks) Section D: write out sentences inserting the missing speech marks Answers provided on the last page.
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Book Reviews (6 versions)

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Book Reviews (6 versions)

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Book Reviews (6 versions) Each book review begins with listing the title, author and illustrator. Children are asked to describe the main character, setting and their most/least favourite part.
KS2 Worksheet - Comparative and Superlative Adjectives (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Comparative and Superlative Adjectives (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Comparative and Superlative Adjectives (2 versions) Version 1: Activity - complete the table by filling in both the missing comparative and superlative adjectives for each word. Includes words good and bad where the word changes. Version 2 (easier): Activity - complete the table by filling in 1 missing comparative/superlative adjective for each word. Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 2 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 2 (2 versions)

KS2 Worksheet - Literacy Test 2 (2 versions) Version 1: Section 1 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? ! . , “” ) Section 2 - underline the nouns in the sentences Section 3 - underline the verbs in the sentences Section 4 - underline the adjectives in the sentences Section 5 - underline the adverbs in the sentences Section 6 - add apostophes to contractions and to show belonging to Section 7 - change given words to plurals (adding s, es, remove f and add ves, remove y and add ies, words stay the same and spelling changes completely) Section 8 - put 5 words in alphabetical order (using 1st and 2nd letters) Version 2 (easier): Section 1 - copy the sentences and put in the correct capital letters and punctuation (? . ) Section 2 - underline the nouns in the sentences Section 3 - underline the verb in the sentences Section 4 - underline the adjectives in the sentences Section 5 - underline the adverbs in the sentences Section 6 - add apostophes to show belonging to Section 7 - change given words to plurals (adding s and es) Section 8 - put 5 words in alphabetical order (using 1st letter) Answers provided on the last page.
KS1/KS2 - Reading Questionnaire

KS1/KS2 - Reading Questionnaire

KS1/KS2 - Reading Questionnaire Activity - complete questionnaire about reading including how often they read, where they read, the genres/authors they prefer, why they read, etc. Easy to complete by circling options and writing sentences.
Learning Facts - Literacy (4 sets)

Learning Facts - Literacy (4 sets)

Learning Facts - Literacy (4 sets) Fact cards that can be printed or uploaded for online learning. Set 1: facts about nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs Set 2: facts about homophones Set 3: facts about tenses and singular/plural Set 4: facts about apostrophes and speech marks